Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 323 The immortals send off the leader Tiantong

Chapter 323 The immortals send off the leader Tiantong

"Let's set off at dawn, so urgent?" Zhang Zhiwei asked, "Don't you have a celebration party or something?"

Speaking of which, he quite likes to eat.

Zhang Shoucheng looked at Zhang Zhiwei: "Do you want to have a celebration banquet? Do you feel relaxed after a big battle is over?"

"Relaxing?" Zhang Zhiwei shook his head: "It's just the tranquility before the storm, but uncle, a moment of tranquility is also tranquility!"

"The calm before the storm..." Zhang Shoucheng repeated and clicked his tongue: "This metaphor is quite vivid, so we must take advantage of the eve of the storm to leave here."

"What should I say?" Zhang Zhiwei sat up straight and said seriously.

Zhang Shoucheng took out a piece of golden letterhead from his arms, and Zhang Zhiwei recognized it at a glance. It was gold-coated paper and was used by Feihe of Longhushan Post House to pass letters.

"When I went down the mountain earlier, I received a secret report about the current situation in Liaodong. We are far away in Changbai Mountain and the news is blocked, so we don't feel deeply about it, but in fact, there are already undercurrents surging outside."

"The incident in Bincheng did not stop with the destruction of the Japanese railway garrison. The warlords entered Bincheng in the name of maintaining stability. At the same time, the people on the Cheka side also took this opportunity to reposition their forces. Get in."

"As for the Japanese pirates, the Japanese pirate navy admiral Yujiro Takeshita has led the combined fleet to occupy the Lion Harbor naval port. He is eyeing the enemy and may attack at any time. The situation on all sides is on the verge of breaking out. Now we'd better leave here as soon as possible."

After listening to what Zhang Shoucheng said, Zhang Zhiwei pondered for a moment. Previously, he pretended to be a Cheka agent and caused several major events in Bincheng. He originally thought that Marshal Zhang would reap the benefits, but he did not expect that the real Chekat agent would be the one who reaped the benefits. The workers are also gone, and I want to get a share of the pie.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "We are pretending to be Cheka agents. The whole incident is not clear yet. It is when Bo Yun is in trouble. The people on the Cheka side have no intention of avoiding suspicion and can't wait to go in to pick peaches. Isn't this right?" It's like putting the blame on yourself, and it's really them who did it?"

Zhang Shoucheng thought for a while and said, "You think what you throw out is a scapegoat, but if it falls on their heads, it may become a crown."

Mine is arsenic, he is honey... Zhang Zhiwei thought about it and suddenly felt that it made sense. The two parties have never dealt with each other. In the past few years, the dog's brains were almost broken because of the fat meat in the Northeast. The final result... The Cheka side was defeated and the fat in their mouths was taken away.

Although the relationship between the two parties has eased in the following ten years, it is all driven by interests. They are essentially mortal enemies. Everyone wants the fat in the other's mouth. Now there is an opportunity. At this time, in order to avoid suspicion, give up the benefits that are easily available. , It’s simply a fool’s behavior.

"The situation is getting more and more chaotic!" Zhang Zhiwei sighed.

Zhang Shoucheng said: "It is indeed becoming more and more chaotic. Speaking of which, you pretended to be a Cheka agent and also played a role in driving away wolves and devouring tigers. I wonder if the two parties will fight like they did in previous years? What if they fight? , can we be fishermen?”

Will there be a fight? Speaking of this, Zhang Zhiwei suddenly remembered the last time someone spied on him from inside the scene, and he cut off the cause and effect with a sword.

Now that I think about it, it is very likely that the Japanese pirates discovered something was wrong with Bincheng and used various methods to track down the real culprit in the interior scene. However, when they were about to find him, the real culprit, he forced him back.

If this is the case, this scapegoat may not be so shady anymore...

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhiwei shook his head and said: "It's unlikely. The Cheka side is in a mess inside. At this juncture, it's impossible for them to take action against the Japanese pirates. As for the Japanese pirates, it's a big deal. They defeated the Cheka side that year. It’s because all the energy from feeding is used up.”

"In the case of Bincheng, although I am under the banner of Cheka, there is no airtight wall in the world. Maybe the Japanese pirates can't find my head, but most of them can know that there is a scam, and it is unlikely that I will be without a head." Stupidly go and have a big battle with the Cheka!"

Hearing this, Zhang Shoucheng sighed, "That's a pity!"

"It's not a pity," Zhang Zhiwei said: "This is our territory. If they fight, we will be the ones who suffer. However, there will be no big wars, and small battles will definitely be inevitable."

"Xiaozhan is the home ground for us aliens. What's going on over there with the Cheka? I don't know yet, but the Japanese pirates have a big fish here, Navy Admiral Yujiro Takeshita."

Zhang Zhiwei put his hand on his neck and said in a cold voice: "Uncle Master, do we want to make a sudden attack and kill this naval admiral on the sea with a sword?"

Zhang Shoucheng was immediately shocked: "You kid, don't be too arrogant. I am a naval admiral and I don't know how many guards are around me. You want Wanjun to kill him with one sword. Do you think you are a Tang Sect assassin who comes and goes without a trace!? "

Zhang Zhiwei didn't say anything. In terms of assassination skills, he is not necessarily worse than Tang Sect. The magical skill of Tongyou allows the physical body to escape into the inner scene. The effect is much stronger than Miasma of the Illusory Body, but...

Seeing that Zhang Zhiwei remained silent, Zhang Shoucheng continued: "You kid, please calm down. We spent a lot of effort this time to get you and those guys from the Fourth Family out of this matter, but we can't. Don’t ever think about dipping into muddy waters again!”

Zhang Zhiwei pondered for a moment, and after weighing the pros and cons, he sighed and said: "Uncle, I understand. In the final analysis, this kind of thing is a game between countries. Even if we kill Yujiro Takeshita, we won't be able to recover the mountains and rivers, and we will still cause trouble." If you look coquettish, the current relatively stable local war situation may be broken. If you think about it carefully, the gains outweigh the losses!"

Hearing this, Zhang Shoucheng breathed a sigh of relief and said: "As long as you know, as the instigator of this incident, you must evacuate this place before the situation here is completely corrupted!"

After saying that, he suddenly realized that the reason why this kid gave up just now was not that it was difficult or impossible to kill, but that killing was meaningless...

This is simply too arrogant and arrogant. After returning this time, I must report it to my senior brother and let him take a good look at it.

"Ah Zhi, who is talking about me?!"

Zhang Zhiwei sneezed, rubbed his nose and said.

So evil... Zhang Shoucheng muttered in his heart, quickly stopped his thoughts, stood up and said: "You should concentrate on the magic weapon, I'll go down to eat something, rest for a while, and we'll set off at dawn!"

After that, he opened the door and hurried downstairs. Zhang Shoucheng was not a man of steel. He had been doing the Fa for seven days in the ice and snow, and he was already hungry. It was because what happened to Zhang Zhiwei was so unbelievable that he forgot to eat and sleep. Now he has calmed down. Fatigue and hunger suddenly hit him, and he even felt that he could eat a cow.

Zhang Zhiwei stood at the door, watching his uncle walking downstairs quickly. He cursed in his heart, if it were me, he would just turn over and jump down.

Afterwards, he closed the door, picked up Chapter 3 of "Shangqing Jing", and began to condense the Dharma.



The next morning.

Zhang Zhiwei was still condensing the Dharma basket when Zhang Shoucheng knocked on the door and came in. He threw him a very heavy cotton coat and said:
"Stop wearing your oily and shiny animal skin jacket. This is the military cotton coat that the Gao family got from Maozi. It looks very bulky, but it is very effective. It was made by Maozi to develop Siberia. , in terms of cold protection, it is much better than the previous animal skin jacket!"

"Master uncle treats me with such kindness!"

Zhang Zhiwei quickly put it on. Although he had a high level of physical cultivation and was not afraid of the cold wind, his brain was fine. He didn't need a warm military coat. He used Qi to keep out the cold?
After putting it on, Zhang Zhiwei patted his clothes and made a "bang bang bang" sound: "It's indeed a lot warmer. Uncle, is this what you wore during the practice in Changbai Mountain?"

Zhang Shoucheng nodded: "Didn't a lot of ordinary people participate in this practice? Thinking that their poor ability to withstand the cold would be too much for them in the cold wind, the head of the Gao family prepared some cold-proof clothes from Maozi, but they were halfway through Being intercepted and killed by the Xian family, I only have these extra cold-proof clothes left, so I got one for you too!"

Zhang Zhiwei thought of the heavy rain of people before and was silent for a moment: "Thank you so much, uncle, about the Xian family..."

"It's all trivial, no need to say more, come down for breakfast, we're going to leave!" After that, Zhang Shoucheng turned and left.

Zhang Zhiwei followed. The people in the lobby were all familiar faces from the Dragon Vein Land. Seeing Zhang Shoucheng and Zhang Zhiwei coming down one after another, they all held hands and greeted each other with great enthusiasm.

After being polite, Zhang Zhiwei sat down to have breakfast. The breakfast was very down-to-earth. It was just big buns, full of meat fillings. It was very satisfying to eat.

Next to him were Lu Jin, Lu Ci, Wang Ai and others. They originally sat according to their respective sects for breakfast, but these people shamelessly squeezed into the Longhushan table.

Zhang Zhiwei was eating when he suddenly felt deserted. There was one less guy who was shouting and calling him Senior Brother Zhang, so he asked: "By the way, where is Fengping?"

Lu Jin said: "People from the Huode Sect have a special way of rushing. They have already left ahead of time. When Feng Ping left, he wanted to come and say goodbye to you. But it turned out that you were meditating, so he didn't bother you. He just said he had time. I will come to Longhu Mountain to visit you!"

"That's it!" Zhang Zhiwei nodded, but he was not surprised. Huo Dezong had fire escape skills, but he could escape thousands of miles away in an instant. These guys might have returned to Sichuan to eat hot pot.

Although he had seen the Fire Escape Technique once, he had never fully understood its principles. He didn't pay much attention to it. If he understood it, he would just read it. If he didn't understand it, he wouldn't force it.

"Brother Fengping is still very interesting. When you go to Sichuan in the future, you can go to Huodezong to have a drink with him!" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile.

"Senior Brother Zhang will go to Sichuan in the future?" Lu Jin asked confused.

"Is there anything strange about my visit to Sichuan?"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "Don't forget that the place where my ancestor became enlightened was in Qingcheng Mountain. Qingcheng Sect and Tianshi Mansion are from the same lineage, and they often have a lot of contacts. In the past few years, Qingcheng Mountain held the Luotian Festival, and the Sichuan Sect Many sects nearby went there, and my master was invited to attend, and I went with him. There was a junior competition at that time, so I went down to play a few games!"

"What's the result?" Lu Jin asked quickly.

"Senior Brother Zhang will definitely sweep the entire field if he takes action!" Lu Ci said quickly.

"The enemy must never use a second move to defeat him!" Wang Ai also said.

"That's right!" Zhang Zhiwei said happily: "My first opponent is Tang...Tang..."

Before he could say the name of Tang Sect, a big bun was stuffed into his mouth and blocked his mouth.

"Hurry up and eat, you talk a lot, even the vegetable sellers at the foot of Longhu Mountain will know about it!"

As Zhang Shoucheng spoke, he stuffed two more big buns into Zhang Zhiwei's mouth, then made a fist and pounded them inside.

Lu Jin: "..."

Lu Ci: "..."



After a while, it was bright and clear, and several horse-drawn snow rakes drove out from the gathering area.

Winter in Changbai Mountain is actually the most convenient place for transportation. Except for snowstorms, horse-drawn snow rakes can usually be used to climb anywhere a horse can go, even faster than a car. This time the strangers went out of Changbai Mountain naturally by horse-drawn vehicles. Snow rake plowing the way.

Because the Dragon Vein Incident offended the Japanese pirates and some remnants of the previous dynasty who wanted to return to the country, they defeated them one by one in order to avoid being attacked when they returned.

The leaders of several major sects discussed it. Except for Huo Dezong, a sect who was not afraid of being ambushed and had a special way of walking, the others all walked together, went out together, and then separated after reaching a safe area.

The mountain roads around Changbai Mountain are rugged, and even with horse-drawn snow rakes, the journey is not easy.

"Uncle Master, at this rate, we won't be able to catch up with the ceremony, right?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"It's just that this section of the road is a bit bumpy. It'll be fine once you enter the official road. I've calculated the time. If there are no accidents on the way, I can just make it back!" Zhang Shoucheng said.

But at this moment, a wind blew from the depths of Changbai Mountain. The mountains and forests moved, and all the vegetation seemed to come alive. A sound vibrated out, as if the mountains were shouting:

"Congratulations to Master Tiantong!"

"Congratulations to Master Tiantong!"



Following the cry, the surrounding trees, as well as the shrubs between the trees, the vines between the shrubs... all suddenly split to both sides.

This historical scene immediately shocked everyone.

"How is this going?"

"Master Tiantong, isn't this the little Celestial Master from Longhu Mountain? Who is sending him off?"

"The demonic Qi that is so strong and rich belongs to the immortals in the mountains. But aren't the immortals in the mountains very quarrelsome with the Little Heavenly Master? Why are they sending him off respectfully?"

"How could the dispute be so tense? If the dispute is so tense, will those immortal families send their disciples to help?"

"Countless immortals send me gifts, the little Celestial Master's face is so great!"

Everyone looked at Zhang Zhiwei in unison.

Golden flames appeared in Zhang Zhiwei's eyes. He stared at the mountain and saw countless yellow leathers walking through it.

These yellow-skinned ones are extremely big. They shuttle back and forth in the dense forest. Wherever they pass, the horizontal branches are raised to form a roof, and some dry grass is bent down to form a carpet. The thorns blocking the road are pulled aside... …

Their speed was very fast, and within a few moments, they had opened up an extremely easy shortcut in the rugged mountain forest.

"Is it Mr. Huang Liu?"

Zhang Zhiwei felt something in his heart and looked towards the heights of the forest.

The gray mist surged there, and inside there was a terrifying human face covered with yellow hair that appeared and disappeared.

Zhang Zhiwei looked at this terrifying face.

The terrifying face immediately squeezed out a smile, and jumped up from the gray mist and jumped to the treetops. Only a yellow-skinned man less than 1.5 meters tall who looked like an old man cupped his hands and said: "Huang Tianjiu, I send you Tiantong." Leader!"

It turned out to be Mr. Huang's younger brother, and it benefited a lot that day. I came to thank Zhang Zhiwei for coming. This is what Huang Xian is like. If you have enmity, you must repay it, and if you have kindness, you must repay it.

Zhang Zhiwei cupped his hands and said, "Thank you so much, Mr. Huang Jiu, for sending me off!"

(End of this chapter)

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