Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 246 The fate of no one before and no one to come

Chapter 246 The fate of no one before and no one to come
"By the way, I remember that the qi bureau outside was built on the back of the imperial tomb. The imperial tomb itself is also a qi bureau, and it is an extremely powerful qi bureau. You must walk in the mausoleum according to the established route, so as not to lose your mind." It will be attacked by the Qi Bureau itself!"

Priest Aoki took a deep breath, and asked the key question: "If, I said, if the foreigner from China breaks in, is it possible for them to find the right route?"

Shan Qi said with a firm face: "If there is no if, there is an extremely terrifying warlock in the opposite person, he can disrupt the bottom changes of the Qi Bureau, and Mr. Aoki doesn't think he can't find the rules of the Qi Bureau's changes?"

Hearing this, the Great Priest Qingmu panicked a little. They can stay here safely because of this qi bureau. If the qi bureau is broken and the aliens from China come in, they will inevitably avoid them. It is not a pity for them to die, but the empire The century-old plan can not be broken.

At this time, Tu Yumen Yueguang said: "Mr. Shanqi, is there any way to call back the alliance we arranged in the Qi Bureau?"

Shanqi shook his head and said: "Didn't I say it before, the qi situation is messed up, the previous rules don't count, if you want to pick them back, you have to force your way, Mr. Moonlight, I'm not good at fighting, I'm afraid I can't do anything, You and Aoki-kun may try it, but you have to hurry up, it's too late, I'm afraid we will have to collect the corpse!"

Tu Yumen Yueguang's face darkened. He actually expected this news, but people, in critical moments, there is always a little luck.

"Collect the corpse?" Priest Aoki, who was disturbed, felt harsh when he heard these two words, "All their action routes are based on what you provided, and you must be responsible for their deaths!"

"Mr. Aoki, you have misunderstood. I don't have any intention to shirk responsibility!" Seeing the appearance of Priest Aoki, Shan Qi knew that he was sure of them, and said with a smile:
"What I mean is that even if you want to take responsibility, you have to wait until after this crisis is over. At this juncture, let's not fight among ourselves,"

Priest Aoki gritted his teeth and looked unkind, of course he knew about these things, but Shanqi's current appearance made him very displeased, like a dog that has always been obedient, suddenly bared its teeth at its master.

Tuyumen Yueguang patted him on the shoulder, and said: "Mr. Qingmu, calm down, Mr. Shanqi is right. The qi in this qi bureau has been fixed in its shape and turned into an army formation. Although it looks unbearable An army of cold weapons with one blow, but the essence is killing energy, the people we send in, I am afraid it will be difficult to stop, it is meaningless to say these now!"

He looked at Shanqi: "Mr. Shanqi, can the return to the original formation you mentioned really be able to transfer the fate of your ancestors away, so as to wake up the ghost king of Dajiang Mountain?"

Shanqi suppressed his excitement: "Of course it is possible, we are all grasshoppers on the same rope, I will not joke about my wealth and life!"

Tuyumen Yueguang said: "That's fine, I agree to your request, we will fully cooperate with you here, but I hope you can do what you say!"

"Let's go to the tomb, I'm ready!" Shanqi said.

Afterwards, they returned to the previous tomb with the alloy coffin, which was also the yin hall of the imperial mausoleum.

At this moment, there was a group of people with braids standing in the Yin Temple. These people were Prince Su's team members, and they were the elite he selected from the Eight Banners disciples when the Qing Dynasty fell.

When he was in Bincheng before, Zhang Zhiwei wanted to catch them all, but because they were brought here by Prince Su, he was in vain.

Beside these people, there are pitch-black coffins. Some of these coffins are very new, and some look old. Under the light of the ever-burning lamp in the tomb, they look strange and evil.

"Hehe, you really think we're going to get us!" Priest Aoki sneered, holding a formula in his hand.

While the air was twisting, a huge green ghost suddenly appeared, rushed into the crowd, grabbed a coffin in front of the Eight Banners disciples, and returned to Priest Qingmu.

Priest Aoki looked at the coffin, it looked old, and there were some words written on it, but these words were not Chinese, but Jurchen.

Priest Aoki has some research on Chinese culture, he can understand Chinese, but Jurchen can't understand it at all.

"I'd like to see, what's in it?"

He stretched out his hand and pressed on the coffin lid, but the coffin lid was not sealed, and with a little effort, he pushed it away, and a chill came out.

I saw a haggard corpse lying inside. The corpse was wearing an official uniform of the Qing Dynasty.

"This is……"

Priest Aoki didn't have the slightest fear, reached out to pry open the mouth of the corpse, and took out a piece of ice with a blue light: "Ice Soul?"

"It's definitely Bingpo!" Tuyumen Yueguang said: "Bingpo can keep a corpse from spoiling. Even if it's been stored for a hundred years, it's still like a living person. What identity?"

Shanqi said calmly: "His name is Hauge, and he is the eldest son of the founding emperor of the Qing Empire, Huang Taiji. Originally, he should be able to inherit the throne, but for some reason, he missed the throne. As for the reason, there are different opinions, but If there is a magician who is proficient in numerology, he can deduce it, it is because his fate is not enough!"

Saying that, Shanqi came over, pinched a Fa Jue in his hand, and tapped it on the head of the corpse. In an instant, black and white energy gushed out from the corpse, biting each other's head and tail, which was a Tai Chi pattern.

Shanqi looked at the Taiji pattern obsessively, and said: "You people of the divine way may not understand that this pattern, among the four pillars of the magician's fortune telling, is called Taiji precious life."

"The so-called 'Ren Gui Si Shen Pian Xi Mei, on this occasion should be a clock of good fortune, but also need Quaker to help, waiting to seal ten thousand households to the Sangong', Tai Chi nobles are not only noble fate, but also turn bad luck into good fortune, and manipulate good fortune ability."

"However, the nobleman Taiji is great, but he is still inferior to his six-year-old brother, the nobleman Tianyi, so he can't be the emperor."

"But it's also an extremely precious fate. There can't be one out of ten million people. He is very worth transferring. By the way, he is also my ancestor, my direct ancestor. I should call him Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Grandpa!"

After hearing Shanqi's words, Priest Aoki and Tuyumen Yueguang looked at each other, and they both saw fear in each other's eyes, he was a ruthless person who not only led them to dig their own ancestral graves, but also dug them himself.

"What about the other coffins?" Tsuchimikado Yueguang asked.

Shanqi didn't hide anything, pointed to the coffin, and introduced them one by one: "This is my father. He is a supernatural man with strong strength. He once participated in the siege and suppression of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. He made great achievements in battle and was named General Zhen Guo. Fate is also quite amazing!"

"This is my grandfather, and he is also a genius. He has won the three armies bravely, and he was also named General Zhenguo. His fate is also not low..."

"This is……"

Priest Aoki: "..."

Tsuchimikado Moonlight: "..."

"Why are these corpses all your relatives?" Priest Aoki looked puzzled, thinking to himself, is this dog addicted to digging his own ancestral graves?

Shanqi glanced at the alloy coffin covered with talisman paper, pondered for a moment, and said:
"Because our Aixinjueluo clan has been blessed by the dragon's veins, and each generation has the royal destiny of a nobleman in Tianyi, who can rule the world. There is no destiny among hundreds of millions of people. It is all in my Aixinjueluo clan. , so, of course, most of the sacrifices are my ancestors!"

Priest Aoki and Tsuchimikado Moonlight looked at each other.

"It's showing its maddened nature!" Tsuchimikado Moonlight sneered softly.

"Mr. Moonlight knows this person is crazy?" Priest Aoki sneered and said, "I was a little shocked just now, but after thinking about it, I am not surprised. This person was able to give the young girl to that old pervert in Kawashima a few years ago. As a plaything, let alone digging up ancestral graves, what I'm thinking now is, will this kind of person play tricks on the Guiyuan Formation?"

Tu Yumen Yueguang said with determination: "Not very good. If this person wants to restore the country, he has to rely on the power of our empire. Don't worry, he dare not attack us!"

Shanqi turned a deaf ear to the conversation between Tsuyumon Moonlight and Priest Aoki, and said: "Now the sacrificial offerings are in place, I implore the two of you to help."

"How do you want us to help you?" Tsuchimikado Moonlight asked.

Shanqi said: "The Guiyuan Formation was created by Zhuge Wuhou. It needs three oddities and six rituals. The eight sects, nine stars and eight gods all fall on their original palace positions. If you are in other places, it is almost impossible to meet such a time. "

"But this is the land of dragon veins. In order to let the descendants of the owner of the tomb be blessed with dragon veins, Fan Wencheng fixed it at an auspicious time with the technique of geomancy. Everything will not change, so it can be used directly without waiting for time! "

"The key to this formation is to have people who know how to practice Qi fall into the palace, input their own Qi into these corpses, and activate them, so as to complete the sacrifice and transfer the fate in the corpses!"

After all, Shanqi slapped the ground to start a strange situation, and then opened all the coffins. The cold corpses looked chilling.

"Mr. Moonlight, you bring my ancestor... umhh, bring the body of the ghost king, and stand in the position of Yimu. He has the fate of the nobleman Tianyi in his body, so it is most suitable to stand here."

This corpse is the most important thing in this formation, and without the cooperation of the Japanese pirates, he would not be able to attack this thing.

"it is good!"

Tuyumen Yueguang responded, opened the alloy coffin, and saw a monster lying inside, naked and hairless, revealing blue-gray muscles and bones, protruding cheekbones on the face, fangs protruding from the mouth, and five-pointed heads. , with fifteen eyes, clearly looks like an evil spirit, but wears a crown on his head.

This is the true nature of Shuten-douji. As for the appearance of the handsome boy in the legend, he is an illusion.

"Master Taiyi, the sun is the main body, corresponding to the four pillars and the earthly branches. Lord Qingmu, you take the body of my ancestor Hauge and stand at the corresponding position to practice the law."

"Xiao Liu, take the corpses of my father and your grandfather to the location of Binghuo, and use the fire method..."

Afterwards, Shanqi began to arrange one by one, and after everyone stood at the station, everyone began to exercise Qi Xing according to his request.

Suddenly, a wave of evil spirit rose into the sky, and the temperature of the entire tomb suddenly dropped, the temperature was already close to zero, and frost flowers visible to the naked eye even formed on the ground and surrounding areas.

Shanqi sat cross-legged in the central palace, sitting on the floor in a standard five-hearted posture, with smoke rising above his head, his face distorted, as if he was in some kind of fierce battle.

A moment later, his hat-like official hat of the Qing Dynasty flew up, his long braids spread out, and his unkempt hair flew up. He opened his hands, his feet were half a foot off the ground, and opened his eyes suddenly, bloodshot eyes , but the pupils turned into a dazzling golden color.

Under his feet, there are a series of dry and branch solar terms overlapping. These auras are so thick that they manifest, turning into a huge black compass spinning rapidly.

At this time, even a sorcerer who is proficient in magic arts, as long as he can set the odd opening, he can find that the integrity of the entire imperial tomb has changed drastically, and the auspicious and auspicious directions are all in Shanqi's thought.

In Guiyuan Formation, Priest Aoki and Tsukimon Moonlight all felt strange, wanted to open their eyes, but found that they couldn't do it, they were restrained by an inexplicable force, they couldn't move at all, but it wasn't impossible , as if disconnected from the surrounding environment, as if in an independent space, independent time.

"You...want...to..." Tsuchimikado Moonlight opened his mouth, and the voice came through, but it was as if the video had been slowed down by ten times.

Shanqi floated in mid-air without even looking at them, first with a ferocious face, then with ecstasy, couldn't help laughing and said:
"Hahahaha, it has been ten years since the fall of the Qing Dynasty, and I have been relying on you for nearly ten years, ten years, ten years!! Do you know how I have lived these ten years?"

"I am a majestic prince, but I am at the mercy of others like a dog, but my painstaking efforts will never fail. Over the years, I have used the power of you pirates to start collecting corpses from all sides. Now it is done. Hahaha, this king is finally here. It's done, hahahaha!"

After laughing for a while, he looked at the people below and said:

"I seldom show my magic skills in front of you, but in fact, I am a very advanced warlock. However, the skills I have learned are different from other warlocks. What I have learned is numerology."

"Spells are broad and profound, such as astrology, geomancy, numerology, spells... But most warlocks have learned all their lives, only spells, because spells are more capable of fighting, even if they study other things, it is only for better Use spells."

"Among them, the least practiced one is numerology, because warlocks pay attention to following the sky, and one's fate can be known and cannot be changed. A person's fate is predetermined at birth. Only a person like Zhuge Wuhou can do things that defy the sky and change fate!"

"The reason why Marquis Zhuge Wu rejected Liu Bei many times at the beginning was that he had already seen from fortune theory that this person would not be successful, but in the end, he was moved by Liu Bei and was willing to give it a try and change his fate against the sky!"

"However, Zhuge Wuhou failed, but I succeeded with the help of Long Fuze. I took the noble fate of many ancestors and the dragon vein Fuze as my own body, and merged them into one. This is really God's blessing. I love Xinjueluo family. Hahahahaha!"

Shanqi smiled madly: "Sure enough, our Aixinjueluo family is a person who stood on the top of the mountain from birth. Our fate is special. We are very rich and powerful. It is our privilege to be satisfied with everything."

"This world exists only to welcome us, so to be emperor, I want to rule the world. This world should be mine, and it belongs to our Aixinjueluo family!"

"Great Qing Dynasty, your emperor is back!"

"Next, let me enter the inner scene, count my life, and see how I can take back the world!"

After finishing speaking, Shanqi sat cross-legged and began to enter meditation.

(End of this chapter)

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