Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 316: Zhou Sheng’s request, Zhang Zhiwei’s shocking truth

Chapter 316: Zhou Sheng’s request, Zhang Zhiwei’s shocking truth

"Wudang Zhou Sage, pay homage to the Little Heavenly Master!"

Zhang Zhiwei looked at Saint Zhou standing outside the door. His robes were shabby, his hair was messy, and his body was very thin. Standing at the door, at first glance, he looked like a big monkey.

His face is still a little rounded, his eyes are very small, and he narrows his smile to a slit, but it doesn't give people a sense of vulgarity, but instead looks very lazy and casual.

The overall style of painting is similar to Wang Ye's, but his appearance is completely different.

Zhang Zhiwei hugged his hands: "It turns out to be Junior Brother Wudang Zhou, please come in!"

Zhou Sheng walked in.

Zhang Zhiwei noticed the snow stains on the opponent's body that had not yet melted away. He expected that he had just come down from the land of dragon veins, so he pointed to the fire kang and said:
"Sit here and get warm!"

Zhou Sheng touched his head and smiled, sat on the fire bed, rubbed his hands that were red from the cold, and said with a smile:
"I've been freezing in the snow for seven days, but it's still warm here!"

Zhang Zhiwei walked to the table, poured a cup of hot tea and handed it to Zhou Sheng:

"You've been freezing in the snow for seven days. If you don't go to the inn to eat something good, why did you come to me?"

"Thank you!" Zhou Sheng took the hot tea with both hands and said with a smile: "I made a divination before. If I don't come to see the little heavenly master now, I don't know when it will be in the future!"

"Really?" Zhang Zhiwei glanced at Zhou Sheng: "Then what else have you achieved?"

"The little Heavenly Master is very powerful in his magic. How can I dare to do anything in front of you with my meager skills?" Zhou Sheng said.

"I never think about myself, nor do I predict the future. Forget it, I won't ask you about some messy things!"

Zhang Zhiwei looked at Zhou Sheng: "I just want to tell you that you don't need to delve into what happened to me. This is not good for you!"

The more he doesn't care about the things on his body, the closer they get, and the more he investigates and inquires about them, the more out of reach he becomes.

"That's right, little Heavenly Master. Speaking of which, I was lucky enough to meet a close friend in the Dragon Vein Land. His name is Wu Gensheng. We hit it off right away. When he left, he chatted with me for a while about you!" Zhou Sheng smiled.

"Really? What did he say?"

After Zhang Zhiwei finished speaking, before Zhou Sheng could speak, he continued:
"It's true that I've already asked you all the nonsense questions. If you have anything to do, just say it. If not, go back and rest!"

Zhou Sheng paused and said, "Although Wu Gensheng and I have only known each other for a short time, we are also close friends. He knew the confusion in my heart, and when he left, he told me to come and see the Little Heavenly Master and say yes. There will be different gains!”

No Bilian, no Bilian, just find something for me to do... Zhang Zhiwei looked at Zhou Sheng and said:

"What do you want to gain? If you want to hear something enlightening from me, then you will be disappointed!"

What you learn on paper is ultimately shallow, but his advice has always been very profound.

Zhou Sheng stretched his body and leaned his back against the wall lazily:

"Actually, I feel the same way. 'The Tao can be said, but it is very Tao, and the name can be named, but it is very famous.' The truth that can be expressed in words is not the eternal truth."

"So, at the beginning, I didn't have many thoughts about meeting the Little Heavenly Master, but after meeting my brother Zhou Meng and chatting with him about recent events, the idea became stronger, and I even performed a divination !”

"That's it..." Zhang Zhiwei said: "I'm a little curious. What did you and your brother talk about that made you suddenly change your mind?"

Zhou Sheng said: "It's because I heard Zhou Meng talk about Senior Brother Zhang's views on the past and the future."

"Senior Brother Zhang, you said that the future calculated by divination is not necessarily the real future. It is more likely to be the delusion imposed on oneself by the inner scene, which is a restraint on oneself. This sentence gave me a sense of enlightenment, so I pressed If you’re not in a hurry, I’d like to come and see you!”

Zhang Zhiwei looked at Zhou Sheng: "Does this sentence have any special meaning to you?"

"Yes, that's great!" Zhou Sheng paused, pondered for a moment, and said, "All warlocks, even myself, rely too much on the inner scenes to deduce the secrets."

"I'm not afraid of Little Heavenly Master's jokes. For a period of time, I would do calculations every morning so that I could have some control over the future. Then I would actively arrange some things to let the good things continue and eliminate the bad things. Avoid it and keep enjoying it!"

"For example, I made a divination in the morning and predicted that today there will be a bloody disaster and I will cut my hand when cutting vegetables. So I will seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. I will not touch the kitchen knife today. Naturally, I will not cut my hands."

"At that time, I thought that I had glimpsed the secret of heaven and changed my bad luck. I could rely on my foresight to prevent disasters from always being one step behind me. Therefore, I relied on my deduction ability to prevent disasters from happening for a long time."

"Until one day, I calculated that my brother would come to me today to ask for advice on spiritual practice. In the process of giving advice, I would be accidentally injured by his brother."

"At that time, I thought, my brother's cultivation level is far inferior to mine. How serious could it be to get injured accidentally during the teaching process? So I didn't avoid it, so..."

A trace of panic appeared on Zhou Sheng's face: "So I walked in front of the gate of hell. At that time, he made a Tai Chi push hand, and I caught it with my backhand. But by chance, my body suddenly turned off and I couldn't parry in time. , he hit the central vein with one blow, and the Qi rushed into the heart, almost shattering the heart, and it took him half a year to recover!"

"During the six months I was lying here, I experimented many times. For example, if I picked up money, if I didn't do some special treatment, a lot of bad things would happen immediately afterwards."

"After many experiments, I discovered that I cannot seek good fortune and avoid disaster. To be precise, the so-called seeking good fortune and avoiding disaster is more like drinking poison to quench thirst. The disasters you avoid again and again, and the benefits you pursue again and again, will all be lost. Get cleared next time.”

"The more you avoid, the more you chase, the more ruthlessly you punish, no one can escape, not even those warlocks with advanced skills."

"I started to look through ancient books, trying to find answers from the books, and then I discovered that even many warlocks with advanced skills are no exception."

"That is a very ancient volume in the Wudang Taoist Palace. It records some events from the Han Dynasty. At that time, Taoism had not yet emerged, but magic had already become popular."

"There is a powerful magician who is proficient in the Taiyi Divine Number among the three types of magic. He can know 500 years in advance and 500 years in hindsight. However, he did not deduce the secrets of heaven and seek help from the Ming Lord like other magicians. , but he started to fight for world hegemony by himself, and he even came close to success for a time."

"Legend has it that he built a star observatory in his capital city with a length and width of nearly 1000 meters. He directed thousands of people to move the calculation counters together, and cooperated with the armillary sphere to calculate continuously as the nebula rotated. He calculated seven or seven times in total. For 49 days, using various incredible algorithms, he gained a lot of knowledge about the future."

"It is said that he predicted what would happen a thousand years later. The country at that time would undoubtedly be its most prosperous, and then he began to defy all opinions and follow what he had predicted."

"He changed the name of the year to the original first year, and that year happened to be the first year of AD in the West. From then on, the eastern and western eras merged. He wanted to make the land national and let everyone own the land. He also abolished slaves and changed the currency. , unified prices, invented many things..." "He also calculated that his biggest enemy would be a man named Liu Xiu, so he began to search secretly. At this time, he found that one of his friends was named Liu Xin The descendant of the royal family changed his name to Liu Xiu in order to avoid the taboo of Liu Xin, Emperor Ai of the Han Dynasty, and this person wanted to do evil to him, so he started to hunt him down!"

"But after he killed this Liu Xiu, a new Liu Xiu often appeared. He killed again and again, and he used deductions to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, but he faced new disasters again and again. In the end, His fate becomes more and more bizarre..."

Zhou Sheng sighed: "There are times in life that must be met, but there are no times in life. Don't force it. Even warlocks who are proficient in Taiyi Divine Numbers, the best at divination, are not exempt from the vulgarity, let alone those of us who practice Qimen Dunjia?"

"What should fall on you cannot be avoided. Later, I rarely speculated on divination. After all, everything is doomed and nothing can be changed. So what's the point of all the efforts I make? , it’s better to sleep!”

"From then on, I rode my donkey upside down on Wudang Mountain to sleep. Wherever the donkey went, I slept wherever the donkey went. Until I was caught by my master and driven here!"

"Little Heavenly Master, Wugensheng asked me to come to you. I didn't give you any hope at first, but after hearing your views on the future and the deduction, a fire started in my heart. Please give me some guidance when I'm confused! "

Having said this, Zhou Sheng's expression suddenly became solemn, from a decadent little Taoist priest to a serious one, with fiery eyes and a kind of longing exuding from his whole body.

Zhang Zhiwei stared at Zhou Sheng, who was also the comprehender of Fenghou Qimen. He was indeed very similar to Wang Ye. They both had no pursuits and goals, and became confused and overwhelmed, so they were decadent and lazy.

Later, Zhou Sheng met Buyao Bilian Wugensheng and became no longer confused. Wang also met Buyao Bilian Zhang Chulan and became more confident.

But the question now is, why did Bilian bring Zhou Sheng to me?

Zhang Zhiwei has no friendship with Zhou Sheng, but considering this trip to Dragon Vein and the fact that he was pushed here by Wu Gensheng, he is not dissatisfied and is ready to have a good talk with this future comprehender of Feng Hou Qi Sect. .

He took a sip of water, put down the teacup, sat on the fire bed, and said, "Before we get down to business, let's talk about something off-topic!"

"Little Heavenly Master, please speak!" Zhou Sheng said quickly.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "We are all from the Taoist sect. Although you and I have different teachings, there is no need to call me a little heavenly master. Just call me Senior Brother Zhang!"

"Yes, Senior Brother Zhang!" Zhou Sheng immediately said seriously, sitting upright and listening attentively.

But I never thought that Zhang Zhiwei said again: "Why do you want to ride a donkey backwards? Are you following the Taoist master 'Lao Tzu'?"

Zhang Zhiwei thought Zhou Sheng would tell some great truth.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Sheng said: "Sleeping in the master's gate. If you stay in one place for a long time, you will be easily caught by the master. If you sleep on the donkey, I will sleep while the donkey walks. It will not be easy to be discovered!"

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

"It's really the most simple thing. In that case, let's talk about the business!"

Zhang Zhiwei sat up straight and said: "How should I put it? If Qimen Dunjia is compared to a line, I can walk straighter and farther than you, but in terms of fineness, I am not as good as you!"

"The general Qimen game is deduced from the 24th solar term. Master the changes in the Qimen game. Based on these changes, make the right choice in the Qimen game. This change is time. If you cannot master the changes, you can only Meet the changes!”

Zhang Zhiwei continued: "You should know that like the Qimen pattern, people also have a pattern. Even at a fine level, the human body pattern is far more complete than the Qimen pattern, but in terms of changes, the human body pattern is not complete. The human body pattern can only It changes with the changes in the external situation, so changes in the external situation are changes within itself.”

"The past, present and future of the external pattern make human changes form an extremely winding thin line. As long as a person lives, the thin line will extend indefinitely, and all living beings are just a mess of countless thin lines entangled together!"

"What we call divination is to deduce the trend of this line. If your deduction level is low, you can only deduce the trend of your own line. If your deduction level is high, you can deduce the trend of surrounding lines!"

This is what Zhang Zhiwei discovered when he entered the interior. In fact, not only people, but the entire world are made of gray and white thin lines.

Zhang Zhiwei continued: "As I said before, change is uncontrollable, and time and the future are also uncontrollable, so your line is also uncontrollable and unlimited."

"But after you deduce the future and know the trend of your line and surrounding lines, at least in the stage of deduction, you have limits and are controllable. It's like writing. In the beginning, you are a It’s a blank piece of paper, and you can write whatever you want.”

"But later on, it becomes a multiple-choice question. You can only make choices within the controllable range. Even if you choose again and again, you are only making choices within the range of the topic. The scope of this multiple-choice question is Your destined path!”

After listening, Zhou Sheng looked at Zhang Zhiwei with ardent eyes: "Then if we don't make deductions, will we be able to avoid embarking on this so-called 'destined road' and dominate ourselves?"

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at him and said with a smile: "What are you thinking about, big brother, this world is more than just your thread. This world is a mess. If you don't want to take the road, other threads will pull you along, even in this world." Heaven and earth are conscious!”

"Aware?!" Zhou Sheng looked shocked.

Zhang Zhiwei continued: "Maybe it can't be said to be conscious, but it has its own rules, or its own set of algorithms. The more you use it, the more clearly it will be calculated, and the more fixed your fate will be!"

Ever since he mastered the three souls, he has had a feeling that the interior is like a huge network with unparalleled big data algorithms. The more you calculate on this network, the more clearly you will be calculated...

"And if you want to avoid all this, you either have to jump out of the world, or your thread is so thick that other threads can't pull it!"

"Since ancient times, true cultivators have loved to live in seclusion in the mountains. This is how to preserve one's sexual integrity!"

Zhang Zhiwei said slowly: "If you pluck a hair and benefit the world, don't do it. If you take a hair and harm the world, don't do it. If you don't pluck a hair, you won't take a cent. Let go of everything, let go of the whole world, and you will only have yourself." It’s just a line, and all kinds of changes don’t happen.”

"It is said that you can only know who I am by opening the golden rope and tearing off the jade lock. This golden rope and jade lock is the tangled mess of all living beings!"

Quanxing, the real Quanxing... Zhou Sheng looked at Zhang Zhiwei and was stunned. He actually saw the figure of Yang Zhu, the founder of Quanxing, in an upright disciple. However, Yang Zhu was another disciple after Lao Tzu. Although the Taoist saint Zhou Sheng was shocked, he didn't feel anything was wrong. He just murmured to himself:
"Don't pluck out a hair, don't take a penny, and you can let go of the many temptations of this world. Even if you have achieved something, you have to let go of the whole world. This concept is too shocking. Senior Brother Zhang, have you done it?"

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at him angrily: "What do you think?"

Zhou Sheng swallowed hard: "Senior Brother Zhang appears here, he must have failed to do it!"

Zhang Zhiwei nodded and said: "Yes, it is indeed difficult to do this. Ordinary people like you and me, once we enter this path, we will easily go wrong!"

Zhou Sheng sighed: "The realm of the idea of ​​​​whole nature is too high and unattainable. So what, Senior Brother Zhang, you said about making your own thread so thick that other threads can't pull it?"

"If you don't want to be controlled by changes, then you must master changes!" Zhang Zhiwei put his hand on Zhou Sheng's head: "Want to see the changes?"

(End of this chapter)

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