Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 245 The Emperor's Fate, Prince Su's Plan

Chapter 245 The Emperor's Fate, Prince Su's Plan

"It's really wonderful. Even through the alloy coffin, I can feel a very destructive force. This kind of terrifying monster, my ancestors can kill it. It's amazing. By the way, Mr. Moonlight, Da Jiangshan When will the ghost king wake up?"

Priest Aoki asked with emotion after a while.

Beside him stood a middle-aged man.

This person is wearing a white hunting suit, with a pentagram pattern on the chest of the hunting suit. This is called the platycodon seal, which is a spell to suppress demons. It was invented by the strongest onmyoji, Abe Jingming.

And under the platycodonus seal, there is also a pattern of a four-clawed golden dragon soaring through the clouds and fog, which is the family crest of the Tuyumen clan.

The Tumimon Clan was originally named the Abe Clan and was created by the Great Onmyoji Abe Seimei. Later, his descendants were favored by the Emperor and bestowed the surname Tumimon.

From then on, the Abe clan changed its name to the Tuyumon clan, also known as the Tuyumon Shinto, which represents the highest level of Onmyoji, and they are the ones in charge of moving the dragon's veins and Fengshui this time.

Tuyumen Yueguang reached out and touched the alloy coffin, pondered for a moment, and said, "I don't know yet!"

"I don't know yet?" Priest Aoki frowned and said, "Didn't you say that the technique of reincarnation was very successful, and the soul of the ghost king was injected into it, and everything is ready? But why has it been so long and hasn't been resurrected?"

Tsuchimikado Moonlight said: "Correct me, it's just reincarnation, not resurrection. In fact, Shuten-douji is a ghost. It is also known as a big monster, just because it has a physical body and misunderstands it!"

Priest Aoki said: "OK, OK, whatever you say, I don't care whether it is reincarnated or revived, I only care about why it hasn't woken up yet? Could it be the reason why its blood was drawn for experiments?"

"It's not for this reason. The bit of blood that was drawn is nothing to the ghost king!" Tuyumen Yueguang stared at the coffin and said, "The reason why he hasn't woken up is because the ghost king's body and soul are not the same. Not fully integrated!"

"Why didn't you blend?" said the High Priest Aoki, "Isn't the reincarnation ceremony very successful?"

Tuyumen Yueguang said: "The reincarnation was indeed successful, but this corpse is very problematic. Although he was transformed by the patriarch with a secret method, there is an extremely strange power in his body. This power makes the ghost king His spirit couldn't fully integrate into it, so he couldn't wake up!"

"What kind of power?" Aoki High Priest asked.

Tsukimon Moonlight said: "I don't know, I asked the patriarch, and the patriarch said that it is the power of fate. There is no solution to this power, and we can only use time to kill it!"

"Fate...the power of fate?" Priest Aoki muttered to himself, thinking of the original identity of the corpse in the coffin, he stopped asking. Dongpu has never changed dynasties since ancient times. The theory of fate is engraved in the What is in the bones cannot be overridden.

"The power of fate? To be precise, it should be the power of fate. The corpse inside is my ancestor, who once laid the foundation for an empire, and is the nobleman of Tianyi who has been blessed by the dragon's veins!"

Prince Su Shanqi suddenly broke in and said: "The "San Ming Tong Hui" once said: Tian Yi is the god of heaven. , the home is next to the bullfighting...the competition between heaven and man is called Tianyi, and its god is the most noble. Wherever it goes, all murders are hidden and avoided. You are trying to use the soul of ghosts to occupy the body of my ancestors. It's so naive!"

Priest Qingmu looked directly at Prince Su Shanqi, and scolded: "Who told you to come to this place?! Get out!!"

Tuyumen Yueguang stopped him: "Mr. Qingmu, don't worry, listen to him, what is Tianyi nobleman?"

Shanqi looked at the coffin and said expressionlessly: "You believe in fate so much, you should have heard about boy's fate and stormy fate!"

"Not only have I heard about it, but I have also seen it!" Tuyumen Yueguang said with a serious face: "Fengbo Ming is a broom star, wherever he goes, there will be disturbances and disasters. And the disturbances they caused, It’s often determined by what they’re good at.”

"I once met a famous detective. Around him, there were always various bizarre murders, so he always had endless cases to investigate. Maybe he didn't want to cause problems, but his existence It is a problem in itself, this is the power of fate!"

In the plot, in the company’s bunker, there is a turbulent doctor. People within her sphere of influence will get sick for no reason. The company’s temporary worker, Clarinet, has a heart attack inexplicably when he is arresting her, and almost dies. .

Tsuchimikado Moonlight continued: "As for the boy's life you mentioned, I also know that the boy's life refers to the fact that when a boy is born, an inexplicable evil spirit attaches to the child's body and co-exists, which makes them weak and sick since childhood. "

"Some difficult and rare strange diseases and strange things often appear on these people, but at the same time, they are often very talented in cultivation. In your China, this is called three deficiencies and five disadvantages!"

Shanqi shook his head and said: "It's called three deficiencies and five disadvantages, but the appearance of Tongziming is not because of being possessed by evil spirits. I have dozens of children, one of them was born with Tongziming, and died on the spot. After his mother was born, strange things happened in the family, I went to Qin Tianjian and asked Gao Shouqian, the last supervisor."

"Although Gao Shouqian has a Chinese name, he is actually a Portuguese. He is also the instructor of the Flamel Academy of Magic in Great Britain. The recent generations of the Qin Tianjian of the Qing Empire are all instructors of foreign magic academies."

"Most magic schools practice 'sex', are good at using spiritual power, and have a deep research on the soul. He once told me that the boy's life is not possessed by evil spirits, but the boy's life is a mutation of his own soul or spirit. A variety of mutations, most of which are malignant, will bring disaster to themselves and those around them."

"However, there are also a very small number of benign mutations in the lives of boys. Not only will they not cause harm to themselves, but they will also grow slowly and show independence. This kind of mutation was mistaken by some sensitive people for being protected by gods in the past. Body, such as Liu Ding Liu Jia, five directions Jie Di."

"In the life of the boy, the most famous person is the mage Tang Sanzang. This person has many disasters along the way, but he always manages to turn danger into good fortune. It is said that in his fate, Liuding Liujia, Wufang Existences such as Jiedi and Four Value Merit Cao protect the Dharma for him."

Shanqi sighed: "It's a pity that my child is vicious. To prevent him from bringing misfortune to his family, I drowned him in the well. However, his birth still brought misfortune. Qing died."

"He shouldn't have been born, I should have killed him, no, when I was pregnant with him, I should have killed my concubine..."

Like Xianglin's wife, Shanqi sighed and regretted endlessly. He believed that his newborn son was also responsible for the fall of the Qing Dynasty.

Priest Aoki frowned: "I'm not interested in your housework, what's going on with Your Excellency Tianyi?"

Shanqi calmed down his emotions, and said with a smile: "I mean, the life of a boy has this effect, and my ancestor was a nobleman of Tianyi who was blessed by the dragon's veins. The boy's life has been strengthened by more than one level, you want to use evil spirits to take over his body, it's wishful thinking!"

As soon as these words came out, the temperature in the tomb suddenly dropped, and Shanqi's left and right suddenly had one red and one green, two tall evil spirits with eyes like copper bells, squinting at him with spiteful eyes, the scene was very strange.

This is the blue ghost and the red ghost, one of the hundred ghosts that Abe Seimei subdued back then, and they were passed down as shikigami, and posterity can be summoned and manifested through talisman papers.

Priest Aoki said in a hoarse voice: "Who are you talking to? Huh?! With us?!"

"Mr. Qingmu, don't worry!" Tuyumen Yueguang stopped Priest Qingmu, looked at Shanqi: "Mr. Shanqi, is there a solution?"

Shanqi's face remained unchanged: "I have a way to eliminate the remaining fate on my ancestor's corpse!"

Priest Aoki was overjoyed: "Then you do it quickly!"

"Don't Mr. Qingmu know that he is my ancestor?" Shanqi asked.

"A person like you still cares about these things?" Priest Aoki only thought it was ridiculous, they were brought here by Shanqi.

"This is the ancestor I admire!" Shanqi took a deep breath and said, "Unless you meet one of my conditions!"

Priest Aoki and Tsuchimikado Moonlight laughed.

"What condition?" Priest Aoki asked.

Shanqi said: "You need to cooperate with me and believe in my cooperation unconditionally. Only in this way can we succeed!"

Priest Aoki was about to agree, but Tsuchimikado Moonlight stopped him, fixed his gaze, and asked:
"When my patriarch was here before, why didn't you mention this matter?"

The Tuyumen family is also called Tuyumen Shinto, they are leaders in the Yin and Yang Dao, and their status is aloof from the Japanese pirates, so naturally they cannot stay in a foreign country for a long time. The affairs here are all handled by Tuyumen Yueguang.

Tuyumen Yueguang is naturally not an idiot. They came here with the original intention of carrying Fengshui, but in the process, they discovered that Nurhachi's body had been buried on the dragon veins for hundreds of years, and was nourished by the energy of the dragon veins day and night. , Not only is it as hard as a magic weapon, but also many strange changes have taken place.

If in other places, this kind of change, the corpse would definitely become a terrifying zombie, but in this blessed place, the corpse did not change. Out of curiosity, they dug it out. After some research, they decided to use This corpse is used as the reincarnation container of the ghost king.

They did not hide this matter from Shanqi, and they even operated it in front of Shanqi. It has been several years. Shanqi did not mention it before, but now it is said at this juncture, it is hard not to think that there is a conspiracy.

Although Shanqi had been with them for many years and even took them to dig his family's ancestral grave, they never really trusted him.

"Why didn't you say it? Hahaha..."

Shanqi smiled for a while, his face turned hard, and he said hysterically: "How do you know that I didn't tell you? I told you, the Omiya Secretary, and the chief of the Tuyumen clan, but they all told Tang that the time hadn't come yet. Sifted through."

"You don't know why I turn to you. I came here with sincerity to restore the country. Not only did I disperse my wealth, but I also took you to dig the graves of your ancestors. But you never really trusted me. If you beat me, I didn't get any benefits, and there is no end of time for the restoration of the country!"

After hearing Shanqi's words, Tu Yumen Yueguang pondered for a moment, and said: "How do you want us to cooperate with you? Let's talk about it first, and we will make a decision after listening!"

Shanqi sorted out his emotions and said: "When the Qing Dynasty was still in its heyday, considering Zhuge Wuhou's prestige, we promised Zhuge Village many times the glory and wealth, and invited them to settle in Qin Tianjian and serve the empire."

"Although they were all rejected, they were not without success. They still recruited some members of the Zhuge family who were unwilling to live in the village for a long time, and these people also brought out some secret techniques of the Wuhou sect."

"Among these secret techniques, there is a top-level armor-defunct technique called Guiyuan Array, which was created by Zhuge Wuhou. It is said that this array has the ability to penetrate the heavens and penetrate the earth."

"Zhuge Wuhou once found some special people who coincided with the Sanqi and Liuyi fates as sacrifices, placed seven-star lanterns in Wuzhangyuan, and performed the return to the original formation. He wanted to use this formation to transfer their special fates for his own use. In order to obtain the power of the sky, to reverse the defeat and save the Shu Han, it is a pity that the success failed in the end."

"Now, I am going to imitate Zhuge Wuhou, set up the Guiyuan Formation, use my ancestors as sacrifices, and transfer his Tianyi nobleman's fate to me!"

Shanqi said in a seductive manner, "But this requires the cooperation of several powerful aliens, and you are just right. Don't worry, this move will only transfer fate and will not affect the corpse itself. Fate is gone, and the obstacle to the ghost king's resurrection is gone, killing two birds with one stone, a win-win situation, isn't it good?"

Together with warlocks, the most important thing is fate. Wang Ye's Luan Jin Tuo can suppress people whose fate is lower than his own. Chen Jinkui, one of the ten men, is far superior to him in strength, but because his fate is not as good as him, he was cast by him. To calm down easily shows the dominance of fate.

People with high destiny are blessed by heaven and can resist the punishment of heaven. For example, divination in the interior scene, if you want to know the secret of the celestial master, if ordinary people ask, you will die, but if the destiny of that person is infinitely high, you may Asked directly.

The formation of Guiyuan is a kind of use of fate. Zhuge Qing of later generations used it once in a small way to help Wang Ye calculate his enemies. He, Wang Ye, and Zhang Chulan stepped on three The strange position temporarily combined the fate of the three people, thus resisting the backlash, and directly asked Wang Yeqiu's family in the interior scene.

At that time, Zhuge Qing was just a small fusion, not treating Zhang Chulan and Wang Ye as sacrifices, and taking away their fate forever.

But Shanqi's move was to draw the fate of his ancestors. In fact, he had already mentioned this matter to Omiyaji of Shintoism, but what Omiyaji wanted was an obedient dog, not an ambitious dog. , so he fails.

But now, there was a problem with the qi bureau, but it gave him another opportunity.

"Compared to Liuding Liujia Protector, Wufang Jiedi protects the body of the boy's life, and the emperor's life is more powerful!"

Tuyumen Yueguang stared at Shanqi for a moment, shook his head, and said: "Since Omiyaji and the patriarch have rejected your request, then I cannot agree to cooperate with you!"

Shanqi was not angry when the request was rejected, he took out a small golden compass from his hand, opened the cover, and the pointer inside was spinning rapidly.

"Think clearly, don't you really think about it? Among the people who came this time, there are ruthless characters, and the rules of the entire Qi Bureau have been disrupted. Everyone you arrange in the Qi Bureau will die. Not only that, Even the methods arranged by Omiyaji of your Shinto religion have been broken, if you don't help me, do you want to die here with me?"

Shanqi said with a half smile but not a smile.

"Nonsense, I don't believe that someone can break the layout of the palace secretary!"

Priest Aoki scolded angrily, and hurriedly left the tomb, and came to the hall where the golden compass was placed before.

One can see at a glance that the compass is turning around, especially the land, not only is it turning fast, but the above positions, exchange positions, and departure positions have collapsed and become blank.

Priest Aoki stared at the exchange position on the compass, his face changed drastically. He didn't pay much attention to the collapse of the position before. He has eight cities, and it is normal to lose one during the game.

But the collapse of the position made him panic. This is the place where Omiyaji made the arrangement, and it is the most indestructible place. It also collapsed.

He vaguely remembered what Omiyaji said to him when he left, Eight Banners Arching the Dragon, Heavenly Swords Arching the Sun, Heavenly Dogs Eating the Moon, if any one is taken out alone, it is already an exquisite qi game.

The three qi bureaus are all in one, and they are integrated. There is me in you, and you in me. It is definitely a rare Jedi in a century, and no one can break it. Even if the foreigner from China came, he couldn't break the situation.

Before, he once thought it was true, because after many days, the foreigner from China had not been able to cross the threshold, but now, this unbreakable game has been broken.

(End of this chapter)

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