Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 310 Are you coming to challenge me?

Chapter 310 Are you coming to challenge me?

"I picked up a dragon ball in a dream. After eating it, it transformed into a five-clawed golden dragon. It soared in the nine heavens, looking down at me with no opponent. Until I flew to Longhu Mountain, I was slapped back by Senior Brother Zhang. The original shape, and then woke up!”

Lu Ci scratched his head and said a little embarrassed.

"Everyone dreams of the same thing, is this a bad omen?" Lu Jin asked.

"How could the golden dragon be a bad omen?" Lu Ci retorted: "It's clearly auspicious!"

"The golden dragon is indeed auspicious!" Lu Jin said: "But being slapped back by Senior Brother Zhang is not auspicious!"

"What do you mean?" Lu Ci glared at Lu Jin: "Being beaten back to your original shape is better than being beaten to tears!"

"Who cried after being beaten?" Lu Jin frowned and said, "Don't talk nonsense, I had sand in my eyes!"

"You're telling lies with your eyes open, right? If you can cry, don't you admit it!" Lu Ci said: "The faces of the four families were ruined in the hands of people like you!"

"That's better than some people who can't drink and still pretend to be cool, saying I can have one drink and you can have four!"

Lao Lu was not a good person, so he immediately choked and said.

Seeing that the two of them were at loggerheads and about to have a fight, Lu Ren quickly pulled the two away and calmed down his anger. As the younger brother among the four families, he still had some dignity.

"So, everyone dreams about the golden dragon?" Lu Ren said, looking around and said, "By the way, where is Senior Brother Zhang?"

Everyone looked confused. They lay down early last night and had no idea what was going to happen next.

Wang Ai raised his hand and said weakly: "Senior Brother Zhang has gone back to his room. I dragged you to the room and put you up!"

Lu Jin looked at him in surprise: "You took us back to the room? There were so many people across the way, and you didn't get knocked down?"

Lu Ci also looked at him suspiciously: "No, Fatty, your drinking capacity is not very good. How did you persist until the end?"

Lu Jin asked again: "Are you raising fish?"

Lu Ci then said, "Are you cheating while drinking?"

The two people, who had just been at war with each other, suddenly united the front. With a word from you and a word from me, Wang Ai was directly put on the fire.

Others also looked at Wang Ai with strange eyes.

"Senior Brother Zhang acquiesced!" Wang Ai said weakly: "I...I was drunk and no one paid the bill!"

Everyone was stunned, this reason was impeccable.


Lu Jin was a little embarrassed and said: "I told you earlier, you should have told me earlier!"

Lu Ci patted Wang Ai on the shoulder: "That's right, why didn't you tell me earlier?!"


Wang Ai took off Lu Ci's hand and complained in his heart, "You two grandsons are singing together, do I have a chance?" !
When I complete my plan and obtain a large amount of incense, I can ask the deputy leader to take action at any time.

If you two dare to be arrogant in front of me again, I will suppress you two fools with a backhand.

"Where is Senior Brother Zhang? Let's go find Senior Brother Zhang and ask what's going on?" Lu Ren asked.

"It's in the next room!" Wang Ai said.

Several people got up and as soon as they opened the door, they heard shouting outside.

"Dragon! Look, there's a dragon!"

"It is said that Changbai Mountain is the land of dragon prosperity, and it is indeed true!"

"Today I saw a rainbow and a golden dragon. It must be a good sign. Otherwise, it's a good sign that things will come soon!"



Hearing the noise outside, they quickly opened the windows and stuck their heads out without looking for Zhang Zhiwei.

They saw clouds surging in the mountains in the distance, dragons rising, and huge golden dragons circling and flying all the way to the south. Several people were stunned.

"This golden dragon is just like what I dreamed about!" Lu Jin murmured.

"Me too, I looked like that in the dream!" Lu Ci said.

"This..." Lu Ren was the first to react and said with a face of ecstasy: "That is the direction of the Dragon Vein Land. The golden dragon jumped out from there. This is the Dragon Vein. The Dragon Vein is out of trouble. Father and the others succeeded!"

"Successful?" Lu Jin said, "Then what is the golden dragon we dreamed about?"

"Father once said that if the Dragon Vein can get out of trouble, it will definitely bring blessings to the party, and those who help the Dragon Vein get out of trouble will be given special care. The golden dragon will dream about it. This is auspicious. There is no doubt that we have all been blessed by the Dragon Vein!" Lu Ren! said.

Everyone suddenly became excited. Although they haven't found any benefits yet, it is always good to be blessed.

The dragon vein follows the direction of the Changbai Mountains, all the way south. Every time it passes, some golden dragons of luck will be scattered, bringing good fortune to the place.

When people get Qi, they will become strangers; when objects get Qi, they will become magic weapons; when plants get Qi, they will become treasures of heaven and earth; when animals get Qi, they will become elves; when mountains and rivers get Qi, they will derive Qi Bureaus, and when countries get Qi, they will become elves. Qi, dragon veins will be born!

If a country has no Qi, there is a saying in ancient times that the Qi has been exhausted.

Although the previous dynasty has died, the dragon's veins still exist, so some people have always said that it has not exhausted its power. Over the years, many jokes, big and small, have been made.

But now, this dragon vein that has been trapped in Changbai Mountain for hundreds of years has finally started to move, moving along the direction of the flow of the earth veins, from north to south like a moving path.

This is the first time it has traveled in hundreds of years, but it is also the last time. It is already decaying and has been plotted. Even if it is not released, it will suddenly collapse in a few decades, but there is no doubt that More will be lost.

But now, it has been released in advance. Its previous energy has been exhausted, and its energy is coming to an end. In its last cruise, it will return its destiny to the earth and turn it into the dragon vein that is about to be reborn. Firewood.

On the flag mountain, Zhang Zhiwei silently watched the dragon vein disappear.

The era of alternation between old and new dragon veins must be the most splendid and cruelest era.

The Dragon Veins of the Great Zhou Dynasty collapsed, the old and the new replaced each other, and the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period were born.

The dragon vein of the Qin Dynasty collapsed, the old and the new replaced each other, and the struggle between Chu and Han for hegemony was born.

The dragon veins of the Han Dynasty collapsed, the old and the new replaced each other, and the Three Kingdoms were born.


At the same time, inside the Forbidden City in the capital.

The former emperor, who was enjoying the life of the deposed emperor, suddenly felt a burst of angina pectoris, which made him faint from the pain.

"An imperial physician, an imperial physician!"


In Changbai Mountain, the dragon vein matter is over, and the people below are starting to tidy up the altar.

Zhang Zhiwei did not show up, turned around and left the place. He was not in a hurry when he returned, so he did not take the road from the interior.

When the Dragon Veins move south, the Feng Shui Qi Veins are turbulent, which affects not only the material world, but also the spiritual world. Just like a deep water is muddied, some evil spirits hidden in it may be stirred up.

The scene where he encountered Luan Jia in the previous interior scenes was still vivid in his mind, and Zhang Zhiwei didn't want to bump into those things for nothing.

"If you walk at night for a long time, you will encounter ghosts. Don't escape into the interior scenery if you have nothing to do next!" Zhang Zhiwei said to himself.

The more he understands the inside scene, the more he understands how terrifying it is. Although he will not be afraid of trouble if he encounters it, he will not look for trouble either.

Zhang Zhiwei attached two pieces of magical armor to his legs and ran down the mountain.

When crossing a snowfield, a sudden change occurred.

Under his feet, a strange pattern with him as the middle palace suddenly unfolded, and a compass-like strange pattern was launched. From a hidden corner, several spells were released in a very short period of time.

Zhang Zhiwei activated the golden light spell, and a thin layer of light spread all over his body.

But what he was greeted with was not a blazing fire-like attack. He just felt his body stagnate, and he suddenly felt like he was falling into the mud. This was because he had been hit by several restraint spells that restricted his movement.

"I just said I wouldn't look for trouble, but I'm not afraid of trouble, and trouble just came to me!"

Zhang Zhiwei touched the ground with his feet and moved lightly. The pattern of the compass-shaped Qimen suddenly turned around, and the heavenly stems and earthly branches became chaotic.

The various spells performed based on the pattern and position just now lost their effect immediately, and the pulling feeling like falling into a swamp disappeared.

Zhang Zhiwei stopped, his eyes were like flying stars, and he glanced back. The strange compass shape was still slowly turning under his feet.

The position he was standing in now was the middle palace. This strange layout that he had set for the middle palace was overtaken by him in just an instant.

Zhang Zhiwei grinned and said, "With such a small Qimen structure, why do you have to work with the warlocks?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a thin, middle-aged man in black robes with a serious face walked out of the darkness, clasped his hands and said:
"Master Zhiwei is absolutely right, Hu Tu gave me some advice!"

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at the other person and recognized the identity of the person who came. The master of the Shuzi Sect, one of the famous figures in the alien world, Master Hu Tu, he had met once before in the Land of Dragon Veins.

Zhang Zhiwei didn't know much about Master Hu Tu. He only knew that the Jiashen Rebellion broke out completely when he killed his relatives and killed Hu Haiwang.

Zhang Zhiwei did not comment on this kind of person who killed relatives for the sake of justice, but he just had different paths and did not work together.

"Master Zhiwei?" Zhang Zhiwei tilted his head and looked at Hu Tu: "In my life, this is the first time someone has called me that!"

Those people in the past mostly called him Senior Brother Zhang, or Little Heavenly Master. Master Zhiwei was too formal and inconsistent with his age.

"There is no priority in learning, and the master is the teacher. The methods you have just shown in the Dragon Vein Land are something I, the head of the Shuzi Sect, have not yet understood. If you cannot be called a master, who else can?" Is it worthy of these two words?" Master Hu Tu said quickly.

"Really?" Zhang Zhiwei smiled: "Master Hu Tu, you are talking about you, and you are saying that I am a master, but the way you blocked the road just now is out of nature!"

Upon hearing this, Master Hu Tu immediately knelt down to Zhang Zhiwei without saying a word and bowed respectfully.

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

Zhang Zhiwei was shocked by Master Hu Tu's actions. The ceremony of kneeling down is a great gift. In this era, the king of heaven and earth is the king of relatives and masters, and there is no reason to kneel to outsiders indiscriminately, especially Master Hu Tu, a well-known and respected figure in the world, but It is absolutely impossible for someone who has great face to kneel down at every turn like Wu Bilian.

"Master Hu Tu, what do you mean?"

Zhang Zhiwei stayed away from Master Hu Tu's great gift.

"Master Zhiwei is too fast and Hu Tu can't keep up. What we did just now is also an expedient measure. Please forgive me Master Zhiwei. Hu Tu is here to apologize to you!"

"As for why I came to see Master Zhiwei..."

"It's because after seeing what you did, master, I have become sick and heartbroken. I hope you can heal me!"

Master Hu Tu looked at Zhang Zhiwei with a longing expression and said.

When he saw Zhang Zhiwei's actions before, he always saw it from a third-party perspective. Although he was shocked, it was like seeing flowers in the fog, and he didn't feel deeply.

But just now, in order to make Zhang Zhiwei stop, he personally tested it, and only then did he realize the horror of it.

It was a wonderful feeling. Even a poor warlock who was proficient in magic could find that the entire Qimen structure had been turned upside down.

And in just an instant, not only did his magic methods fail, but he also lost control of the Qimen Bureau. Yes, control.

Warlock’s control over the Qimen Bureau is based on calculations. Just like today is Wednesday, I know there are activities in the supermarket in the evening, so I can go shopping. Tomorrow is Thursday, KFC has a Crazy Thursday activity, and I can also take some steps...

Deducing in advance, arranging in advance, and following the weather, this is the control of the warlock.

But the current situation is that although today is Wednesday, tomorrow is not Thursday. Tomorrow may still be Wednesday, or it may be Tuesday, Friday, Monday...

This feeling of being out of control, as well as the sense of powerlessness and uncertainty about the future, made Master Hu Tu feel frightened and uneasy, and at the same time gave birth to an almost paranoid desire.

This kind of paranoia and longing cannot be understood by those who are not warlocks.

It's like a mathematician who has devoted his life to calculating pi and calculated pi to countless digits after the decimal point.

In his mind, he has even determined that pi is infinite.

Suddenly, Pi, it's over.

This sense of powerlessness and panic, as well as the thirst for new knowledge, can make people do any crazy thing.

This is because Hu Tu acted openly and openly, so he came to kneel openly. If it were another person who was sinister and cunning, he would probably have done something secretly.

"I know what you mean, but heart ailments require heart medicine. I can't help you. Let me give you a piece of advice!"

Zhang Zhiwei said with a serious face: "The things on my body are the root of your disease and the focus of your disease. You should stay away from me instead of rushing to find me!"

Zhang Zhiwei is not the kind of person who is too self-conscious. He can point out Zhuge Yunhui, and of course he can point out Hu Tu.

But Hu Tu's mentality was obviously wrong, and giving him guidance would undoubtedly lead him to a dead end.

Although this person was closely related to the Jiashen Rebellion, Zhang Zhiwei did not want to let his delusions about the future interfere with his current decision.

"No, that's not the case!" Master Hu Tu said crazily: "You are not the disease, you are the medicine. Please give me this opportunity, Master Zhiwei!"

"What opportunity?" Zhang Zhiwei thought of the scene when Chen Jinkui came to Wang Ye in later generations, and asked with interest: "You want to challenge me?"

He is not interested in playing tricks with three chances. If he dares to challenge, he will be slapped.

But what he said was really arrogant. Master Hu Tu was a well-known figure in the world and the famous master of the Shuzi Sect. However, he was a junior, but he used the word "challenge".

But as Master Hu Tu said before, there is no priority in learning, and the master is the teacher. Zhang Zhiwei has this confidence and qualifications.

(End of this chapter)

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