Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 299: Master both hands and break through 5% of static skills

Chapter 299: Master both hands and break through the [-]th percentile of static skills

Zhang Zhiwei looked through the "Compendium of Materia Medica" and realized that it is easier said than done. Even if he knows what the "Ren Puppet" says, it is very difficult to actually implement it.

Strictly speaking, these things, as early as when Zhang Zhiwei mastered the four dials, the thought of whether he could do the opposite occurred in his mind.

But in the end, he didn't try anything.Even the control of one's own pattern only starts from the 24 vertebrae and is mapped step by step.

The reason is that the risk is too great. The innate leadership of Zhou Tian and the changes of Zhou Tian are a process of outward expansion of one's own structure.

It is equivalent to him being a knife-wielding person, and the Qi generated from the 24 vertebrae is the knife.

He can unscrupulously make drastic changes to everything in the Qimen pattern, even if the pattern collapses in the end, he just needs to start another round.

According to the method of "Compendium of Materia Medica·Renpuppet", Zhou Tian leads the sky, covering the innate changes.

This is undoubtedly very dangerous. It is equivalent to stabbing yourself with a knife or performing surgery on yourself. If you apply too much force, the structure of the human body may collapse.

This is not alarmist, let alone using Zhou Tian to lead Tian, ​​even if Zhou Tian is innately led, something will happen easily. For example, Wang Ye's strange disease was backlashed when he controlled the four dials.

"This kind of thing can't be done recklessly. There should be a set of meticulous methods. It's just like doing math problems. You don't need to understand the twists and turns. You only need to understand the function of the formula and then apply it. , 'Human Puppet Chapter' seems to be a bit too general."

"No, if it's so general, why can't it be shown in the interior scene? Maybe my idea is a little too simple, and there should be some details that I haven't noticed!"

Zhang Zhiwei continued to flip through and study it carefully. Sure enough, he gained some new understanding and read that sentence again.

"Heaven and earth are furnaces, creation is work, yin and yang are carbon, and all things are copper. The creations of heaven and earth are endless, and the changes of characters are also endless..."

"It is easy to understand that heaven and earth are furnaces, which refers to the pattern of heaven and earth, creation and work refers to oneself, yin and yang are carbon, and 'carbon' refers to fuel and means."

"Fenghou Qimen moves the four disks by controlling the 24 solar terms. If you want to do the opposite and change the structure of the human body with the pattern of heaven and earth, it will definitely not work with 24 solar terms. The 24 solar terms are connected. Every part of the body affects the whole body. Once it is moved in a drastic way, a serious illness will occur in minutes and death will occur on the spot."

"Based on the context of "Compendium of Materia Medica·Renpuppet", this 'Yin Yang' should refer to Yin Yang and Qi."

"The Yang Qi in the human body is hidden in the body, and the Yin Qi is hidden in the life soul. If you cultivate the Yin Qi to strengthen the life soul, you can become a Yin God. The soul can leave the body and travel between heaven and earth. However, the Yin God is composed of pure Yin. It is composed of yang qi and will be burned by the yang qi between heaven and earth, so it can only be used at night."

"If you want to become a Yang God, you need to guide the Yang Qi in the body to merge into the Yin God. Only when the Yin and Yang merge can you become a Yang God. You will no longer be afraid of the Yang Qi between heaven and earth and soar freely in the sky. This is also the Yin God. The main reason why evil ghosts want to kill people and absorb their yang energy is because they have no body. If they don't do this, they will always be the body of a yin god and cannot exist under the sun."

"The meaning of yin and yang as carbon is actually to use the two qi of yin and yang as fuel to forge the soul and body in the furnace of heaven and earth."

A thought flashed through Zhang Zhiwei's mind, "Yin qi corresponds to the soul, and yang qi corresponds to the body. Isn't it just two hands, yin to the blue hand, and yang to the red hand!"

The more he thought about it, the more likely it became that the Eight Miracle Skills of "Double Hands" were a miracle skill in the medical lineage, and were understood by Duan Muying, who came from a medical family.

And Li Shizhen was the master of medicine at a certain period, and he was no worse than the Taoist Ziyang master Zhang Boduan. It was only normal for such a person to have miraculous skills.

"Both hands... Lu Jiaming's soul technique..."

Zhang Zhiwei thought of something about the original plot.

After the Jiashen Rebellion, the Lu family mastered the Bright Soul Technique, which also means having both hands. To be precise, it should be having both hands. This became the Lu family's innate ability, which was engraved in the blood and passed down from generation to generation.

No one knows how this was done. Many people in the past life speculated that Lu Ci captured Duan Muying and used her as a fertility tool to continue the bloodline of the Lu family. Therefore, the new generation of the Lu family began to have people who were born with the ability to master both hands. people.

But Zhang Zhiwei doesn't quite believe this statement. Judging from the current situation, Lu Ci is not so bottomless in his work.

And even if the Lu family suffered major changes, Lu Ci's temperament changed, and there was no bottom line in doing things, this statement still cannot withstand scrutiny.

You must know that the Eight Wonders are not innate abilities that can be passed down from generation to generation. They are all acquired abilities. How can acquired abilities be inherited by future generations? !
Moreover, even if it can be inherited by future generations, if Duan Muying is captured by the Lu family, the Lu family does not know that the child born by Duan Muying will have special powers!Unless Duan Muying said so herself, wouldn't that push herself into a pit of fire?
Therefore, it is too far-fetched that the Minghun Technique came about due to Duanmuying giving birth to a child.

There is a high probability that just like Feng Tianyang and the Wang family, Duanmuying made a deal with the Lu family. She used her "double hands" ability to modify the bloodline of the Lu family, so that the children born of those whose bloodlines were modified would have certain Chance awakens her innate "double hands", and the Lu family protects her.

"That's the only way it's more reliable!"

Zhang Zhiwei thought: "Let's not talk about the strength and weakness of the Eight Wonders Skills. They all vary from person to person, but the difficulty of practicing the Eight Wonders Skills is different. Some are high and some are low. Among them, Fenghou Qimen is the one who has emerged The name is difficult to learn. These hands are similar to Fenghou Qimen. If you learn it normally, I'm afraid not many can learn it. Lu Ci has been exposed to Duanmu Ying, but even with his talent, he can't learn it. Maybe it's integrated into his bloodline. It’s the best way!”

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Zhiwei shook his head and stopped thinking about these things. He read the Human Puppet Chapter again, and this time he gained a new understanding.

"Read it a thousand times, and its meaning will become apparent!" Zhang Zhiwei quickly gathered his thoughts, abandoned distracting thoughts, and continued to study. This reading lasted for several days.

During this period, Mr. Huang once came to the underground bookstore to check. When he saw Zhang Zhiwei looking attentively, surrounded by yin and yang, he immediately did not dare to disturb him and left in a hurry. In the next few days, he only peeked from a distance, for fear that he would cause trouble. There was some noise, which disturbed Zhang Zhiwei's enlightenment.

Zhang Zhiwei repeatedly studied the "Compendium of Materia Medica", from reading the puppet chapters back and forth to reading the full text, over and over again.

In his opinion, different people, different times, and different places will have different ways of understanding what they see, read, and hear about a method. For this kind of obscure thing, it is even more necessary to have a comprehensive understanding. Then your own understanding emerges from it.

The method of cultivation must be self-consistent in the mind and be able to explain it clearly, rather than following a script and applying it in a confused manner based on the trajectory of Xing Qi.

After reading for a long time, Zhang Zhiwei realized that he had mastered the mystery, and he began to sense yin and yang and feel the changes in yin and yang between heaven and earth.

The yin and yang between heaven and earth are brought about by the alternation of the sun and the moon. Since ancient times, the way of spiritual practice has been about absorbing the sun and moon between heaven and earth. "With both hands, one holds the yin and the other holds the yang, which can be used to absorb the sun and the moon for one's own use. In the plot, Lu Liang was decapitated and chopped into a human being by Lu Ci. It was through the awakening of the red hand holding the yang that he recovered. It sprouted limbs on its own.”

"Qi is a kind of ability. It naturally abides by the law of conservation of energy. It cannot be created out of thin air. It is not an exaggeration to say that Lu Liang, who was cut into a human pig, has run out of oil and his lamp has dried up. He grew limbs out of thin air. It does not rely on his own energy. , because it was simply not enough, he must have absorbed the sun essence from heaven and earth through his red hands, thereby reshaping his physical body."

"Using the power of heaven and earth for one's own use, this is also a method of saint stealing. The two powers of Sun Jing and Yue Hua are not simple. Both hands have great potential, but why do they only show the ability to rewrite the soul and body? What? Why not take in the yin and yang, use the sun and moon to strengthen your body and soul, and improve your life cultivation?"

"Although Lu Liang has no brains when it comes to big things, he still has some cleverness. It's impossible to think of such a simple truth, unless...unless it's impossible!"

Zhang Zhiwei felt that he was close to the truth, because Lu Liang's hands were not learned at all. They were in his blood. He just used them instinctively. It was impossible to expect him to draw inferences from one example. He didn't even know what they were. is one.

Duanmuying may know what "one" is, but Zhang Zhiwei is skeptical about whether he can draw inferences from one instance, because there are many clues that show that the Eight Wonders were not created by them, but were just comprehended by them, such as Fenghou Qimen, Zhou Sheng's younger brother Zhou Meng once said bluntly that this was not created by Zhou Sheng.

There is a big difference between "creation" and "comprehension". Take elixir as an example. Standing in front of the stone tablet, according to the path of the stone tablet, the person who learned elixir is called "enlightenment", and the person who created elixir from scratch is called "enlightenment". "create".

"What's so hard about drawing inferences from one example?"

Zhang Zhiwei smiled lightly. He has always been a arrogant person. Back in Longhu Mountain, when he went to see his master for a drink with his food box, he once said that the only heroes in the world are his master and Weier. This was what he was really saying. He never thought that he If he has an opponent, he naturally doesn't think that this mere method will pose any challenge to him.

He closed the book, put it back in its place, and then walked out of the underground cave. Since he wanted to feel the yin and yang, he naturally had to go to the outside world.

Without alarming anyone, Zhang Zhiwei came to the outside world. It was evening, the red sun was round, and the sunset dyed the layers of clouds red and inlaid them with golden edges.

The golden glow in the sunset stretched his figure very long. He stood on the top of the mountain, called the national master from the inner scene, and began today's daily self-examination, that is, looking inward at one's own body, looking for and repairing it. Some small flaws in my life.

In the past, he controlled the overall situation by adjusting the Qi on the 24 segments of the spine. This method was more comprehensive, but slower.

However, after comprehending the ability of "Compendium of Materia Medica·Human Puppet", Zhang Zhiwei planned to try to use this ability to repair himself and see what the effect was.

Zhang Zhiwei couldn't decide whether this ability was a double hand, but he was quite happy to call it a double hand, because he had both lives and lives!

When it came to his own life, Zhang Zhiwei was cautious in his attempts. He didn't want to change anything about his body. He just wanted to feel the process.

After getting ready, Zhang Zhiwei lifted Qi from his Dantian and placed his hands in front of him, embracing Yin and Yang.

Immediately afterwards, a pale golden radiance appeared on his body, and then the whole person was covered by the mist, hazy and bright.

The attempt went well, and he absorbed the Yang Qi between heaven and earth, which is the Qi of Sun Jing.

The energy of these suns were absorbed by him and integrated into every inch of flesh and blood. He began to repair some minor defects in his body according to his wishes.

Because Rijing penetrates the whole body, the repair this time was very comprehensive. There was no situation where one thing was repaired and another went wrong again. Everything went smoothly.

Zhang Zhiwei faced the red sun. Under the red glow, he relaxed and absorbed the sun's essence. His whole body felt warm, and the fatigue from the previous battles suddenly disappeared.

"The yin does not give birth and the sun does not grow. My spirit and body blend together. When I absorb the energy of the sun, my spirit is also nourished and becomes more condensed!"

Zhang Zhiwei feels that he has made progress again.

A few days ago, he fought in Changbai Mountain. His opponents ranged from Shuten Doji to Emperor Zhenwu, the Immortal Family, and the Inari God. The battles were one after another, and his nerves were always tense.

It was completely different now. His whole body became emptier, and his whole body was gradually filled with a layer of light. It looked like a divine ring, surrounding him. His flesh and blood and spirit returned to peace and tranquility.

At this moment, Zhang Zhiwei was also at an unprecedented level of tranquility. The righteousness of his family and country, the friendship between his disciples in Longhu Mountain, and his worries about the future of his fellow disciples were all far away at this moment.

Then, the inner alchemy of his Golden Light Curse started to operate automatically. Yes, it started to operate automatically. Although he was not in samadhi, the complicated thoughts in his mind fell away one after another. Qi automatically began to practice, and the movement of Qi was comparable to that of condensation. The smoothness is no worse than his deliberate practice.

"This situation, this is..." Zhang Zhiwei was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly realized that this was because his level of Jing Gong had improved, and he had completely broken through the fourth level of Jing Gong, pure thoughts, and entered the fifth level.

In fact, after defeating the "National Master" in the inner scene, Zhang Zhiwei's level of meditation has reached the point where as long as he uses his energy to enter concentration, he can practice in concentration regardless of the situation or posture, even with his eyes open and walking. Based on this alone, it has exceeded the scope of the fourth level of static power, but it has not reached the fifth level, and is in a somewhat embarrassing position.

The reason for this is that although Zhang Zhiwei faced his delusions in the interior scene and burned away those false illusions, it was only an interior scene after all.

In order to completely break through the situation, he needs to go to the location to reenact it, integrating the inside and outside into one, and completely breaking through everything. This is one of the reasons why he came to Liaodong.

After coming to Liaodong, he was fighting all the way, and his heart never completely calmed down.

This time in Huang Ye's underground library, he calmed down, studied the classics, and understood the strange skills. His heart completely calmed down. All the things he had experienced before were subtly digested in the process, and Jing Gong entered a new stage. Realm is actually a matter of course.

In this realm, he doesn't even need to practice deliberately. As long as his mind is calm, the Qi in his body will automatically enter the cultivation state.

"This should be the level of Feng Baobao and Wu Gensheng, Shenying is restrained."

Zhang Zhiwei slowly opened his eyes. Different from his usual bright and powerful eyes, there was no sparkle in his eyes. They were ordinary and just like ordinary people at first glance.

(End of this chapter)

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