Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 248 Arriving across Boundaries Like a Demon God

Chapter 248 Arriving across Boundaries Like a Demon God
"Zhang Zhiwei! Zhang Zhiwei! Zhang Zhiwei..."

Shanqi kept calling Zhang Zhiwei's name.

In ancient times, people who knew this method were called Yinren. As the name suggests, they refer to people who walk in the two realms of Yin and Yang. The two realms of Yin and Yang refer to the real world and the spiritual world.

Yin walkers have the ability to call souls, which is to call back the souls of people lost in the spiritual world by casting spells.

And vice versa, it can also call the souls of people in the real world to the spiritual world.

This is a rather terrifying ability. In the Inhuman World today, most of the Inhumans are very serious. Everyone only pays attention to the practice of Qi, and the polishing of life is second.

If the soul is summoned by this Tongyou, the three souls will leave the body immediately and be pulled into the spiritual world.

The consequence of this is very serious. If the soul is scattered in the real world, as long as it is not obliterated, it can be rescued. Through some means, it can be gathered and returned to the body.

It was as if at the Luo Tian Dajiao later, that person named Xiao Xiao blew his own air and blew his soul away, and Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye jointly took it back.

But later, it was Xiao Xiao who had his head crushed with a punch. Even if his soul was intact, he was really dead, and there was no need for rescue.

The reason is that at the moment of his physical death, the soul has no foundation to attach to, and the spiritual world has dispersed. This result is similar to that of a person who has been summoned by the ghost.

People who are pulled into the spiritual world, if they have a high level of cultivation, can feel the existence of the physical body, and keep their souls lingering, there is a high probability that they will get lost in the spiritual world and never come out.

If a person who is pulled into the spiritual world has a low cultivation base and cannot feel the existence of the physical body, then he will lose his soul and die directly.

From this, it can be seen how terrifying this supernatural power is.

It is worth mentioning that the origin of this spell is very early, and it is listed as one of the 72 magical powers of Disha, which is one of the 72 transformations practiced by Sun Houzi in the legend.

Shanqi kept casting spells, trying to pull Zhang Zhiwei's soul into the spiritual world, and then crushed him to death.

But no matter how he used it, in the spiritual world, he could only see a vague shadow of Zhang Zhiwei.

This shadow is still very distorted, as if the morning sun shines on Zhang Zhiwei's body, casting a slender shadow.

"How is it possible, I don't believe I can't call you in?!"

"Zhang Zhiwei! Zhang Zhiwei! Zhang Zhiwei..."

Shanqi gritted his teeth and continued to cast spells, but the effect was still negligible, not to mention summoning the soul, even the shadow cast by the soul from the real world was distorted and deformed, which seemed very unreal.

This is because Zhang Zhiwei's life is fused, the soul and the body are integrated into one, and there is almost no distinction between you and me.

The double cultivation of life and soul in Quanzhen Sect is just two people who practice together. At the end of the cultivation, the soul is still the soul, and the body is still the body. Either the Yang God is used to fight, or the body is used to fight directly, and they cannot be used together.

But Zhang Zhiwei's current state is to go together, which is equivalent to having the power of the Yang God in the physical body, and the defensive power of the physical body in the state of the Yang God.

The addition of the two will not only result in one plus one equaling two, but a qualitative change.

Zhang Zhiwei in this state, even if Shanqi broke his throat, it was impossible to call him in.

Even if he didn't touch Zhang Zhiwei directly, the impact on Zhang Zhiwei might be minimal, just like a gust of wind blowing.

"The wind is a bit cold!"

Zhang Zhiwei only felt that there was a chilly wind blowing, he looked around, and casually slapped away a few of the Eight Banners soldiers who rushed over.

There are malicious enemies in all directions, which makes him not pay too much attention to Shanqi who is in the spiritual world.

Most of his attention was on Lu Jin, Lu Ci and others who rushed to kill in the Qi Bureau.

I saw a large number of soldiers of the Eight Banners coming in like a tide. There were spear soldiers, sword soldiers, and archers. They formed a battle formation and pushed forward fiercely.

"Hahaha, good job!" Lu Ci laughed, her delicate face was full of hostility because of the distortion.

The archers fired a volley, and Lu Ci waved his hands with a volley, brushing away the incoming arrows, and rushed into the army unstoppably.

The Ruyi energy rolled like a wave, and wherever it passed, all the soldiers dissipated and were beaten into the original form of Qi.

Lu Ci pushed all the way to the shock position, he was already crazy, this kind of scene is rare, but it is a good opportunity for training.

Lu Jin was also the one who killed the madman. He screamed loudly, his body glowed with white light, the pupils of his eyes turned white, and white air gushed out, which was a sign of a reverse life state.

In the night, a white light flashed away, Lu Jin and Lu Ci rushed into the army formation side by side, and countless Eight Banners soldiers were scattered.

The soldiers of the Eight Banners stirred their spears and short knives, but when they hit Lu Jin, it seemed that it didn't hurt or hurt, and they couldn't break the white qi covering Lu Jin's body at all.

Reverse Life Triple Layer is a very high and profound way of double cultivation of life and soul. It integrates attack, defense, and recovery, and its performance is quite impressive. In terms of defense alone, it is even stronger than some horizontal exercises.

Like Chai Yan, one of the two heroes of the later generations, the master who is like a tiger, has practiced horizontal kung fu all his life, but in terms of defense, he is no stronger than Lu Jin's great-grandson Lu Lin after he opened the triple reverse life.

As for the defense power, it is just a not too conspicuous ability in the third level of reverse life, which shows the strength of this unique skill.

Before in the Lu family compound, Zhang Zhiwei once commented on the triple inverse in front of Zuo Ruotong. His evaluation at the time was that the complex version of the Golden Light Curse has the same basic logic, but is more complicated, so it produced more effects. .

During this trip to Liaodong, Lu Ci completely revised the practice method of Ruyi Jin according to Zhang Zhiwei's suggestion.

But Lu Jin didn't change, he was still practicing as before, but his attainment was higher.

In the past at the Yamato Hotel, Lu Jin would still be injured by the sudden grenade. If it were changed to the present, at most it would shock him on the spot and take a few steps back.

Not only his two reckless men, Huniu Guan Shihua is also doing it. She, who is half-bound, can control her body by herself while using the magic power of the fairy family.

The strong black air in her eyes spewed out, she opened her mouth, and spit out a black snake made of qi. The black snake was so huge that it came out prematurely, smashing the rows of Eight Banners soldiers in front of her to pieces.

Worried that something might happen to Guan Shihua, Wang Ai drew a bunch of painting spirits and followed them all the way, afraid that something might go wrong.

As for Wugensheng, standing next to Zhang Zhiwei to watch a play, he has a divine sense, and all the means made of qi have no effect on him. He treats those army formations as nothing, so naturally he has no intention of doing anything.

"I said Senior Brother Zhang, these guys are really hot, they can use their hands and don't use their brains, they can obviously break through!" Wu Gensheng laughed.

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at him: "This is called training yourself. Do you think everyone is like you, who can lie down and become stronger?"

"You found out?" Wu Gensheng laughed.

"Why can't I find it?" Zhang Zhiwei said: "The qi in your body does not need to be dominated, but it is running all the time. The level of Jinggong is very high. Even I have to devote part of my mind to guide it!"

"No, no!" Wu Gensheng said with a chuckle, "It's not that I have a high level of meditation skills, it's just that I'm naturally quiet. As soon as my mind calms down, I can feel a surge of liveliness, and the qi in my body will automatically It's working."

"Hehe, if you say it again, I want to slap you!"

Zhang Zhiwei didn't have a good mood. In terms of talent for practicing qi alone, he was terrifyingly tall without roots. With three days of fishing and two days of hang-up practice, he insisted on cultivating to the top of the world. If he had no roots, he would lie flat , then he is the roll king.

Wu Gensheng glanced at Zhang Zhiwei and felt that the other party didn't seem to be joking, so he took a step back silently and said with a smile:

"How can it be, it's just that I prefer to practice Jinggong compared to practicing Qi, and it's all about cultivating spiritually. As for the ability to practice automatically, it's just a by-product of my Jinggong."

"It's like the golden light of the golden light mantra practiced by Senior Brother Zhang is just a by-product of dual cultivation of life and soul. Speaking of which, we are actually ordinary people, not really talented, but walking on the right path!"

After hearing what Wu Gensheng said, Zhang Zhiwei nodded and said:
"There is some truth in what you said. By the way, although the road leads to the same goal, I see that although your cultivation is not weak, you are a bit too partial. The cultivation of fate is far behind that of sex. It's not good to be lame!"

Wu Gensheng smiled and said: "Everyone has his own ambitions. As a person, my practice is not purely to become stronger, but simply to like 'quietness'. I have no teacher to teach me this ability. It all comes from my own mind. I never Don't do things that are forced!"

In fact, when Zhang Zhiwei opened a strange game before, when he raised his hand and the group of enemies was wiped out, he also had the idea of ​​practicing hard.

But after a while, he found that once he practiced with this thought, he couldn't calm down, and the efficiency of practice was not even as good as practicing according to his will.

So the self-motivated point he just mentioned was forgotten by him again, and he continued to be a salted fish.

Regarding this, Zhang Zhiwei didn't say much. He looked at Lu Jin and Lu Ci, and thought of Lu Jin's grievances with Wugen in the original plot, and asked on a whim:
"By the way, brother Bilian, what do you think of Lu Jin?"

Wu Gensheng pondered for a moment and said: "I usually seldom comment on people, but Lu Mang, although he doesn't get along with me a bit, but he is a very good person, this is an indisputable fact."

"However, there is a saying, love desires life, evil desires death, in matters of emotion, he is too strong, this will be his fatal wound!"

Zhang Zhiwei shook his head and said with a smile: "Speaking so much, you just want to say that Lao Lu is too reckless and can't control his emotions well. Once he gets on top, he doesn't care about anything?"

"Almost!" Wu Gensheng said with a smile: "After all, there are too few people in this world like Senior Brother Zhang and me who can control their minds well and not be affected by external delusions."

"You will put gold on your face!"

After Zhang Zhiwei finished speaking, he paused, and continued: "By the way, Brother Bilian, do you feel a dark wind surrounding you? It seems to be blowing into your ears all the time!"

Wu Gensheng said: "This murderous aura is bursting, and there are winds in all directions, but if you want to talk about the dark wind, I really feel a little bit."

"Since I entered this qi bureau, I have vaguely felt a small, very small wind blowing in the back of my head all the time."

"By the way, speaking of it, when Senior Brother Zhang used your means before, I could also feel this kind of yin wind. At first, I wondered where this yin wind came from!"

"But when you opened the strange game for the second time, when you turned the four discs, I felt it again, and found that the dark wind actually came from your body, and it was not just one, but many. , going in all directions.”

"Senior Brother Zhang, if my guess is correct, then Yin Feng is the reason why you can move the four dials!"

Zhang Zhiwei tilted his head to look at Wu Gensheng, and said with a smile:
"You can still see this? No wonder you said that you can learn the tricks from reading Journey to the West, and thus acquire qi. It seems that you have a very high attainment in observing objects. You can see many things that ordinary people can't see. s things!"

Zhang Zhiwei remembered that when Feng Baobao entered the 24-section Tongtian Valley, he could also feel a small wind that ordinary people could not feel.

If she followed Xiaofeng, she would be able to avoid the impact of the Qi Bureau in the 24th section of Tongtian Valley.

At the same time, she also said that when Wang Ye used Fenghou Qimen, as soon as he stomped his feet, he would fart and blow the wind.

Wang Ye is not a fart, and of course he doesn't fart frequently.

That was actually the movement caused by him using Fenghou Qimen to mobilize the solar terms in his own pattern to stir up the solar terms in the Qimen pattern.

The wind blown by the released fart is actually the changing solar terms.

Only because in the human body structure, the organ representing the 24 solar terms is the spine, and the solar terms are released from the tail vertebrae, so Feng Baobao felt that Wang was also farting.

Zhang Zhiwei didn't expect Wu Gensheng to see this.

However, the cloudy wind he was talking about was not solar terms.

It was a real dark wind, a wind blowing towards his soul.

It's just that his mind and soul have merged with his physical body, so the wind also blows to his physical body, which makes him feel unreal, but after blowing for a while, he begins to notice the clues.

The body warns, maliciousness emerges, who is trying to plot against me?

Zhang Zhiwei looked around, suddenly lowered his head, and stared at the ground, only to see that he was on the ground under the bright moonlight, but there was no shadow.

After a while, he grinned, his mouth full of white teeth, shining coldly in the moonlight.

"So that's how it is, it's really interesting!"

After all, a fiery golden light was lit from the depths of his eyes.



In the spiritual world, although Shanqi could see the shadow projected by Zhang Zhiwei, no matter how he cast spells, he couldn't pull him in.

After trying for a while, Shanqi's eyes flickered, and finally he gave up calling the soul, and was ready to do it directly, punching Zhang Zhiwei's soul from the spiritual world with his physical body into the real world.

Tongyou can not only summon the soul, but also directly attack the soul.

But just when he was about to make a move, two golden lights suddenly appeared on the face of the shadow in front of him, and then became bigger, turning into a pair of eyes, which slowly opened.

This is a very strange feeling, a shadow, unexpectedly opened a pair of star-like eyes.

The pupils of those eyes were burning with brilliant gold.

The moment the golden eyes saw Shanqi, they were first stunned, then stunned, then joyful, and finally teased.

Then, the slender shadow tilted its neck, and the pair of golden eyes looked at Shanqi with a half-smile.

At the same time, the blurred face in the shadow became more and more clear.

I saw a golden light flowing on that face, and he grinned, showing a terrifying expression.

Shanqi, who was about to make a move, was taken aback by the scene, and could even stuff a pineapple into his mouth.

"What's the situation? Is this a demon god coming across the world?"

Without the slightest hesitation, Shanqi acted completely out of instinct!
Run away!

How terrible it is to actually want to forcibly break the barrier between the real world and the spiritual world, descending into the spiritual world with a physical body...

This is still a hammer, you know, he can do this step, all thanks to the blessing of Tongyou.

Without Tongyou, let alone traveling through the spiritual world with his physical body, he would not even be able to get out of his personal spiritual world. If he walked out by force, he would only lose the inner scene.

"The fortune-telling is true. I was wrong. This kid is not bad at all. He has become a confidant. This is terrible. He ordered Rick to beat me. I can't confront him head-on. I must hurry up. leave!"

Shanqi is naturally not a fool. He can dig his own graves, offer sacrifices to his ancestors, offer his wife and daughters, and plan for many years with humiliation, and his deep thoughts can be seen.

The moment Zhang Zhiwei's eyes appeared in the spiritual world, he understood everything, and there was no thought of killing the other party in his mind, not even the thought of trying.

He just wanted to run away and leave this place.

But it was obvious that Zhang Zhiwei didn't want to just let him go.

His eyes were shrouded in terrifying flames.

Those flames are so dazzling in the spiritual world that is only black and white.

The mental space is distorting, Zhang Zhiwei's figure replaces the shadow, and it gradually becomes clear that he is about to descend.

But the clearer his figure became, the greater the resistance he encountered.

The spiritual world began to set things right, trying to drive him out.

The power of the world is hard to resist, and Zhang Zhiwei's figure slowly begins to fade in the spiritual world.

But at the moment when he was about to completely leave the spiritual world, a ferocious white ape with green head and white body, surrounded by lightning, rushed out of Zhang Zhiwei's body.

Want to run after installation, no way?
Heart Ape screamed, he sorted out the five elements every day, and was busy running around. Today, he finally bumped into an unsightly thing again, and he must kill it to his heart's content.

(End of this chapter)

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