Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 305: The Tao of Heavenly Masters will rise, and the leader of Tiantong will be king

Chapter 305: The Tao of Heavenly Masters will rise, and the leader of Tiantong will be king

"The future calculated by divination is not the real future, but the delusion imposed on oneself by the outside world, which is a constraint on oneself..."

As if struck by lightning, everyone repeated Zhang Zhiwei's words in their hearts and fell silent.

Not all of them are warlocks, but most of them have asked warlocks to divine things, whether to predict good or bad luck, or to predict marriage, etc.

This is not surprising. Many ordinary people know that there is a high probability that fortune tellers are liars, but they still believe it and pay a lot of money to ask fortune tellers, let alone strangers like them who know that warlocks can accurately tell fortunes.

In the past, no matter what the final result was, they all believed that knowing the future in advance might give them some inspiration to avoid the bumps in the future and make their own path easier. But now it seems that the path has been narrowed. .

It is undoubtedly ridiculous to try to find a way to change your destiny from the guidance given by fate... They keep this sentence in mind.

Zhang Zhiwei didn't say anything else. He sat back down, holding the roe deer leg, eating meat and drinking from a big bowl.

The tiger bone medicinal wine from Changbai Mountain is very strong, and the freshly roasted roe deer meat is not smelly and has a faint sweet taste when chewed.

The wine and barbecue also attracted the attention of others, and everyone stopped talking about those disappointing things. They held the roasted roe deer meat and the wine and started to exchange glasses.

On this cold night, in the inn at the foot of Changbai Mountain, everyone moved tables and chairs aside and lit bonfires, attracting more and more people in the gathering place to stay here and have a drink and talk.

After Zhang Zhiwei finished eating a roe deer leg, he knocked the long leg bone on the table and said loudly: "I'm a little tired of it. Shopkeeper, please give me a bowl of tofu nao to relieve your tiredness!"

As soon as these words came out, many people echoed:

"I want one too!"

"Give me one too!"

"Me too!"


Not long after, the waiter from the inn came over with more than a dozen servings of tofu nao on a large plate and handed them over one by one.

Zhang Zhiwei took it and ate it up in a few mouthfuls. He smacked his lips after finishing the meal. Unlike the sweet tofu curd at the foot of Longhu Mountain, this one was salty.

He glanced around and saw that among the people eating tofu, some were eating happily, while others were frowning.

"I always feel like drinking and talking about it. In today's chaotic world, how can there be so many things to talk about and enjoy..." Thoughts flashed in his mind. Zhang Zhiwei put the bowl on the table without hesitation and shouted:

"Boy, why is your tofu puffs so salty? How do you eat salty tofu puffs?!"

As soon as these words came out, those people with frowning eyebrows immediately echoed loudly:

"That's right, why is this tofu puff salty?!"

"It's so salty. How can I eat it? Waiter, please bring me some sugar!"

"That's right. Without sugar, it's almost unpalatable!"

The waiter immediately froze on the spot. He had a conscience. This was the first time he heard that sugar was added to the tofu cake.

But soon, he received support, and everyone in the north put their wine on the table and responded:
"What's going on? Tofu curd is also sweet? What kind of way of eating is this? Is it so careless?"

"That's right, there's sugar in this thing. It's very sweet. Can you eat it?"

"You have to eat salty tofu!"

"Nonsense, you have to eat something sweet!"

"You should obviously eat salty food!"


Under the guidance of a certain old man, the north and the south, who had already been drinking, changed from the salty and sweet taste of tofu to the salty and sweet taste of rice dumplings, and then to the dumplings and glutinous rice balls that should be eaten during the Winter Solstice... There was a huge quarrel, and both sides had their own opinions. word.

"Don't send Pifeng, okay? Guier and several gods rubbed it together. Isn't the tofu curd supposed to be spicy? Also, which Bao Pi Long eats glutinous rice balls and dumplings during the Winter Solstice? If you have a hammer, you shouldn't eat mutton. Soup?"

Fengping whispered in dialect, holding a can of chili oil in his hand. He was about to put it into the tofu brain when he suddenly felt a chill running down his spine. When he looked up, he saw the two parties arguing just now, with murderous eyes. Staring at the jar of chili in his hand.

Feng Ping's heart trembled, and then he put a whole can of chili oil on the barbecue with a calm expression, and raised the barbecue: "What are you looking at? Do you want to eat something?"

"Who wants to eat that stuff if it chokes your nose even from a distance? The freshness of the ingredients is gone. If you eat it this way, it will taste good even if you chew on your shoe mats!"

I don't know who made a complaint, and everyone looked away silently, and continued to argue about sweetness and saltiness. At the end of the argument, someone suggested a showdown at the wine table.

At this point, everyone present was divided into two factions, the North and the South, and began to form groups to drink together.

Everyone was a stranger, and they all had a good drinking capacity. They were evenly matched at first, but slowly the southern faction began to show signs of decline, while the northern faction took advantage of the victory and pursued it, raising glasses and drinking again and again. The southern faction also lost the battle. Just follow along.

Due to differences in region and diet, northerners generally drink more alcohol than southerners. In addition, there are more northerners here, giving them a home field advantage.

As jars of whole jars of spirits continued to be served, the southern brothers became more and more drunk, and everyone's face turned red.

However, the South was not defeated because one of their generals was in charge. This general was Zhang Zhiwei. Zhang Zhiwei was born in Hubei and grew up in Jiangxi. He was a proper southerner.

"Senior Brother Zhang, I did it, you can do whatever you want!" Guan Shihua raised the wine jar and touched it with Zhang Zhiwei, laughing.

"Afraid of you?!"

Zhang Zhiwei drank it all in one gulp, and after finishing it, he looked at Lu Ci, Lu Jin, and others who were gradually losing their strength. Could this be the legendary shooting of oneself in the foot?

He wanted to win the drinking fight he had started with tears in his eyes. While Zhang Zhiwei was drinking hard, he acted as a pressure monster and put pressure on his incompetent teammates to make them stand up.

While everyone was fighting for wine, Wang Ai shouted that drinking together could not show his strength. He wanted to find a northern buddy to challenge him, and immediately found the one who was attached to a young brother named Hu San. Fairy family.After Hu San wanted to enter the hall but was rejected by Zhang Zhiwei, he did not leave, but stayed to drink wine and eat meat. Although he was using the body of a disciple, he could still taste the taste.

Wang Ai walked over and clinked glasses with Hu San, and whispered: "Hu Xian, I want to help you practice!"

Hearing this, Hu San was stunned. Help me practice?What nonsense is this fat man talking about?I wanted to drive him away, but then I remembered that this fat man seemed to be a little close to the leader of Tiantong, so I asked:
"How to help me practice?"

Wang Ai said in a low voice: "Aren't you just going out to get incense and faith to strengthen yourself? How much incense you get depends first on your own ability, and secondly on the leader you follow. If you follow the wrong leader, thirdly I was hungry for nine meals, and most of the incense was taken away by the headmaster and the branch leader, so I couldn't even eat hot shit."

Hu Sanshen nodded in agreement. For this reason, class solidification also existed in the Immortal Family.

Wang Ai continued: "Other halls have already prepared all the posts when they established the hall. You, who have no background, can only be a soldier. It will be difficult to get ahead in your life. You will have to do all the dirty work and the incense will be paid to you." You can’t get much!”

Confidant... Hu San looked at Wang Ai and nodded repeatedly, just like this time, the immortals with positions in the hall did not dare to visit the leader of Tiantong, so they lured one of his soldiers to come.

It was about to run away, but then it thought that coming to see Master Tiantong might be an opportunity, so it bit the bullet and came over. However, it did not expect that Master Tiantong would not accept "people".

Wang Ai added: "Other churches are like this, but Tiantong leader's church is different. Although this church has been established, it only has the chief and deputy leaders. It has not prepared all the four beams and eight pillars. All positions are empty and full. Everywhere is an opportunity, so why worry about not getting ahead?"

Hu San's eyes flickered: "Can you really stand out?"

"Of course!" Wang Ai said: "Do you know Mr. Huang Tianliu? Why is he helping Master Tiantong this time? Don't you think there is a future in the church of Master Tiantong? Even such old seniors are tempted, but you are not. ?”

Hu San's eyes lit up, and then he said with a frustrated face: "But I can't even get into the hall. No matter how good the future is, what does it have to do with me? Does this sir have any idea?"

Wang Ai looked incomprehensible and said: "Of course there is a way. The deputy leader in the hall is my boss. Have you heard that I asked the deputy leader to come over to me a few days ago? Just rely on this relationship to get someone into the hall. Mouth, isn’t it a piece of cake?”

Hu San was stunned, and then he remembered some news he had heard in the past few days. It seemed that a very weak fat man had defeated the leader of the younger generation by inviting a monkey fairy to get on top of him.

Could it be that the fat man in front of me?Is that the frail fat man?That Monkey Immortal is the deputy leader of the main hall of Tiantong?
Thinking of this, Hu San's eyes lit up, he quietly handed over a ginseng and whispered:
"Please, sir, please be accommodating!"

Wang Ai pushed it back. He, the legitimate son of the Wang family, was rich and carried half of the bank notes when he went out. How could he be interested in this thing?
"If you want to enter the hall, I need you to show your worth to me and the deputy leader. If you are worth enough, I will not only pull you in, but also entrust you with important tasks."

"How to show your own value?" Hu San looked at Wang Ai suspiciously, intuitively telling him that this little fat man was fooling him, but when he thought that Huang Ye and Huang Tianliu had entered the hall of Tiantong Cult Master, he immediately Extremely itchy.

Huang Ye is such a treacherous fairy. He is not the leader of the church, but he has also lived for hundreds of years. This old yellow man, who is more cunning than an old fox, has tried his best just to get into a human church. This is There must be huge benefits in it.

"You won't lie to me, will you?!" Hu San asked.

"How could I lie to you?" Wang Ai patted Hu San on the shoulder: "Believe me, there is absolutely no problem!"

"But you look very untrustworthy!" Hu San stared at Wang Ai. He is Hu Xian, a fox turned spirit. He is so smart. How can he be deceived with just a few words?Do you think it is Liuxian?
Immediately he said bluntly: "This fat man, don't look at us carelessly. We understand that we don't tell secrets. Can you pull me in? If so, can you directly tell me what you want me to cooperate with? If not, let's not waste time. .”

Compared to Senior Brother Zhang, his ability to deceive is still inferior... Wang Ai pursed his lips, pondered for a moment, and said without any fuss:

"I do have a relationship with the deputy leader, but the relationship is not good enough to draw people into the hall. So if you want to enter the hall, I have to drag you in."

"And to attract people to the hall, you have to have a position, such as becoming the leader of the church hall or the medical hall. Now in the hall, these hall leaders have not yet been established. The Tiantong leader said that merit will be rewarded. Those who can live there.”

"What is an able person? If you can earn enough incense, you are an able person, so I want you to do something to help me get some incense faith, and make meritorious service to become the branch leader, so that I can pull you in."

Wang Ai tried his best to help Hu San: "And after entering, we can be each other's horns, help each other, become bigger and stronger together, and create greater glory!"

Hu San was thoughtful, thought for a while, and said, "How do you want me to help you?"

Wang Ai whispered: "Gather your brothers and show off your old skills. Have you ever heard of the saying, the heavenly master will bring forth the heavenly king?"

WTF?Hu San was confused. Whose profession is this?

"Listen to me!" Wang Ai quickly pulled it and whispered.

After listening, Hu Sandao said: "I understand what you mean. Do you want me to find some little Hu Immortals to go to some places with gods and ghosts to build momentum and call Tianshi Dao to rise and Tiantong Cult Master to be the king?"

"Smart!" Wang Ai gave a thumbs up.

Hu San looked at him with contempt: "I'm afraid your idea won't work. This kind of shallow belief based on rumors is so mottled that it can't be used at all!"

"Do you think I rely solely on you? You are just here to add a little mystery to this matter. It is an insignificant part, just the icing on the cake. Are you coming?"

First the courtesy, then the soldiers, first the courtesy, now the rear soldiers, Wang Ai’s face was buried in the shadows, he took out the yin and yang paper and patted Hu San’s head:

"No more pretending, let's show our cards. I am the legitimate son of the Wang family. You are a detective of the palace. You are the best informed. You should know the power of the four big families, the Wang family. In this world, whoever the Wang family wants to die will be killed. If you have to die, you can protect whoever the Wang family wants to protect, and there is nothing the Wang family wants to do that cannot be done!"

Hu San was stunned for a moment, then clasped his hands and said, "If you don't give up, I'm willing to follow you!"

Wang Ai smiled and handed the yin and yang paper to Hu San's hand.

Does this silly little fat guy finally have the potential to be a future yinbi... Zhang Zhiwei secretly thought while drinking, and stretched out his hand toward Wang Ai, his fingers slightly bent.

Wang Ai, who was still inscrutable just now, was instantly pulled by a suction force, fell back to Zhang Zhiwei, and was grabbed by the back of the neck.

"Fat man, what are you mumbling about if you don't drink? Are you taking advantage of the loophole?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Lu Jin, who was a little dizzy after drinking, glanced at Wang Ai's cup in confusion and said loudly:

"That's right, Fatty, you're raising me, come on up, you see the hedgehog is talking nonsense!"

Wang Ai looked at Lu Ci and saw that Lu Ci was blushing, standing with one foot on the stool, looking at the people in the north, and laughed:
"Okay, you guys, if you can't drink, I'll let you, okay? You have one drink, and I'll have four!!"

Lu Ren couldn't even hold him back. Drinking was like fighting. The further you got to the back, the harder it was to hold on. How could you get drunk and get drunk?
He could already foresee that the scene on top of Lu Ci after he fell was just like the last time they had a drinking party in the Lu family compound.

(End of this chapter)

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