Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 295 My chapter, who agrees and who opposes

Chapter 295 Who agrees with my words and who opposes them?

Huang Jiuye looked at Zhang Zhiwei with eager eyes, and proposed to take over Chang Zaitian, Hu Gupo, Xiong Ba and other immortal family remnants, and supervise and reform them.

Zhang Zhiwei looked at Huang Jiuye with a half-smile but not a smile. They all said that the weasel was clever, and it was true. He made a grand statement about being imprisoned and reformed, but in fact he was thinking of expanding his power.

What is most important in a church?Bingma and Dima, if Tangkou is compared to a company, Bingma is the product and Dima is the salesperson, both of them are indispensable.

Although Zhang Zhiwei just killed many heads of the halls and many immortal families in their halls, it does not mean that these halls were all killed.

Many of them slipped through the net and ran away when they saw the situation was not good, and some did not come at all. A complete hall should have ten branches, including the sweeping hall, the pressing hall, the preaching hall, the prison hall, and the guarding hall. , make a hall, receive a hall, circle a hall, Feng Shui hall, medical hall!

Among them, the immortals in Jietang, Fengshui Hall, and Medical Hall basically did not participate in the fight. They didn't even come here, so they were naturally unscathed. If these were gathered together again, it would be a big force.

Moreover, for a "company" to develop and grow, sales personnel are indispensable, and those younger brothers in the hands of the beheaded immortals are also good things to fight for.

After all, there are always only a few people who have the talent for cultivation, and even fewer who are willing to cultivate. It will take at least dozens or hundreds of years to cultivate an old incense root that can be passed down from generation to generation.

Now that Chang Zai Tian Hu Gu Po and the others are dead, all of them have been vacated again. It is difficult for the immortal family here not to be moved. Seeing that Huang Jiuye wants to take it all for himself, he can't sit still anymore and secretly communicate with each other.

"No, this guy Huang Tianjiu actually wants to eat alone!"

"Huang Tianjiu is a little too greedy. Is this something he can eat by himself? Mr. Hu Wu, you are Hu Xian, with quite a lot of status and face. Go and talk to the Little Heavenly Master, this matter cannot be done. Do as Huang Tianjiu said!"

"What are you talking about? The little old man is just a bit thin-faced in the Hu family, but he has no face with the Little Heavenly Master. Before, Huang Tianjiu secretly helped those boys led by the Little Heavenly Master. Didn't you see that? If I open my mouth, won't I get into trouble? I don't want to be the one who stands out!"

"There has to be someone who takes the lead in speaking up. If you don't stand up for me and I won't stand up for you, are we going to let Huang Tianjiu have it all?!"

"Don't be impatient. What Huang Tianjiu says about this matter is not important. The key depends on what the Little Heavenly Master thinks. Don't forget, he has just established a church called Tiantong Cult Master. He said Maybe he wants to divide the remaining forces into his own palace to expand his troops? Let's wait and see what happens!"



For the legacy left by Chang Zaitian Hu Gupo, the immortals discussed it in secret secretly, without any sense of sadness.

The relationship between the five immortals is intricate. The reason why they can come together is not like what they say, they are connected by the same spirit, or have an iron relationship.

Whose family has a strong relationship between snake, rat and fox?It's purely due to profit. It's valuable to stick together to keep warm.

Because of the relationship between interests, it is naturally not worth mentioning in the face of interests.

After the Five Immortals have become powerful, the Gray Immortal and the White Immortal are one step ahead of the weak, aren't they within the four beams and eight pillars?

Like the immortals here, they are all leaders and company bosses. As the saying goes, peers are enemies. We all run companies and the same business. It would be better if we don’t punish you to death. How could he be thinking about revenge?

This time they came to trouble Zhang Zhiwei, mainly because Zhang Zhiwei broke the rules. They wanted to uphold the rules of the game, and they were also willing to negotiate. They had no intention of shouting and killing as soon as they met. After all, when doing business, how could you act on impulse? Losing money?
As for Chang Zaitian and his group of immortals who had taken refuge with the Japanese pirates, they simply wanted to take the opportunity to cause trouble and kill Zhang Zhiwei, the little Celestial Master who was very likely to inherit the position of Celestial Master in the future, to consolidate their position in the Shinto sect.

Now, the Little Heavenly Master went on a killing spree and killed these two or five young men who were robbing the business. Not only did they not bear any grudge against Zhang Zhiwei, they were even slightly happy.

When a whale falls and all things are born, if these two or five young ones die, their power, their territory, their incense... will be vacated, and they will all have a chance to get a share of the pie.

Zhang Zhiwei noticed that they were communicating secretly, but he didn't care, and it wasn't important. Today's matter is his, and he will do what he wants, no one dares to disobey.

"Master Huang, what do you think?!" He laughed.

All the immortals looked at Mr. Huang.

Huang Jiuye was winking at it desperately.

Mr. Huang was stunned, pondered for a moment, and said: "I heard that you have just established the church. I wonder if you have all the personnel ready? Do you need to expand the number of soldiers and horses or something?"

In fact, it already knew Zhang Zhiwei's situation in court from Guan Shihua, but it still asked again.

The hearts of all the immortals sank. The worst thing happened. They were not afraid of Huang Jiuye. Even if Zhang Zhiwei really gave everything to him as Huang Jiuye said, they could still force Huang Jiuye to spit it out. But if He gave it to himself, so there was really no good way to do it.

Huang Jiuye was also stunned. He stared at Huang Ye with a pair of beady eyes. What do you mean? That's not what he said before.

Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand and said: "I don't want to keep any of you if I don't leave you!"

He can invite heavenly soldiers, and he can feed the five gangsters below. When he is full, he can support the immortal family.

The clenched hearts of the immortals suddenly relaxed.

"That's it!" Huang Ye said: "Since the leader asked me for my opinion, let me tell you. I think it is not good for Huang Jiuye to bear this kind of thing alone. It is better for all the immortal families to share it."

Upon hearing this, the immortals nodded repeatedly and called Mr. Huang a loyal "person"!

However, Huang Jiuye became anxious, his expression changed, his eyes twinkled, and he quickly sent a message to ask Huang Ye what did he mean?
Huang Ye remained calm and secretly sent a message to it, "If you are greedy, you will swallow the elephant. If you cannot take hard food, you will only become the target of public criticism. Don't worry, I will speak for you, and you will definitely get a piece of the pie!"

"Divide it among the immortal families?" Zhang Zhiwei said, "Then according to Mr. Huang, how should we divide it?"

Mr. Huang hurriedly said: "Then everything will be arranged by you, the leader. You are an outsider and the most impartial. I am from the Huang family and have the best relationship with Mr. Huang Jiu. If I open my mouth, wouldn't the immortal family feel that I am favoring the other party?" ?”

Mr. Huang is cunning and cunning, and he is best at seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. He knows that if he distributes the food, no matter how he divides it, it will offend some of the immortal family, so he does not deserve to be this evil person.

However, despite this, it still secretly sent a message to Zhang Zhiwei, saying that although Huang Jiuye did not directly help before, he also secretly protected Lu Jin, Lu Ci, Wang Ai and helped them prevent many murders.

The meaning is obvious, give Huang Jiuye some care.

Zhang Zhiwei nodded, pondered for a moment, looked at Guan Shihua and Liao Huzi, and asked them for their opinions.

The two of them kept their faces solemn and said nothing. When Zhang Zhiwei spoke, Liao Huzi said:

"The little Celestial Master will just make arrangements. I just hope that the Little Celestial Master will not forget the hundreds of ritual practitioners whose heads were cut off by Chang Zaitian!"

Zhang Zhiwei's face darkened, he thought for a moment, and said: "We are all open-minded people, so we won't talk nonsense about supervision and rehabilitation. If you want their remaining power, no problem, I will give it to you, but the right way is to inherit. The cause is the result. If you take over the halls of Chang Zaitian, Hu Gupo and other immortal families, you must also take over their cause and effect!"

"This is natural!" Huang Jiuye said quickly, "I wonder what Brother Tiantong's brother calls cause and effect?" Zhang Zhiwei said: "The Immortal Family headed by Chang Zaitian killed those of us who arranged to go to the Dragon Vein Land yesterday to do the practice. There are hundreds of ritual personnel, and now the big ceremony is about to begin. There are not enough manpower, so you need to help!"

"That's no problem. My cousin Mali has a lot of good hands. When the time comes, he will send a few people to do the rituals. They are strangers. They can arrange the rituals much more effectively than ordinary people. They should be kept properly!" Huang Jiuye was the first to respond.

Immediately all the immortal families agreed.

"As it should be!"

"It should be done. This is a righteous thing. Even if there is no such thing, we should still help!"

"Extremely great!"


This little thing is not a big deal at all, and none of the immortals hesitated at all.

Zhang Zhiwei added: "Although the matter of the Dharma Altar is over, the matter of these hundred people is not over yet. They are all people with families, but they were angered by the Xian family and lost their lives for no reason. You will naturally take over. Give them some compensation!”

Huang Jiuye was the first to respond again: "Brother Tiantong Cult Master is right. I will send the Immortal Family of my cousin to send a piece of nugget gold to every household to ensure that they have enough food and clothing!"

If it were a prosperous age, what Huang Jiuye said was indeed a solution, but now we are in troubled times... Zhang Zhiwei shook his head and said: "The world is chaotic now, and people's hearts are also chaotic. If you give them nugget gold, you are not compensating them, but harming them. You have more to do." Is it a proper way?"

Zhang Zhiwei was not good at dealing with aftermath, so he pushed the problem away.

Immortals, you look at me, I look at you.

Suddenly, Mr. Huang said: "It's simple. What is our family of five immortals famous for? Baojiaxian, we can send some immortals from each of our halls to serve as Baojiaxian in these people's homes, wouldn't it be enough? Leader , what do you think?"

"Baojiaxian" is a semi-independent belief system that is both included in Xiangtou belief and at the edge of Xiangtou belief. It is generally a spirited spirit with weak abilities that cannot survive in the hall. But if he wants some incense to offer, he will become a guardian fairy.

Among the five great immortal families, the Bai family and the Hui family have more guardian immortals. Many folk legends say that snakes hidden in the house cannot be beaten. They are the guardian immortals and bring wealth.

"Baojiaxian, don't ask for great wealth, just keep safe for the rest of your life. Mr. Huang is good at this!"

Zhang Zhiwei looked at the immortals, "Which of you agrees and who opposes?"

"I agree!" Huang Jiuye said quickly: "This is a wonderful idea. In troubled times, money is all external things, and peace is the real thing. I am willing to send the Tangkou Immortal Family to be the Baojia Immortal!"

"The little old man is also willing!" A gray fairy quickly said with his hands.

"me too!"

All the immortals said one after another.

It is not difficult to protect the family. Generally speaking, only those immortals who can't get along in the hall will become the guardian of the family. Whose family doesn't have a few wine bags and rice bags in the hall?Wouldn't it be nice to call these over to protect the family? These wine sacks and rice bags are not useful for other purposes, and they can't protect a few mortals?I exchanged wine bags and rice bags for a batch of immortals and brothers' horses, as well as some incense. It was a huge profit.

Mr. Huang knew the details and quickly sent a message to Zhang Zhiwei.

Zhang Zhiwei didn't say anything after hearing this. Having these is actually enough. Even if the immortal family has wine and rice bags, it is still an animal with Qi. How weak can it be?
A Huang Xian or a White Immortal who has just acquired Qi may be accidentally shot by a hunter, but once he is prepared, he can attack at night, drive him crazy and kill several family members easily. If these immortals who have acquired Qi all If you can't guarantee peace, it can only mean that this calamity is inevitable.

"Although I was a little unhappy before, everyone gave me such respect. I'm very happy!"

Zhang Zhiwei knocked on the table with his hand and said: "All the immortals here have their own bottom line and do not collude with the Japanese pirates. However, I call on everyone to unite and work together to run the Northeast well, and don't let some messy things Come and divide this place, and if you want to divide it, you must divide it among yourself, just like this."

Zhang Zhiwei patted Huang Ye on the shoulder: "Huang Ye has contributed a lot. Although Liu Kunsheng, the head coach of Huang Ye's hall, is not here, he has also actively dealt with the Japanese pirates. The remaining power of Chang Zaitian's hall belongs to Huang Ye It’s over!”

"Master Huang Jiu originally had a grudge against me, but he ignored the past grievances and saved a few of my little brothers. He is kind to me, so the title of Hu Gu Po's father-in-law belongs to Master Jiu."

"As for the other immortal families, you can share the rest equally!"

Zhang Zhiwei looked at the immortals: "After I have finished speaking, who is in favor and who is against?"

"I agree!" Mr. Huang was the first to respond.

"I agree too!" Huang Jiuye responded for the second time. Although this result is far from what it had previously predicted, it itself didn't put in much effort. It got more than other immortal families, so it was well worth it. Okay, what Lao Liu said before is right, if you are greedy, you will swallow the elephant. You can't ask for too much.

Of course, Huang Jiuye still had something in his heart that he didn't want to admit. He was a little scared, and his intuition told him that if he said no, something bad might happen.

All the immortals look at me and I look at you, but none of the immortals is the leader. They don’t do anything. They just watch a big battle and get a share of the pie. This is such a good thing. Let’s enjoy it secretly. What’s the point of objecting to it? ? !

"Brother Tiantong Cult Leader is so righteous. I, Huang Tianjiu, admire it. If anything happens in the future, I will directly report it to you, and I will go through fire and water without hesitation!" Huang Jiuye said politely, clasping his hands.

Other immortals followed suit one after another. Who can’t draw a big cake?Each painting is more exciting than the other.

Of course, those who take people have short hands and cannibals have short mouths. If something happens to Zhang Zhiwei in the future, as long as there is no danger to his life, they will indeed help.

After a few more polite words to each other, the immortal families left in a hurry, rushing to carve up their territory.

Only Zhang Zhiwei, Lu Jin, Lu Ci, others and Mr. Huang were left at the scene.

When Mr. Huang saw the immortals leaving, he clasped his hands and said, "You are worthy of being the future Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain. I admire this skill and method!"

"What do you admire? What do you mean by Mr. Huang's words?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

Huang Ye smiled and said: "With this move of the Little Heavenly Master, he first eliminated the traitors of the Xian Family who had taken refuge with the Japanese pirates, and then used some things that were insignificant to him to win over a group of the Xian Family's masters and asked them to contribute to the ceremony. The orbiting personnel have taken care of it, and they have been replaced by all strangers."

"Not only that, but the victims were avenged, compensated, and their families were protected. All of the above was taken care of. This skill is really good!"

Mr. Huang sighed: "No wonder the Heavenly Master is relieved that people like you come to this place. It's me, so I'm relieved too!"

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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