Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 311 Master Wei’s Instructions

Chapter 311 Master Wei’s Instructions

"Challenge the Dimension Master?"

Master Hu Tu quickly shook his head and said: "No, no, no, Hu Tu knows what Master Zhiwei is capable of, but he doesn't dare to be presumptuous in front of Master Zhiwei!"

An expert would know if someone was there as soon as he made a move. From just the brief encounter before, he knew that he was no match.

In the Qimen Game, Zhang Zhiwei is the direction, good or bad, time, space, and the life and death of the four games are all designated by him...

It can be said that as long as it is a duel in the Qimen game, it is basically impossible to win over Zhang Zhiwei.

Although his specialty is Six Yao Money, it does not belong to Qimen Dunjia and will not be directly restrained. In theory, he has the power to fight.

However, Qi Men Dun Jia is one of the three great arts, and in terms of advanced level, it is far superior to Liu Yao Money.

The other party's attainments in Qimen Dunjia are so profound, and even if he uses Liuyao money, he will be humiliating himself.

The most important thing is that he came here not to be aggressive but to sincerely ask for advice. He was even ready to meet all the requirements made by Zhang Zhiwei.

Even if he was asked to give up his position as the leader of the Shuzi Sect, worship at Longhu Mountain, and recognize Zhang Zhiwei as his disciple, he would agree without hesitation.

Don't challenge me... Zhang Zhiwei had already planned to knock him out with a big slap after Master Hu Tu said he wanted to learn a lesson, but the other party didn't play according to the routine.

"Don't waste your time with me. No one can cure your disease except yourself. As a warlock, you should know that the most important thing for a warlock is the state of mind. This magical skill has extremely high requirements on the state of mind. Your state of mind It's already in chaos and can't calm down. If I teach you, it will only harm you. This is the focus of the disease and you can't touch it!"

Seeing that Master Hutu responded to the call of the Gao family and went all the way north to fight against the Japanese, Zhang Zhiwei explained patiently.

But paranoid people cannot listen to any advice. Master Hu Tu said eagerly:

"No, Master Zhiwei, I can't cure my disease myself. Only you can. As for whether your thing is a disease or a good medicine for me, don't I have to try it to know? If you don't try, How can I feel at ease Hu Tu? Please give me a chance!"

Master Hu Tu continued: "Master Zhiwei, don't worry about me. Before I learned to walk, I learned arithmetic first. After 50 years of hard study, in this arithmetic, although it is far less amazing than Master Zhiwei, it is still A small success.”

"I have dabbled in all three warlock techniques, including Six Yao Money, Feng Shui Physiology, Qi Men Dun Jia, and Kan Yu Numerology. I am quite proficient in them. As long as Master Zhiwei is willing to give me some advice, I pride myself on not being able to master any of these techniques. of."

"Of course, if Hu Tu's talent is dull and he really can't learn, then at least he has seen it. Hu Tu has no regrets."

"Even if something goes wrong during practice, you go crazy, and your life is in danger, it doesn't matter. I, Hu Tu, will bear all the consequences. I guarantee that the Shuzi Sect will not ask Master Zhiwei or the Tianshi Mansion for any interference. Things, I guarantee it with my character.”

Master Hu Tu raised three fingers in a gesture of swearing and said solemnly.

The attitude is very sincere, and I have said it to this point. If possible, I really want to pass it on to you, but...

Zhang Zhiwei shook his head and said: "If you are some kind of omnipotent monster, then I will teach you. I will not care whether you live or die?"

"But you are a righteous person and a staunch defender of order. You can even be described as selfless and unselfish, with no room for sand in your eyes."

"Although you and I have different views, I have no prejudice against you, and I even have some appreciation for you. After all, in troubled times, we should use heavy rules!"

"In general, you are a good person. As a good person, you can die in the hands of the Quanxing demon, the Japanese pirates, the Jianghu vendetta, or even the Tang clan's assassination..."

"None of this has much to do with me, but you can't die in my hands, otherwise I'll be confused!"

Master Hu Tu's eyes flickered after hearing these remarks. As the leader of the Shu Zi Sect, he was proficient in Shu and could naturally tell the truth from Zhang Zhiwei's words.

Maybe it's really risky to practice those incredible skills by yourself.

But how can we dispel his thoughts with just a few words?If it were so easy to let go, it wouldn't be an obsession.

Master Hu Tu's eyes flashed with the crazy look that only a gambler can have:

"Dao Fifty, Tian Yan 49, there is still a glimmer of hope for escape. Even the things calculated cannot be 100% confirmed. Besides, I have calculated this matter. The secret cannot be calculated, and there is no final conclusion. Since neither heaven nor earth can give the answer, how can Master Zhiwei be 100% sure that I will die if I learn it? How can you know without trying?"

Zhang Zhiwei shook his head and said: "It's useless to talk nonsense. Your state of mind cannot meet the requirements, and everything is empty talk!"

"After talking for so long, Master Zhiwei is worried that something might happen to me if my state of mind is not up to par. So, Master Zhiwei, do you think this is okay?"

Master Hu Tu said: "Master Zhiwei can give me some guidance first, let me understand the 'Tao' and 'Principle' in it first, and then I can try it again after my state of mind is adjusted."

"Of course, I will not take the benefits of Master Zhiwei for nothing. All the classics of the Shuzi Sect can be read by Master Zhiwei. Even if you have any requests, Master Zhiwei can also make them. I will definitely comply with Hu Tu!"

It's hard to persuade the damn ghost with good words. At this point, Zhang Zhiwei was a little annoyed and said in a cold voice:

"You don't have to waste your words. Even if you talk about Potian, I won't teach you. If you don't accept it, you can come over and grab it. If you can step on me, I will give it to you with both hands!"

With Master Hu Tu's current state, Zhang Zhiwei simply didn't believe that he would hold back from learning. Moreover, knowing this thing, whether he learned it or not, the consequences would be the same.

This is the case with Fenghou Qimen. The Wudang Three Masters have practiced it to the point of going crazy for half a lifetime. Wudang leader Zhou Meng, who has devoted himself to training for a lifetime, does not even dare to look at it, because as long as he takes a look, he will most likely sink even if he does not practice.

Although Zhang Zhiwei's method is not Fenghou Qimen, it is similar to Fenghou Qimen. It can be said that the general direction is the same, but it is not as sophisticated as Fenghou Qimen.

When practicing the fine Fenghou Qimen, nine out of ten are crazy, let alone his rough version, so it is impossible for him to teach Hu Tu, and neither can the senior brothers at Longhu Mountain.

After hearing Zhang Zhiwei's decisive reply, Master Hu Tu's face changed, his fists clenched and unclenched, thoughts flashed in his mind, and he was caught in the battle between heaven and man.

Take action?Are you going to grab it?If you can't rob it by yourself, then lead others to rob it. If you can't rob it with others, then mobilize your sect to rob it...

Only a thousand days to be a thief, how can a thousand days to guard against thieves?Grab it, grab it, grab it, make it your own!

You can't blame me, I don't want this to happen. I was ready to give up everything to change it, but he forced me, he forced me...

Do not!wrong!

How could I grab it?

I have been upright for most of my life, how can I rob it?How could you rob it for no reason?

The person in front of me is a fake disciple of Longhu Mountain, nicknamed Little Heavenly Master, who is very likely to inherit the position of future Heavenly Master. He is not a complete monster. How could I have such thoughts? How could I?
Master Hu Tu's mind was in a state of confusion. Finally, he knelt down again with a plop, bowed deeply, and said:
"How could I offend Master Zhiwei by robbing him? Although I dare not call myself a gentleman, I am by no means a despicable and shameless villain. I have never thought of using any despicable means to deal with it. You, Hu Tu, are only sincere, if Master Ruo Zhiwei is unwilling to give advice, Hu Tu will never be able to kneel down!"

Zhang Zhiwei turned around and glanced at Hu Tu. He was walking with Wu Gensheng a few days ago. The two had a lot of exchanges. Although it was not very formal, they both gained something.

For Wugensheng, the most important thing in life is the word "sincerity".

This has nothing to do with character. This is the most basic thing that a person, a cultivator who has gone through various trials and hardships along the way, should possess, and it is also the final bottom line for a person.

As a famous figure in the world, Hu Tu put down his dignity today and came to say these words to him. He was giving up a lot of things, including pride, decency, principles, dignity...

This is an impossible scene in classic martial arts dramas, and Yue Buqun is the model.

But Master Hu Tu did not do any of this. Instead, he went straight to the point. Although he was a little presumptuous, he was not pretentious.

In fact, just now, through that conversation, Zhang Zhiwei used his observation methods to gently stir Hu Tu's thinking.

Let the self-thinking among his two sets of thinking be captured by the external thinking.At that moment, delusions almost invaded his heart, but what was rare was that he kept the bottom line.

This is Zhang Zhiwei's test for him. Of course, this test has nothing to do with whether to pass on his methods. It just wants to test whether the opponent will take the wrong approach and do evil things.

This is not difficult for Zhang Zhiwei. The "National Master" has used it on him many times. He has already practiced it personally. With Master Hu Tu's current mentality, it is easy to control his thinking.

However, for the sake of Master Hu Tu holding the bottom line, Zhang Zhiwei felt that maybe he should be given a chance to find himself...

Although this kind of person who believes in absolute justice may be a bit extreme, in this era, it is necessary to exist.

If he keeps asking for it and not getting it, he may have inner demons.

After experiencing the inner demon tribulation, Zhang Zhiwei knew that under the control of the inner demon's mind, people may become as twisted as maggots. Just because Hu Tu can hold on this time does not mean that he will be able to hold on in the future.

But if Hu Tu gets the means, he will be immersed in the inner scene of the small world of the human body and unable to extricate himself.

Even if he could escape into the inner scene, he couldn't save him from this kind of sinking.

Because it is the desire in his heart that is causing trouble. Even if he pulls it out of the scene, as soon as he leaves, he will sink again.

Come on, there is no point in procrastinating. It seems that this matter must be solved once and for all. Heart diseases need to be healed by heart medicine, and inner demons need to be healed by heart demons.

"National Preceptor", you are good at manipulating thoughts, and you can do some delicate operations. I need your help...

Zhang Zhiwei thought.


In his mind, there was a scene of a small ball as big as a palm, jumping up and down, waving its little paws.

After the "National Master" was burned out of his resentment by the Samadhi True Fire, although he still felt bad in his heart, he became much calmer and far less ferocious than before, at least in front of him.

The two communicated in the human body small world.

After the agreement was reached, Zhang Zhiwei ignored Master Hu Tu who was kneeling behind him, turned around and left.
"Then you can't afford to kneel down!"

Looking at Zhang Zhiwei's back getting further and further away, Master Hu Tu knelt behind and said:
"I will kneel wherever Master Zhiwei goes. When Master Zhiwei returns to the gathering place, I will kneel at the entrance of the gathering place. When Master Zhiwei returns to Longhu Mountain, I will kneel at the entrance of Longhu Mountain."

Bilian led him the way and influenced him?

Zhang Zhiwei said nothing and continued walking forward.

However, every time he took a step, Hu Tu would be called out in his heart.

The farther you step, the louder the sound becomes.

When these sounds fell on Master Hutu, he heard the shouts of the whole world.




Master Hutu was speechless.

He heard the snow calling him, the trees calling him, the mountains calling him... the whole world was calling him.

Every time he shouted, his soul trembled, as if he was about to ride on the wind, like a swallow returning to its nest.

"Obsessed? Invasion of external demons?"

This feeling is a bit like the scene when he first entered the interior scene when he was just starting out.

He quickly restrained himself and hugged Yuan Shouyi.

Zhang Zhiwei continued to walk forward. This was just a small trick in Tongyou. It was not difficult. Since the last time he was summoned by Shan Qi, he had considered how to deal with and use this method.

This move is not very clever, and it is not difficult to defeat it, as long as you can suppress your own thoughts.

As a sorcerer, Hu Tu's cultivation in sexual skills was not low, and calling his soul alone could not capture him.

But he couldn't be completely undisturbed, especially since he was in a state of mind.

Hu Tu only felt bursts of demonic sounds, and the sounds reached his ears. He tried to calm down and ignored them.

But when a person has a name, as long as he is a normal person and his name is called, whether you respond or not, you will respond deep down in your heart.

This response is a kind of control of the self's thinking by external thinking.

There is a gap in thinking, and the soul cannot maintain unity. Without a master, it is easy to be taken advantage of.

Master Hu Tu knew that this was something bad and he should ignore it, but the throbbing in his mind turned into delusions that were about to happen.

He was trying his best to resist.

Suddenly, a pair of thick eyebrows pressed in front of his eyes, and the bridge of their nose almost hit his face.

He met Zhang Zhiwei's eyes, and in an instant, all the defenses he had built collapsed.

An overwhelming fear shrouded his head.

But strangely, nothing happened. Zhang Zhiwei in front of him took a step back, took out a dark red lacquer box from behind, and handed it to him.

"Since you are so sincere, I will teach you!"

Master Hu Tu looked ecstatic and tremblingly opened the box. There was only a thin golden volume inside.

He held the letter and was slightly surprised. It was not paper at all, but a thin page of gold, glowing with warmth.

"Yes, it's just as I expected. This is how magic skills should be, this is how it should be!"

He suppressed his surprise and carefully unfolded the golden scroll. The exquisite ancient text was engraved on the golden page with extremely delicate carving, and a palm-sized seal was printed in the center.

"I am the direction, I am the good or bad, time, space, and the life and death of the four disks are all controlled by me. I am the destiny!"

Master Hu Tu's hand trembled, "Yes! Yes! It's this, it's this, it's the same as I thought, it's the same!"

Ignoring Zhang Zhiwei in front of him, he couldn't wait to read it and start practicing.

(End of this chapter)

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