Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 304 Little Celestial Master Preaches

Chapter 304 Little Celestial Master Preaches

The lame senior brother who was originally independent fell to the ground with his feet.

He touched the newly grown calf and even poked the flesh on the calf's stomach with his hands to confirm that it had really grown back and was the same as before the leg was broken. It was not as uncomfortable as the legendary leg replacement surgery. Suddenly he was as happy as a [-]-pound child.

Although I had previously said that Zhang Zhiwei would not need treatment, I was just worried about Zhang Zhiwei's loss. Who really wants to be disabled?So now I feel both happy and ashamed.

"Senior brother, don't worry. If you really care about your junior brother..." Zhang Zhiwei pointed to the bonfire next to him, "Then roast a lamb leg for your junior brother and eat it after I finish my work!"

"I'll go right away, I'll go right away..." The senior brother hurriedly followed the instructions.

Afterwards, Zhang Zhiwei continued to treat people. There were not many people who needed treatment, only six people.

Not long after the treatment was completed, these people who were depressed due to their mutilated limbs became strong and fierce heroes who could survive and fight.

No matter what is lost, it is more precious than before. Zhang Zhiwei gave them with missing limbs a chance to become normal people again, which is tantamount to reborn as parents.

They were grateful to Zhang Zhiwei and said frankly that if anything happened to Zhang Zhiwei in the future, they would just open their mouths and go through fire and water without hesitation.

Zhang Zhiwei acted very generously and said that there was no need to worry about it. He only saved people out of his heart and had no intention of asking for a price.

These words may sound a little hypocritical, but they are Zhang Zhiwei's true words. He really has no intention of winning people's hearts, and these people can't bring him much help. Everything he says and does comes from his heart, simple and pure.

However, there are also people who think about everything in a complicated direction, such as Lu Ren.

He glanced at those people who were crying with gratitude and sighed inwardly, "In the past, I only knew that although Senior Brother Zhang was extremely talented, he was a reckless man who did not understand the world. But now it seems that he was wrong. Not only did Senior Brother Zhang Not reckless, his methods are extremely clever."

"He is so clever that he can make a bunch of people give up with just a few words and a few tricks. Although there is a loss, his face is rosy and he is full of energy. It doesn't look like he has lost too much energy at all. It is estimated that the loss is not big and can be tolerated. scope."

He had a clear understanding: "Maybe the image of a reckless man is just because of his straightforward behavior, which gives people the illusion, but this is the embodiment of great wisdom and foolishness. Maybe the "Senior Brother Zhang" whom Wang Ai often calls is both wise and brave. This sentence is not flattery."

Compared with the thoughtful Lu Ren, the real reckless men - Lu Jin and Lu Ci are much simpler.

What the two of them were thinking was that Senior Brother Zhang was really righteous. He was strong and yet sacrificed himself for others. It was absolutely impossible to go wrong by following Senior Brother Zhang.

It just wasn't worth it to sacrifice one's body for a group of outsiders... This was what Lu Ci was thinking.

As for Wang Ai, he didn't think so much. Senior Brother Zhang must have his own reason for doing this. At this moment, he was secretly looking at the immortals who were standing upright like a military posture not far away, thinking about something in his mind.

Zhang Zhiwei doesn't care about everyone's messy thoughts. For him, the opinions of outsiders are just delusions imposed on him by the outside world. They are a kind of control over him. However, his own thinking sits high on the spiritual platform and cannot be controlled. Half shaken.

After the treatment was over, the sky also dimmed. In order to celebrate the recovery of their limbs and their return to their whole bodies, everyone started a bonfire party.

Of course, the bonfire was moved to the inn.

The night in Changbai Mountain is more than ten degrees below zero. Holding a bonfire party there is just to make yourself uncomfortable.

While everyone was preparing, Zhang Zhiwei walked up to the group of immortals standing in military postures.

"What do you want from me?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

The immortals look at me and I look at you. They all don’t want to stand out. You can’t say they are here to get information!

In the end, the young man Xianjia stepped forward, folded his hands and saluted, and said respectfully:

"I have heard for a long time that Master Tiantong's power is boundless and his righteousness is so great. Now that I see him, he is indeed well-deserved. Previously, when Master Tiantong established the church, we were ignorant and did not receive any news. We were unable to come to congratulate you. We felt it was disrespectful. I Wait for me to come here specially to see you!”

"Yes, yes, we are the same!"

The other immortals laughed and hugged their hands in agreement.

But soon, they stopped laughing. The young Xianjia took out a hundreds-year-old Changbai Mountain wild ginseng from his pocket, held it in both hands, and handed it to Zhang Zhiwei respectfully.

"A small gift is not a respect!"

Zhang Zhiwei glanced over and saw that on the young man's face, there was a red fox face looming over it. He was undoubtedly from the Hu family. Not only that, there was faint energy flowing on the wild ginseng in his hand.

This was a real guy, quite valuable. Zhang Zhiwei stretched out his hand and took it. It was a congratulatory gift at the ceremony.

Although he doesn't need it, he can take it back and give it to his brothers to try.

"Since it's a congratulatory gift, I'll accept it and say hello to the headmaster at Qin Tangkou for me!!"

Seeing Zhang Zhiwei accept the wild ginseng, the young Xianjia smiled.

But the other immortals were embarrassed, and they were yelling in their hearts that this bitch was not a son of a human being and stabbed them in the back.

In fact, although wild ginseng is extremely valuable in the outside world and is more expensive than gold, for fairy families like them, it is really not a scarce thing. Who doesn't grow a few ginseng?
But the key point is that they are now possessed by the disciples who took action.

These days, when a disciple goes out to work, he only receives a full meal, two yuan, and three pillars of fragrance. What kind of possessions can he get as a gift?

You can't simply take a few big coins and go out. Who are you insulting? It's better not to take them.

Several immortal families had no choice but to stumble and say some congratulatory speeches. They were extremely uneasy. It was rumored that the leader of Tiantong was murderous and would turn over the table when they disagreed. Could it be that because they couldn't come up with congratulatory gifts, they would Just kill them.

However, what they didn't expect was that Zhang Zhiwei not only didn't embarrass them, but was actually very talkative.

"I appreciate everyone's congratulations. Thank you for me. Do you have anything else? If not, please come back!"

Zhang Zhiwei has long known the purpose of these immortals. Before coming, Guan Shihua reported the situation to him through Wang Ai's yin and yang paper. He can use diamond methods, but he is not an indiscriminate murderer.

As soon as these words came out, the other immortals felt as if they had been granted amnesty, and they dispersed like birds and beasts. Their souls left the Dima Cave and returned to their original bodies.

Accompanying you is like accompanying a tiger. They don’t want to stay in this place for a moment longer.

Only the young Xianjia who sent the congratulatory gift earlier stayed, clasped his hands and said:
"The leader of Tiantong is above, and Hu San of Hu Xiangu is below. He is a monk. When he learned that the leader's church was founded, he must be short of manpower. Hu is not talented, so he wanted to recommend himself and help the leader to achieve great things. If the leader doesn't Abandon, I am willing to accompany you!"

"I accept your wishes. I won't expand my business for the time being, and I haven't even started the incense business yet. If you come to my place, you might not even get anything to eat, so please go back. If you don't want to go back, you can stay and eat." Get something!" Zhang Zhiwei said, not that he didn't do anything after taking something, but that he really didn't need the Xian family very much.

Being rejected by Zhang Zhiwei, Hu San was a little embarrassed. Hu Xian is the first of the five immortals. In the family of immortals, although it is not a master, it can be regarded as a backbone. It is more than enough to enter any hall, but Wan I never expected that Master Tiantong would reject it so simply.

No matter what he meant to say, he was also a smart "person". Looking at Zhang Zhiwei's eyes, he knew that the matter was irreversible. If he continued talking, it would only annoy people, so he stopped talking.

However, it did not just leave in anger, but instead participated in the bonfire party with everyone.



At this moment, after a while of preparations, the party has begun.

The aroma of meat and wine relaxed their nerves, and the campfire filled their bodies with warmth.

After a few bowls of wine, everyone's eyes lit up, they smiled, and they competed for the barbecue and the wine jar.

They started laughing loudly. It had been a long time since I heard such hearty laughter in Liaodong.

The smiles of young strangers are so contagious, like morning light, full of vigorous Yang energy.

In this era, everyone probably had this idea when they were young. As a young man wearing bright clothes and angry horses, could he withstand the Japanese pirates crossing south?

At this time, a stranger whose hands and feet were healed by Zhang Zhiwei felt happy, jumped to the fire, threw away his bearskin coat, and started dancing.

His dance movements are simple and powerful, and every joint of his body is open, as if he is galloping on a horse to kill the enemy.

There are still many people who are good at singing and dancing these days, and more and more people join in. They hold hands and spin around the fire and dance, and a veritable bonfire party begins.

It was cold and windy outside the inn, but it was warm inside the inn. Meat was roasting next to the campfire. The roe deer meat was sizzling and oily, and the fishy smell of the meat was wafting everywhere.

Zhang Zhiwei was aroused, so he stepped forward, pushed away the charcoal fire with his hands covered with golden light, tore off a piece of the best hind leg, blew it and stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it happily, and unscrewed the white copper Lift the lid and take a swig.

The smell of alcohol surged up, as if a sharp breath of spicy breath had been blown out from his heart and lungs. He patted his knees and shouted "Hello".

"This barbecue is good, not bland and tasteless, it's spicy enough!"

This barbecue was roasted by the former senior brother Longhushan. Tong grew up in Jiangxi, so he naturally knows each other's taste.

No one came to compete with Zhang Zhiwei for such spicy food. He took off his bearskin coat and started eating it, his mouth full of oil.

At this time, he looked at Lu Jin and Lu Ci next to him, pursed his lips at them, and motioned for them to eat together.

Several people quickly shook their heads and left. The last time they ate mutton soup pot and it was spicy, they still vividly remembered the scene. How dare they come back? They immediately stayed away from this spicy guy.

At this time, someone was drunk and said loudly:
"Brothers, it seems that because of the Cheka agents' trouble, all the Japanese pirates in Bincheng are almost dead. Only the Shikou area is still occupied by a large number of Japanese pirates. What do you think, if we work together to kill the lion? If we kill the Japanese pirates in the mouth, will there be peace here?"

Someone replied: "It's not that simple. Even if we remove the Japanese pirates in these two places, we will only remove their minions. The real strength of the Japanese pirates lies in the mainland."

"I think if you want to solve this problem once and for all, you have to be strong yourself. Only when the domestic turmoil subsides and we are truly united can we not be afraid of foreign enemies and have a truly peaceful life!"

"Yes, yes, that makes sense. To strike, you have to be strong and strong. But when will the domestic turmoil subside?"

Someone asked Zhang Zhiwei: "Little Heavenly Master, you are very powerful, and you are also an expert in magic. You have broken all the Qi games that Master Hu Tu could not break. Have you ever deduced the secrets of heaven? When will there be true peace?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Zhang Zhiwei, wanting to know his answer.

In fact, Zhang Zhiwei really knows this issue, not through deduction, but he knows it himself, but the truth is a bit too cruel.

"You're asking me to deduce the future results?"

Zhang Zhiwei pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, "Then everyone may be disappointed. I may use interior scenes to deduce some things that have happened, but I never calculate the future through interior scenes!"

As soon as this person appeared, everyone was stunned and looked at Zhang Zhiwei in confusion. Divination and calculation, seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune, are the magician's specialty. No matter what school of magician, they are all proficient in this skill, but the little heavenly master never uses it?
"What's the point?"

Everyone asked in confusion.

"Because the future calculated by divination is not necessarily the real future. It is more likely to be the delusion imposed on oneself by the inner scene, which is a restraint on oneself!!"

Seeing everyone's confusion, Zhang Zhiwei explained: "This is actually easy to understand. If you stand in the position of childhood and look at the future, you will say that your future is uncertain, you will say that your future is boundless. In short, you have countless paths to take. You pioneer.”

"But if you stand at the end and look at the trajectory of your life, you can only see one road, and you can only see one destined road. This also means that the countless roads you originally had to explore have disappeared. , there are only two paths left for you."

"These two paths, one is to comply with the results of the divination and follow the destined path. The second path is to go against the path and go against the path given to you by the inner scene."

"But no matter which path you take, the choices you make are based on the impact of the answers given to you by the interior."

"That is to say, when you start to predict your destiny, no matter whether you obey or resist, you are actually embarking on the so-called destiny path given to you by the inner scene."

"Trying to find a path that goes against fate from the guidance given by fate is itself a kind of surrender to fate and deceiving others."

“Only those who don’t know what fate is can know what fate is.”

"It's like many people say they can't see the future, but in fact they can see the future!"

"So, I never steal secrets or deduce the future!"

Zhang Zhiwei stood by the campfire and said slowly.

The bonfire illuminated Zhang Zhiwei's sharp face from the side, with light and dark intertwined. The tall bridge of his nose cast a shadow. One of Zhang Zhiwei's eyes was hidden in the shadow, and the other was expressionless.

It's easier said than done. Why is this trip to Liaodong not a delusion imposed by fate?

(End of this chapter)

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