Chapter 327 Tips for Marshal Zhang

Zhang Zhiwei looked at Dashuai Zhang and said nothing. If Dashuai Zhang asked him about the way to practice, he would naturally be willing to teach him, but he would also ask him to tell him what to do next...

He didn't think he could give him any constructive advice unless he gave him a divination inside the scene, but this was against his principles, so he refused to do it and shook his head:

"Then I'm afraid I will disappoint the commander-in-chief. The rivers and lakes are far away and the temples are high. They are not in the same line at all. I am a Taoist priest who cultivates his life and character. I don't even know how many bullets are in your gun. I can't give you any advice! "

Zhang Dashuai said: "Hey, you can't say that. Managing a big country is like cooking small delicacies. Even cooking is like this. Then there are similarities between rivers and lakes and temples."

"Little Heavenly Master is a rising star in the world. He is the number one among the younger generation. His status in the world is much higher than that of Lao Zhang and me in the temple."

"Look, this Xiao Gao, this Shu Wen, who doesn't have great admiration for you and hold you in high esteem."

"It's not like me, Lao Zhang. I'm in the temple, surrounded by enemies on all sides. Too many people want to tear me down, seize my territory, and take my life. How can I be so free as a little heavenly master?"

"So now, Lao Zhang, I want to learn from you and learn from you to see if I can get some inspiration."

Zhang Zhiwei shook his head and said: "The situations are different and cannot be generalized. The Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain behind me is the top sect in the alien world. Who is behind the commander?"

Behind him were Japanese pirates. What he said was so inhumane and did not save any face. Li Shuwen said quickly:

"Little Heavenly Master, you can't say that. We admire you not because you are from the Heavenly Master's Mansion, but because you are yourself. What do you think, Brother Gao?"

"That's right!" Patriarch Gao nodded.

Marshal Zhang also said: "That is, the Taoist priests in the Tianshi Mansion are gone, but the only ones who can catch my eye are the Tianshi and the little Tianshi, so it doesn't matter what the little Tianshi says!"

Zhang Zhiwei paused and said: "I don't know much about national affairs, but as for the way of cultivation, the internal cultivation method I practice is to use one's body as the heaven and earth, and let the consciousness take care of the whole world in an inactive manner like a holy king. territory."

"In short, you have to step out of the situation and look at the situation inside, so that you can make the wisest and most correct choice without being disturbed by it."

"Yeah!" Dashuai Zhang nodded: "Listen to both and you will be enlightened, if you listen to one side, you will be dark!"

Zhang Zhiwei continued: "Besides that, the strength of a foreigner is basically composed of the following aspects: Qi, Dantian, meridians, and means."

"With Qi, you start your practice. Qi grows in the Dantian and runs in the meridians. The three are combined into one, and you can use the method. If the three are not complete, you will be a useless person."

"If the means are missing and the Dantian and meridians are intact, all you need to do is find a means and concentrate on practicing. If the Dantian is damaged and the meridians are broken, it is useless to blindly find means to practice instead of repairing them. "

After listening to this, Dashuai Zhang sighed and said, "It turns out that I, Old Zhang, am a useless person!"

"Big guy!"

"Why did the commander say this?!"

"If the commander is useless, then there will be no good people in this world!"

The accompanying adjutants said quickly.

Marshal Zhang waved his hand and said: "What the Little Heavenly Master said makes sense. Qi is the soldiers and horses, Dantian is the barracks, and the meridians are the roads. Sending soldiers and horses from the barracks, attacking along the road, and arranging troops are the final means. .”

"Qi, Lao Zhang, I am not lacking, but my Dantian is broken and my meridians are blocked. Am I not a useless person?"

The railway is the road that transports soldiers. If his people want to use the South Manchuria Railway, they need to inform the Japanese pirates in advance and get approval. They also have to disarm and put the weapons in a separate carriage for transportation. This operation If you come down, what can you do?

Marshal Zhang looked at Zhang Zhiwei: "Then according to Little Heavenly Master's opinion, how can I repair this Dantian and meridians and get rid of my status as a useless person?"

Zhang Zhiwei looked at Dashuai Zhang's head, chest, and abdomen and said: "People have three dantians. If you cultivate any one of them, you can achieve enlightenment, but the key is to clear the meridians!"

"He who knows me is a little heavenly master!" Zhang Dashuai praised, and then said: "Unblock the meridians, the meridians are the railways, damn it, I don't know the importance of the railways, but in my hands, only The Beijing-Fenghuang Railway was something I snatched back a few years ago by tying my head to my waistband!"

The Beijing-Fengtian Railway was built in the late years of the previous dynasty. It started from Zhengyangmen in the capital and ended at Fengtian Station. It took more than 50 years to complete and connected with the South Manchuria Railway under the jurisdiction of the Japanese pirates.

Zhang Zhiwei and his party took this railway before, and then transferred to the South Manchuria Railway to enter Bincheng.

This railway was originally controlled by the Zhili warlords and Japanese pirates in the customs. It was the lifeline of entering and exiting the Northeast. Zhang Dashuai was greedy, but he did not dare to grab it directly. After thinking hard, he did a rogue act and directly charged the customs duties and refused. Not turned in.

The previous government had a lot of debts. These tariffs were all compensation to the great powers. He withheld them. Of course, the foreigners refused to do it. They came to put pressure on him. He made peace with it. In the end, he decided to send troops to station along the railway. On the grounds of protective tariff, they occupied this railway.

Marshal Zhang continued: "Although I have mastered the Beijing-Fenghuang Railway, the South-Manchuria Railway and the North-Manchuria Railway, damn it, are still far away!"

"Commander, have you forgotten? Not long ago, there was a declaration to return the North Manchuria Railway?" an adjutant said.

Zhang Dashuai's eyes widened: "The railway is now occupied by a bunch of nasty foreign devils. How can we return it?"

"It's just talk, don't take it seriously. What you hold in your hands is your own damn thing."

"Hey, it's a pity. I already mastered it, but I handed it over to others. I'm so fucking pissed off!"

The North-Manchuria Railway was built by the Tsar and the previous dynasty together. It was the longest railway in the world at that time, and a link of the Trans-Siberian Railway in the northeast.

At that time, the previous dynasty sent 20 laborers and spent 350 million taels of silver to repair it together. After the repairs were completed, it became the tsar's property.

In recent years, there has been a lot of chaos in the Tsar's place. The management of this railway has been chaotic, which has dissatisfied the powers who use this railway.

Marshal Zhang took the railway back by force on the pretext of managing the railway well and sharing the worries of the great powers.

However, the great powers did not trust him and used the world war as an excuse to requisition it from him and implement "international condominium".

The one who interfered in this matter was a great power among the great powers. How could Marshal Zhang have the courage to refuse, so he led the people away in despair.

"The Little Heavenly Master asked me to unblock the meridians. I really want to unblock the railway, but now North Manchuria is in the hands of the foreign devils and I can't touch it. Instead of staring at that road, it's better to look at the South Manchuria Railway under my feet!"

Marshal Zhang said: "These days, on the pretext of protecting the railway, I led troops into Bincheng and controlled part of the South Manchuria Railway. The other part was controlled by Navy Admiral Yujiro Takeshita."

"Now Takeshita Yujiro is putting pressure on me. Let's stop talking secretly. Little Master, I came to you this time. Actually, I just want to ask you, can I hold this railway? If I can't hold it, what will happen? how?"

When many people do something, they like to pray to Buddha, tell fortunes, find some comfort, and strengthen their confidence.

Marshal Zhang is no exception. Leading troops into Bincheng this time is a very risky move. He lacks confidence.

Sometimes, the so-called unknown future actually means seeing a future... Zhang Zhiwei looked at Marshal Zhang and said:

"Is Marshal Zhang ready to fall out with the Japanese pirates?"

"The time has not come yet!" Zhang Dashuai said.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "Since the time has not yet come, you want to take food from the Japanese pirates' mouths, no, it should be from the Japanese pirates' stomachs? Aren't you afraid that they will fall out?"

"Afraid, how can I not be afraid?"

Zhang Dashuai said: "But that fucking bitch, the brave ones are overpowered to death, the timid ones are starved to death, and they are timid about everything. What the hell can happen?" "If this is an emergency, I will come in." After Bincheng, he first took advantage of the chaos to rob several banks, and then took control of the Zhengji Steamship Company and part of the South Manchuria Railway on the pretext of stabilizing shipping and railways."

"As for the next step, Lao Zhang, I haven't thought about it yet. Why don't you just ask the Little Heavenly Master?"

During this trip, Dashuai Zhang originally wanted to take Zhang Zhiwei into his account, but after looking at Zhang Zhiwei, he put away this idea and now just wanted to test the fortune.

Zhang Zhiwei thought for a while and said: "The railway is the bottom line for the Japanese pirates here. If you touch their bottom line, you are playing with fire. You will definitely vomit out this railway in the end, but if the goose plucks its hair, what's in your mouth?" Where is the whole thing? Marshal Zhang might as well take this opportunity to hold the shipping company in his hands."

"The one who knows me is the Little Celestial Master!" Dashuai Zhang laughed and said, "What the hell, that's what I think. Since the Little Celestial Master says it's feasible, it must be feasible."

"Then what? After taking control of the steamship company, the railway is still occupied by Japanese pirates. How should I restore my meridians, Lao Zhang?"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "There are dozens of meridians in the human body. If one of them is blocked, I can change it to another one!"

"That railway was built by Japanese pirates. If you can't control it, then build a few that you can control!"

"Besides, people will be moved alive, trees will be moved to death, and the railway is temporarily difficult to travel. If you get this transportation company and have so many ships, then use the waterway!"

Zhang Zhiwei stood up, stepped on the big boat under his feet, and said:

"This ship was originally a Prussian naval transport ship. It's a pity for commercial use. If you modify it, install a few turrets, and put three or five aircraft on the deck, wouldn't it be a simple aircraft carrier? And with it A few frigates are the first pot of gold to become bigger and stronger..."

Marshal Zhang reacted instantly: "Build railways, form a navy..."

He said with excitement: "Those who know me, little Heavenly Master, this really comes to my heart, but this move is tantamount to a dangerous move. I, really, can it be done?!"

Zhang Zhiwei walked to the window, looked at the sea, and said slowly: "I think it will work!"

"How to do it specifically?" Zhang Dashuai asked again with burning eyes.

"It's up to people to plan things, and it's up to God to make things happen! God has already given a reply, and now it's up to you, Marshal!"

With that said, Zhang Zhiwei poured another cup of tea for Zhang Dashuai, which was so full that it almost overflowed.

Dashuai Zhang took a look. This time, he did not lower his head to drink water. Instead, he looked at the sea in the distance and said softly:

"My whole life, I have been walking on thin ice. Little Heavenly Master, do you think I can walk to the other side?"

Zhang Zhiwei thought for a while and said: "Destiny is something that is born to be stepped on. If you don't have the strength to resist it, just wait with courage."

"Thank you!"

Zhang Dashuai turned around and led the people away.

The head of the Gao family accompanied him, but Li Shuwen stayed.

"Senior Li, is there anything else you can do?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

"Little Celestial Master, I'm causing trouble for you this time!" Li Shuwen said, clasping his hands.

Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand: "It's a small problem, it doesn't matter!"

Li Shuwen continued: "In the last drill, everyone demonstrated some methods, but I practiced hard and walked in a hurry. When I went back, I didn't show what I had gained."

"After I returned home, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that it was almost meaningless, so I compiled some of the essence of practice into a book. If the little heavenly master is interested, he can read it and give it to Lu Ci, Lu Jin and the other little guys."

After saying that, Li Shuwen took out a pamphlet from his arms and handed it to Zhang Zhiwei.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "This won't break any of the old man's rules. After all, it's your housekeeping skills."

Li Shuwen laughed loudly: "Can the little Heavenly Master still compete with me for a job? At my age, I have long since given up the thought of cherishing myself!"

With that said, he handed the pamphlet to Zhang Zhiwei.

Zhang Zhiwei took it without courtesy, although Li Shuwen's stuff might not bring him any substantial progress.

But Zhang Zhiwei thought that Lu Ci, Lu Jin, and even his senior brothers might be able to use this master's spiritual virtue.

"As the commander's guard, I can't leave him for a long time. See you soon, little Celestial Master!" Li Shuwen clasped his hands.

"There will be a period later!"

Zhang Zhiwei returned the gift with arms folded.

Then he closed the door and looked out the window at the sea, thinking about what had just happened.

Marshal Zhang thought he had figured it out for him, but in fact, he didn't.

As for what he said later...

As mentioned before, Zhang Zhiwei does not think he can give any constructive suggestions to Marshal Zhang.

Therefore, he mentioned to Dashuai Zhang what historically he had to do in the next few years.

This is also the reason why Marshal Zhang has always said that those who know others are little heavenly masters.

Because, this is what Zhang Dashuai is thinking.

Heroes are all arbitrary. Before looking for Zhang Zhiwei, Marshal Zhang had already consulted many sorcerers to predict his future.

As for why you still come to Zhang Zhiwei?It was simply because other warlocks said that he was dissatisfied and considered unauthoritative, so he sought out Zhang Zhiwei as an authority.

Strictly speaking, Dashuai Zhang was not trying to figure out the future. He just wanted to find some comfort and confidence for the next adventure.

No matter what the outcome of the divination is, he will do it.

Zhang Zhiwei gave him this affirmation and this confidence.

Moreover, strictly speaking, Zhang Zhiwei did not fool him in this matter. Although he did not end well, the matter was actually accomplished.

He did build a navy and turned the ship into a beggar aircraft carrier capable of landing a few planes.

In order to get rid of the control of the Japanese pirates, he did build two railways, which also laid the foundation for his later death.

"In the final analysis, it's because I'm not strong enough!" Zhang Zhiwei stopped thinking about it, sat cross-legged and meditated, calmed down, and continued to condense the Dharma.

(End of this chapter)

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