Chapter 244 Chaos and Shuten-douji

Zhang Zhiwei and his party jumped down from the Qishan where the position was exchanged, and went straight to the position due east of the Qi Bureau.

Because the flag mountain where the position was exchanged was broken, there were no Eight Banners soldiers in this area, and the journey was quite easy.

"By the way, Senior Brother Zhang, didn't you say that the Qi Bureau uses dead objects to create a closed pattern similar to living objects?"

Lu Ci said: "We have already destroyed the three flag mountains. Logically speaking, this closed structure has already been destroyed. Why is the Qi Bureau still there?"

Zhang Zhiwei nodded and said, "It's true that the Qi Bureau is closed, but if you think about it carefully, what is the name of this Qi Bureau?"

"Eight Banners Arching the Dragon!" Lu Ci said.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "As the name suggests, it is the imperial mausoleum in the middle of the eight Qishan guards. The core of this qi bureau is on the imperial mausoleum in the middle palace. We have been attacking the surrounding Qishan, which is equivalent to disintegrating this qi Some leftovers of the game, naturally cannot shake the foundation of this qi game!"

"The imperial mausoleum is the central palace," Lu Ci reacted instantly: "I understand, the essence of this qi game is the same as a warlock opening a round of strange gates, using the imperial tomb to fix the central palace, and then surrounding the central palace, slowly Expanding other arrangements, the eight flag mountains represent the eight trigrams respectively, and when combined, it is the formation of the nine palaces and eight trigrams of the chassis."

"That's right!" Zhang Zhiwei nodded.

"In that case, Senior Brother Zhang, I also have a question!"

Guan Shihua said suddenly: "We disciples of the Ma family can also practice some simple numerology, so we are often called the Mr. Watcher. I also have a little understanding of the nine palaces and gossip."

"Nine palaces, that is, wearing nine shoes, one on the left, three on the right, seven on the right, four and two on the shoulders, eight and six on the feet, and five in the center. The eight trigrams are divided into Qian, Kun, Zhen, Gen, Li, Kan, Dui, and Xun."

"Among them, Qian represents heaven, Kun represents earth, Gen represents mountains, Zhen represents thunder, Xun represents wind, Li represents fire, Kan represents water, and Dui represents Ze."

"Since the Qi Bureau of Eight Banners Arching Dragon is unfolded according to the layout of Jiugong and Eight Diagrams, why doesn't the Eight Banners Mountains located on the position of Eight Diagrams show the attributes they should have?"

Seeing Guan Shihua open her mouth, Wang Ai quickly expressed her sense of presence angrily, and said, "It may be because there is no arrangement, or there may be other reasons."

Zhang Zhiwei gave a thumbs up: "Listening to what you say is like listening to what you say!"

"That's right!" Guan Shihua glared at Wang Ai, "There's so much nonsense, it's like saying nothing!"

Wu Gensheng said suddenly: "It's impossible to simply not arrange it. The amount of work for these eight mountains is not low. It takes such a lot of time and effort. It shouldn't be taken into account. Brother Zhang, what do you think?"

Zhang Zhiwei said nonchalantly: "What do you think? I use my eyes to see what happened hundreds of years ago. Who can say for sure, and any situation is possible. I don't care what arrangements he has. He just has a great arrangement. This, that is also the equality of all living beings, everyone is the same!"

In fact, when he destroyed the first flag mountain, he faintly realized that it was not simple inside, but he didn't think too much about it. No matter how simple it is, the underlying rules are solar terms, and there is no difference when dealing with it.

At this time, Lu Jin suddenly said: "Brother Zhang, since the Eight Banners and Dragons are guarding the Imperial Tomb of the Central Palace, why don't we go straight to the Central Palace, go straight to the Yellow Dragon, and just give them away!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Lu Jin in surprise, and were speechless.

You actually suggested that the six of us should join forces to do something that all the aliens from China have to do together...

How reckless are you? !Do you trust Brother Zhang too much?Or do you trust too much in the strength of our group?Or is it both?
Guan Shihua looked at Lu Jin with a "caring" face: "Master Lu, are you being stimulated by something?"

The time she spent with Lu Jin was very short, and her understanding of Lu Jin still remained in the prudish image of the Lu family compound.

"Shi Hua'er, he hasn't been stimulated. He has always been like this. His name is Lu Mang, the mang of a reckless man. Let me tell you about his glorious deeds along the way!"

For the sake of a woman, Wang Ai stabbed his brother's ribs, like pouring beans, and talked about Lu Jin's scandal.

Lu Jin was out of breath, rushed up to hold Wang Ai, pressed his fists against his temples, and just punched hard. The painful Wang Ai yelled for Brother Zhang, Shi Huaer, and the hedgehog to help.

Guan Shihua didn't have the slightest intention to go up to help, so she laughed out loud, but she didn't expect that the polite and polite young master in the Lu family compound was actually a irascible old man.

Zhang Zhiwei looked at Lu Jin helplessly, and he finally understood why Sany School fell into the hands of Lao Lu later.

Lao Lu's character is good, but he is very easy to get ahead in things, and he is very confident in his own strength. The result of this is...

During the Jiashen Rebellion, after he found the trace of Wu Gensheng, he did not inform his allies. Instead, he took his brothers from the Sany School and went directly to besiege and kill them, which caused the Sany School to be almost wiped out.

When he was making a big fuss in Longhu Mountain, he obviously had many countermeasures in the face of the four madmen, but he chose to go completely crazy.

When Tianshi went down the mountain to distribute boxed lunches to Quan Xing, no one else dared to move, but he had a hard head and insisted on going up to try, but he was slapped down.

It can be said that in the original plot, Lu Jin's setbacks and scandals in his life all came from these two points.

From Lu Jin, Zhang Zhiwei seemed to see a glimpse of himself. Although he had a little more resourcefulness and force than Lu Jin, in essence, they had a lot of similarities.

It's no wonder that the master has been moaning and sighing, if this kind of character is not invincible, it is really not a good thing to be the leader of a school.

Just like in the plot, he blatantly violated the company's rules and went down the mountain to destroy everything. If it weren't for his extraordinary force, it would have been a huge disaster for him, and even for Longhushan.

As for why the Lu family didn't decline like the Trinity School under Lu Jin's helm, it was mainly because the Lu family was one of the four.

The four families are in harmony with each other, it is really a big deal, with Lu Ci, Wang Ai, Gao Lian and others covering the bottom line, Lao Lu will not make any big mistakes, after all he is a reckless person, but he listens to advice.

In fact, Zhang Zhiwei really thought about Lu Jin's proposal, but it just passed in his mind, and he didn't plan to take action.

This time he is here to dig a grave, not to dig a mountain of gold. He has already figured out the details of this qi situation. Wouldn't it be good to bring a group of people on the road tomorrow?Why do thankless things!

Zhang Zhiwei looked at Lu Jin and Wang Ai, and saw that the two brothers were still fighting, so he went up to each of them, and sent them their favorite chestnut, and the two of them "happyly" jumped on the spot and squeaked loudly.

Seeing this scene, Guan Shihua laughed louder, Wu Gensheng also laughed, and Lu Ci laughed for a while, then patted his head again, and then continued to laugh.

Zhang Zhiwei blew on his fingers: "I've never been aggressive in my life, so I had to let go, let's go."

Afterwards, several people went south all the way, walked out of the exchange area, and came to the Kun area.

The flag mountain of Kunwei was not destroyed. After arriving here, a large number of Eight Banners soldiers appeared indistinctly.

Although these soldiers of the Eight Banners were all qi illusions, the people who arranged the qi layout also referred to the real Eight Banners army, so although the sparrows are small, they have all kinds of internal organs.

They wield long spears, short soldiers, and shields, form a battle formation, and advance in an orderly manner, looking full of momentum.

"Yo ho, there are quite a lot of these things!" Wu Gensheng silently retreated behind Zhang Zhiwei, and shouted: "Senior brother Zhang, let's go to the mountain to open the market?"

"Opening? What about gambling? Let's not go to Qishan, where Pokunwei is located, and go directly to Zhenwei!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Why not break it?" Guan Shihua asked.

"Breaking a part can make it easier for our own people to move, and leaving a part can harm others and benefit ourselves!" Zhang Zhiwei laughed.

Guan Shihua looked puzzled.

But Wu Gensheng understood, and explained: "Senior brother Zhang has messed up some underlying rules in this qi game in a way that ordinary people can't understand just now. It can be said that this qi game is now a pair of hands. Bladed sword, we will be attacked if we walk in it, and pirates will be attacked if we walk in it.”

"We would have been attacked, but the Japanese pirates would not. In this way, the Japanese pirates will suffer a big loss unilaterally. Moreover, as far as Brother Zhang and I are concerned, there is a Qi situation that attacks everyone indiscriminately. a good thing!"

"So that's the case, as expected of Senior Brother Zhang, what he's thinking is Zhou Dao!" Guan Shihua said.

At this time, looking at the approaching Eight Banners Army formation, Lu Jin and Lu Ci exchanged glances and exchanged glances.

Lu Jin said: "Senior brother Zhang, you must be a little tired after taking shots one after another!"

Lu Ci said: "Next, you take a rest, let us take action!"

"Okay, I'm a little tired, I need to rest for a while, you guys go fight your way!"

Zhang Zhiwei followed their words, in fact he wasn't tired, but seeing Lu Jin and Lu Ci eager to try, he let them go.

"It's time to order!"

Lu Jin didn't think too much, and rushed over directly. His hands were already itchy, otherwise he would not have proposed to hit Huanglong directly.

Lu Ci followed closely behind. This kind of scene comparable to the ancient battlefield is rare, and it can temper oneself very well. Moreover, there is Senior Brother Zhang leading the formation, so there is no danger. Naturally, it is impossible to be intimidated.

Seeing that these two people were like vanguards, Guan Shihua and Wang Ai also killed them.

Lu Ci and Lu Jin rushed into the formation of the Eight Banners together, and launched a storm-like offensive. At the same time, they used the tricks they had learned at sea before. A large number of Eight Banners soldiers were blown to ashes.


On the other side, the Xun bit of Qi Bureau.

Dozens of Japanese pirates and aliens, leading a few teams of heavily armed Japanese pirate soldiers, circled and circled from time to time, walking in a very strange route.

The leader of the Japanese pirates held a map in his hand, and shouted while looking at it: "Everyone is walking according to the pre-planned route, you must follow closely, don't fall behind!"

These are the Japanese pirates and aliens sent by High Priest Aoki to cooperate with the Qi Bureau to encircle and suppress the Alien Alliance.

They had just come out of the southeast corner of the Imperial Mausoleum located in the Central Palace, and were heading towards the earthquake site due east.

Normally speaking, the middle palace is connected to the other eight directions, and they can come out from the direction of the earthquake without going around.

However, since the central palace is the imperial mausoleum, the imperial mausoleum is actually the cemetery, so the cemetery naturally does not have doors extending in all directions. It is windy, so the gates of cemeteries are generally in the southeast, and the imperial mausoleum is no exception.

This is the reason why many tomb robbers light candles in the southeast corner, because this is the portal, where the air circulates, and the oxygen content is high. If the candles here are all extinguished, it means that the oxygen content in this cemetery is low. Get out quickly.

The southeast corner of the imperial mausoleum corresponds to the Xun position of the Qi Bureau, and the flag mountain on the Xun position is Zhang Zhiwei's first broken flag mountain.

Therefore, even though the underlying rules have changed and the qi situation has become chaotic, this group of Japanese pirates has not been attacked.

However, they didn't know this, and thought they were walking the correct route, so they weren't attacked.

"The front is shocking, no surprises, no dangers, I didn't expect it to go so smoothly. I remembered that when I was brought here by the slave of the Qing Dynasty for the first time, I didn't believe in evil, so I walked around a few steps, but was attacked by the Qi Bureau and almost died. It's gone!" said one of the Japanese pirates.

"Who told you not to believe in evil?" Another Japanese pirate said: "Since Mr. Gong Si attaches great importance to that Qing slave, I know that this place is not simple, so I dare not neglect!"

"Speaking of which, this thing called Qi Bureau is really easy to use. Even the army, if they are caught off guard and set foot here, I'm afraid they will suffer a lot!"

"Easy to use is easy to use, but how much manpower and material resources will be wasted to build such a place? If you really encounter the army, the army doesn't need to come in at all. You only need to run and bomb outside to destroy the structure here!"

"I'm afraid it's not easy to bombard a few mountains!"

During the conversation, the Japanese pirate team entered the shaking area. Once here, a chilling atmosphere rushed over, and the Japanese pirate team who led the team frowned and said:
"Stop arguing, cheer up, remember what I told you earlier? Even if you are fighting the Chinese, you must not deviate from the prescribed route. If you have to deviate, you must quickly adjust back. Do you hear me clearly?"


There was silence, and no one responded.

The leader of the pirates, Yiren, frowned, and was about to reprimand him, but all the people behind him looked ugly.

Someone reminded: "Sir, after...behind..."

As soon as the man turned his head, he saw the airflow moving in front of him, like the lines drawn by a paintbrush, each of the soldiers of the Eight Banners was outlined.

This is a group of warriors wearing Bannerman armor. They erected their spears, densely packed, like a forest of moving guns, stabbing at them.

"The situation has changed, do it, do it!"

Afterwards, various shikigami appeared one after another, kunai, shurikens, darts, all flew out together, screaming, running, fighting, the shouts of the living and the drums and horns of the charging army... merged into a life-and-death chase... Killing drama.



In the imperial mausoleum of the Central Palace, the empty tomb was extremely cold, and there was an alloy coffin inside.

The coffin was covered with talisman paper with yellow background and red characters, and it was also tied with a thick iron chain.

In the gap between the yellow paper and the chain, one can vaguely see a traditional Chinese character for "wine" drawn with white paint.

Priest Qingmu stroked the coffin lightly: "It's such a strong evil spirit, it really deserves to be the ghost king of Dajiangshan."

(End of this chapter)

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