Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 243 In the blink of an eye, the enemy is wiped out

Chapter 243 In the blink of an eye, the enemy is wiped out
In the Yangshen state, the soul can be big or small.

Patriarch Gao's gaze was fixed, and his illusory figure instantly swelled, becoming even bigger than Lu Ren's Zhangliu dharma body.

He stretched out his hand as big as a millstone, and grabbed another sky knife hanging high in the sky, preventing it from continuing to attack.

If it was during the day, he would never dare to do this, but now it is night, without the sun, and the power of the Heavenly Saber is greatly reduced, so he dared to use the body of the primordial spirit to take it hard.

"Brother Gao's method is really amazing!"

Patriarch Lu sighed in admiration, and while killing those Eight Banners soldiers with Ruyi Jin, he took care of Patriarch Gao's body.

In the Yangshen state, the physical body is almost defenseless. The reason why Patriarch Gao dared to do this is because of his trust in Patriarch Lu, Liao Huzi and others.

Liao Huzi also used the means of being possessed by the immortal family, his eyes turned into cold and cruel blood-red vertical pupils, his body was full of black air, and when he slapped the ground, the black air rushed away, smashing the Eight Banners soldiers who were besieging them to pieces.

Ordinary disciples who go out on horseback invite immortals to go to the body, and the orifice will be occupied by the immortal family, who dominates the physical body. This process is called binding the orifice.

But if you practice to a high level, you will be able to use the Binding Half Aperture, that is, you can use all the power of the immortal family under the condition that you dominate the physical body.

Liao Huzi has reached this point in his practice, and while he is using his tricks, he is talking to Master Lu:

"Speaking of which, the Gao family mainly chose to practice Taoism at the beginning, instead of coming back to inherit the position of the Gao family's patriarch. Maybe they have become Chunyang real people of the Wuliu sect!"

Lu family leader said: "Brother Liao is joking, how can personal interests override family interests? If you all think this way, how can the four families pass on for thousands of years?"

Among the four major families, the Wang family and the Lu family have family inheritance methods, and they have been relatively stable. There has not been much ups and downs for thousands of years.

However, the Lu family and the Gao family did not have any, so people from these two families were taught according to their aptitude, and were assigned to other schools to learn arts from a young age.

In this way, the Gao family and the Lu family have always maintained a fresh vitality, and a big master will emerge from time to time.

However, the disadvantage is that it is unstable. Sometimes there are few powerful people in a generation, and it will be relatively weak. It is far less stable than the Wang family and the Lu family. This is the case with the Gao family in later generations, so they went to join the company.

But in this generation, the Lu family is closer to the Sany School, and the Gao family is closer to the Wu Liu faction.

Different from the Sanyism sect, the Wuliu Sect is a branch of the Longmen Sect of Quanzhen Sect. The philosophy of this sect is to despise external objects and value oneself, advocating dual cultivation of life and life.

However, that being said, there is also a sequence for dual cultivation. Generally speaking, the Longmen sect cultivates nature first, and then cultivates life.

Getting out of the Yangshen is a method that can only be learned after a high level of sexual cultivation.

Of course, there are rebellious guys everywhere, Lu Jin's little granddaughter Lu Linglong, who is a teacher of Baiyun Temple, is also a branch of Quanzhen Longmen, but she was born to cultivate first, which makes her very resistant to beating, just like her grandfather Can resist.

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Zhiwei, who is good at cultivating life, did not major in any of them alone. He has two blossoms, and sex and life go hand in hand.

Even after practicing the third layer of the Godhead Mask, he uses his own nature to act out his own life, so that his life has been blended together, and he has realized the real life and life intercourse.

Although he doesn't know how to use Yangshen, his current state is equivalent to casting Yangshen all the time, except that his Yangshen doesn't run around and is always attached to his body.

The result of this is that he doesn't need to push it specially, and the power from the primordial spirit is always there. Even if he doesn't use any means, a mediocre slap can still attack the state of the soul.

"Brother Lu is right. By the way, Brother Lu, your young master's method is quite interesting. Why have you never seen you use it?" Liao Huzi said.

"Speaking of it, I'm not afraid of brother Liao's jokes. It's the first time I've seen the dog's method. It should be a new thing after being taught by the little celestial master last time!"

Master Lu sighed as he spoke, and looked at Lu Ren who was still rushing in the formation of Eight Banners soldiers, feeling a little complicated.

At the beginning, he had warned Lu Ci not to have wild ideas, but to practice the family-inherited methods carefully, but Lu Ci opposed him and made him angry!

At that time, he was still thinking that luckily the elder son was obedient and practicing hard, but he never expected that the elder son would also secretly change his path.

However, looking at it like this, it seems that he has practiced some tricks, but can this kind of open and close attack mode be regarded as wishful energy?

Lu Jiazhu looked at Lu Ren, who was killing all directions, and then at himself who was here to protect his teammates, and fell silent for a while.

At this moment, Lu Ren maintained the state of Dharma body, suddenly rose from the ground, like a purple meteor, the spear in his hand was unstoppable, and rushed into the camp.

He knew that there were still some heavily armed Japanese pirates ambushing here. They had guns and cannons, and they were difficult to deal with. However, in his current state, he was not afraid of them.

However, when he rushed in, he found that the Japanese pirate soldiers who were ambushing inside were all dead, lying on the ground in disorder, their bodies were all mutilated, and their deaths were miserable.

"What's going on? Could it be that some strong man made the move? Forget it, don't care, the dead pirates are good pirates."

The current situation was urgent, and Lu Ren couldn't allow Lu Ren to think too much. He flicked the gun body, and under the dharma body, he was a little sluggish.

"The cultivation base is still low. If I have the cultivation base of Senior Brother Zhang, I will definitely be able to last longer, and even the condensed Dharma Body will be even bigger!"

Lu Ren thought to himself, then glanced at the nearly [-]-meter-high flag above his head, turned his head and said:

"Daozhang Zhou, I'm afraid it's not easy to go up this mountain!"

Zhou Sheng, who came later, took a look at the corpses of Japanese pirates all over the floor, thought that Lu Ren had killed them, so he waved his hand and said, without thinking too much:
"It's okay, everyone escorted me all the way, now it's my turn, Qimen Dunjia, open!"

After all, Zhou Sheng slapped the ground, and opened a strange game under the flag mountain.

Then he stepped on his foot, jumped to the position of the human disk in the Qimen game, and cast the human disk spell in the four-disc spell-eight door transfer.

In an instant, a circle of eight black holes appeared in this area, seven of which were on the ground and one was on the flag mountain.

The seven black holes on the ground rotated violently, and a strong suction appeared, trying to suck Lu Renfeng and others into it.

These people resisted subconsciously, Zhou Sheng quickly said: "This is my method, everyone, don't resist!"

After all, he was the first to jump into the black hole. Seeing this, everyone else gave up their resistance and was sucked in by the rotating black hole.

Immediately afterwards, the black hole on the top of the flag mountain spun out a bunch of people like pouring beans.

Fengping adjusted his figure in the air and landed safely. After landing, his first glance was not at the scene on the top of the mountain, but at the black hole above his head that was getting smaller and smaller.

The moment he was absorbed, his consciousness stagnated for a moment.

This kind of feeling is a bit like the fire escape technique, but to use the fire escape technique, you have to place the fire in advance. Is there no limit to this kind of transportation technique?
However, now is not the time to worry about this, he quickly turned his head to look at the top of the mountain, and saw a huge torii gate suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain, a huge monster about three meters long with wings on its back, red face and long nose flew out of the torii gate come out.

The monster held a knife in its hand, and when its black wings flapped, it rolled up a raging flame, which was truly extraordinary.

Feng Ping's heart skipped a beat, and just as he was about to rub the fireball, the monster rushed towards him. At the critical moment, fortunately, Lu Ren fiercely protected him.


The monster slashed at Lu Ren's Ruyi Jin Dharma Body, making a piercing sound of metal clashing.


The Japanese sword was sharp, with the blade wrapped in flames, it actually sliced ​​through Lu Ren's Ruyi Jin Dharma body inch by inch, and headed towards his neck, with the tendency of beheading him.

"Weak and weak, if your opponent is a decisive person, a single blow can break your soft body protection energy and make you decapitated!"

Inexplicably, Lu Ren's mind flashed back to what Zhang Zhiwei said when he slapped him into the ground in the Lu family compound.

"I'm not a weak person anymore!"

Lu Ren let out a low cry, swung the big spear formed by condensed Ruyi energy, and sent the three-meter-tall monster flying with one shot.

However, before he could take a breath, another monster of the same kind flew out of the torii gate, and the two monsters were wrapped in flames, and they came to kill together at a very fast speed.

Lu Ren held his long spear horizontally to resist, and as soon as the two shots came into contact, a huge impact force sent him flying, and he fell straight to the bottom of the flag mountain.

Lu Ren thought badly, and looked back at the ground a hundred meters below. Before he could make a move, a black hole appeared in the sky and sucked him in. When it reappeared, he reached the top of the mountain again.

At this moment, the aliens who went up the mountain had already fought with those two monsters.

Zhou Sheng stepped on the strange gate, with the word Kun for Tuheche, and the word for Thunder, all kinds of magic methods were shot one after another.

Fengping was surrounded by several fireballs, and with a wave of his hand, a series of fireballs rushed towards the monster.


A violent explosion sounded.

Huodezong is famous for his violent attacking ability. After Fengping specialized in fireball, his power is even more powerful than before. His series of attacks directly blasted a monster to pieces.

However, before they could breathe a sigh of relief, another monster with wings flew out from the torii gate.

"If you kill one, another will come again, this..." Fengping was shocked: "How should we break the formation, what are these two unkillable monsters?"

Zhou Sheng glanced at the torii gate, his eyes gleamed with blue light, and with the help of Qimen's imagery, he saw many things that ordinary people couldn't see, looked up at the sky again, and suddenly realized:

"This thing is called Yatengu, and it is a ghost worshiped by the Japanese pirates. I made a mistake this time. I thought that the Japanese pirates only set up a game where the heavenly sword arches the sun, but I didn't expect that on the basis of the heavenly sword arching the sun, they It also arranged a situation where the dog eclipsed the moon."

"At night, although the power of the Heavenly Sword against the Sun is greatly reduced, it can trigger the Heavenly Dog to Eclipse the Moon. Everyone retreat first. It is meaningless to fight with this thing. If they don't break the qi situation, they can't be killed..."

Before the word "death" was uttered, one of the crows and dogs let out a miserable cry, and then collapsed suddenly, turning into a ball of pure energy and dissipating.
"Huh~! This..." Zhou Sheng was stunned, and looked at the torii. After a few seconds, no new Yatengu came out.

This game of Tiangou eclipsing the moon occurred in conjunction with the sky knife arching the sun. Could it be that there is a problem with the exchange of positions in the West?
Zhou Sheng looked at the due west position of the Qi Bureau, and without thinking about the reason, he hurriedly shouted: "Don't withdraw, everyone, don't withdraw first, there seems to be something wrong with the Tiangou Eclipse Moon Bureau, and half of its power has been lost, everyone together Come on, hold it and buy me some time to break the game!"



At the same time, it is located in the due west direction of the Eight Banners Gonglong Qi Bureau.

Compared with the full-fledged shock position, everything here seems a bit too ordinary, Zhang Zhiwei chatted and laughed, and won another battalion.

So far, Zhang Zhiwei has played four games in a row and won three flag mountains.

Starting a strange game is a lot of consumption for any warlock. Wang Ye, who is stronger than the later generations, even started two games in a row, but he fell to the ground on the spot.

This is also the reason why Zhou Sheng asked everyone to escort him to Qishan before opening the odd game, and he couldn't open two games in a row.

Even though Zhang Zhiwei's life is strong and he can withstand the backlash, he still feels a little tired after opening four super-large-scale surprises in one breath.

Looking at the other flag mountains in the distance, Zhang Zhiwei had to slow down a little in his thoughts. If he pulled out eight of them in one go, it would definitely affect his next actions.

"Brother Zhang, come on, let's go up and kill the Japanese pirates who are ambushing inside!"

Seeing that Zhang Zhiwei had broken the situation, Lu Jin turned into a vanguard to kill the Japanese pirates lurking inside.

But after rushing in, he was dumbfounded, and saw that there were scattered corpses lying all over the place, the blood was still not dry.

"What happened?" Lu Jin was puzzled: "Who killed them?"

Lu Ci came over and fiddled with a corpse that had been cut in two: "It's a bit weird, logically speaking, this corpse was cut in half, but only the parts above the abdomen and below the buttocks are left. , what about the waist, where did the waist go?"

Wu Gensheng said: "Unless he was cut with a 40-meter sword made of qi, the part of his waist would be gasified when he cut it down!"

"A 40-meter-long sword?" Wang Ai looked at Zhang Zhiwei: "Brother Zhang, is it your masterpiece?"

Zhang Zhiwei shook his head and said: "It's not my masterpiece, it should be something in this qi bureau itself. I disrupted the changes in the qi bureau, and the qi channels inside became disordered. Some of the previous rules are all gone!"

"These pirate soldiers should have died under the Qi Bureau. As for why there is a 40-meter sword in this Qi Bureau..."

Zhang Zhiwei looked at the top of the flag mountain: "It should be related to something on the top of the mountain!"

When he started the strange situation before, he keenly felt that the layout of this flag mountain is somewhat different from the previous two.

On the top of this flag mountain, the air veins flow abnormally, and it should be modified by someone, and some other arrangements have been made.

"Come on, let's go up and have a look!"

The shape of the flag mountain resembled a flag, and it was barren of grass. It was extremely smooth, and it was very difficult to climb. Zhang Zhiwei laid out a staircase with golden light, and led everyone up step by step.

When I came to the top of the mountain, the first thing I saw was a Japanese sword inserted on the ground, and various sacrificial items were placed around the Japanese sword.

These items are placed in the form of gossip, and in the middle of the gossip, there is also a shrine. In the shrine sits a monster with wings, a red face and a long nose.

"Hey, what are the pirates doing with a knife on the top of the mountain? Brother Zhang, let me show you!"

Lu Jin went over, kicked over the shrine, then grabbed the Japanese sword and pulled it out vigorously. After looking it over, he walked up to Zhang Zhiwei and handed it to him.

Zhang Zhiwei took the sword, thoughtfully, he felt a lot of power of faith from the Japanese sword.

This thing should have been enshrined in a place with very strong incense for many years, and it has become a magic weapon.

This magic weapon does not refer to the magic weapon made by the craftsman, but the magic weapon used for sacrifice, which can generally be used to suppress Feng Shui.

Wu Gensheng walked to the shrine kicked over by Lu Jin, touched the statue inside, and said:

"This god statue and the knife in your hand both have very strong incense and Dao accumulation. Putting this kind of thing here is definitely not a decoration. It may have a quite terrifying effect, but the Tao is one foot tall and the devil is one foot tall. Brother Zhang The means are too ruthless, and these arrangements of the Japanese pirates have no effect at all!"

"It should be that the devil is one foot high, and the Tao is one foot high!"

Zhang Zhiwei corrected it, took the Japanese sword and drew a flower, flicked the blade with his fingers, and a majestic qi gushed out from the blade. This qi was colorful and looked very gorgeous.

Because this knife has been enshrined by incense for a long time, it has become almost like a glove in the hands of advocates. Zhang Zhiwei's god mask has been completed, so he can naturally use its power.

"This is... the power of faith, Senior Brother Zhang, you can actually use this?"

Guan Shihua was taken aback. As a Dingxiang disciple, he is no stranger to the power of faith. This is what the immortal family dreams of. The reason why the immortal family came out is for it.

In the past, she was also very curious about this kind of power, so she found an opportunity to touch it, but the various emotions in it made her miserable, which is not something ordinary people can touch.

Guan Shihua continued: "As far as I know, there are not many people who can use this power. Brother Zhang, what are you going to use it for?"

"It was a bit too much just now, so I just use it as a supplement!"

Zhang Zhiwei took a deep breath, and the colorful Qi that filled the sky was sucked into his body like smoking.

"you you you……"

Guan Shihua's tiger eyes almost popped out of his eye sockets. Even immortals dare not eat this kind of food directly. They need to change it in the hall. Brother Zhang dares to inhale it directly, isn't he afraid of being polluted by the thoughts in it? ?

What kind of monster are you?Really delicious? ! ...Wu Gensheng also looked shocked.

"Aren't you afraid that the thoughts in these powers of faith will pollute yourself?" He asked.

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at him: "My self-awareness sits high on the altar like a holy king, mere delusion, don't shake me in the slightest!"

After all, he stretched out his hand to grab the statue in the shrine, absorbed the power of faith inside his body, and then operated the Samadhi True Fire to refine and purify it into gold and take it back into himself.

In the power of faith, there is an innate qi produced by believers. This most original qi is the most nourishing. Zhang Zhiwei felt that the exhaustion from the previous four consecutive rounds was swept away, and he even improved a little.

"Let's go, let's go to the next flag mountain!" Zhang Zhiwei said: "Of the three flag mountains we pulled out, only this one has Japanese swords and shrines. There should also be Japanese knives and shrines on Xiang’s place, let’s go and copy them!”

"Go again? You won't take a break after four rounds in a row?" Wu Gensheng asked in surprise.

Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand, and said lightly: "What are you resting for? It's no problem to play four more rounds!"

(End of this chapter)

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