Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 301 Reshape the body, incredible ability

Chapter 301 Reshape the body, incredible ability

"A few days of hard work is better than a hundred years of hard work for the old man. The leader is really a god. I still ask the leader to help the old man!"

Mr. Huang bowed to Zhang Zhiwei and said with respect.

Zhang Zhiwei stretched out his hand, and with energy coming out of his palm, he held Mr. Huang's legs and said:
"You don't have to be polite, Mr. Huang. Speaking of which, I would also like to thank Mr. Huang for giving me the magic to help you fade away. You really deserve it!!"

"Master, you're welcome. This thing is left here with me. It's just a pearl covered in dust!" Mr. Huang stood up and patted the dust on his clothes. "Master, please wait a moment while I go take a bath, change my clothes, and burn incense to cleanse my hands!"

After that, he left in a hurry and went to the inner courtyard. This kind of important matter should not be taken carelessly.
In the lobby, only Zhang Zhiwei, Lu Jin, and Lu Ci were left.

Zhang Zhiwei's mouth felt dry after preaching all night, so he picked up a cup of tea and drank it all in one gulp.

Lu Jin, Lu Ci and others were still immersed in the previous sermons.

They seemed to understand it, but they didn't seem to understand it. It was clear that a magical skill that could reach the heavens was right in front of them, but they had nowhere to start. This feeling made them crazy and uncomfortable.

In fact, the one who suffered the most was Huang Ye. He had been studying "Compendium of Materia Medica·Renpuppet" for more than a hundred years, and he knew all the contents by heart. He even remembered every punctuation mark clearly, but he never entered it.

I originally thought that I would be able to understand the "Tao" and "Principles" by asking the "Heavenly Master" to clear up my doubts and give guidance. However, I never expected that after the sermon, I still couldn't get started, and even became more and more confused.

Yes, it is confused. It understands everything Zhang Zhiwei said, but it just can't learn it.

Zhang Zhiwei has no way to do this. Some methods are just like this. If you want to learn them, you must have a perfect body and mind, and the unity of spirit, energy and spirit before you can enter the door.

The physical body is a hard indicator of whether one can practice cultivation, but what is the state of mind?The means are different and the requirements are also different.

For example, Dan Yan wants to see through life and death, that is, to see through the life and death of others, and also to see through his own life and death.Fenghou Qimen means not caring, asking for nothing, and the true fire of Samadhi means letting go...

Anyway, no matter what method you use, practicing with a strong obsession is the next best thing.

Not getting what you want is one of the eight sufferings in life, and it is also a taboo in spiritual practice.

When the Celestial Master Zhang Jingqing taught Lin Huaiyi his skills, he once said that in terms of means, he could give some tips, but in terms of state of mind, he could only rely on himself. If the Celestial Master couldn't do anything, Zhang Zhiwei naturally couldn't do anything either.

Mr. Huang's obsession is too deep, and it is very difficult to master it.

After a while, Mr. Huang came out after taking a bath and burning incense. He was already in the lobby as before.

At this moment, it was already broad daylight, and the sun was three high. The lobby of Huang Ye's mansion was surrounded by solid blue brick walls. There were no windows, but the lanterns were always hung, so it was not dark at all.

"I'm about to use my skills. Mr. Huang, don't be nervous. Just calm down and visualize what you want to be like. Leave the rest to me!"

As Zhang Zhiwei spoke, he rolled up his sleeves. His white and delicate wrists, with red light flashing in his palms, were placed on Mr. Huang's weasel head.

Lu Jin, Lu Ci and others who originally wanted to come closer to watch, all took a step back. They all felt uncomfortable.

And Mr. Huang was trembling slightly, half uneasy and half excited. Why did the Immortal Family use his younger brother Ma to go out to gain faith? The fundamental reason was that it was inconvenient. If the main body was sent out, let alone people worshiping and restraining their faith, I'm afraid. He would scare people out of their wits, which is why his younger brother Ma was born.

Therefore, most immortals want to turn into human form, and Huang Ye is no exception. Even because of the "Compendium of Materia Medica·Human Puppet", it is more eager to turn into human form than ordinary immortals.

Zhang Zhiwei began to use both hands to sense the yin and yang. The energy of the sun fell down, covering his body, hazy and glowing.

Huang Ye was shaking more and more violently. He felt as if there was a fire burning in his body, and his whole body began to feel numb.

At this time, it noticed that Zhang Zhiwei stomped his foot lightly, and immediately all sounds disappeared, and the world seemed to have stopped for a second at this moment.

Huang Ye clearly felt that something was scattered around it, as if it had formed a "furnace" between heaven and earth!
In this "furnace", the red energy of the sun brightens and becomes fiery, and it becomes a piece of copper and iron in the furnace fire. It is being calcined, and the body and soul have no power to resist. You can let Zhang Zhiwei rub and flatten it.

This was an unprecedented experience. It even felt a pressure from the depths of its soul. It couldn't muster the slightest sense of resistance and almost knelt down.

That was not the majesty of an emperor, it was the majesty of a god, almost involuntarily. The picture it imagined in its mind turned into that of Zhang Zhiwei.

This made Zhang Zhiwei frown, why do you want to look like me?
"Hold Yuan Shouyi, don't be distracted!"

Zhang Zhiwei put his hand on Mr. Huang's head and shouted:
"Draw up in your mind what you want to look like. It must be detailed and don't get distracted. If it turns into something weird, that won't be good!"

As if he had been given a slap in the face, Mr. Huang was shocked. He quickly put aside his distracting thoughts and continued to visualize the previous appearance. What he visualized was a middle-aged man in a yellow robe, with a medium build. He looked kind-hearted and easy to get along with.

Zhang Zhiwei sensed the yin and yang, used his blue hand to know what it wanted to be, and then used his red hand to start transforming its current form.

This process was very cruel. Because no anesthesia was given to him, Mr. Huang screamed as if he had been thrown into a hot furnace.

It is spasming violently, the meridians swell and protrude from the body surface, the hair all over the body is falling off, the recurved legs are getting straightened little by little, the signs of the weasel on the body are fading little by little, and the convex and concave face has turned into Soft cheeks, front and back paws transformed into human hands...

The transformation lasted for two hours before it ended. Zhang Zhiwei let go of the hand on Mr. Huang's head and let out a sigh of relief.

This kind of delicate operation is very labor-intensive. That is to say, he has reached the realm of Inner Saint and Outer King early, where he can see the gods. He can see everything about himself as if he were observing lines on the palm of his hand. Only by understanding clearly can he fully understand half of Huang Ye's life. A human-half-weasel body transformed into a normal human appearance.

If an ordinary person who practices both hands comes here, I am afraid that he will be confused on the spot and have nowhere to start.

Mr. Huang seemed to have not gotten used to this new body. After losing the support of Zhang Zhiwei's hand, he lost his balance and stumbled to the ground.

It sat on the ground and touched its face. The smooth touch of the skin cheered it up. It quickly got up with difficulty and staggered towards the room in an extremely awkward way.

There was a mirror in the room. He was going to look in the mirror and take a good look at his current appearance.

In the lobby, everyone looked at this scene in stunned silence, feeling that their views were being subverted. They actually witnessed the complete process of a weasel transforming into a human.

"Is this the true power of this magical skill? This is incredible!" Lu Jin said with a look of shock.

"Only Senior Brother Zhang can use this incredible method!" Lu Ci entered the state of a little fanboy.

Wang Ai thought more: "Senior Brother Zhang has this method, which is thousands of times better than the art of disguise. Doesn't it mean that he can look like other people at will?"

"Where is the future?" Lu Ren said: "With this method, how can it be easy? The scene just now was like recreating the world. I saw with my own eyes that the bones in Mr. Huang's body were increasing and decreasing. If I guessed correctly, Senior Brother Zhang The method can not only resurrect human flesh and bones, but also regenerate severed limbs, right?!"

Zhang Zhiwei nodded: "Yes indeed!"

Due to some considerations, Zhang Zhiwei did not mention Lan Shou's ability. After all, extracting memories and modifying souls still sounds a bit weird.But even so, everyone still looked at Zhang Zhiwei with burning eyes.

This ability is so valuable. The world today is not peaceful, fights between different people happen from time to time, and missing arms and legs is common.

If the severed limb can be found and treated by a medical expert in time, the limb may still be saved.

If you can't find it, there is nothing you can do. Anyway, the rebirth of a severed limb only exists in legends, and no one has ever seen it in reality.

Like this battle in the Dragon Vein Land, there were many aliens with mutilated limbs. Some of them found their limbs and preserved them intact. They were healed by Bai Xian in the Baixian Valley. Some of them could not be found, or If the limbs were too badly mutilated and could not be repaired, they would have to accept their fate.

But now, this century-old problem has been solved by Senior Brother Zhang. It is not difficult to imagine what this means!

Senior Brother Zhang will become the guest of all strangers, and he must make every effort to befriend him and leave favors with him in case of emergencies.

Of course, there may be people who have evil intentions and attack Senior Brother Zhang, hoping to get this method for themselves, but this...

Everyone glanced at Zhang Zhiwei, who was sitting there with Da Ma Jin Dao. It was best not to have this idea, otherwise he would die in the right way.

At the same time, everyone also had a firm idea in their hearts. They must think about it carefully in the future and practice this method.

At this time, Lu Jin's eyes lit up and he said: "Senior Brother Zhang has this ability, why not treat those martyrs who were disabled before, so that they can regenerate their broken limbs and regain a new life?"

"That's what I think too!" Zhang Zhiwei stood up and said with a smile: "Let's go back to the gathering place and treat them now, so as not to be late. It won't be easy if they leave!"

Wang Ai said: "Senior brother Zhang, don't worry. I have communicated with Shi Hua'er using Yin Yang paper. The ritual ceremony at Longmai is not over yet, and those injured are still resting in the settlement!"

"That's good!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"By the way, Senior Brother Zhang, this ability is so overbearing, will there be any drawbacks to using it?!" Lu Ren asked.

"Yes, why not?" Zhang Zhiwei said seriously: "Every time you use it, you will lose some of your innate energy!"

But in fact, he is lying. If he uses both hands to take shortcuts, it will indeed have great disadvantages and lead to loss of life.

But if it is just to save people, apart from the consumption of Qi and mental power, there will be no impact, let alone the loss of innate Qi.

The reason why he said this was just to avoid causing trouble for himself. The trouble was not that he was worried about others coming to rob him, but that too many people came to seek medical treatment, which made him feel troublesome.

And with the saying that using it will consume one's life, when some people come to ask him for treatment, they can also weigh the weight to see if their weight is worth the loss of life for him, the future Celestial Master.

Zhang Zhiwei told this lie casually without any psychological burden. He has never been a person who has a heavy burden of idols and cares too much about other people's opinions. His focus has always been on himself.

The same is true for Zhang Zhiwei in the plot.

The master asked him to go down the mountain to practice, and he was not allowed to use his skills. He was allowed to live like an ordinary person for a year, and then he became a trickster and deceiver.

Luo Tian Dajiao wanted Zhang Chulan to win, so he drugged Zhang Lingyu.

In order to support him, Lu Jin accidentally knocked up a pavilion and took it back with all the profits...


Hearing Zhang Zhiwei say that using this method will consume lifespan, Lu Ren showed an expression that was indeed the case and said:
"This powerful ability has limits, otherwise it would be too scary!"

Lu Ci frowned and said, "Isn't the loss of one's innate energy the loss of one's lifespan? The price is not low!"

"Innate energy does not just refer to life span, it is the beginning of everything, the foundation of everything, and is closely related to every aspect of us!" Lu Jin said, among the people here, no one is better than him who practices the third level of reverse life. I also know the importance of innate Qi,
Wang Ai said: "In that case, it's better to leave them alone. Brother Zhang, you saved them and sent them down to Changbai Mountain. You have done your best to be benevolent. You can't afford to waste your life for them!"

"That's the truth!" Lu Ci agreed.

"This..." Lu Jin looked confused. He thought for a long time and finally said nothing.

Frankly speaking, he wanted Zhang Zhiwei to save people, but at the same time, he didn't want Zhang Zhiwei to waste his life. He would feel guilty no matter which one he chose, so he simply shut up.

Zhang Zhiwei smiled and looked at Lu Jin, who looked constipated:

"Lao Lu, if it were you, would you save me?!"

Without a trace of hesitation, Lu Jin made a completely instinctive choice and said resolutely: "Yes!"

"Then save!" Zhang Zhiwei said firmly.

"This...Senior Brother Zhang, please consider it carefully!"

Wang Ai wanted to persuade him again. He had no feelings for those so-called righteous men, but Zhang Zhiwei was a person he admired, and when he entered Zhang Zhiwei's court, he would be both honored and harmed. Naturally, he did not want Zhang Zhiwei to be harmed.

"Don't mention it again!"

Zhang Zhiwei raised his hand and made a silent gesture.

Wang Ai and Lu Ci, who were about to persuade them again, shut up.

At this time, the door curtain opened, and a middle-aged scribe holding a folding fan, wearing a yellow robe, with a pair of silkworm eyebrows, red phoenix eyes, and a fluttering beard, who looked quite graceful, shook his fan and walked away with a somewhat unfamiliar step. He came out, clasped his hands and said:
"Everyone, Huang Tianliu, you are polite!"

"Are you dressed like this to go to Beijing to take the exam?" Zhang Zhiwei said with a teasing look on his face.

Mr. Huang snapped his fan away and said, "If the former dynasty is still there, what if I reach out for a Tanhua?"

"Why the third overall pick, not the second and top pick?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

Mr. Huang said matter-of-factly: "Tanhua sounds great!"

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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