Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 303 Yi Bo Yuntian Little Heavenly Master

Chapter 303 Yi Bo Yuntian Little Heavenly Master

Several immortals look at me and I look at you, but they all dare not take the first step.

In fact, Tiantong Cult Master has a bad reputation. Legend has it that he has a bad temper, is arrogant and domineering, and is murderous. He will turn over the table if he disagrees with him. Chang Zaitian, Hu Gupo, Xiong Ba and other immortals were killed because they could not reach an agreement. No bones remain.

How natural is this? !If they go out carelessly and look the wrong way, wouldn't their lives be lost?

We are all just looking at things, so how can we blindly play with our lives?

Seeing this situation, the young man rolled his eyes:
"I also know that Master Tiantong is a bit stubborn, and you guys don't have to force yourself. It's just like drinking. If you can't drink, don't drink. If you're afraid of it, don't go!"

As soon as these words came out, several immortals who were so frightened that they were about to get on the kang suddenly jumped down from the kang and said majestically:

"What are you afraid of? Why don't you just pay us a visit? Let's behave ourselves and go there with courtesy. What's there to be afraid of?"

"That's right, we are not monsters who don't understand the rules and etiquette. What's so scary about this? Men, let's go!"

Several immortals walked out of the inn lobby with sullen faces, as if facing a formidable enemy.

The Xianjia who possessed the young man covered his mouth and snickered, then followed him step by step.

Everyone has a herd mentality, and the Xian family is no exception. When they see someone taking the lead, the rest of the Xian family will follow them out of the inn.

As soon as he went out, he saw a bonfire rising in the open space in front of the inn.

A group of people gathered around a bonfire, and the blazing flames dragged several feet against the wind, dyeing everyone's faces fiery red.

And in the center of the crowd, a tall figure stood out from the crowd, with his back to the direction of the inn. He was as tall as a giant, wearing a thick bearskin coat. At first glance, he looked like someone who had stepped out of an ancient mural.

Although it was just a back view, the immortals felt inexplicably looking at each other's eyes.

It was a condescending, imperial look, which made them panic. They quickly bowed together and said in unison:
"Meet Master Tiantong!"

Everyone watching this scene was amazed.

"These are immortals? Why don't they look like them?"

"Stupid, when you look at these immortals, they just occupy the disciples' acupoints and move out. There is nothing surprising!"

"However, Senior Brother Zhang is so impressive!"

"When I go out, I give all my face to myself. Senior Brother Zhang must have a good reputation. He was killed!"


Zhang Zhiwei stared at them with his spiritual power. Seeing that these immortals were very knowledgeable, he said:
"I'm very busy now. If you have anything to do, stand aside and wait for notification!"

Hearing this, several immortals did not dare to overstep their bounds in the slightest, and hurriedly took action, standing in a row as if in military training, motionless.

Very good... Zhang Zhiwei nodded and turned to look at a young man with mutilated limbs in front of him.

This person is an alien from Yan Wu Hall, who practices the Chinese art of Xingyiquan. During the battle in Dragon Vein Qi Bureau, one of his arms was cut off by the Crow Tengu transformed by Qi Bureau.

Because the blade of the Crow Tengu was wrapped in flames, the cut part was charred and carbonized, and was completely necrotic. Even the White Immortal of the White Immortal Valley could not pick it up for him.

"Senior Brother Zhang, is it really possible to grow back?"

The man looked at Zhang Zhiwei with hope and said.

Strangers such as warlocks and Taoists can still retain a few percent of their strength after a broken arm. A stranger like him who practices national arts has lost [-]% of his strength and is almost reduced to a useless person.

In the past few days, he has been feeling confused about his future, and even wanted to commit suicide at one point, but he felt that it was a cowardly act and would be laughed at.

Depressed, he had no choice but to drink all day in the inn.

Just now, when he went to the inn waiter to get a drink, he heard Lu Jin and Feng Ping shouting, saying that senior brother Zhang Zhiwei was going to use his methods to heal everyone's injuries, and even the missing limbs would be restored...

He was stunned for a moment, thinking that these two guys were bragging, and was about to ignore it when a scene of Zhang Zhiwei's incredible power suddenly flashed through his mind. His heart palpitated, and he approached them with the idea of ​​treating a dead horse as a live doctor. Then there was this scene.

"There should be no problem!" Zhang Zhiwei glanced at his bandaged broken arm: "To make things smoother, I'm going to cut off your wound again, so be patient!"

The man gritted his teeth and said, "Senior Brother Zhang, you can do whatever you want, but I will die. It doesn't matter if I die!"

"That's still not enough!"

As he spoke, Zhang Zhiwei pointed his sword together, with a touch of golden light on his fingertips, and slashed open the man's scabbed wound.

A small, uneven broken arm fell down, blood mist poured out from the wound, and a large amount of blood was about to spurt out. Zhang Zhiwei stretched out his hand to stop the bleeding.

This process was so fast that the injured person didn't even react. It wasn't until Zhang Zhiwei pinched his severed arm with one hand that his expression changed drastically.

But at this moment, Zhang Zhiwei made a seal with his other hand and pointed at the man. A stream of red Qi burst out from his fingertips and penetrated into the man's broken arm.

The fingertips moved lightly, and the red Qi was outlined like lines, just like drawing with a pen, outlining the outline of an arm at the broken arm.

Then, as the red Qi continued to outline, the outline of the arm became clearer and more vivid, and the color became brighter.

"This is……"

The stranger from Yanwu Hall looked at this scene with surprise. Inexplicably, he felt a tingling sensation in the place filled with red lines.

He said with a look of surprise: "I feel a little itchy. There are no arms there, so I actually feel a little itchy..."

Like Xianglin's wife, he repeated these words over and over again.

Zhang Zhiwei ignored him, using the heaven and earth as a furnace, sensing yin and yang, and continued to use his red hands. The red energy shone on the arm outlined by lines, injecting flesh and blood into it.

Suddenly, the outlined lines came to life, the arm became more vivid, and even the ring finger trembled slightly.

"I'm aware, I'm aware, I even feel my fingers moving, my fingers are moving..."

The man shouted, his expression mixed with surprise and ecstasy.

The onlookers also looked at this scene with expressions of disbelief. The originally empty arm actually grew back and looked intact as before. Even the color of the flesh and skin was the same as before, as if it had not been injured at all.

"Oh my god, what is going on? Everyone says that the leader of Tiantong is arrogant, murderous, and powerful. How can he be like a white immortal?" The immortals standing in the back were shocked. .

"What about Bai Xian? Bai Xian can't do this. Bai Xian can only heal the wounds, but he can't make the broken ones grow back. If nothing else, with just this one hand, the leader of Tiantong will be killed." Incredible!" "He is good at medicine and also very good at fighting. This leader of Tiantong is very reliable at first glance. It would be so beautiful to join him!"

Not only the Immortal family, but other aliens were also shocked.

Even though Lu Jinfeng and others had mentioned it before, there was a difference between hearsay and seeing it with their own eyes, and they still felt like their worldview had been subverted.

"The flesh and bones of the living dead, I always thought it was an exaggeration, but I didn't expect it to be true. Longhu Mountain is indeed the ancestral home of Taoism. This method is really incredible!" one of them sighed.

"Senior Brother Li, you are so secretive in Longhu Mountain, and you still have this method!"

Zhou Meng said to a lame Taoist priest in his 30s next to him.

"That's not right!" The lame Taoist priest said suspiciously with one click: "We at Longhu Mountain don't have such means!"

He is one of the Taoist priests from Longhu Mountain who followed Zhang Shoucheng. He majored in Fulu. During the previous battle in the Dragon Vein Land, Shutun Tongzi set fire to the sky. In order to strengthen his defense, he transformed the golden light into Qi and spread it above his head. A canopy to withstand the rain of fire falling from the sky.

As a result, I only paid attention to the top of my head, not my feet, and my calf was bitten off by an evil spirit that emerged from the ground. After the war, I was dragged down the mountain by Zhang Zhiwei to recover from his injuries.

Originally, he had almost accepted his own disability. As a cultivator, it is common for him to have three shortcomings and five disadvantages. It is just a calf, no big deal.

But the scene just now made him feel hopeful again, but he just didn't understand. What was going on with this method?

As a disciple of the Tianshi Mansion, I naturally understand the methods of my sect. This sect should not have such methods, otherwise there would not be so many seniors with mutilated limbs in the sect.

He opened his mouth, intending to ask, but saw that Zhang Zhiwei had already started to treat the next wounded person, so he swallowed his words again.

At this time, Lu Jin on the side saw that everyone was having different opinions and the words were getting more and more mysterious, so he explained.

"Don't make blind guesses. I know the origin of the method that Senior Brother Zhang is using now. It is not the secret skill of Longhu Mountain, but the method that Senior Brother Zhang got from an immortal family. He was called the Medical Sage during the Ming Dynasty. The method Li Shizhen left behind has the ability to live the flesh and bones of the dead!"

After listening to Lu Jin's explanation, everyone suddenly realized.

"It turns out that he got the true inheritance from the Medical Saint. He was a legendary figure. The methods he left behind, no wonder he has such heaven-defying abilities!" someone sighed.

"However, this method has not been inherited by a stranger with medical skills, but has been obtained by the little heavenly master. Should it be said that it is fate that manipulates people, or that the little heavenly master has deep blessings?" Someone else sighed.

"By the way, one of my uncles was plotted against by his enemies before and lost an arm. Couldn't he ask the Little Heavenly Master to heal him? The Little Heavenly Master, Bo Yuntian, shouldn't refuse to agree, right?" Someone said with a surprised look on his face. .

As soon as these words came out, someone immediately echoed: "I have a senior uncle who also..."

"I have that too……"

Seeing that everyone was talking more and more enthusiastically, Lu Jin frowned and was about to explain, but Lu Ci stepped forward and shouted:

"What are you talking about? Your uncle and your master have such a big face, and they want Senior Brother Zhang to treat him. What do you mean by Senior Brother Zhang? Are you a barefoot doctor? You can hire him if you want?!"

Everyone fell silent immediately, and Zhang Zhiwei silently gave Lu Ci a thumbs up. His cultivation was not in vain, it must be a second piece of jewelry!

Lu Ci continued: "Don't think about it carefully, how can such a strong ability come without a price?"

"Senior Brother Zhang needs to sacrifice his innate energy to save people. That is why Senior Brother Zhang sees that everyone here is an anti-Japanese martyr, so he is willing to sacrifice himself to save them."

"Your uncle and your senior uncle were injured by their enemies due to some fierce personal affairs. How dare you let Senior Brother Zhang waste his life to save them?"

After Lu Ci finished speaking, everyone was shocked, but after thinking about it carefully, they felt that it was reasonable. It was normal to pay some price for such a heaven-defying effect.

At this time, the stranger from Yanwu Hall who had just been treated for a broken arm by Zhang Zhiwei covered his arm and exclaimed:

"Oh my God, this broken arm of mine was actually obtained by the little Heavenly Master who wasted his lifespan. This, this, this...how does this make...how does it make..."

He looked at his newly grown arm, and his expression suddenly changed. A person with such an extraordinary talent, the Little Heavenly Master, was willing to waste his life for an ordinary little person like him. How righteous is this?
Even thinking of the despair of the day before yesterday and the lost and recovered now, his emotions almost lost control. He gave a big salute to Zhang Zhiwei and almost choked out:

"Little Celestial Master, I will never say thank you for your great kindness. If you are of use to me in the future, just open your mouth and go through fire and water, even if you die!"

Not only him, but everyone else present was also emotionally agitated and extremely moved. A man with great talent and a bright future, who was very likely to be a Taoist master in the future, was willing to spend his life to save these unimportant people. This It's really a great favor.

A rough man with red eyes said:

"Senior Brother Zhang, I, the barbarian from Liaodong, Jinshan, rarely convince anyone. You are the first one that makes me admire you. From now on, I will hang out with you!"

Zhang Zhiwei healed the man at hand, turned to look at everyone, and said with a smile:
"Don't worry, everyone. How can you repay someone for saving people? This time, everyone gathered in Liaodong to deal with the Japanese pirates. They are all righteous men. Everyone is so loyal. I have to talk about it. Come on! Next!"

Hearing this, the few remaining strangers with mutilated limbs immediately hesitated. They wanted to be treated and save themselves, but they also didn't want Zhang Zhiwei to lose himself. They were caught in a dilemma.

Just as he was struggling, the lame Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain jumped in front of Zhang Zhiwei, stretched out his hand to hold his shoulders, and said seriously:

"Junior brother Yi Bo Yuntian is willing to sacrifice his innate energy to save us, which is really admirable. However, we accept your wishes. We are of low status and have low means. We are not worthy of your sacrifice to save us. You should still be safe. It’s for your own good!”

After all, he is a senior brother of Longhu Mountain. Although he is not very close to Zhang Zhiwei, his heart is still towards Zhang Zhiwei.

As soon as these words came out, those hesitating and tangled aliens with mutilated limbs couldn't say anything else. Saving people is a matter of affection, but not saving people is a duty.

But the opportunity to restore the limbs is right in front of us, so we should give up like this...

They didn't say anything on their faces, but their hearts were filled with ups and downs.

"Senior brother, there is no need to be like this. As the saying goes, there is a difference between closeness and distance. I have saved other people. If I don't save my own family in Longhu Mountain, how can I still have the nerve to go back to Longhu Mountain? After I go back, master is not allowed to whip me? Senior brother, don't do it. Mistaken me"

Zhang Zhiwei said with a look of no doubt.

The lame senior brother opened his mouth and wanted to say, junior brother, you are too honest. If it is really too much, you can treat it quietly after returning to the mountain.

However, looking at Zhang Zhiwei's unquestionable look, he finally said nothing and could only let Zhang Zhiwei treat him.

And this scene also made everyone present admire them and exclaimed:

"Little Heavenly Master is truly benevolent and righteous. Who told him that Little Heavenly Master was arrogant before? If I meet him again, I have to tear his mouth apart?!"

"That's right, the little Heavenly Master is so righteous. He deserves to be called the No. 1 of the younger generation. I can even predict that if we give him another ten years, who in the world can compete with him?!"

For a time, the entire gathering place was calling Zhang Zhiwei for his benevolence and righteousness, and Zhang Zhiwei was a man of loyalty.

At the same time, this news was also passed to the entrance of the hall by the immortal family near the gathering place, and was widely publicized.

(End of this chapter)

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