Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 249 Insight into the source of miraculous skills, the show of demons

Chapter 249 Insight into the source of miraculous skills, the show of demons

In the inner scene, the white-headed and blue-bodied monkey roared up to the sky, wrapped in wind and thunder, and chased Shanqi towards him.

Shanqi was surrounded by a layer of dim light, stumbling and running wildly, with a face of panic and despair, like a dead soul escaping from hell.

Zhang Zhiwei's golden eyes gleamed, watching the figures of Shanqi and the "National Teacher" one after the other.

His figure is fading, and he is about to be excluded from the interior scene. After all, this is the spiritual world, so how can people casually step into it.

In this regard, Zhang Zhiwei did not resist.

The reason why he can squeeze in physically is not because he can ignore the rules.

But Shanqi used Tongyou to open a gap. He found this gap and widened it, so he squeezed in.

Now that Shanqi has run away, the gap is gone, so he has to go back naturally.

If you don't know what is good or bad, and continue to stay here, you will be strongly backlashed by the inner scene.

Zhang Zhiwei didn't want to try what is the backlash of the interior scene.

Although he regards the heroes of the world as dung, he is not really arrogant enough to be an enemy of the world. This world, not referring to anything else, is the literal meaning - the inner scene.

The interior scene is a very scary place. Even the warlocks with advanced skills keep secret about it and dare not take the slightest step over it, because there are many bloody examples, and those who are presumptuous in it are crazy.

However, it was not Zhang Zhiwei's style to just leave like this. He stared at the direction where Shanqi left, and there was a vague trace there.

"This is what was left by that tartar just now. There is a layer of dim light all over his body. This layer of dim light seems to interfere with everything in the interior scene, making some blurred traces appear in the originally black and white world. What kind of ability is this?"

"Among the abilities I know, there doesn't seem to be a similar existence. Walking in the inner scene with a physical body, you can also attack the people in the outer scene in the inner scene..."

"The dark wind just now should be him casting spells on me, but my life is fused, my soul is stable, and he can't shake it. This ability...wait..."

Zhang Zhiwei suddenly thought of the Daluo Cave View in the Eight Miraculous Skills. Although this ability sounds like a method of observing external objects, the effects they produce seem to be somewhat similar.

He remembered that during the Jiashen Rebellion in the plot, Master Hu Tu, the master of the Shuzi sect, led people to besiege Gu Shiting, the owner of the Daluo Cave Temple.

Just when they pushed Gu Shiting to a dead end, Gu Shiting suddenly disappeared from the world. At the same time, they used an unknown method to drive Master Hutu completely crazy. The means used by the kiosks are different, but perhaps the principles used are similar. "

"As the name suggests, Daluo Cave Viewing is to observe the law. It is to see the whole picture of the world. If you want to observe a thing better, you must jump out of the thing itself and look at it from another perspective. The so-called different Knowing the true face of Lushan Mountain is only because of living in this mountain, this is the reason."

"Gu Shiting probably used the Daluo cave to observe some rules, so he physically entered the inner scene, and attacked Hu Tu from the inner scene, making him go crazy, just like the tartar attacked me just now!"

"But what can only be achieved by the Eight Miraculous Skills Daluo Dongguan, how did this person do it? What kind of ability is this?"

There were golden flames burning in Zhang Zhiwei's eyes. He used his blind eyes and looked at the trace left by the other party in the interior scene, wanting to see clearly what was going on with that trace and what it represented.

In the inner scene, the supernatural power he obtained after the completion of the godhead mask - the blinding eyes, inexplicably became a little better, and he actually saw through that trace.

Staring at the trace, Zhang Zhiwei's perspective continued to zoom out. From the black and white background, he saw countless intertwined black and white lines.

The entire interior world is outlined by these black and white lines, even he who is in the interior world is also outlined by these black and white lines.

These lines are constantly twisting and swinging, and everything that can be imagined can be outlined by these lines.

If you think about the sky, they will become the sky; if you think about the earth, they will become the earth; if you think about beauties, they will become beauties; if you think about being invincible, they will become the same as you were when you were invincible...

However, no matter what these black and white lines become, they are still black and white without color, so one can distinguish true from false at a glance, so that people will not be addicted.

Looking at these lines, Zhang Zhiwei can occasionally see a touch of color, but when he concentrates his thoughts, those colors will turn into black and white again.

"Color represents delusion, which is the product of the influence of thinking. If the scenery you see is not black and white, but in color, it means that you may get lost in the inner scene and cannot get out."

"The black and white lines are more like the underlying rules of the interior world, just like the code of the program, but it is tens of thousands of times more complicated. I seem to understand the rules of entering the interior scene of this world pattern."

"As for warlocks using internal scenes for divination, it is the most basic application of this rule. If so, come on, come on, internal scenes, internal scenes, tell me, what is the origin of the 'wild boar skin' that attacked me just now?"

In fact, Zhang Zhiwei has already guessed in his heart, but he still wants to use it after gaining insight into some interior rules.

After Zhang Zhiwei made the request, he found that some of his own lines extended out and connected to the lines of the interior world.

Then, the inner scene began to respond, those black and white lines began to intertwine, and in Zhang Zhiwei's mind, Shanqi's message was given.

Aixinjueluo Shanqi, born in the fifth year of Tongzhi, 56 years old, a man with a white banner, one of the twelve iron hat kings in the former dynasty, served as the first-class guard of the Qianqing Gate, and a minister of Li Fan. After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, he refused to abdicate in the edict of the Qing Emperor Signed, and then fled to Shizikou occupied by Japan...

"The information is very complete. However, if you do the divination in the interior scene, no matter whether you leak the news or not, as long as you do the divination, there will be consumption. It's just the degree of consumption!"

Zhang Zhiwei thought to himself, the reason why he came to this conclusion was that he found that when doing divination, the interior scene will separate several lines to connect with his own lines.

When the interior scene conveys the answer along the lines, it also messes up its own lines.

Perhaps Shanqi's identity is not a big secret, and the lines that make up Zhang Zhiwei are thick and dense, so the fortune-telling has basically no impact on him this time.

But this kind of connection will always exist, as long as he speaks out the results of the divination to have an impact, the inner scene will continue to mess up his own lines through these connected lines.

This process should be the scourge of God, and these black and white lines connected to the inner scene world should be the causal line.

The smaller the cause and effect, the less loss you will suffer, and the greater the cause and effect, the greater the loss you will suffer.

If you calculate too much and memorize too much cause and effect, then your own lines will be broken up by the lines of the interior scene.

At that time, people have to die. As for how to die, only God knows.

"Can you cut off the cause and effect?"

Before being completely squeezed out by the interior scene, Zhang Zhiwei stretched out his hand, trying to destroy the causal line that appeared due to divination.

But it failed. The thread was very tough, and he couldn't stop cutting.

"It's reasonable, how can the causal line be broken so easily. If so, if you want to cut off the cause and effect, you can only solve the problem from the source."

"By the way, the ability that Shanqi used just now is a bit weird, let's try to calculate its origin!"

Zhang Zhiwei did what he said.

Soon, the interior scene gives defiance.

It is different from the few lines in the previous divination of Shanqi's identity.

This time, a huge amount of thread like a ball of wool frantically moved.

The lines were quickly plump and sharp, and even began to take on color, and became more and more blazing, turning into a huge fireball, hanging horizontally in the interior, like a sun, exuding bursts of destructive qi.

At the same time, a large number of lines intertwined into flames and slowly entangled. If he didn't cut off the connection quickly, this line would pull him into the fireball.

Looking at this terrifying fireball, Zhang Zhiwei already knew it in his heart.

The ability that Shanqi used just now probably involves the source of the Eight Miraculous Skills, or the secret of Tianshidu.

"This cause and effect is too great. It is unrealistic to know the answer from the inside scene!"

Zhang Zhiwei remembered that Zhang Chulan had asked Feng Baobao about Feng Baobao's life experience when Zhuge Qing helped Wang Ye find the murderer, and as a result, such a big fireball appeared, entangled all three of them.

If Feng Baobao hadn't pulled the three of them back from the outside world, they would all have finished playing.

As the fireball got closer, Zhang Zhiwei stopped hesitating and directly cut off the divination.

In an instant, the fireball formed by the interweaving of a large number of causal lines suddenly collapsed and disappeared without a trace.

And Zhang Zhiwei also completely came out of the interior scene.

The moment he opened his eyes, he felt that someone was pulling him, and Zhang Zhiwei grabbed the opponent's hand suddenly.

Unrooted and pinched, he jumped around in place, baring his teeth and screaming:

"Aww... let go, let go, Zhang Zhiwei, what are you doing, your hand is going to be broken by you, don't you know how strong you are, with your cultivation in life, let alone a human hand , even a piece of pig iron, in your hands, I'm afraid it's as brittle as paper!"

"Sorry, I didn't pay attention just now!" Zhang Zhiwei let go of his hand, but he was still thinking about what happened just now.

The ability of that guy named Shanqi is actually involved in such a big matter, is it a miraculous skill?
Although the 36 thieves have not gathered yet, and the Eight Wonders have not been born, Zhang Zhiwei does not think that there are no other similar miracles before the Eight Wonders.

After all, Tianshidu has existed for nearly 2000 years. For such a long time, many saints and ancestors have been born, not to mention the technique of making chaos like the Eight Wonders.

Speaking of the art of bringing chaos, although in the plot, the Jiashen Rebellion caused an uproar, but after all, it was only limited to the circle of strangers, and the impact was not great.

But to talk about the real chaos...the Hongyang Rebellion more than 60 years ago, that is, the Taiping Rebellion, was the big chaos. Nearly [-] million people died, more than World War II.

In one person's world view, this is abnormal. Neither the imperial court at that time nor the powerful people of various sects could sit back and watch such a big mess happen, but it just happened.

why?With a thought, Zhang Zhiwei entered the interior scene again, but this time he did not enter the interior scene of this world, but his own interior scene.

Here, he asked about the reason for Hong Yang's chaos, and in an instant, a fiery breath spread, and a fireball of the same size as before suddenly appeared.

"It's really not simple..." Zhang Zhiwei sighed, waved his hand, and exited the interior scene.

Before the loss, he thought that when the time came, he would make a move to settle the 36 thieves directly and settle the Jiashen Rebellion, but now it seems that he was thinking a little naively. origins thousands of years ago.

Could it be that this kind of chaos was caused by a guy like 36 thieves after he was fully developed?Zhang Zhiwei couldn't help thinking.

"Senior brother Zhang, what are you thinking?" Wu Gensheng rubbed his arms, looked at the pensive Zhang Zhiwei, and said, "Just now you disappeared for an instant, and there was only a shadow left in place, but as soon as I stretched out my hand, you came back , although I don’t know what happened to you, but what Li Bai said is good, heaven and earth are the reverse journey of all things, and time is the passerby of a hundred generations.”

"This world is too vast. Even if it is only a ten-thousandth of a secret, it is definitely a burden that no one can bear. You and I just need to be upright and do our part. Don't think too much about it." Too many, causing myself to go mad."

"That makes sense!" Zhang Zhiwei glanced at Wu Gensheng: "What do you know?"

Wu Gensheng shook his head: "I don't know anything, but the moment Senior Brother Zhang disappeared just now, I felt a bad breath, there is something, I don't want us to know something!"

"Would you like to explore?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

Wu Gensheng said firmly: "No, since there is something to hide in this world, there is a reason for it. I will never do such a thing!"

"Really?! I hope you and I will encourage each other!" Zhang Zhiwei said, looking at Lu Jin and Lu Ci who were still rushing to kill, said:

"I was attacked and killed by Japanese pirates just now. I used some means to get there. Now I don't have time to waste any more. Let's go, go to shake the position first, and break the game here!"


Shanqi had already returned to his previous position and joined Tsukimon Moonlight and others.

After Shanqi left earlier, Tu Yumen Yueguang and others were trapped in the inner scene of the heaven and earth pattern, unable to advance or retreat.

"what happened?"

Seeing Shanqi's flustered expression, Tu Yumen Yueguang asked in a puzzled manner.

Shanqi didn't even pay attention to him, and was thinking in surprise that a huge monkey seemed to be chasing him just now.

What exactly is it, and why can it freely travel in the spiritual world?
Could it be the primordial spirit of that thief Taoist priest?But why is it a monkey?

This is too creepy, I have to get out of the interior quickly!

In fact, Shanqi can enter and leave the inner scene at any time if he uses the technique of communicating with the secluded normally.

But this time, he pulled Tuyumen Yueguang and his party into the inner scene in the Guiyuan formation.

After turning on the Guiyuan Array, they are considered as one by default, so they can enter the inner scene at the same time.

If they enter together, they naturally have to go out together. At the beginning, Zhuge Qing, Wang Ye, and Zhang Chulan used the Guiyuan Formation together because something went wrong with Zhang Chulan and they couldn't go back.

This is also the case for Shanqi now. They must disarm the formation before they can return to the real world.

Shanqi was about to untie the formation.

Suddenly, in the originally black and white world, a huge and ferocious ape stared at a pair of golden eyes, with lightning intertwined all over his body, coming menacingly.

Heart Ape is a monster born in Zhang Zhiwei's spirit, and a concrete product of his obsession.

The interior scene can be said to be Xinyuan's home field. Although it has never set foot in the interior scene of the heaven and earth pattern, once it sets foot here, it can learn without a teacher, like a fish in water.

Heart Ape was surrounded by wind and thunder, because the speed was too fast, his whole body was bathed in the bursting air.

As soon as it rushed past, it interrupted Shanqi's casting spell to untie the Guiyuan formation, and knocked Shanqi away from the eye of the formation.

The severe pain hit, Shanqi flew a long way, and fell out of the Guiyuan formation.

It wasn't just Shanqi who was knocked into the air, but Tuyumon Moonlight, who was very close to Shanqi, was also affected.

Under the great force, he seemed to feel a blunt knife cut in from his waist, crushed his bones, squeezed his internal organs, and cut him in half.

His body exploded into countless black and white lines, and then quickly closed up again.

In the real world, the soul is broken and can be reassembled, let alone the spiritual world.

However, even if it could be reorganized, Tsuchimikado Moonlight still suffered huge damage, even permanent damage.

On the other hand, Shanqi was better. Unlike Tuyumen Yueguang and others, he came in with a physical body, and his soul and body were one, so he was not smashed, but it was not easy.

His bloodshot eyes stared at Xin Yuan, feeling extremely restless.

My fate is so high, logically speaking, no matter what happens to me, I should turn bad luck into good luck, and make good luck when I die.

But now, this is not the case at all. It seems that what the hexagram said is true, he is my mortal enemy, and running away was the right choice.

Moreover, the damned Taoist priest's fate must be scary, otherwise it wouldn't be enough to hurt me.

However, this is the land of dragon veins, God bless me, I love the Xinjueluo family, I should be fine, this monkey can't do anything to me...

Shanqi pondered in his heart, and began to cast spells.

Opposite him, Xin Yuan tilted his head and glanced at him, sizing him up with golden pupils gushing with lightning.

"National teacher" is Zhao Gao who is a demon in his heart, he is very deep in his mind, and he understands what Shanqi is thinking in an instant.

"Little bastard, you turned around and ran away when you saw the big-faced thief, but when you saw me, you still dare to stay and confront me?"

"Although I am not as good as him for the time being, it is only for the time being. Why, seeing your expression, you still want to deal with me?!"

After being suppressed for a long time, Xin Yuan hated this kind of gaze the most, and laughed angrily:
"You bastard, what are you, you dare to despise me?"

After all, it looked at Tsuchimikado Moonlight who had gathered again, licked the corners of its mouth, and remembered the female ghost who practiced the mask of the godhead that he ate last time.

The situation is somewhat similar, since beating to death is troublesome, why not just... eat!

Although eating a female ghost last time left a little hidden danger, since the big face thief has agreed to help it pull out the hidden danger, then maximize the benefits and settle the settlement together at that time.

So, have a good time now!
Thinking of this, Xinyuan grinned, with a wicked look on his face, stretched out his huge claws, and just grabbed it casually.

An elite Eight Banners disciple who was brought in by Shanqi was captured by it, and he threw it directly into his mouth, his cheeks agitated.


There was a sound of chewing the bones, even though Xinyuan was expressionless and did not show his teeth to make a ferocious expression, he just chewed slowly.

But the sense of desperation and suffocation like a scourge lingered in the audience, gushing out wantonly.

(End of this chapter)

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