Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 322 Commanding Ten Thousand Heavenly Soldiers

Chapter 322 Commanding [-] Heavenly Soldiers
"Killing the bandits will naturally count." Zhang Shoucheng said seriously, "And it's a great achievement!"

"That's the four skills!" Zhang Zhiwei said: "A few days ago, I went down the mountain with my master to the Lu family for a banquet. I eradicated a nest of horse thieves. Does that count as one meritorious service?"


"Five skills!" Zhang Zhiwei said: "I also killed a water ghost and a furbolg. Does it count as two skills?"


"Seven meritorious deeds!" Zhang Zhiwei said: "On the way, I also killed a group of human traffickers who were harvesting and cutting raw materials. Does that count as one meritorious deed?!"


"Eight meritorious deeds!" Zhang Zhiwei said: "I accepted the task at the front of the temple and went down the mountain to eliminate evil spirits. Does it count as one meritorious deed?"


"Nine merits!" Zhang Zhiwei said: "There are immortals who have taken refuge with the Japanese pirates and secretly persecuted the ritual practitioners who practiced the practice of removing dragon veins. If I kill them, does it count as one merit?"

"It doesn't count!" Zhang Shoucheng said.

"Why?" Zhang Zhiwei looked at his uncle.

"Because it's not just one!" Zhang Shoucheng said, "It's not just one achievement!"

"How much work is that?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

"It's hard to estimate the specifics!" Zhang Shoucheng frowned.

This is indeed difficult to estimate. These immortals took refuge in the Japanese pirates and killed them. It can be said that they have made a contribution to the country. They all have incense beliefs. It can also be said that they cut down mountains and destroy temples and abolished obscene temples and wild sacrifices. But At the same time, they also killed many people, so it makes sense to kill them directly as monsters.

In the past, when Taoist priests went out to succumb to demons, they encountered very simple situations. As complicated as this, he, the recommender, was a little undecided and needed the three masters to discuss it together.

"It doesn't matter whether it's good or not!" Zhang Zhiwei said bluntly: "Uncle, just tell me if I can become a third-level magician?"

"The merits are sufficient, but when you do things, you do not have any legal authority. The specifics have to be determined by the gods. I can't guarantee it!" Zhang Shoucheng said.

"That's enough!" Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand and said boldly: "Uncle, just recommend me, don't worry about the rest!"

Zhang Shoucheng looked at him without speaking.

"Uncle Master, why are you looking at me like this?!" Zhang Zhiwei was shocked by the sight, "Is there something on my face?"

Zhang Shoucheng imitated Zhang Zhiwei's actions just now, waved his hand, and said angrily:
"Just recommend me, and don't worry about the rest. You were so arrogant just now, and you need to be beaten. How come you behave like someone in your Dharma lineage?"

"Maybe there is!" Zhang Zhiwei poured a cup of tea for Zhang Shoucheng: "Come on, come on, uncle, please have some tea!"

Zhang Shoucheng took the tea cup, drank it all, and said: "Every day, I keep saying weird things. What you shouldn't think about is that so many of our ancestors in Longhu Mountain are famous in the Arctic Exorcist Academy, so you can expect them to open the back door for you." ?”

"Uncle Master has great wisdom and he guessed it right away!" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile.

He thought to himself that Emperor Zhenwu was also the founder. Judging from these two times, Emperor Zhenwu was quite active, so the true spirit should not be silent.

"Then don't think about it!" Zhang Shoucheng said: "Although some seniors will enter the Arctic Exorcist Academy after their death, there is only a trace of the true spirit remaining. At most, when the younger generations need help, they will send down their divine power to help. Usually the true spirit It’s so silent that I can’t even wake you up, let alone open the back door for you!”

Zhang Zhiwei nodded repeatedly: "Uncle, I understand. By the way, uncle, what is the third-level magic position of the Arctic Exorcist Academy? Which generals can it command, and how many soldiers and horses can it command?"

Zhang Shoucheng said: "The third-level legal positions of the Arctic Exorcism Academy are from the third-level Jiutian Jinguan Qing Jiutian Lian Visiting Envoy to know the affairs of the Exorcist Academy, and from the third-level Jiutian Jinguan Immortal Jiutian Inspector Tongjian to exorcise the affairs of the Exorcist Academy."

"I can recommend you to serve as the third-rank Jiutian Jinguan Qing Jiutian Lian Visitor Zhiexuxie Academy. As for which divine generals you can control?"

Zhang Shoucheng pointed at Zhang Zhiwei and said angrily:

"What? You still want to command a lot of people?"

Zhang Zhiwei chuckled: "Han Xin orders troops, the more the merrier!"

Zhang Shoucheng said angrily: "You are not Han Xin, how do you know how many troops you can command? Most people only have soldiers and horses, but no divine generals, but if you can do it, the third-level magician must be blessed by a divine general. As for what kind of god it is?" Will……"

"There are hundreds of great and small divine generals in the North Pole Exorcist Academy. If I were to explain them in detail, I would be unable to finish them in a while, so I won't list them for you. Anyway, whether they are divine generals or heavenly soldiers, they all have to look at their own horoscopes. "

"With different horoscopes, even if they have the same legal position, the divine generals they belong to will be different, and the troops they lead may even be completely different."

BaZi...Zhang Zhiwei grinned: "Master said that my BaZi is as hard as iron. Uncle Master, why don't you show me how many troops I can lead with my BaZi?"

"Senior brother said that your birth date is as hard as iron?" Zhang Shoucheng was suddenly shocked and said quickly: "Senior brother, it should be impossible to make a mistake. Please tell me your birth date and birth date!"

The horoscope of birth, or the horoscope for short, refers to the date of a person's birth according to the stem and branch calendar. There are four pillars of year, month, day and hour, each pillar has two characters, for a total of eight characters.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "In my Gengzi year, Jiashen month, Jiayin day, Xinwei time!"


"Wait for me to figure it out!"

Zhang Shoucheng took out a compass from his pocket and opened the lid. Inside the compass were the Bagua and Heavenly Stems rotating clockwise, and outside were the Earthly Branches and 24 solar terms rotating counterclockwise. It was dizzying at first glance.

"Your zodiac sign is rat, and the constellation room is fire and pig... With your zodiac sign, according to the "Temple of Heaven Jade Grid: A Lesson on the Good and Bad in Soldiers", if you receive a legal position, you should be able to receive it..."

Zhang Shoucheng closed the compass and looked directly at Zhang Zhiwei without saying anything.

Zhang Zhiwei was horrified by the sight of him: "Uncle, why do you talk like you're out of breath, and why do you always stare at people when you disagree with someone? How many? It can't be a lot, right?"

Zhang Shoucheng nodded: "Indeed, there are a lot. By the way, does your master urge you every two days to improve the level of the talisman and put more effort into the talisman?"

Zhang Zhiwei nodded: "Yes, he said not long ago that if I can't condense the third-grade Dharma Ribbon in this ceremony, I will..."

"What do you want?" Zhang Shoucheng asked.

"Tie me to a flying sword and sacrifice me!" Zhang Zhiwei didn't want to say it at first, but after thinking about it, it didn't matter if he said it was such a small thing. Can the master really fly him out?
Zhang Shoucheng: "…………"

The last time Zhang Jingqing opened a small stove for his disciples in the back mountain, he was struck by Zhang Zhiwei's flying thunder sword. Although Zhang Jingqing was fine, his beard was burnt, which made all his fellow disciples laugh. For a long time.

Unexpectedly, the senior brother said that he was not in the way, but in fact he was quite vindictive!

Tied up the flying sword and sacrificed it... He glanced at Zhang Zhiwei, this must be interesting, but then he thought of Zhang Zhiwei's terrifying speed when condensing the magic urn and inscribing scriptures, and suddenly felt that it might be a bit mysterious. "Uncle Master, what are you thinking about? How many troops and horses can I lead? Please tell me quickly!"

Zhang Zhiwei suddenly became excited when he heard that he might lead a lot of troops.

Zhang Shoucheng glanced at Zhang Zhiwei, didn't hide much, and said with excitement:

"One hundred thousand, if nothing unexpected happens, your horoscope can carry one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers!"

"Fuck, so many?"

Zhang Zhiwei was shocked on the spot. Previously, he had initiated the practice of sending heavenly soldiers to support Xiaotian to kill Lu Ci. He only allocated less than [-] soldiers and horses, and he defeated the people who were beaten by Erbi.

Last time in the interior scene, Uncle Hu intercepted the order and asked Emperor Zhenwu for help. In addition to Emperor Zhenwu's magical powers and magic weapons, the accompanying blessings from heavenly weapons were less than [-].

Now his uncle tells him that after receiving the Dharma Order, he can bring one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers anytime and anywhere?
Is my iron-hard character so powerful?
No wonder Master asked me to repair the talismans every three days.

There are benefits to this, please tell me clearly!
He just said that after condensing it, he could go and get one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers. For no other reason than just these four words, "one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers," why didn't he make a move?
Zhang Zhiwei began to think about the relationship between the number of troops allocated and the horoscopes...

He had actually known for a long time that the number of Taoist heavenly soldiers was related to his horoscopes, but he just ignored it because he didn't have much practice in the past, so he didn't know much about it.

But since taking control of the three souls, he has a better understanding of the horoscopes.The horoscope is actually used to measure the strength of the earth soul.

In other words, the number of soldiers and horses allocated is actually determined by the earth soul.

Speaking of which, Zhang Zhiwei had opened several altars and used heavenly soldiers several times. He was no stranger to heavenly soldiers.

The so-called heavenly soldiers are not actual soldiers and horses, but a Tao Qi that is cultivated in the Dharma veins. By opening an altar, you can command this Tao Qi to bless yourself or use it to hurt others. .

Therefore, in many myths, this kind of scene often appears, where a certain big monster drinks away a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers, defeats a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers, and so on.

The one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers here do not refer to the same soldiers and horses as one hundred thousand people, but a large stream of Dao Qi.

You know, a hundred thousand soldiers and horses are so scary. Together, they can stand densely on many hills. Not to mention the monsters retreating, even the Buddha has to lower his eyebrows when he comes.

Am I going to own the little things that are part of many legends about gods and monsters?Zhang Zhiwei thought to himself, thinking about it carefully, it's really interesting...

"By the way, uncle, is there anything higher than one hundred thousand?" he asked.

Zhang Shoucheng said angrily: "Listening to your tone, do you think one hundred thousand is too low?"

"Wherever, the words "one hundred thousand" are already a lot, enough for the Qitian Holy War!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Zhang Shoucheng said: "You are satisfied. There are twelve levels of military deployment. One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers is the highest level. Among the two generations of mages in Longhu Mountain, no one can lead so many heavenly soldiers. If you become a mage, You can go back and have a good chat with your Uncle Zhang Yi!"

Although Zhang Zhiwei is often called a little high-gong master or a little mage when he goes out, he is actually not that. Only Taoist priests with legal responsibilities can be called high-gong mage.

"Uncle, why are you arguing with Uncle Zhang Yi?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Zhiwei reacted: "Uncle, what do you mean... Uncle Zhang Yi has very few heavenly soldiers?"

Zhang Shoucheng smiled and nodded.

"How many are there?" Zhang Zhiwei asked quickly.

Zhang Shoucheng stretched out his five fingers: "This is the number!"

"Five..." Zhang Zhiwei originally wanted to say fifty thousand, but when he thought that his uncle said it was very little, it was so little that he would laugh at it, so it must not be fifty thousand.

Five hundred or fifty?No, this is too little. If you set up a altar to do a magic by yourself, you will have thousands of heavenly soldiers at your disposal, let alone Master Zhang Yi who has great skills. So let’s make a compromise...

"Five thousand?" he said.

"Tsk!" Zhang Shoucheng shook his head, "You are really not clever. Five thousand is the median, who is still laughing at him?!"

"Five thousand is still the median, is it five hundred?!" Zhang Zhiwei said, "It can't be fifty!"

Zhang Shoucheng shook his head and said: "What does it look like at fifty? Among the twelve levels of military dispatch, five hundred heavenly soldiers is the lowest level. Zhang Yi, who attended the ceremony of engraving arrogantly, came back in tears, thinking It’s funny just thinking about it!”

Perhaps thinking of some scenes from his youth, Zhang Shoucheng had a smile on his face, but soon he stopped smiling.

Zhang Zhiwei asked: "Uncle, how many troops can you mobilize?!"

Zhang Shoucheng suppressed his smile, kept an expressionless face, and said without any fluctuation in his voice: "Ten thousand!"

"Then what does that mean, I will be ten times as powerful as you?" Zhang Zhiwei thought to himself.

Zhang Shoucheng: "…………"

I almost forgot that this boy was the master who slapped the young master of the Lu family to tears on the Lu family's birthday in full view of everyone.

Senior brother used to say that he was arrogant, unsophisticated, and didn't care about other people's feelings. I thought he was too demanding and too pretentious. Now it seems that senior brother is very reasonable...

Zhang Shoucheng confessed harshly to Zhang Jingqing, then took a deep breath and said:

"Don't be too happy too early. The number of people who can lead the heavenly soldiers is just their talent. How far they can go depends on whether they practice hard the day after tomorrow."

"Just like Zhang Yi, although he only has [-] heavenly soldiers, the quality of his heavenly soldiers is extremely high. Not only that, he also has the blessing of his own divine general, and the ability of that divine general is quite strong!"

Divine General, I don’t know which Divine General can command a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers... Zhang Zhiwei thought to himself, and then said: "By the way, Uncle Master, the heavenly soldiers invited through the altar opening method, and the heavenly soldiers mobilized by the Dharma, Is it the same thing?
Zhang Shoucheng said: "It's not the same thing. The heavenly soldiers invited by those who open the altar are the Dao Qi warmed in the Dharma veins. Its strength and quantity are determined by the cultivation of the person who opens the altar and other altars. It is determined by the specifications of the ceremony. The more complicated the ceremony, the stronger you are, and the stronger the heavenly soldiers will be."

"The Heavenly Soldiers assigned to you are Dao Qi that were previously cultivated in the Dharma Veins. But after they are assigned, they have to be cultivated by themselves. Their strength depends on the level of their Dharma position, as well as the Taoist priest himself. Able."

"That's it!" Zhang Zhiwei nodded, and then asked some more questions.

When asked, Zhang Shoucheng answered while writing the rest of the "Shangqing Jing" for Zhang Zhiwei.

Zhang Zhiwei stood next to Zhang Shoucheng and looked at him: "By the way, uncle, something happened in Changbai Mountain. When are we going to go back to the mountain?"

Zhang Shoucheng said: "This is a place of right and wrong. Let's set out at dawn!"

(End of this chapter)

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