Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 320: The uncle who protects the calf, the Immortal Official of Dharma Lineage

Chapter 320: The uncle who protects the calf, the Immortal Official of Dharma Lineage

Zhang Shoucheng was a little displeased. The passage he gave to Zhang Zhiwei had a lot of narration and annotations, and he had put a lot of effort into it. He really hoped that Zhang Zhiwei, a junior, could avoid detours in the journey of talismans.

But how long has it been?It’s going to be new, the principles are so easy to understand, and the magic weapon can be condensed so quickly?I'm afraid I just took a cursory look at it and didn't understand his good intentions at all. Suddenly, I understood why my senior brother said that Zhang Zhiwei was arrogant and arrogant.

Zhang Zhiwei was not good at observing words and expressions, so he did not notice the subtle changes on Zhang Shoucheng's face and said directly:
"Uncle Master, I have finished carving, so I came to see you!"

Zhang Shoucheng said almost without thinking: "How can it be so fast? To inscribe the Dharma urn requires the unity of spirit, energy and spirit. Use spirit to write and Qi as ink. It can be said that there can be no mistakes at all. In the high skill of Longhu Mountain, in Which one didn’t take several years to achieve this level?”

"Everything is difficult at the beginning. Among the 32 chapters of the Shangqing Sutra, the first chapter is the most difficult. Even it took me several months to engrave it. You said you could finish it in less than half a day?"

Zhang Shoucheng didn't believe it, and couldn't believe it. Others lived up to their names, did things according to the rules, and obeyed others. Although such people dealt with others steadily and made almost no mistakes, they were less flexible and even a little stubborn.

Seeing that his uncle didn't believe it, Zhang Zhiwei didn't make too many excuses. He rolled up his sleeves and the golden Taishangzhengyimengweijing sutra urn on his wrist shone brightly. With a slight movement, golden runes appeared on the urn. The content is exactly Chapter 1 of the Shangqing Jing.

"This this this..."

Zhang Shoucheng was stunned by this scene. Although he still couldn't believe it, the fact was before him and he could only choose to believe it.

"It's really the first chapter of the "Shangqing Sutra", and the runes are extremely solid and have a deep foundation. It doesn't look like it was just condensed, but rather like the result of careful polishing."

Zhang Shoucheng looked at Zhang Zhiwei and said seriously: "Zhiwei, tell me, uncle, is this the result of what you started to engrave a long time ago, or is it really the result of a long time?!"

"Why should I lie to you about this kind of thing?!" Zhang Zhiwei said: "Uncle Master, the scriptures you gave me have a lot of annotations. It doesn't take much thinking and thinking. You can understand the essence at a glance, so it is natural to engrave the scriptures. Come on, if you still don’t believe it, tell me the contents of Chapter 2 of the Shangqing Sutra, and I will condense the runes and engrave the dharma in front of you!”

"Okay, I'll give you Chapter 2 right now!"

Zhang Shoucheng agreed. He really wanted to know how Zhang Zhiwei could inscribe a scripture in half a day.

Zhang Shoucheng took out a yellow paper pen and ink sword from his robe. Most Taoist priests of the Fulu lineage carry these things with them.

He took out the yellow paper and started writing some scriptures on the yellow paper. He wrote these scriptures in great detail. In some obscure places, he also wrote small characters, which were obviously more important annotations. As he wrote, he said :

"These annotations are some of my understanding. A thousand Taoist priests will have a thousand truths in their minds when reading these scriptures. What I wrote may not be correct. They are only for reference. If you have any objections, just raise them!"

"I know!" Zhang Zhiwei leaned over to look at it, but did not make a comment. As his uncle said, there are a thousand truths in a thousand Taoist scriptures. There is no right or wrong only in terms of understanding. Of course, he would not say anything. .

Furthermore, if he expresses some of his own opinions, he is afraid that his uncle will discuss Taoism with him. Taoist monks and the like often discuss Taoism due to their misunderstanding of the scriptures, and it is common for them to discuss Taoism for seven or eight days at a time.

Normally, he would have spoken a few words, but now that the enshrinement ceremony was approaching, he couldn't waste any time. He didn't have time to argue with his uncle.

As for what he was teaching Zhou Sheng before, he was only interested because he had just finished inscribing a scripture, and his uncle was leading people out of Changbai Mountain and it was inconvenient to write a new scripture. If Zhou Sheng had come to him in advance, , or if you come to him now, you may be expelled from him.

"Every word and symbol in the world is powerful. They are combined into words, words are connected into sentences, and sentences are combined into scriptures. The Tao is among them."

Zhang Shoucheng talked while writing. He wrote quickly and well, and his words could not distract him. Moreover, he used a variety of styles to annotate different contents, including charming and elegant, dignified and elegant, and heroic. Unrestrained, it is obvious that he is also demonstrating his calligraphy skills while distinguishing the key points.

But it is undeniable that this hand is really powerful. Zhang Zhiwei's calligraphy is not bad. After all, Taoist priests often copy scriptures. It is a basic operation to practice calligraphy with a solid foundation. However, Zhang Zhiwei's writing style is bold and rough, and what he writes is , Tao Yun is quite deep, but it is easy for people to not understand it.

After finishing the last stroke, Zhang Shoucheng put away his brush, handed the yellow paper to Zhang Zhiwei, and said, "Do you need me to explain it to you on the spot?"

Zhang Zhiwei took the yellow paper and said: "Uncle Master has written it in great detail, so there is no need to bother with it!"

Zhang Shoucheng nodded and said: "Okay, you condense the Dharma basket, and I will protect it for you!"

After that, he walked to the door, took out a talisman from his pocket, and stuck it on the door. This is a silent talisman that can isolate sounds and prevent the practitioners from disturbing their meditation. After all, not everyone has Zhang Zhiwei, and Wugensheng is like this. In the state of general tranquility, if one is disturbed while entering concentration, the consequences will be serious.

After applying it, the noise in the inn disappeared instantly. Zhang Shoucheng sat cross-legged at the door, protecting Zhang Zhi.

Zhang Zhiwei held the yellow paper sutra, read it through, and then began to condense the Dharma Rui. In order to show it to his uncle intuitively, while inscribing, the "Tai Shang Zheng Yi League Mighty Sutra Rui" on Zhang Zhiwei's wrist lit up. On its surface, There are runes with transparent texture that are outlined by the power of the soul.

Zhang Shoucheng saw this scene clearly. He was dumbfounded and almost screamed out. He felt that the scene of Zhang Zhiwei condensing the magic weapon was a bit familiar, and it looked very much like the yellow paper he had written just now. Write scriptures on it.

But can it be the same?One is to use pen and ink, and the other is to use spirit and spirit. The latter is countless times more difficult than the former, but in Zhang Zhiwei's case, it is almost equal.

"With this speed, no wonder this kid can inscribe Chapter 1 scriptures on the Dharma pot in about half a day!" Zhang Shoucheng muttered to himself, and he watched Zhang Zhiwei's concise strokes intently.

In the middle of the journey, the head of the Gao family came to see him and said that he had prepared some wine down below and asked Zhang Shoucheng to go down and have some.

Zhang Shoucheng practiced the method in the ice and snow for seven days. During this period, he slept in the open air and did not eat a single hot meal. Logically speaking, he was already hungry. But now, he had no intention of eating at all. He just wanted to watch Zhang Zhiwei's condensing method. Afraid that Patriarch Gao would disturb him, he quickly declined Patriarch Gao.

I watched this for several hours, from night to morning, and at the moment when the sky was getting brighter, the last sutra fell, and the Dharma basket was condensed. The second chapter of the 32 chapters of the "Shangqing Sutra" was condensed. After it was completed, it was engraved word for word on the Dharma pot.

With a thought in his mind, Zhang Zhiwei put away the Dharma basket and looked at his uncle at the door.

"Uncle Master, it's time for the third chapter!"

Seeing Zhang Zhiwei put away the magic urn, even after watching it for several hours, Zhang Shoucheng still found it difficult to calm down. When did it become so easy to condense the dharma urn?

"You kid, it's not easy!" Zhang Shoucheng took a breath and said slowly.

"One Dharma Assembly, all Dharma can be solved!" Zhang Zhiwei stretched out his index finger and thumb and made a small gesture: "I have achieved a little success in alchemy. I have cultivated both my life and my life. My essence, energy and spirit are integrated into one. I have engraved the Dharma basket. Naturally, I am. It will happen naturally!"

Zhang Shoucheng: "…………"

You are so humble despite your small achievements. Excessive humility equals arrogance and looks down on others.

He somewhat understood why his senior brother said that Zhang Zhiwei was arrogant and arrogant.

The most annoying thing is that he still can't say anything.

"What you said makes sense!" Zhang Shoucheng sighed and said: "I remember inexplicably that when I was young, my master said to me, if you practice alchemy skills, you should practice alchemy skills well, and if you practice talismans, you should practice talismans well. They like to mix them up, which is not good.”

"I didn't understand it at the time. I stubbornly believed that elixirs govern the interior and talismans govern the exterior. Only fools make choices. A smart person like me naturally wants them all, but if you are willing to give them up, you will gain something. If you want everything, you will know how to do it. Nothing can be done right.”

"You didn't practice anything else for the first ten years, and specialized in inner alchemy. My senior brother also left you alone and never urged you. I thought it was because you despised the talisman, and it was because your senior brother neglected to discipline his disciples, but I never thought that it was me. The layout is too small!”

Perhaps thinking of his master, the previous Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain, Zhang Shoucheng looked a little lonely. Education has a lag and long-term nature. After many years, the moment the bullet hit the center of the eyebrow, education formed a closed loop.

Seeing that his uncle was worried, Zhang Zhiwei didn't say much, but walked over silently and sat cross-legged next to his uncle.

After a while, Zhang Shoucheng asked: "Zhiwei, your surname is Zhang, right? I remember that you didn't change your surname even after you became a disciple with a fake surname!"

"I am an orphan from the war in Hubei. I have no name or surname. After my master adopted me, I took my surname of Zhang. Later, I became a disciple with a fake surname and was given the surname Zhang again!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"I see!" Zhang Shoucheng smiled and said, "Zhiwei, you already share the surname Zhang with your senior brother, but you were given the surname Zhang again. Do you think it is unnecessary?"

"It's a bit!" Zhang Zhiwei said bluntly.

Zhang Shoucheng smiled and said: "You are not polite at all. Do you know what is the most important thing in cultivation?"

Without waiting for Zhang Zhiwei's reply, Zhang Shoucheng replied: "It's the land of a wealthy couple, the guidance of a famous teacher. Everyone in the world says that my Tianshi Mansion protects the calf, but why do I protect the calf? Isn't it because of the difference between closeness and distance?! "

"The ancestor adhered to Taoist concepts, founded Taoism, and established the Taoist tradition. He once went to Shu, learned Taoism in Qingcheng Mountain, and founded the Qingcheng Sect there. Later, he went to Longhu Mountain, settled there, and founded the Tianshi Mansion."

"Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion and Qingcheng Mountain Qingcheng Sect have the same roots, come from the same lineage, and belong to the same family. But why are Tianshi Du, the three and five male and female evil-killing swords, and the Yang Ping Zhidu Gong Seal, the three treasures of Tianshi left here? You went to the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain and didn’t give it to the Qingcheng Sect at all?”

"Our ancestors, who are so enlightened among the gods, still have selfish motives, not to mention ordinary people like us. So, you understand why there is such a saying as "taking one's surname", and why you have to give another surname to your already surnamed Zhang! "

It was not difficult for Zhang Zhiwei to understand this and nodded: "There are no rules and no rules. If a force like ours at Longhu Mountain does not have etiquette, even if it achieves temporary prosperity, it will only lay the foundation for disaster."

"You are right!" Zhang Shoucheng nodded in agreement, and then sighed: "It sounds simple to follow the rules, but there are very few that can be done!"

"Nowadays, in this complicated world where strangers appear in large numbers, wars are in chaos, and evil spirits are at work, there are many people who act wantonly and only follow their own preferences and only want to do things by their own means. Although such people cannot be killed with one shot, it is said that they are The evildoer is evil, but he is definitely the hidden root of evil!"

"But, how should I put it? To be fair, those lawless pleasures and joys, like the Liangshan heroes in "Water Margin", if you and I are onlookers, we will inevitably be a little envious in our hearts."

"It's just that such people can exist, but they can never be respected by everyone. Especially after watching the excitement for a long time, it will be really painful when those punches and palms hit one's head for no reason!"

Zhang Zhiwei nodded and said nothing.

Some words are meant to be tasted briefly. Zhang Shoucheng did not say any more. He just patted Zhang Zhiwei on the shoulder and said:

"You and I are family members. One family does not speak the same language as the other. Longhushan is your backing, and the Zhang family is also your backing."

"Uncle, I understand!"

Zhang Zhiwei nodded and said, he understood what Zhang Shoucheng meant. Zhang Jingqing never said these words, nor did Zhang Yi. Although Zhang Shoucheng said it euphemistically, his meaning was obvious. Our Zhang family is the protector of the calf, and you are my Zhang. Family, we protect you, but we hope you also treat us as a family.

After saying it three times, Zhang Shoucheng skipped the topic and said:

"Zhiwei, I just looked at your magic weapon. The above methods only have some auxiliary methods, and there are no easy killing methods. You have your own considerations. I won't say anything more."

"But it seems to me that you haven't obtained the position of Immortal Official in the Dharma lineage. If you complete the engraving of the Dharma Rui, you will meet the requirements for the award of the 'Five Thunder Sutra Ruins of the Supreme Purity'."

"In this conferment meeting, I not only recommend you to participate in the conferment ceremony, but also recommend you to enter the Arctic Exorcism Academy in the Dharma Lineage, obtain the position of Immortal Official, receive the Dharma position, and command an altar of heavenly soldiers!"

Zhang Zhiwei was stunned: "Arctic Exorcism Academy?"

Of course he knew about the North Pole Exorcist Academy, which was one of the legal positions that Taoist priests of the Zhengyi Sect could hold within their dharma lineage.

What is legal office?It means that after the Taoist priest imparts the 绯, you can be naturalized in the same dharma lineage with the help of the dharma 绯, which is the identity card.

There are five levels of this identity, and each level has strict divisions on the gods that can be invited and the methods they can use. For example, in the plot of Biyou Village, Maoshan Zhao Guizhen, who was turned into a "sheep and scorpion" by Xiao Zizai, why did he apostatize ?It was because the level of the talisman was not high enough, but he wanted to learn a higher-status talisman, that he took the wrong path.

In addition to the auxiliary talismans he uses, the "Tai Shang Zheng Yi Alliance Mighty Talisman" in Zhang Zhiwei's hands also includes the One General Talisman, the Ten General Talisman, the Hundred and Twenty General Talisman, the Left and Right Hundred Ghost Talisman, and the Chaos Talisman Talismans. Yuanming Chilu, Nine Heavens Soldier Talisman...

Not only that, with the help of the Dharma Ribbon, one can also serve as an Immortal Official in the Dharma Lineage. The position of this Immortal Official is the Dharma Position.

Generally speaking, this is a bit like taking the civil service exam based on your citizenship status. If you pass the exam, you can work in government agencies.

Like Zhang Zhiwei now, because he has no legal position in the Dharma lineage, he has to invite all the heavenly soldiers to come out to bless him. He has to open a Dharma altar, set up rituals, and step on the steps of Yu...

Even if he can skip many steps, he still has to spend a lot of effort to invite soldiers and horses to bless him.

This is just like when a civilian goes to call the police, you have to go through the process, provide information, explain the situation, the location of the police, etc., and then the police will be dispatched.

But if you have a legal position in the dharma lineage, it is equivalent to taking power. The command of the troops and horses is in your hands. There is no need to do all the bells and whistles. With an order, thousands of troops and horses will come in droves.

This is why Zhang Daoling, the ancestral heavenly master, does not need to open an altar when refining alchemy. He can invite Zhao Gongming, one of the four marshals of the Taoist sect, to protect the law with a wave of his hand. This is because he has a high legal position and great authority.

Of course, if you don't have enough magic power and want to cross-level troops to punish the gods, you still have to open a magic altar and go through the process, just like the last time in the Dragon Vein Land, Zhang Shoucheng asked Emperor Zhenwu for help.

The reason why Zhang Zhiwei did not hold a legal position in the Dharma lineage before was because he did not practice talismans very much.

And the legal positions in the Dharma lineage are limited, just like civil servants, there is a carrot in a pit, so Zhang Jingqing will naturally not let him go in and occupy the pit without shitting.

But now, Zhang Shoucheng had this idea and wanted Zhang Zhiwei to go to the pit.

After all, we are all from the Zhang family. If we don’t get this kind of thing for the geniuses of the old Zhang family, what are we thinking about?
(End of this chapter)

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