Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 300 Shenying is restrained and swallows the sun and the moon

Chapter 300 Shenying is restrained and swallows the sun and the moon

In the past, although Zhang Zhiwei's eyes were not very big, their eyes were as bright as stars, making people afraid to look directly at them. This was a sign of perfection.

But now, his sharp eyes like a knife have disappeared. At first glance, he looks like an ordinary person. Only people with good cultivation can detect the gentle look in his eyes. This is A kind of precipitation, with a clear mind, a return to nature, and a restrained spirit.

At this moment, his state is like a sword waiting to be unsheathed. The edge is not exposed at all. It will be suddenly revealed at the moment of unsheathing. It is said that Guan Gong does not open his eyes, but he opens his eyes to kill people.

"In the fifth level of Jing Gong, is this the state where you don't need Bilian? It's really amazing!"

Zhang Zhiwei sighed. In the past, no matter how talented he was in cultivation, he would have to practice Sanfu in the summer and practice Sanjiu in the winter. He would meditate day and night to increase the Qi in his body. But now, he only needs to hold a pillow and calm down, and the Qi in his body will increase. Automatic operation, the effect is actually quite good.

However, this does not mean that Zhang Zhiwei can lie down like Wu Gensheng. He is different from Wu Gensheng. He is not a simple Qi practitioner. He is taking the path of dual cultivation of life and life. It is not enough to have Qi. It can only be converted into life cultivation, so you still have to practice, but it saves the process of practicing Qi.

In short, after this meditation practice breaks the mirror, future practice can be said to be twice the result with half the effort.


Zhang Zhiwei blew out a breath of turbid air, and the air flew out from between his mouth and nose, like a white sharp sword. With a "bang" sound, the air exploded and cut open a section of vegetation in front of him.

The previous battle with the immortals had consumed him a lot, and he also used the power of faith in the hall. However, now he has recovered, and even after sensing the yin and yang and washing himself with the energy of the sun, his body The stronger you become.

"It is indeed a strange skill, the effect is immediate, but this is probably the reason why it is used for the first time. From now on it will be a grind, but it is enough!"

Zhang Zhiwei whispered, having a better understanding of the dual hands. One hand holds life, and the other hand holds sex. Both life and life are preserved, and they are regarded as dual hands.

In the plot, this magical skill is used more as a means of retrieving and modifying memories, which is the same as the evil tricks.

But don't forget, both hands are made from medical skills.If you ask who is the best at maintaining health among different people, it must be medicine. In the final analysis, maintaining health is nothing more than maintaining the body and soul. The best way to maintain health is to preserve both life and life.

As the saying goes, to save others, save yourself first, and to heal others, heal yourself first. This pair of hands may be a miraculous skill that affects more of oneself.

As for the ability it displays to modify other people's souls and bodies, it may be just an incidental function. Just like the golden light spell is mainly about improving life cultivation, and the golden light is just an incidental ritual.

"It's just that people who practice this method have put everything before the horse!"

Zhang Zhiwei raised his head and looked at the sky. The sky was gone. The sun was setting. The night wind drove away the clouds, revealing the full moon in the sky. Wisps of moonlight were falling down.

The moonlight flowed into Zhang Zhiwei's hands like water, and then integrated into his body, nourishing his soul, which gradually filled his whole body with a layer of radiance.



at the same time.

In the Huang Mansion with red lanterns hanging high, Lu Jin, Lu Ci and others were discussing matters.

After Huang Ye's treatment in the past few days, coupled with the third level of rebirth, Lu Jin was still recovering from all his injuries, but the injured vitality had not yet fully recovered, and he looked a little pale.

Lu Ci's condition was a little worse. Although he was no longer seriously injured, he still had a bandage on his body. Looking at it, he probably had to rest for ten days and a half.

Wang Ai is already alive and kicking. In the battle a few days ago, the possession of the "National Master" was very measured and did not hurt his roots. After eating a few wild ginseng from Changbai Mountain, he not only fully recovered, but even improved slightly.

In the lobby, Mr. Huang, who had a weasel head on his head, picked up a cup of tea, flicked the tea with the lid, lowered his eyes and said:
"Everyone, you are all close followers of the leader. Now that the leader's church has just opened, all positions are still vacant. I would like to ask your opinion?!"

"Opinions?" Lu Jin said: "Master Huang plans to serve in the hall, but those who enter the hall are all righteous people who share weal and woe. We are all brothers. If we keep an eye on those positions, let's ride on their heads. , how unkind is that?!"

"That makes sense. Lao Lu is still a loyal person!" Fengping said.

"Lao Lu, you are too serious. Those are all bullshit!" Lu Ci said, "I listen to Senior Brother Zhang anyway!"

Lu Ren's eyes flickered and he did not speak. As the future successor of the Lu family, he would consider what he said and do. Mr. Huang must not have let it slip for no reason when he said this, but the information given was too little. He needed to know more. Make another decision.

However, Wang Ai, who had always been a little transparent, spoke up:

"What Mr. Huang means is that the positions held by Senior Brother Zhang's cousin can bring us great benefits?"

Mr. Huang drank the tea in one gulp and said with a very humane grin:
"Of course there are great benefits. The leader once said that he can give us incense and faith, but we have to fight for it ourselves. In this case, the higher our position and the greater our rights, the less incense and faith we can absorb. Is it too much?"

Upon hearing this, everyone's eyes flickered.

Lu Jin added: "But didn't Senior Brother Zhang say that he won't worry too much about Tangkou's affairs? If that's the case, isn't the position of Tangkou just a false name? In this way, apart from alienating Tangkou, what's the point? significance?"

"What are you talking about? What the hedgehog said is right. Old Lu Qian is too serious, and his brothers are still settling accounts," Wang Ai said: "Although Senior Brother Zhang said he didn't want to worry too much about his cousin's affairs, he also said , we can engage in incense worship."

"This shows that although he has no intention of developing Tangkou, he tacitly agrees that we can develop Tangkou. Although these positions are a false name now, as long as we develop Tangkou, wouldn't it be a false name?"

"Yes, yes, that's the truth!" Mr. Huang nodded.

At this time, Lu Ren, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said: "Senior Brother Zhang only cares about the incense faith and does not care about the development of the church. We need to take care of everything in the church. In this case, why not follow the example of Senior Brother Zhang and build a church by yourself?" The great leader of the church develops his own business and monopolizes the incense faith?"

As soon as these words came out, the hall fell silent. Although these words were a bit unpleasant, it was the truth.

After a moment of silence.


Mr. Huang sneered, spit out a sip of tea, and said, "Young man, you don't know how high the world is. Do you think this hall is so easy to open? If the leader can open this hall, how can you? The leader can kill all the immortals in every hall. My family’s head is pounding, so can you?”

Lu Ren remained silent. He knew that if he said these words, people would be unhappy.

But as Wang Ai said, if the brother Ming settles the score, and wants him, the future head of the Lu family, to be the front-runner for Zhang Zhiwei's development, he must have sufficient reasons and interests, and it cannot just rely on admiration.

Mr. Huang continued: "Moreover, even if the immortals don't make things difficult for you and let you open the hall, can you really succeed? Do you really think that the incense and fire divine way is so easy to follow?"

"This power of faith is a good thing, but not everyone can digest the messy impurities in it. Otherwise, why would so many immortal families rely on the powerful leader?"

Mr. Huang said something rude, but Lu Ren was not angry. He clasped his hands and said:
"You are ignorant, thank you Mr. Huang for your advice!"

He continued: "Although I don't know how Senior Brother Zhang tempered the impurities of the power of faith, since he said so, he must be able to do it. In this case, it is indeed a huge opportunity."

"We should seize this opportunity. These are troubled times. We all have our own power and resources. If we get support, we can easily gather a lot of incense and faith to improve ourselves!"

"That's right!" Mr. Huang clapped his paws and said, "That's the truth. As the saying goes, one step first, each step first. We here can each choose a position. Let's help each other and support each other to get to the position we want!"

"I rely on my old age to sell my old age, so I said it first. I am familiar with medical skills and am proficient in medical skills. After getting along with each other these days, you must have seen it, so I want to be the master of a medical hall. I hope everyone will support me!"

Everyone looked at Mr. Huang with some surprise. According to the serious Chuma Xiantang, Huang Xian was generally responsible for the preaching and encirclement of the hall, while Bai Xian was the one for the medical hall.Huang Ye is the master of the hall in Liu Kunsheng's hall. When he first opened his mouth, everyone thought that he wanted to continue to be the master of the hall, but they didn't expect that he would compete with Bai Xian for his job.

Of course, everyone had no objection to this. Although Mr. Huang was a Huang Xian, he did have a few skills in medical skills. Moreover, they did not have medical skills, so there was no competition.

After receiving support from everyone, Mr. Huang nodded with satisfaction. In fact, if possible, he would still like to be the master of the hall, as he is good at what he does.

But to be the leader of the hall, you have to have connections and be able to do publicity. Most of his connections are from the Immortal Family, which is not feasible in Zhang Zhiwei's hall.

If it becomes the master of the hall and Zhang Zhiwei lets it go to other alien sects to deliver news, and others think it is an elf, what will happen to it?
It's better to be the master of a medical hall. Not only is it safe, but you can also gain faith by relying on your medical skills.

At that time, it only needs to use some tricks or disguise, and then use the name of Tiantong leader to help the world and practice medicine for free. Then the faith must not come out in a big way?

After Mr. Huang finished speaking, Wang Ai couldn't wait to speak, fearing that someone would beat him to it:
"Everyone, me, me, me, it's my turn. I want to be the leader of this hall, that is, the talker. You see..."

"What do you see there?"

Toyohei pointed out the window and shouted.

The words were interrupted, and Wang Ai looked over with some displeasure.

I saw a bright moon hanging high in the sky, it was surprisingly bright. The moonlight was not spread down, but like a clear mountain spring flowing from the moon to somewhere.

"what's going on?"

"What happened there?"

"It's not far from us, let's go and have a look!"

The group of people rushed over immediately and came to a cliff, where they saw Zhang Zhiwei.

He sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain, his chest and abdomen rising and falling rhythmically, as if he was practicing.

And above his head, the moonlight was as full as a clear pool, and the watery moonlight actually dripped down from the moon and fell on him like water.

Everyone was stunned by this scene.

Mr. Huang was puzzled: "Isn't the leader reading "Compendium of Materia Medica" in the underground library? How could he appear here? He is still practicing with the help of moonlight. What is going on?"

Sensing the arrival of everyone, Zhang Zhiwei let out a long breath, opened his eyes, looked at Lu Jin, Lu Ci and others, and nodded.

Seeing Zhang Zhiwei's current appearance, several people were stunned. Although his appearance remained the same, his temperament changed drastically and became ordinary, no different from a roadside vegetable seller.

"Senior Brother Zhang, what's wrong with you?" Lu Ci asked quickly. Although Zhang Zhiwei's temperament had changed, he could still recognize him.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "I have been in seclusion for a few days, and I have gained a little bit. Come out and try it out."

"Have you gained something?" Mr. Huang thought of something and said in a trembling voice: "Have the leader come out of the mountain to come here, has he already realized it?"

"It's done!" Zhang Zhiwei nodded calmly and said, "I would also like to thank Mr. Huang for your classics!"

Mr. Huang suddenly became excited and looked at Zhang Zhiwei expectantly:
"Then I wonder if the leader can understand the secret of transforming animals into humans?"

"Naturally!" Zhang Zhiwei nodded.

"Can the leader cast a spell on me and turn me into a human form?"

Huang Ye quickly said, among the five immortal families, if you ask who is the most obsessed with his partner, it must be Huang Xian.

"It should be no problem!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Mr. Huang immediately bowed: "Please help me, Master!"

"So urgent?" Zhang Zhiwei glanced at Mr. Huang in surprise.

"I can't wait!" Mr. Huang kept rubbing his paws.

"In that case, let's go back home and give it a try!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Immediately, the group returned to the Huang Mansion. On the way back, everyone also knew the reason for the incident.

"So, Senior Brother Zhang, did you learn the ability to swallow moonlight just from Huang Ye's classics? It sounds amazing!" Lu Jin said with a curious look on his face.

"That's right!" Zhang Zhiwei said: "It's really good!"

"Although it's a bit presumptuous," Lu Ci said with burning eyes, "I wonder if Senior Brother Zhang can teach us?"

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at Lu Ci. In the plot, many people in the Lu family knew how to use both hands through inheritance, but Lu Ci did not.

Lu Ci has been exposed to Duan Muying, and he doesn't know how to do it. If there is no accident, he really won't be able to learn this method.

The other people's talents are not as good as Lu Ci's, and they are probably just as mysterious.

"Senior Brother Zhang, this little brother is crazy. This kind of excessive request can be ignored by Senior Brother Zhang!"

Lu Ren said quickly, there is no trivial matter involving one's own means, how could one ask so hastily?
"It's okay, this is not my own method," Zhang Zhiwei said: "If you want to learn, I'll teach you!"

Everyone was stunned, but they didn't expect that Zhang Zhiwei agreed so simply.

Many people may care about magic and means, but Zhang Zhiwei doesn't care much.

These things are very good, but don’t take them too seriously, otherwise they will only create delusion out of thin air, and you will get further and further away from this method.

Methods are yours only after you practice them. Lying in a book, they will always be just words and meaningless.

Of course, he still remembered that the things belonging to the master were strictly prohibited from being passed on to outsiders. He only dealt with things that belonged entirely to him.

Immediately, Zhang Zhiwei explained the secret of double hands in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

But everyone felt like they had heard from heaven. No matter how detailed Zhang Zhiwei explained, no matter how much they understood, they still couldn't touch the door.

Seeing everyone's confused look, Zhang Zhiwei thought to himself that they couldn't master this method.

After thinking for a long time to no avail, Mr. Huang sighed and made a request, asking Zhang Zhiwei to help him transform.

(End of this chapter)

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