Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 317 Jumps out of the 2nd boundary, not in the 5th line

Chapter 317 Jumping out of the two realms, not among the five elements

"Want to see a change?"

Zhang Zhiwei's words stunned Zhou Sheng.

See the changes?Change is time, the past, present and future. It exists but is invisible. How can we see it?

"think about it!"

Zhou Sheng responded instinctively.

"Then watch carefully!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Sheng felt his head tighten, and the colorful world in his eyes quickly turned into black and white.

His perspective continued to zoom out, and he couldn't tell whether he was retreating or the world was advancing. He only felt that the black and white stains filled his entire sight.

"what is this?"

Zhou Sheng vaguely noticed something, and his voice trembled.

"Stop talking, pay attention to the trend of the lines, not the lines themselves!"

Zhou Sheng only felt that Zhang Zhiwei's voice became ethereal, not as if he was in front of him, but as far away as the horizon.

Zhou Sheng stopped thinking about it, calmed down, and stared ahead. In the black and white, he saw countless black and white lines, which were constantly twisting and swinging, intertwined with each other.

"Are these the lines that make up all living beings? Changes have no form and cannot be seen intuitively, but they can be seen after they act on people and objects!"

Zhou Sheng looked more carefully. Slowly, he discovered that these black and white lines had color.

Various colorful lines are intertwined to form the sky, the earth, the ocean, creatures, plants...

"They seem to have turned into everything in the world. No, they were originally everything in the world. Those black and white lines are the changes that Senior Brother Zhang wanted me to see."

"Wait, what's going on? Why are these lines wrapping around me and starting to pull at me? They want to pull me in!"

Zhou Sheng was shocked. All the lines in the world were entangled like tentacles, trying to drag him in.

This feeling gave him a sense of deducing the scene in the interior, and deducing the unpredictable secrets, and the scene when a big fireball appeared.

The scalding fireball will stretch out ropes of flames, wrap around the player, and then drag them inside.

And now, aren't those thin threads that are wrapped around similar to the flame ropes?

Zhou Sheng was not too panicked. He was proficient in calculations and was no stranger to scenes where fireballs appeared. He immediately used his methods to break free.

But soon, he was horrified to discover that the methods used to get rid of the big fireballs did not work on these thin lines that changed from black and white to color. Instead, the thin lines became more tightly wound.

Great fear shrouded his head, and he instinctively felt that a disaster was coming.

He had an intuition that once he was dragged in, he would never be able to break free.

"Senior Brother Zhang! Save me!" Zhou Sheng shouted.

The next moment, he felt a sharp pain in his head, and a shuddering feeling of weakness came over him, as if his skull had been opened and something had been pulled out, including the skin and flesh.

He looked down and saw that the thin threads had been torn off. The painful feeling just now that reached the depths of his soul was that the thin threads were being torn away.

"Senior Brother Zhang, this is..."

Even though the pain disappeared, Zhou Sheng was still trembling. He never wanted to try again due to the previous pain.

Zhang Zhiwei's disembodied voice came: "Idiot, I want you to see the changes carried on the lines, not the lines themselves."

"Looking at the ridges from the side and the peaks from the side, the heights are different from near to far. I don't know the true face of Mount Lu. I just live in this mountain. Only by jumping out of the pattern can I see the pattern itself clearly. As soon as I pulled you out, I rushed up and started again. Entering the game?"

Zhou Sheng was shocked: "Senior Brother Zhang, do you mean that we jumped out of the pattern of heaven and earth? Just like the chess pieces jumped out of the chessboard?"

"That's almost the truth!" Zhang Zhiwei said: "I used the soul light of my earth soul to cover your heaven soul and destiny soul, so that your heaven soul, that is, your destiny, was temporarily disconnected from this world. , and then pulled your life soul into the interior scene."

"Now you are in a state where your body is outside and your soul is inside, but you are not perceived by the inside. It is equivalent to achieving an alternative state of jumping out of the Five Elements and not within the two realms."

"In this state, you can see a lot of things that you can't see within the pattern, which are so-called changes."

"But one thing is that you didn't really jump out. You were just briefly blinded by me. The inner scene couldn't sense you. It's not that it couldn't sense you, but that you were too insignificant. It ignored you for a short time."

"So at this time, you can't look at it. There is a saying that when you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you."

"For you and me, the inner scene is undoubtedly an abyss. If you look too persistently into the inner scene, the inner scene will find you, then correct you, and pull your soul into the inner scene. Once you sink in, it will be difficult to come out again. It’s not easy anymore.”

Zhang Zhiwei and Zhou Sheng in this scene are like viruses wearing Trojan horses on the Internet.

Under normal circumstances, if the Trojan virus does not attack the software, it will not be detected by the anti-virus software. However, Zhou Sheng's previous behavior was to provoke the anti-virus software.

After hearing Zhang Zhiwei's words, Zhou Sheng was severely surprised. As a warlock, he naturally knew the functions of the heavenly soul and the earthly soul. One was the destiny and the other was the horoscope.

But knowing is one thing, and doing it is another. Fate and horoscopes are just like a person's innate energy. They are destined at birth, but it is difficult to use them. Only a magician who specializes in numerology can Take advantage of it a little.

But Senior Brother Zhang can use them to achieve all kinds of incredible effects. How high is his cultivation in magic?
Jumping out of the two worlds, not in the five elements, what a shocking statement, what a shocking method?
And... Zhou Sheng murmured to himself: "When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you!"

He thought about this sentence over and over, and a thought flashed in his mind. To estimate himself in the interior scene, is it equivalent to staring into the abyss?

And when he deduced some taboo things, the fireball that appeared in the inner scene was probably the inner scene staring at him.

I just want to speculate, and I will be pulled in. What will happen if I really know the truth from the inside scene? Will it disappear, or will I be unable to get rid of it?
The thoughts in Zhou Sheng's mind became more and more bizarre. He quickly suppressed the uneasiness in his heart and did not delve into the inner meaning of the lines, but to study the changes carried by them.

Slowly, he discovered that after these lines, which were like meticulous paintings, stretched to a certain length, some would begin to fall apart, and some would continue to move forward, and then tend to stagnate.

"Those collapsed lines should have reached their end, disappeared, and died."

"What tends to stagnate is that the trend of the lines is still continuing, but the deduction is over."

"Currently we should just be deducing the trajectory of changes in a certain area from the past to the present!"

Zhou Sheng murmured to himself, and suddenly the idea of ​​​​wanting to see his own changes in the past came up in his heart.

As soon as this idea appeared, he felt something in his heart and looked at it following the traces of Qi.

Immediately, he saw a black line extending out of the void. This black line extended in a zigzag manner. There were no major twists and turns in front of it for a long time.Until suddenly at a certain moment, this winding thin line suddenly became much thicker, and a wisp of white line extended around it, which was in essential contrast with the thin black lines around it.

"This is……"

Zhou Sheng just thought about it briefly and already had the answer.

The reason why he became thicker was because he cultivated into a foreigner.

At the same time, those white lines should be the Qi he practiced.

"It turns out that what Senior Brother Zhang said is to make the thread very thick, so thick that the surrounding threads cannot pull it. The essence of it is to strengthen oneself through practice."

Zhou Sheng continued to observe the trend of his own lines.

Not long after, the curved but gentle forward line suddenly became straight and remained so for a while.

Then, the line suddenly turned 180 degrees, almost knotted, and almost broke the line.

After that, the thin line began to move forward in a zigzag manner as it did at the beginning. Although it was not straight, it did not have a big bend. Until a certain moment, the line stopped moving forward.

Zhou Sheng knew that this was a deduction to the present. If the deduction continued, it would be a deduction for the future.

He slowly muttered to himself: "Is this my life? The parts that suddenly become straight and then suddenly twist and turn are the stages where I frequently used magic and deduction to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, but was punished by God."

"What a dangerous situation. The thin thread almost got knotted and reached the end. So, when people often say that there is such a disaster, does it actually mean that the thin thread has such a 'knot'?"

Looking at the thin line that suddenly stopped, I felt a desire in my heart. What is my future like?
The higher the magic method, the greater the scope of the deduction. Senior Brother Zhang’s ability is stronger than mine. Can I use Senior Brother Zhang to deduce myself? !
Although according to what Senior Brother Zhang said, it is not good to deduce the future. It will turn a blank piece of paper on which to draw into a multiple-choice question. But what if there is something I want in this multiple-choice question?
Zhou Sheng had distracting thoughts in his mind, and some wanted to take action, but in the end, he didn't.

He closed his eyes and opened them again. His eyes became much calmer, and the confusion about the future in his heart was much less.

"I'm obsessed with it. I'm too obsessed with it. The past is irreversible, but the future can be changed. Instead of focusing on the illusory future, it's better..."

"It's better to go and see how Senior Brother Zhang has changed in the past!"

As soon as this idea came to mind, Zhou Sheng saw a thin line appear. The thin line was winding and then suddenly thickened, and some thin white lines appeared. These lines were intertwined and outlined. There were only a few lines, but they outlined a The young man's appearance is even quite lifelike.

"This should be because Senior Brother Zhang has become a strange person. Those white lines are a sign of gaining Qi. But why is it that Senior Brother Zhang's white lines are not just one or a few scattered lines, but outline his own appearance?" ?”

Zhou Sheng was puzzled and continued to read.

The boy outlined in lines continues to move forward.

Slowly, this boy with lines is getting bigger.

As he gets older, the white lines on his body become more complicated, so complicated that the black line can no longer be seen.

At the same time, the human form outlined by the white lines gradually became fuller, more expressive, sharp, and distinct, and even began to have texture.

This scene shocked Zhou Sheng. In this world where everyone is composed of single lines, everything is so pale and crude.

But Senior Brother Zhang's lines became more and more vivid. When the lines turned into a young man with thick eyebrows and broad eyebrows, except for the lack of color, the whole person seemed to be alive!
He could even see that there were a large number of lines extending from Senior Brother Zhang's body, interfering with some of the surrounding lines.

Some of these lines were very curved, but when they were pulled by Senior Brother Zhang's lines, they suddenly became straight.

Even some lines were about to be knotted, but they were disturbed by Senior Brother Zhang's lines and the knots were untied.

"The changes in Senior Brother Zhang have affected the changes in the people around him, but at the same time, the connection between the lines on Senior Brother Zhang's body and the surrounding lines is getting closer and closer."

"No wonder he said that he was an ordinary person and could not reach the level of Yang Zhu, the founder of the universal world. Yang Zhu unraveled all connections between his own lines and surrounding lines, gave up all temptations, and left the world until he left only himself. "

"Not only did Senior Brother Zhang not give up, he was even using his own lines to correct the trend of the surrounding lines."

"Interfering with destiny will result in divine punishment. Does Senior Brother Zhang want all the causes and consequences to happen to me?"

Zhou Sheng's heart was filled with huge waves, and he continued to read.

As time passed, the lines on Zhang Zhiwei's body became more and more dense.

Slowly, he no longer limited himself to interfering with the lines of the people around him, he even began to interfere with the lines of the heaven and earth.

Only 24 thick white lines were seen extending from his body, enveloping the surrounding lines, and began to drag the surrounding lines to change the speed at will. He seemed to have become the king of this pattern.

"It's come out, it's come out, the ability to move the four plates of heaven, earth, man, and god."

"Is this how the legendary warlocks use the golden watch that has been lost for hundreds of years? Use the pattern of its own lines to influence the changes in the pattern of the sky..."

Zhou Sheng watched attentively. He also noticed that when Zhang Zhiwei used his own lines to interfere with Zhou Tian's lines, Zhou Tian's lines were also interfering with his own lines. However, he corrected those disturbed lines afterwards. .

"It's amazing. They say magical powers are no match for karma, but Senior Brother Zhang actually eliminated the backlash!"

Zhou Sheng was shocked. If he had this ability, he would not have been almost beaten to death by his younger brother.

"No, no, it's not eliminated. It's because Senior Brother Zhang's thread is too thick. Some small backlashes are blessing him, just like a mantis' arm acting as a chariot or a mayfly shaking a big tree. It's not worth mentioning and can't interfere with his own lines. trend."

Zhou Sheng said to himself, looking at Zhang Zhiwei who was running rampant in the chaos of all living beings.

Suddenly, he had a clear understanding that the reason why Zhang Zhiwei's lines are so unique is the result of the intertwining of nature and fate.

Almost all people in the Taoism talk about cultivating both life and life, but they are all empty words.

Life is hard to find, but magic is easy to come by. Ten years of practicing life may not be as good as one year of practicing magic.

But now, the benefits of powerful sex and life are truly before him.

"Only when you are strong can you control the pattern of heaven and earth. If you are weak, even if you learn the lost Golden Watch, you will only be dragged down by the pattern of heaven and earth!"

Zhou Sheng murmured to himself, and then continued to read. Zhang Zhiwei continued to walk forward, and his lines became thicker.

No, it's not just thick, it even has a little color. In this world composed of black and white lines, a touch of color suddenly appears on him.

Those colors were outlined in the air, forming a majestic golden face.

This facial makeup was placed on Zhang Zhiwei's face, covering his original appearance, making his temperament become cold and hard, a kind of otherworldly coldness, as if he had become a high-ranking god.

In a trance, Zhou Sheng even had the illusion of visiting the gods in the temple.

(End of this chapter)

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