Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 294: Meeting with Master Tiantong

Chapter 294: Meeting with Master Tiantong


The wind and snow howled, and amid the huge roar, the long gray billowing dragon rolled down from the towering mountain, devastatingly swallowing up the large trees and rocks at the foot of the mountain.

"Great Immortal...Senior Brother Zhang...help...help me..."

The mountain-like pressure made Wang Ai's hair stand on end.

He moved desperately on the snow, and at the same time communicated with the immortal in the hall, asking the immortal to come and rescue him.

But the "National Master" rejected his request. As weak as he was now, if he invited it into the acupoint, it would not cause an avalanche, and he might just explode and die.

The "National Master"'s reply made Wang Ai despair. He raised his head with difficulty, trying to find Zhang Zhiwei's figure. Last time he fell deep into the seabed and was in despair, it was Zhang Zhiwei who rescued him.

But I didn't see it this time. Zhang Zhiwei had fought with the God of Inari before, and the fight was far away, and he was no longer in his sight.

"This, this, this... my life is at stake!"

Just when he was desperate, Lu Jin suddenly appeared in front of him, picked him up, put him on his left shoulder and ran away.

On his right shoulder, there was Lu Ci with blood stains on his body and a pale face. His condition was not much better than Wang Ai.

Thanks to the recovery ability of "Three Levels of Reverse Life", Lu Jin was in a better condition. Although he was also seriously injured, he could still move. So the first moment he noticed the avalanche, he took action and took the two children with him. The partners run for their lives.

Although seriously injured, Lu Jin still walked as fast as flying with two people on his shoulders, and ran as fast as a horse.

This is also the ability of the "Three Levels of Reverse Life". As a skill of dual cultivation of life and life, even if the Qi in the body is exhausted, there will still be a certain strength, just like now.

"Lao Lu, you came just in time!" Wang Ai cried with joy, wiped away his tears and snot, and said.

Lu Jin didn't say a word, just kept running.

"Don't be too happy. The avalanche this time is huge. You may need to run several miles or even more than ten miles to escape. Lao Lu, you and the two of us may die here!"

Lu Ci said calmly, he did not directly ask Lu Jin to leave them, but gave the choice to Lu Jin.

Wang Ai looked at Lu Ci in surprise. What do you mean? Do you want Lao Lu to leave them and escape alone?
But he quickly reacted and understood what Lu Ci meant.

Sure enough, Lu Jin said firmly: "Don't worry, I will never abandon you!"

Lu Ci's eyes flickered and he said no more.

Wang Ai breathed a sigh of relief. If possible, who would want to wait to die?

But the situation is not optimistic. Rolling snow waves are gathering towards them, and the distance is getting closer and closer.

Lu Jin panted violently while running, and he felt the heavy tiredness in his heart.

In this crisis of life and death, he was not as determined as he appeared.

He was very tired and hesitant. He thought about leaving Wang Ai and Lu Ci and running away alone, but this was just a fleeting thought.

As a disciple of the Trinity Sect of Xuanmen, and as a member of the Lu family, he has his own perseverance. It is impossible for Lu Jin to abandon his friends, absolutely!

Lu Jin shouted in his heart and worked harder on his feet.

"Lao Lu, don't run to the side. It's too late. Just slide down and follow the direction of the avalanche. Senior Brother Zhang is in that direction. We'll be safe when we get to him!"

Wang Ai said suddenly.

This was the idea given to him by the "National Master" in the hall just now.

Lu Jin quickly followed the instructions and ran all the way down.

However, how could their speed compare to the thunderous avalanche? Just when they were about to be overtaken.


A gust of dim evil wind enveloped them.

There is a "man" in the wind wearing colorful clothes and a high crown, but with a big tail and a weasel face.

"This is……"

Lu Jin and Lu Ci were horrified, subconsciously thinking that this human-like Huangxian was here to take advantage of the situation and take their lives.

After all, they had killed a lot of Huang Xian before, and Huang Xian was the most vengeful.

Lu Ci, who was almost exhausted, gritted his teeth and squeezed out the last of his strength, took out a dagger, and was about to stab Huang Xian.

But at this moment, Wang Ai shouted with surprise:

"Master Huang, Grandpa Huang, help, help!"

Wang Ai knew Huang Ye. Before, Guan Shihua wanted to lure Wang Ai into the hall, and the first person she met was Huang Ye. After knowing Wang Ai's background, Huang Ye took good care of him.

Lu Ci silently took back the dagger he was about to stab out.

Mr. Huang glanced at it and said without saying anything:
"Hold on tight!"

Then, the yellow wind calmed down, carrying the three of them and suddenly accelerated, and they suddenly distanced themselves from the avalanche behind them.

not far away.

A talisman flashed in Zhang Zhiwei's hand, and he cast the audio-visual talisman of heaven and earth. He raised his awareness and looked down at the heaven and earth. He could see the scene behind him.

Seeing that Lu Ci, Lu Jin, and Wang Ai were rescued by Mr. Huang, Zhang Zhiwei breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't need to bother to save them.

He turned around and looked behind him. The rushing snow waves were already in front of him. The snow wall several people high was moving rapidly with a large number of rocks and earth and wood.

Zhang Zhiwei raised his eyes and glanced at the immortals watching from a distance.

"If you want to hold the situation, you can't show weakness to the enemy. You can avoid this avalanche, but it's not necessary!"

He stretched out his hand to straighten his hair, took a deep breath, and once again summoned some power from the "power bank".

Immediately, surging golden light rose from his body, forming a cone in the direction of the avalanche.

"Boom" with a loud noise.

The moment the snow wall collided with the golden light, it stirred up a white wave several feet high, but it could no longer advance half an inch.

Millions and tens of millions of tons of snow were blocked and flew into the sky, and then fell again, swallowing Zhang Zhiwei.In the face of such natural disasters, human beings are as small as ants. Zhang Zhiwei's move felt like a mayfly shaking a big tree, but no one (immortal family) laughed at him.

As immortals in Changbai Mountain, they have seen a lot of avalanches. Unlike Lu Jinlu Ci who fled for his life, they have ten thousand ways to deal with avalanches.

But among these methods, there is only one option that does not include a head-on collision with Qi.

This is undoubtedly unwise. After an avalanche forms, it will carry everything around it with it. It is not just the snow that will hit you.

But Zhang Zhiwei chose to resist forcefully. His power seemed to have no end. It exploded out in an instant like a volcanic eruption. The unrivaled power caused the snow curtain to completely explode and scatter in all directions.

In the distance, Mr. Huang and Lu Jin, Lu Ci, parked kindly on the hillside. They looked at Zhang Zhiwei blankly.

The earth was being irrigated and cleansed, whitecaps were roaring, and a golden light rose against the trend inside, remaining motionless until the avalanche stopped.

Zhang Zhiwei stood in the center of a five-person-high snow wall. In a circle about three meters in diameter around him, there was no snow at all. The surrounding area was in a mess, but the small piece of land he stood on was perfectly intact.

Zhang Zhiwei dusted off the snow dust from his clothes and walked on the snow without leaving any footprints on the snow, showing his strong control over himself.

Looking up to the sky, I saw a faint rainbow crossing the sky.

"Everyone, now that the problem is solved, do you want to sit down and talk?"

Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand, the word Kun·Tuheche, the snow surface shook, and a stone table and several stone benches rose from the ground.

When one's cultivation reaches a certain stage, the casting of spells does not require the coordination of the Qimen Bureau's position. Of course, the power will be much greater when used in the Qimen Bureau.

Looking at Zhang Zhiwei's stone table, the immortals hesitated. This person just killed so many immortals, and now he wants to sit down and talk with him?

The others couldn't save their face and were hesitating. Huang Ye, Lu Jin, Lu Ci, and Wang Ai were the first to arrive, and they raised their hands and said:

"Changbai Mountain, Huang Tianliu, pays homage to the leader of Tiantong, and wishes the leader prosperity, good luck, and continuous merits!"

It refers to Tiantong Cult Leader, not Little Heavenly Master, which means that it recognizes Zhang Zhiwei’s hall. Even if the person who established the hall is not the Immortal Family, even if the hall does not comply with the rules of four beams and eight pillars, it still recognizes its legitimacy. .

Rules are meant to be broken... Zhang Zhiwei glanced at the three people who were seriously injured and looked weak. He took out three Qi Healing Talismans and gave them to them, asking them to treat them first and stabilize their injuries.

Then he looked at Mr. Huang, cupped his hands and said, "You're welcome, Mr. Huang. I'm very grateful for Mr. Huang's great help this time!"

"It should be done!" Mr. Huang shook his head and sighed: "Speaking of which, I did it improperly this time. I said we should sit down and talk, but we never thought that we would do something like this. I'm really ashamed. ah!"

"What are you talking about, Mr. Huang?" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile: "No more trouble, it's not too late for us to sit down and talk now!"

"That's right!" Mr. Huang glanced at the back and Shi Shiran took his seat.

Immediately, a human-like Huang Xian came up with Liao Huzi and Guan Shihua, clasped his hands very solemnly and said:
"Changbai Mountain, Huang Tianjiu, pays homage to the leader of Tiantong, and wishes the leader a prosperous church, great ambitions, and a bright future..."

Huang Ye is just a branch leader of the hall, with a low status, but Huang Tianjiu is a serious headmaster of the hall. He calls Zhang Zhiwei the leader of Tiantong, which basically represents the thoughts of other immortal families.

Zhang Zhiwei knew that Huang Tianjiu, the Xianjia and his brother Ma who he killed yesterday were his cousins, but because of Huang Ye's relationship, the conflict was resolved, and he was still speaking for him today.

He stretched out his hand to avoid hitting the smiling man. Now that Huang Tianjiu, the headmaster, didn't mention this matter, then the matter has naturally been exposed. Moreover, he also brought Guan Shihua and Liao Huzi, who could barely be regarded as one of his own. Zhang Zhiwei hugged his hands and returned the greeting. Finger stone chair:
"Accepting Huang Jiuye's good words, please!"

Seeing that Zhang Zhiwei had no grudges about yesterday's incident, Huang Tianjiu smiled humanely, flicked his robe, and sat on the stone chair.

Starting with these two immortal families, one after another other immortal families came to pay homage to the leader of Tiantong and say some blessings.

Of course, there are also some powerful immortals who are ashamed to be associated with them and turn around and leave.

Zhang Zhiwei didn't stop him. After killing Hu Gupo, the biggest purpose of his trip was over. He didn't have any ill intentions towards other immortal families. It didn't matter whether he went or stayed.

"Changbai Mountain, Hu Laosan, pay homage to the leader of Tiantong and wish the leader..."

"Changbai Mountain, Liu Erniang, pay homage to the leader of Tiantong and wish the leader..."

Zhang Zhiwei is not a person who likes to put on airs. He responded one by one and asked them to sit down. Some of the immortals were too big to sit down. Zhang Zhiwei also used Tuhe handlebars to modify the tables and chairs to suit their sizes.

After all the immortals were introduced and seated, Huang Tianjiu was the first to speak: "I'm ashamed to say that I was a little blind before, and I bumped into the leader for no reason. I hope the leader won't care about it!"

"Master Jiu is serious. This matter is a misunderstanding. Just talk it over and turn it into a big deal." Zhang Zhiwei said: "This is all because I am new here and don't understand the local rules. If there is any conflict, Please forgive me!"

"The leader is so polite. After all, we have to thank you, the leader!" Mr. Huang suddenly said.

"Thank me?" Zhang Zhiwei asked puzzledly: "What does Mr. Huang mean by this?"

The other immortals also looked at Mr. Huang with puzzled faces, saying to themselves, let's see what kind of flowers you, a flatterer, can come up with.

Huang Ye stroked his beard and said: "Because the leader has cleared away the trouble for us, our shamanism is of the same lineage and is rooted in the northeastern land. We practice the incense Shinto and receive incense offerings from believers. "

"Nowadays, the Japanese pirates are looking at us with eager eyes. They are waging endless wars and the people are in dire straits. They should be the enemies we want to get rid of quickly. My cousin also did the same."

"But some immortals don't think so. They ignore the safety of their believers and enjoy the incense offered here. At the same time, they covet the incense offered by the Japanese pirates. Under the temptation of the Shinto priest, they went to Shinto!"

"What kind of place is Shinto? A sect like Liangshan Shamanism and Meishan Sect, which relies mainly on enslaving elves. As an elf, you go to them. This is simply the opposite of the teachings of our shamanism!"

"What is the difference between their actions and apostasy? This is disloyalty, disregarding the safety of believers, this is unkind, enjoying the incense of this land, but taking refuge in the Japanese pirates, this is unjust!"

"For such disloyal, unkind and unjust people, I also wish I could get rid of them quickly. I just hate that I don't have enough strength. Now that the leader has destroyed them, it is really a great blessing. How can I forgive you?! Everyone, don't you think so? ?!”

Huang Jiuye was the first to clapped his hands and said: "What Lao Liu said is right. Chang Zaitian and Hu Gupo are these guys who eat the inside and outside. I have long been very unhappy with them. It's just that I have no chance. Now, except for the brothers Tiantong leader, It’s really a joy to drop them!”

In order to build a closer relationship, he directly called Zhang Zhiwei his brother, Tiantong Cult Leader, as if he was a peer. This made Guan Shihua next to him frown. Huang Jiuye and Senior Brother Zhang were peers, so how should he call his master?

A big gray fairy mouse echoed: "Yes, yes, what Huang Tianliu said makes sense. Chang Zaitian does a lot of evil. I can't wait to eat his flesh and sleep on his skin. This move by Master Tiantong is definitely a good thing. Big Good thing!"

"I feel the same way!" Some immortals who didn't know what to say agreed.

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

These words sound good, but they are a bit disgusting. They are really uncomfortable. I still like your unruly look before.

Zhang Zhiwei said nothing, folded his hands and leaned back tactically.

At this time, Huang Jiuye said again: "By the way, brothers Tiantong Cult Leader, although the cheaters like Chang Zaitian, Hu Gupo, and Xiong Ba are dead, the matter is not over yet!"

"There were many remnants of their gang who escaped before, and not only that, they also have many disciples in human society!"

Huang Jiuye said seriously: "Although these immortals and their brothers have done many evil things with Chang Zaitian, they are only following orders, and their crimes will not lead to death. However, if they are let go like this, it will be too easy for them. "

"I am willing to bring them into the fold, supervise them well, and give them a chance to change their ways. Brother Tiantong Cult Leader, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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