Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 247 The Secret of the Interior Scene, the Unrivaled Skill

Chapter 247 The Secret of the Interior Scene, the Unrivaled Skill
In the tomb, a black compass pattern emerged on the ground, and the warlock opened a game of strange gates, only he could perceive it, and outsiders could not see it.

But the various stem and branch solar terms here are too thick, overlapping each other, intertwined with evil spirits, and they actually manifest a shape, which can be seen with the naked eye.

At this moment, Shanqi is sitting cross-legged in the middle palace of the compass, and he is entering meditation. He has already entered the inner scene.

Also pulled into the interior scene are Tsukimon Moonlight, Priest Aoki, and the Eight Banners disciples under Shanqi.

Priest Aoki looked around, there was a layer of mist shrouded here, the surroundings were nothingness, there was no sky, no land, a group of them just stood in the void.

This is a very strange feeling, he can't even distinguish up, down, left, right, north, south, east, and west.

He tried to walk, but found that he couldn't walk at all, his world seemed to have become a circle, no matter how he walked, he was just circling around the circle.

Priest Aoki was shocked, "What is this place? Why can't I go out?"

"It seems to be an interior scene?" Tsuchimikado Moonlight asked in surprise.

Although priests and onmyoji belong to Shinto, Shintoism is the native sect of Dongpu, and Onmyoji is from the Onmyoji way in China.

In the Yin-Yang Dao, there is also a method of magic, so Tsuchyumen Yueguang's knowledge is much more profound than that of Aoki Priest, and he can see the details here at a glance.

"Mr. Yueguang is right, this is indeed an interior scene!" Shanqi said.

"Interior scene? How could we enter someone else's interior scene? What's the purpose of you pulling us in?" Priest Aoki said angrily.

"Noisy!" Shanqi stretched out his hand, and the mouth of Priest Qingmu suddenly closed and disappeared, turning into a piece of skin, he could no longer speak, and could only make a murmuring sound.

Tsuchimikado Moonlight glanced at Priest Aoki's fate, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and said softly:
"This ability to do whatever you want, this is indeed the inner world, but isn't the inner world your own spiritual world? Why do we appear together in your spiritual world?"

Shanqi laughed and said, "Mr. Moonlight, your knowledge is as small as your empire!"

Those who know the current affairs are heroes, Tsuchimikado Moonlight did not refute, but just kept it in his heart.

People who suddenly become famous often like to stand in a high position, overlook others, and point out the country, and Shanqi is no exception. Regarding the problem of Tuyumen Yueguang, he did not hesitate to give advice, and continued:

"The inner scene that all warlocks enter is actually the same, and the inner scene is indeed the spiritual world, but it is not just your spiritual world, it is the spiritual world of everyone, and it is also the opposite of the real world. Taoism calls the real world It's the exterior scene, and the spiritual world is called the interior scene!"

"The human body is in the exterior scene, and the human soul should be in the interior scene, but the human soul is protected by the body, so it will not enter the interior scene."

"And if the body dies and the Tao disappears, and the soul has nowhere to rely on, it will dissipate and melt into the inner scene. The inner scene absorbs everything, so it is omniscient and omnipotent, and you can calculate everything. Of course, the premise is that you have to memorize the cause and effect."

"Generally speaking, there is a clear distinction between the interior scene and the exterior scene. Unless you are a warlock or someone who is about to die, you will not be able to touch the interior scene."

"But even warlocks can only make superficial use of superficial information by connecting to the interior, such as using the interior to divination, but some supernatural magical powers can use the interior to do a lot of things!"

"Excellent good fortune, supernatural powers?" Tuyumen Yueguang said: "What is it? What are you doing?"

"Mr. Moonlight, don't bother you, you should see how I can restore the Qing Dynasty!"

After finishing speaking, Shanqi closed his eyes and meditated silently. Soon, in the inner scene world, the air twisted, and a fiery breath spread, and in front of him, a light ball with blazing blue flames came out.

Shanqi opened his eyes, looked at the fireball, his heart sank slightly, he stretched out his hand, tried to squeeze the fireball, but failed.

He looked at the people around him and said, "All of you, try attacking this ball of light!"

Warlock fortune-telling generally cannot do fortune-telling about themselves, but can only tell fortunes for others, because the more related to their own affairs, the harder it is to open this ball of light.

In this ball of light, there is the answer Shanqi wants, so it is difficult for him to open it, but this answer is insignificant to Tsukimon Moonlight, Priest Aoki and others, so they can open it relatively easily.

And this Guiyuan Formation was opened based on Shanqi's internal scene, so Shanqi can share the news they got, which is also a disguised fortune-telling for themselves.

Hearing Shanqi's order, everyone began to concentrate on attacking the ball of light.

Regarding this, even Tsukimon Moonlight and Priest Aoki never neglected it. After all, this inner scene world is under the control of Shanqi, and it is not a wise choice to fight against him here.

This news was not an incalculable secret. The 15 people worked together and broke the ball of light without much effort.

Then, everyone was stunned, because the light ball showed that there was no hope of restoring the Qing Dynasty!
Shanqi looked crazy: "No, it's impossible. I not only integrated the emperor's fate like the nobleman Tianyi, but also the nobleman Taiyi and other nobles. In terms of fate alone, I should already be comparable to the three. It’s only right that you have a noble fate, I should be destined by the heavens, the emperor came to the world, how could he fail? How could it be possible?”

"It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense at all, I'd like to see who is blocking my restoration of the country, and what is the background?!"

With a look of madness on his face, he calculated again.

Immediately afterwards, the interior space was distorted, and a huge fireball suddenly appeared, turning the surroundings red, and the fire wind created by the fireball blew away 15 people including Shanqi.

"Shanqi, what did you do?" Tuyumen Yueguang shouted.

"Ama, what's going on?" Shanqi's son shouted.

"Don't worry about it, blast it away for me," Shanqi said with a frenzied face, and took the lead in making a series of attacks.

The others were afraid and did not dare to make a move.

Shanqi was furious: "If you can't break this fireball, I will throw you all into it, and let you be buried in this inner scene."

Hearing this, other people also tried their best to attack. After all, Shanqi's frenzied appearance is really achievable.

The 15 people fired their kung fu together, and they attacked the big fireball. The fireball was deformed by them, and the flames radiated in all directions. They writhed in the flames, like evil spirits struggling in the sulfurous magma of hell.

In the tomb outside, Shanqi and the others were sitting on the ground in a standard five-hearted posture, with smoke rising from their heads, their faces distorted, and bleeding from seven holes, obviously already in the midst of some kind of fierce battle.

Immediately afterwards, among the 15 people, except for Shanqi, everyone else felt an unspeakable dryness in their chest, which immediately turned into a burning pain, and finally couldn't stand it anymore, and spit out a big mouthful of scorching blood .

At the same time, in the interior scene, after the fireball exploded, a huge golden figure emerged, and a majestic and terrifying aura permeated the figure, oppressing them so hard to breathe.

Shan Qi stared at the figure, clenched tightly, the man was bathed in the golden light, there seemed to be rolling thunder in his body, and from time to time, there were lightning intertwined and flashed by.

He turned his position, walked to the front of the golden figure, looked up at the other person, he wanted to see the other person's face clearly.

But apart from a pair of star-like eyes that gushed out golden light, he couldn't see anything clearly.

"Longhu Mountain, Heavenly Master's Mansion, Taoist name Tiantong, Zhang Zhiwei, is this the biggest obstacle on my way to restore the country? How can a mere kid in a weak crown stop my hegemony?"

Shanqi pondered for a moment, then suddenly realized:

"I understand. The image calculated just now is from the future. It must be this person who will become an obstacle to my restoration of the country in the future. Why don't I get rid of this person directly while he is still young and not mature!?"

"According to the divination calculation just now, I know that this person is in the valley of the Eight Banners Gonglong. I will go to meet him for a while and see if I can crush him to death directly?!"

After finishing speaking, Shanqi sat up cross-legged and began to perform the exercises. When the mantra was uttered, two double images began to appear on his body.

With the appearance of these two double images, the fog in the interior space began to twist, and the originally empty space began to outline the scene.

They appeared in the previous tomb, but this tomb is black and white, and everything is full of weirdness and ominousness, making people feel oppressed like a big stone is stuck in their hearts.

"Mr. Shanqi, where is this place? Is it in the interior, or in the real world?"

Tuyumen Yueguang looked around in horror, he could vaguely hear some strange voices, as if there were many people whispering in his ears.

"What are those voices?" he asked.

Shanqi stood up, and there were two shadows moving around him, saying:

"This is still the interior scene, which is your so-called spiritual world, but it is not your personal spiritual world, but everyone's spiritual world. What you hear is of course the 'things' in the spiritual world talking! "

"The spiritual world of everyone?" Tsuchimikado Tsukiko looked shocked, "How is this possible?"

"Nothing is impossible!" Shanqi said as he walked, "Do you still remember what I told you, warlocks only superficially use interior scenes, but some supernatural magical powers can use interior scenes to do many things, open your eyes Take a good look at it with your dog's eyes, what is real supernatural power!"

"Real supernatural powers?" Tuyumen Yueguang stared, "What did you get from the Hongyang Rebellion?"

Shanqi raised his head, looked at this black and white world, sighed, and said, "Yes, Mr. Moonlight, have you forgotten my previous identity? I am the hereditary Iron Hat King of the Qing Dynasty. My grandfather is Zhen General of the country, he put down the Hongyang Rebellion and wiped out the Taiping Army."

"During this war that caused nearly [-] million casualties and shook the foundation of our Qing Dynasty, we also gained something, and obtained some big unknown secrets, some secrets about why Hong and Yang caused such a big disturbance, And got some extremely terrible means."

"I don't know what the secret is. I, Ama, know some, but he was assassinated. Everyone who knew, without exception, was assassinated. Even so, there are still some methods passed down."

"In the past, my cultivation base was not enough, my fate was not enough, and I was not enough to display it, but now, with the blessing of the noble fate of many ancestors, and the blessing of the dragon veins, I can already have no taboos!"

"What I'm performing now is called Tongyou in the Taiping essential technique. My Ama captured it from a general of the Taiping army back then. The effect is similar to Quanzhen's Yangshen."

"However, Chu Yangshen is to let people's souls walk in the Yang world, which is the real world, while Tongyou is to let the physical body enter the spiritual world."

While speaking, Shanqi's figure overlapped, walked out of the tomb, and walked in the imperial tomb. Although he had entered the interior scene many times, this was the first time he stepped out of his personal spiritual world.

He looked around, everything in the spiritual world seemed to be a reflection of the real world.

Shanqi walked in it, and could clearly feel that there were all kinds of terrifying existences in this spiritual world.

This should be the spiritual energy left behind by the strong in the real world after death.

Just as after death, there are corpses in the real world, after death, there are remnants in the spiritual world, and these remnants are often obsessions that are unwilling to dissipate.

These remaining obsessions are left in a certain place. If they are induced by Feng Shui and slowly endowed with energy, they may be awakened again at a certain time. At that time, ghosts will appear.

It can be said that the spiritual world is the underworld, and the obsessions of those who have passed away, if given a chance, will tend to instinctively occupy the physical body, so Shanqi must be very careful.

Fortunately, he had used his supernatural powers, and his whole body was indistinct, filled with a layer of dim light, which blocked those pervasive obsessions and prevented him from being polluted by the spirit.

Shanqi walked out of the imperial mausoleum along the road in his memory, and walked in the Qi Bureau of the Eight Banners Arching the Dragon.

Here, he could feel living people moving around him, but he couldn't see them.

Because, he is walking in the interior scene, while the living person is in the exterior scene, and there is a world between them.

But with the help of Tongyou's power, he can attack the soul of the person in the outer scene from the inner scene, causing him to collapse.

However, he didn't do that, pure killing was meaningless, he wanted to preserve his strength, and went to kill the Taoist priest Longhushan who would ruin his plan to restore the country.

It's as if ghosts can always accurately find living people.

In the spiritual world, it is not difficult to find Zhang Zhiwei.

Because all the information here is undefended.

So later in the plot, the "scarred face" who is suspected to be Gu Shiting can always find Wang Ye lingeringly.

"Zhang Zhiwei! Zhang Zhiwei!"

Shanqi called Zhang Zhiwei's name like a soul.

Vaguely, he felt the response of Zhang Zhiwei's soul,
Shanqi looked into the distance, and with the help of Tongyou's ability, he locked onto Zhang Zhiwei's figure.

And let his figure outline in the spiritual world little by little.

This scene gave people the feeling that he was going to call Zhang Zhiwei's soul from the real world into this spiritual world.

(End of this chapter)

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