Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 319 The advent of strange skills, Tiantong Qimen and Tiantong Qimen plus

Chapter 319 The advent of strange skills, Tiantong Qimen and Tiantong Qimen plus
"You want to use the Five Elements and Eight Trigrams to explain the indescribable 'Tao' and 'Principle'?"

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at Zhou Sheng in surprise.

If he remembers correctly, Fenghou Qimen's practice method is a Bagua chart.

Could it be that after his guidance, Zhou Sheng would have realized it earlier?
"Yes, because of the fate of Fenghou, it was written down, and the Dunjia Qimen began from that moment on!"

Zhou Sheng said with excitement: "The Five Elements and Bagua Diagram was born to uphold the Tao and is the best carrier of the truth. It is said that thousands of years ago, the Yellow Emperor attained Tao. In order to pass on the inheritance, he ordered Prime Minister Feng Hou to use all his methods to Record it for future generations to practice.”

"But the real 'Tao' and 'reason', how can they be expressed in words?"

"Finally, Feng Hou thought of a way to use the Five Elements and Bagua created by the ancestor Fu Xi as a carrier to carry the Yellow Emperor's 'Tao' and 'Principle', and thus evolved three formulas, namely Liu Ren and Taiyi Divine Number. , these three methods of Qimen Dunjia have created a line of warlocks!"

"Now what I have learned from Senior Brother Zhang cannot be expressed in words and words, so why not imitate Huang Di and Feng Hou?"

"Feng Hou uses the Five Elements and Bagua created by Fu Xi to carry the 'Tao' of the Yellow Emperor! I use the Qimen Dunjia created by Feng Hou to carry the 'Tao' of Senior Brother Zhang. Isn't it beautiful?!"

Perhaps thinking of imitating the actions of the ancient saints, Zhou Sheng felt an inexplicable sense of honor. The more he talked, the more excited he became, and he even jumped off the fire bed and started dancing.

If his senior brothers saw this scene, they would be shocked. Zhou Sheng, a lazy guy who was not interested in anything and couldn't get motivated to do anything, would actually be so excited at times.

"Brother Zhou, your idea sounds good!"

Zhang Zhiwei said, looking at the dancing Zhou Sheng, he was thinking in his heart whether this boy could create the Fenghou Qimen in advance.

After receiving Zhang Zhiwei's affirmation, Zhou Sheng calmed down, sat back on the fire bed, and said with a cold expression: "Does Senior Brother Zhang also think it's feasible?"

"I think you can do it!" Zhang Zhiwei nodded.

Zhang Zhiwei didn't have much doubt as to whether Zhou Sheng could figure it out.

Although Fenghou Qimen was understood by Wugensheng and a few people in the cave of Ziyang Master Zhang Boduan by borrowing some unknown means, they themselves are extremely talented and cannot be ignored.

However, his current cultivation level is definitely far behind that of Master Ziyang. I wonder what Zhou Sheng can do if he gives it a try.What he created has almost half the power of Fenghou Qimen.

"Senior Brother Zhang said I can do it, so I must do it!"

Zhou Sheng said quickly, and then asked: "By the way, Senior Brother Zhang, if I get this thing out, what should it be called?"

"You started thinking of a name before you even figured it out? It seems like you have a plan in mind!" Zhang Zhiwei praised.

"That's natural. Senior Brother Zhang led me to look at it so carefully. If I still know a little bit about it, I would be so sorry for Senior Brother Zhang!"

Zhou Sheng scratched his head and continued: "Actually, I already have a rough idea in my mind about what I have understood. It's just difficult to explain. But if I explain it in a mathematical way, I am still somewhat sure. of."

"I am a bit lazy. I usually like to take a nap, but I have never given up on magic. I know not only the Qi Men Dun Jia, but also the other two techniques!"

Most people like to express themselves when facing the person they admire. Although Zhou Sheng is a cultivator, he is not immune to secularism. He was completely impressed by Zhang Zhiwei's previous methods. In terms of the degree of worship, he is almost as good as Lao Lu.

This can be seen from Zhang Zhiwei's strong power of faith emanating from Zhou Sheng.

"You are also proficient in the three moves, you have something! Speaking of the three moves, except for the Qi Men Dun Jia, I know only a little about the other two moves. I will ask you if I have the opportunity in the future!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"How dare you, how dare you," Zhou Sheng said quickly: "Senior Brother Zhang is too humble. You can control the heavenly soul and the earthly soul, and control your own fate and horoscope. This is an incredible method even in the three-style Liuren. , please give me some advice in this regard, Senior Brother Zhang, don’t hurt me!”

Among the three styles, Qimen is good at killing and Liuren is good at numerology.

Zhang Zhiwei didn't say much. These things were relatively easy to comprehend because he had a strong spiritual cultivation, stood tall and could see far, and he had a pair of piercing eyes.

As the saying goes, one Dharma assembly can lead to all Dharmas. Ziyang Zhenren Zhang Boduan is an example. He is a representative figure in Taoism who specializes in life, but his attainments in magic are not bad at all, otherwise there would be no The Eight Wonders were born.

"By the way, Senior Brother Zhang, you haven't said yet, what should we call this method after it's sorted out?!" Zhou Sheng asked again.

"You figured out the method. After you figure it out, it's up to you to decide what to call it!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Zhou Sheng shook his head and said seriously: "How can that be done? What I just learned was taught by Senior Brother Zhang. After sorting it out, how can I take it as my own?"

He continued: "The Qi Sect created by Zhuge Wuhou is called Wuhou Qi Sect. Senior Brother Zhang, what do you think, I name the method you taught me the Qi Sect?"

"..." Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand and said: "I don't think much of this name. Zhuge Wuhou is called Zhuge Liang, and his Qimen is not called Liang Qimen!"

Liang Qimen... Zhou Sheng took a handful of Yahuazi and felt that this name was inferior to Wuhou Qimen. He nodded in agreement and said:

"Senior Brother Zhang said this, and I also feel that this name is inappropriate. Of course, I don't mean that Senior Brother Zhang, your name is not good, it just doesn't suit the occasion!"

Zhang Zhiwei nodded and said, "What do you think of Fenghou Qimen?"

Zhang Zhiwei was unable to choose the name, so he simply copied it.

Unexpectedly, when Zhou Sheng heard the words "Feng Hou Qi Men", he straightened his head and said:
"No, no, no, this name is even more inappropriate. Fenghou is the ancestor of Qimen Dunjia. Using his name would have too many consequences. Moreover, I learned this from Senior Brother Zhang, so I chose the name Fenghou. , How presumptuous, in my opinion, how about Tianshi Qimen?"

Zhang Zhiwei commented: "It's a little better than the Weiwei Sect, but not by much. Moreover, if you call it Tianshi Qimen, the first impression you get is that it is related to the Ancestral Celestial Master, and it will also carry a layer of cause and effect!"

"Senior Brother Zhang is right. If you think about it carefully, it is indeed inappropriate!" Zhou Sheng murmured: "You still can't think too far ahead. This method was taught by Senior Brother Zhang. The name must be related to Senior Brother Zhang." That's right, just like Zhuge Wuhou's Wuhou Qimen, Wuhou Qimen...!"

After muttering to himself, Zhou Sheng suddenly saw in Zhou Sheng's mind the scene of Zhang Zhiwei walking ten steps to the southeast and northwest in the interior scene, pointing one finger to the sky and the other to the ground. He was shocked and said quickly:

"Oh, I thought about it, why not call it Tiantong Qimen. The general idea of ​​this method is to lead the heaven and earth innately, cover the changes in the heaven and earth, and transform me into a king. This king is to connect the heaven and the earth, and the heaven and man are one, and the heaven and the earth are one. The name Tiantong Qimen not only corresponds to your Taoist name, Senior Brother Zhang, but also fits the occasion. Senior Brother Zhang, what do you think?"

"This name..." Zhang Zhiwei paused and grinned, "I think it's very good!"

This name is quite domineering.

"Okay, Tiantong Qimen, the name has been decided. Next, I want to discuss the details with Senior Brother Zhang, that is, how to use Qimen to display it. Although I have a general idea in my mind, it is still a bit too sloppy. Zhang If senior brother can give you some advice, you can definitely get twice the result with half the effort!"

Zhou Sheng said quickly.

"Okay!" Zhang Zhiwei naturally had no objection.

In fact, he was quite curious about what Zhou Sheng had understood, so he used Qimen Dunjia's knowledge to discuss it with Zhou Sheng.
During the discussion, Zhou Sheng may have felt that the scene between him and Zhang Zhiwei was a bit like that of Huang Di and Feng Hou. His heart could not calm down for a long time, and he acted a little excited. He talked about Tao, using his hands and feet, and talked vividly for a long time. I also drew a lot of complicated Bagua diagrams to explain.Based on these Bagua diagrams, Zhang Zhiwei finally understood what Zhou Sheng had understood.

What Zhou Sheng told him was somewhat similar to what he told Zhuge Yunhui before.

At that time, what he told Zhuge Yunhui was the fulcrum, borrowing Archimedes' words - Give me a fulcrum and I can move the earth.

The Heavenly Tong Qimen that Zhou Sheng understood can be described by the scales metaphored previously.

Balance and fulcrum are two terms that are very similar, but different.

The difference lies in the unity of heaven and earth and the unity of heaven and man.

The biggest focus of Zhang Zhiwei's methods is himself, and the second focus is the fulcrum.

The function of the fulcrum is to amplify one's own power to the greatest extent, so as to leverage the greater power of heaven and earth.

Because the focus is on oneself, he can adjust the 24 solar terms of his own pattern, thereby controlling the pattern of the human body, keeping his own pattern stable, achieving a healthy development, and assisting the cultivation of life.

This point may sound trivial, far less domineering than controlling the power of heaven and earth, but this is the point that Zhang Zhiwei values ​​most. As the saying goes, if you don’t sweep one house, how can you sweep the world? If you don’t fix your own pattern, how can you mess with the pattern of heaven and earth?

In short, the focus of his method is on himself, and the second is the fulcrum. The stronger he is, the greater the power he can exert.

Therefore, he can open up a strange pattern that is so big that it makes Master Hu Tu, the leader of Shuzi Sect, doubt his life.

But the disadvantage of his method is that the threshold is too high and requires extremely high cultivation level to practice.

After all, the effects of force are mutual. When you leverage the power of heaven and earth, you will also be counterattacked by the power of heaven and earth.

If you are not good at cultivation and cannot grasp this degree well, and if you accidentally become too energetic, you may be killed by the backlash.

The Tiantong Qimen understood by Zhou Sheng is like a scale, focusing on the fulcrum, and itself is not very important.

What it wants is to find a point where the two ends of the scale are balanced, that is, to find a point where heaven and man are unified, and to activate the natural power of heaven and earth in a balanced state of heaven and earth.

To find a balance, the stronger you are, the heavier the weight is, the further the balance point can be placed, and the greater the force of heaven and earth is. The weaker you are, the smaller the weight is, and the closer the balance point is. The power of heaven and earth that is activated will be smaller.

In short, there is no big threshold for Tiantong Qimen. As long as you master it well, even a weakling can use it. It just requires less power of heaven and earth.

But because Tiantong Qimen places emphasis on the fulcrum and neglects itself, this technique cannot take into account its own pattern, and it is just a mere bargaining chip.

Generally speaking, Zhou Sheng's Tiantong Qimen based on Zhang Zhiwei is far less domineering than Zhang Zhiwei's original method, and the power it can arouse is also incomparable.

But its threshold is low and the backlash is small. As long as you adhere to the principle of eating as big a bowl as you want, and using your methods while maintaining a level balance, you will not suffer backlash.

But once it is backfired, the problem will be serious, because it has no part to strengthen its own pattern, and cannot intervene in itself to correct the disrupted pattern of itself.

At the same time, because of the inability to control one's own pattern, if the state of mind is not up to standard, and rashly adding weights to the balance without good control, it will cause a serious problem, that is, the balance will no longer remain level, and adding weights will cause a serious problem. One end of the yard will drop.

And this end of the weight carries its own pattern.

The imbalance at this end means that the user's consciousness will sink into its own pattern and be unable to extricate itself.

Generally speaking, the method of Tiantong Qimen is still meaningful to Zhang Zhiwei. It makes up for some of his shortcomings in skills and allows him to grasp the "fulcrum" more accurately. Although the power of heaven and earth that can be leveraged is not much Great improvement, but the backlash of the power of heaven and earth is much smaller.

Compared with the method of Tiantong Qimen that Zhou Sheng realized, Zhang Zhiwei called his original method the Tiantong Qimen plus version, which can also be called the first half of Tiantong Qimen.

Of course, having said that, it is still unknown whether anyone can learn the first half of this so-called Tiantong Qimen?Let Zhou Sheng take the Wudang people to try it first.

Zhang Zhiwei thought to himself as he looked at the Five Elements and Bagua patterns spread across the table.

"Senior Brother Zhang, this is still a bit too much, but I am confident that I can simplify it a bit!" Zhou Sheng said.

Zhang Zhiwei nodded and said: "Since you are confident, let's simplify it!"

Zhou Sheng put away the pile of paper on the table and said solemnly:

"Thanks to Senior Brother Zhang for your advice today, I will take my leave now. It will take some time to sort this out. When I finish it, I will report to Senior Brother Zhang as soon as possible!"

Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand, indicating that he didn't have to be so polite.

Zhou Sheng was about to leave at the door of the corridor when he suddenly remembered something and asked: "Senior Brother Zhang, if this method is sorted out, can it be spread to others?"

"Yes, no problem!" Zhang Zhiwei said with an open-minded look: "What you have sorted out is at your disposal, and you can pass it on to anyone you want."

Immediately, Zhou Sheng left happily.

Zhou Sheng left, and Zhang Zhiwei continued to practice. Outside the window, the noise continued. The last group of people who came down from the Dragon Veins of Changbai Mountain finally arrived at the gathering place.

The head of the Gao family, Zhang Shoucheng, the head of the Lu family and others were responsible for the finale, walking at the end, among this group of people.

As soon as they arrived at the inn, the waiters brought the food and drinks that had been prepared to welcome everyone.

However, Zhang Shoucheng had no intention of thinking about these appetites. When he came to the guest room and saw Zhang Zhiwei, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your kid is still here and you haven't let go. I'm finally relieved!"

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

After Zhang Shoucheng finished speaking, he turned around and headed downstairs without waiting for Zhang Zhiwei's reply. After staying in the Dragon Vein Land for seven days, he was longing for food and wine.

Zhang Zhiwei quickly called to Zhang Shoucheng: "Uncle Master, please pass me another chapter of the Shangqing Jing in a moment!"

Zhang Shoucheng turned his head and said displeasedly: "You can't bite off more than you can chew. Didn't I just pass you on an article before? I also wrote you a lot of annotations. You can engrave them slowly first. When you're done, come back to me!" "

(End of this chapter)

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