Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 324: The beauty of the forest, everyone’s opinion of Zhang Zhiwei

Chapter 324: The beauty of the forest, everyone’s opinion of Zhang Zhiwei
"Leader, please get on your way!"

Huang Jiuye made a sign and pointed to the side.

I saw the dense forest of old trees dancing, parting to both sides like waves of wheat in the wind, leaving a straight road.

This scene surprised all the strangers present, and at the same time, they were also surprised by the relationship between Zhang Zhiwei and the immortals.

There were many people who knew about the battle between Zhang Zhiwei and the Xian family, but only Lu Jin, Lu Ci and others witnessed the whole process with their own eyes.

However, at that time, facing the siege of many immortal families, Lu Jin and Lu Ci could be said to be walking on the tip of a knife, taking risks every step of the way, and had no time to look at the majestic appearance of Senior Brother Zhang.

If they were asked to describe the scene at that time, they would probably only be able to say that the immortal family came and died in waves.

The only ones who watched the whole process were Guan Shihua and her master Liao Huhu.

Liao Huzi is an elder of the Ma family. He has dealt with immortals with perverse personalities for most of his life, and he knows the world best.

He knew that Mu Xiu was bound to be destroyed by Lin Feng, so he did not publicize this matter to the outside world except to talk to Zhang Shoucheng and Pan.

He even asked his apprentice Guan Shihua to walk around with Zhang Zhiwei more often, and even ask Uncle Liu for permission to see if she could go to Zhang Zhiwei's hall to sign up.

As for other people, most of what they know about this matter comes from the mouths of the Immortal Family. To be precise, they know it from the mouths of their disciples.

At that time, Zhang Zhiwei destroyed some immortal families and used the remaining power of these immortal families to win over other immortal families. One of the costs was that these immortal families sent people to the Dragon Vein Land to help.

When going out, the face is all given by yourself. When the Xian family returns, they will naturally not say that Zhang Zhiwei is unparalleled in power and kill them in fear. They will all say it in a direction that is beneficial to them.

As a result, there are various versions.

These various versions were spread to everyone's ears through the mouths of the disciples who went to the Dragon Vein Land to help.

It is said that Zhang Zhiwei was so powerful that he conquered the immortal family.

It is said that Zhang Zhiwei, under the banner of the future Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain, organized a banquet under the leadership of Huang Liuye to settle his grudges over a glass of wine.

It is also said that Zhang Zhiwei invited the Ancestral Heavenly Master to take action, ordered the Immortal Family to retreat, and asked them to send disciples to help...

In short, there are all kinds of bizarre versions, so everyone in the Dragon Vein Land has no deep feelings about it and doesn't take it seriously at all.

In their opinion, it was the immortals who sold out the Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion to save face.

But now when they saw the attitude of these immortals, everyone was shocked.

Such and such is definitely beyond the face of Tianshi Mansion. If you don’t see Zhang Shoucheng there, wouldn’t the Immortal Family pay any attention to it?

It seems that there is another hidden reason behind this matter. Which of those random statements is true?

Everyone thought in their hearts and felt a little more in awe of the little Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain, but at the same time, they felt a little more alienated and wary.

Before, everyone held the same goal and naturally worked towards the same goal. Now that the goal is gone, everyone's minds suddenly become more active.

Although everyone is from a well-known and upright family, there are also differences between famous and upright families.

The appearance of an extremely powerful being is something no one wants to see happen!

Although Zhang Zhiwei was already famous before, it was only limited to the younger generation.

But everyone knew about the battle in the Dragon Vein Land. Even among the older generation, he had few opponents.

The most important thing is that he is still so young.

Everyone looked at Zhang Zhiwei with complicated eyes.

Zhang Shoucheng saw these looks in his eyes.

As an older generation, he knows that the world is like this. If you are too bad, they will destroy you, if you are too cowardly, they will step on you. If you are too good and too strong, they will not trust you. They will suppress you and alienate you...

But he was from Longhu Mountain. Zhang Shoucheng did not speak, but moved his body slightly and stood in front of Zhang Zhiwei to express his position.

He is not tall, only about 1.7 meters tall, while Zhang Zhiwei is 1.9 meters tall. The contrast between the two is sharp.

Everyone looked away, but their hearts were equally complicated.

The good news is that he is the Little Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain.

The bad news is that he is the Little Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain.

Zhang Zhiwei has never cared about the eyes of outsiders, but he has to care about the backs of his own people.

Looking at his uncle's back, he had many thoughts.

After a moment of silence, he pulled the reins and rode away. With him taking the lead, the others also took action.

Immediately, the sound of horse hooves resounded, and several horse-drawn snow rakes plowed straight down the mountain road.

There were immortals escorting us all the way, and we built roads across mountains and rivers and built bridges. It didn't take long before we arrived at the relatively flat official road.

When he got here, Zhang Zhiwei cupped his hands toward the back.

Huang Jiuye stood on a high place, clasped his fists in return, and then escaped into the mountains and forests, disappearing without a trace.

The rustling sound resounded non-stop.

There were also a large number of immortals who left together.

Seeing that all the immortals were gone, Zhang Shoucheng patted Zhang Zhiwei on the shoulder:

"Zhiwei, speaking of it, you did a good job in dealing with the Immortal Family this time. You killed a group of people first, recruited another group, gave them a slap, and made them grateful. These tricks are worthy of commendation. As for what you did? What is the hall of the leader of Tiantong..."

Zhang Shoucheng paused and continued: "Apart from the fact that the name Tiantong is a bit too big, there are no other problems. But since Tiantong was given the name by the ancestor, there is no big problem."

"If you want to raise some immortals such as Huang Pizi, you can also raise them. This is actually similar to raising the five rampant soldiers and horses in Xiatan. Our Tianshi Mansion is very open-minded, and many people under the sect have done it. Altar of soldiers and horses."

"Your uncle Zhang Yi is an example. He has a limited number of Heavenly Soldiers, so in order to expand his means, he has created a few lower Heavenly Soldiers."

"When he was young, in order to expand his army, he often went out to capture some elves such as Huangpizi, and refined them into five rampages to serve. This is not uncommon."

"But the soldiers are unruly and unruly, and they will hurt innocent people if they are not careful. As the Dharma Master, you must curb some of their behaviors and prevent them from causing trouble."

"After all, we are an orthodox Taoist sect, different from the Yuanhuang Sect and Meishan Sect, which are both good and evil..."

Zhang Shoucheng gave a lot of instructions.

Zhang Zhiwei listened and nodded: "I will pay attention!"

Afterwards, he continued to sit cross-legged on the rake and fell into meditation, concentrating his energy and spirit to inscribe scriptures on the Dharma basket.

The cold wind was howling and the road was bumpy. Zhang Shoucheng was worried that Zhang Zhiwei would be affected, so he took out a silent talisman and placed it next to Zhang Zhiwei, creating a relatively quiet environment for him. Then he meditated next to him to protect him. .The horses dragged everyone galloping along the official road. Although the horses pulling the rake were fat and strong, they were not talisman horses after all, and they were also worn out, so after walking for a while, they had to rest for a while.

In the middle of the journey, Lu Jin, Lu Ci and others came to chat with Zhang Zhiwei a few times, saying that they were used to Zhang Zhiwei's talisman horses, and now such ordinary horses are very boring to use.

They also wanted to ask Zhang Zhiwei for some talisman horses to replace, but before they could say anything, Zhang Zhiwei sent them away ruthlessly.

Why should he do it so quickly? He is not in a hurry to go back to Longhu Mountain now. It is just like school is about to start and his homework has not been finished. The most important thing now is to carve the Buddhist scriptures inscribed and rush back to fly to the sky with a flying sword?
Therefore, he was very happy, walking and stopping all the way. During this period, he meditated and inscribed the Dharma baskets the whole time.

Seeing Zhang Zhiwei curling up like this, Lu Jin, Lu Ci and others, who had been somewhat relaxed after the battle, started to curl up as well.

This has put pressure on the other younger generations. With a few of them so strong, they are racing against time to practice. What right do they have to rest?They also started to roll up.

Here, even if some people are lazy by nature and don't want to take the exam together, but seeing everyone practicing, they can only curse in their hearts and start practicing in order to avoid being punished by their elders.

It's just that their level of static practice is not high enough, and it is difficult for them to enter concentration on the bumpy plow, and their practice efficiency is very low.

In the early morning of the next day, before dawn, everyone arrived at the nearest port after running around in the cold wind all day and night.

The white light of the lighthouse swept across, and a small passenger ship was parked at the port. It turned out that the Gao family had already arranged everything and was waiting for everyone to arrive.

"We are going back by water!" Zhang Zhiwei said: "I thought we were going back by train!"

No wonder he has this idea. In this era, train is definitely the most convenient transportation.

“Not a train, that would be great!”

Wang Ai, Lu Jin, Lu Ci and others were also quite happy to see the ship.

They took the train to Bincheng for more than a week. They didn't like the narrow and closed environment of the train. It was different by boat. It was more comfortable and spacious, and there were more places to move around.

Seeing that Zhang Zhiwei, who was only meditating and rarely speaking, spoke up, the Gao family leader smiled and explained:
"Nowadays, there are several railways in the Northeast. The North-Manchuria Railway is controlled by Maozi, and the South-Manchuria Railway is controlled by Japanese pirates. They are all their spies along the way. We have a large number of people, so we will inevitably be remembered. To avoid any accidents, it is better to go The waterway is more stable!”

"Master Gao has thought carefully!" Zhang Zhiwei praised.

The head of the Gao family smiled and said: "Gao called for everyone to come over, and naturally he had to send everyone out safely. However, the conditions of this port are limited. Whether it is a cargo ship or a passenger ship, they are all a bit shabby. Everyone, please bear with it. When we arrive at Bincheng Port, we will Then change to a large iron-hulled boat and send everyone to a safe place!"

As soon as these words came out, some uninformed people started making noises.

Some people wondered: "Bincheng is not the territory of Japanese pirates. If we go to Bincheng port, wouldn't we be a sheep entering a tiger's mouth and falling into a trap?"

As soon as these words came out, they immediately aroused dissatisfaction from the people around them: "How do you say it? The Japanese pirates and Maozi in Bincheng are making a lot of trouble now. If we go there, we should be like tigers among sheep!"

Patriarch Gao comforted him: "Don't worry, everyone, we are just doing a weekly mission in Bincheng, there are people there to help us!"

Answer?Is there anyone in Bincheng who can help?Zhang Zhiwei was thoughtful, thinking of what his uncle said earlier, that the warlord took this opportunity to send his forces into Bincheng...

If there are no accidents, the person who takes over is most likely someone from Marshal Zhang's side. In this case, the relationship between the Gao family and the warlord is very close...

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at Patriarch Gao and said nothing. If you want to gain a foothold in a place, you must have something to rely on. This is not surprising.

In fact, not only the Gao family, but also many forces are related to warlords. Even Longhu Mountain is not exempt from this.

If you want to gain a foothold in the world, no one can really be alone, unless you are the kind of Taoist priest who puts aside the world, leaves the world of mortals, and goes to the mountains to practice pure cultivation.

But this kind of Taoist priest who can let go of everything and have no desires or pursuits is rare even in the Quanzhen sect.

Everyone boarded the passenger ship. Although the passenger ship was small, it was fully equipped. The Gao family even arranged an extremely sumptuous breakfast inside in advance.

Everyone who had been galloping all day and night in the cold wind immediately started to feast, and Zhang Zhiwei was no exception.

After eating, everyone sat in their seats to rest.

Zhang Zhiwei continued to engrave the dharma urn.

During this day and night of traveling, he had already inscribed five more chapters of the "Shangqing Sutra" on the Dharma basket. Adding the previous inscriptions, he had already inscribed eight chapters. If he inscribed another 24 chapters of scriptures, he would be able to confer the Five Thunders. minimum requirements.

The passenger ship set sail. It was windy in winter and it was going down the river. The speed could be described as a thousand miles to Jiangling in one day.

In the middle of the night, the port of Bincheng is already visible in the distance.

Knowing that Bincheng was approaching, Zhang Zhiwei took a rare moment to pause his practice, walked to the deck of the small passenger ship, and looked over.

Seeing Zhang Zhiwei coming out, Zhang Shoucheng followed him to the deck, resting his hands on the railing and looking at the approaching Bincheng Port.

"This is my first time here. I heard that you have done some earth-shattering things here. Can you tell me?"

Zhang Zhiwei smiled, pointed to a blank sea surface in the distance, and talked endlessly:
"Uncle Master, as soon as we arrived at Bincheng that day, we picked up an opium ship there, and we also carried out operations on the ship. We bombed the Japanese pirates' fake railway company and their headquarters, and also killed the Japanese pirate commander's daughter. , the commander was eager for revenge and made a lot of tricks..."



Although it was only more than half a month apart, Zhang Zhiwei had two different mentality when he went to Bincheng this time and when he went to Bincheng before.

Before, he was very impetuous and murderous, and all he could think about was the heads of people in Bincheng he wanted to kill.

Now that the gap in my heart has been eliminated, my meditation skills have improved, and when I look back at Bincheng, my mentality has become much calmer.

In this state of mind, while talking about the bravery of that day, he looked at the coastline of Bincheng. Suddenly, Zhang Zhiwei felt that Bincheng was actually quite beautiful.

In this era, Bincheng is definitely a developed place. Not to mention anything else, it is brighter at night.

After dusk, when the sun completely sets, a little spark lights up, like a golden python turning over on the coast. It is the fire of the city.

More than half a month has passed since the turmoil in Bincheng. Although the undercurrent is getting more and more turbulent, on the surface, calm has been restored. At least the port terminal is running.

As one of the top ports in the country, the place is bustling with people even at night. The steamer blows its whistle and spreads throughout the coast. Piles of linen sacks are carried onto the deck by porters, and it is very lively.

Among the ships at the dock, a huge transport ship with a height of more than ten meters stood out particularly conspicuously.

Compared to the other anchored merchant ships, they were like tigers and leopards to jackals, naturally one head shorter.

Zhang Zhiwei's eloquence was interrupted by the Gao family leader.

I saw Patriarch Gao pointing at the giant ship in front of him and saying:
"Everyone, we need to make a transfer. Next, we will take this boat to leave here!"

Everyone on the boat looked over.

Zhang Zhiwei on the deck also looked towards the ship.

Even from a long distance away, he heard the heroic laughter of a drake voice coming from the big ship.

"What a fucking bastard, these little brats from Zheng Kee Steamship Company have a lot of good stuff!"

(End of this chapter)

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