Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 328 Marshal Zhang’s worries, Li Shuwen’s gift

Chapter 328 Marshal Zhang’s worries, Li Shuwen’s gift

While Li Shuwen was talking to Zhang Zhiwei alone, Marshal Zhang walked out of the cabin and came to the deck. He led a team of soldiers with live ammunition, and the workers on the deck stayed away.

Marshal Zhang walked to the edge of the deck fence, facing the sea breeze, looking at Bincheng at night, waiting for Li Shuwen to come out.

At night, every light that lights up in the city adds a thin layer of gold to the snow-white waves photographed on the beach at night.

Dashuai Zhang was in a trance, and he didn't come back to his senses until Li Shuwen came out of the cabin and walked to him.

Li Shuwen did not interrupt, but stood quietly beside Zhang Dashuai.

After a while, Dashuai Zhang sighed and said slowly:
“Bincheng is really beautiful!”

"The commander-in-chief has something on his mind?" Li Shuwen asked.

"I'm so fucking embarrassed, I feel so frustrated!" Dashuai Zhang turned around, leaned against the fence, looked up at the sky, and said: "This little Zhang, just these few words, damn, give me such a big face to Old Zhang! "

"The commander-in-chief thinks that the little heavenly master is unkind?" Li Shuwen said.

"I don't blame you!" Zhang Dashuai waved his hand and said: "He said it from the beginning. The temple is high and the rivers and lakes are far away. We are not from the same place. I was just thinking about what he said before!"

"Didn't the Little Celestial Master say that?" Li Shuwen said: "The commander's idea is feasible. With the level of the little Celestial Master's skills, what is the commander still worried about? Can't we just do something drastic?"

Zhang Dashuai said solemnly: "I have no doubts about his level. The two suggestions he gave have spoken to my heart, Lao Zhang."

"I really want to build two railways, one connecting the two provinces of Fengji and Heilongjiang, and the other connecting the three provinces of Fengji and Heilongjiang."

"I really want to build a navy to consolidate border defenses and protect shipping. I am secretly sending people to instigate Beiyang's navy to take it back for myself!"

"But these two matters are still in the drafting stage. I only told Lao Zhang to a few close associates, but he made it clear. It shows that he has real ability."

"But it's because I didn't doubt his level and that damn bitch that I'm worried!"

"I don't quite understand what the commander said!" Li Shuwen said.

Zhang Dashuai said: "This is the first time I asked him what my future is like, and he just kept silent."

"Later I asked him if it was possible to build a railway and build a navy, and he said it could be done."

"One doesn't answer, but one succeeds. What does this mean?"

After listening to Zhang Dashuai's words, Li Shuwen remained silent.

Marshal Zhang continued: "Damn that guy, I can accomplish anything, but the road is cut off? The thin ice under my feet, I'm afraid I can't carry Zhang and me to the other side."

Li Shuwen frowned and said, "Commander, the Little Heavenly Master also said that things like fate are born to be trampled on!"

Dashuai Zhang said in a deep voice: "You have to be in awe of this thing like God!"

Although he kept saying before that he didn't believe in fate and it was up to him to decide whether to live or die.

But in fact, he believed in fate.

Most people of the older generation believe in fate. The higher they are in a high position, the more they believe in it.

Because only they know how guilty they feel when standing on the top of the pyramid and overlooking the scenery below.

In the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War, on a battlefield like a meat grinder, artillery shells were flying in the sky, and comrades like him around him were constantly being bombed to pieces. Ships of people died one after another, but he survived.

Later, when they became bandits, the brothers had great ambitions. Some were smarter than him, and some were more powerful than him, but none of these smart and powerful ones could go as far as he did.

He has gone from being a cannon fodder to the Qing army, to a horse bandit, to now the king of the Northeast. Along the way, he has had so much luck and bizarre luck that he can't even count.

If God gave him a chance to come back again, he would not dare to say that he could repeat the past. If this was the case, how could he say that he did not fear God?

For a moment, the atmosphere was a little heavy. The porters were busy on the deck, but it was so quiet in the corner that you could hear a needle drop.

But suddenly, a loud "bang" broke the silence.

It turned out that the porters nearby slipped when they were carrying things, and a box of porcelain was smashed. The noise was a bit loud, and Marshal Zhang, who was lost in thought, was frightened.

He was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: "That fucking bastard scared me, so I caught him, and I'm going to kill him with my own hands!"

The guards immediately rushed forward, restrained the two porters, and pushed them in front of Marshal Zhang.

"Dashuai Zhang, this..."

Patriarch Gao wanted to stop him, but Li Shuwen reached out and held his shoulder.

"Brother Gao, don't panic. Didn't you notice that the commander-in-chief doesn't have murderous intentions?"

Patriarch Gao was stunned for a moment, then looked over.

I saw Marshal Zhang take out a shell gun from his waist, reach out and click the safety catch.

The porters were so frightened that they shivered, their faces turned pale, and they shouted:

"Master, please spare me!"

They didn't know that the bearded man holding a gun in front of them was Marshal Zhang who was dominating the Northeast.

"Bang! Bang!"

Without saying a word, Marshal Zhang pulled the trigger, and the firing pin hit the primer. Flames and kinetic energy were released in the chamber. The fireworks pushed the cartridge case out of the gun, and the rotating brass bullet burst out.

Several porters closed their eyes and screamed hysterically for a long time.

After calling for a while, they felt something was wrong. Why didn't they die?

When I opened my eyes, I saw that the big beard in front of me was pointed upward.

The bearded man put away his pistol, looked at the two frightened porters, his beard curled up on both sides, and said:
"You two scared me, and I also scared you two. It's even!"

After that, he waved his hand and asked the guards to let go of the two of them and turned around to leave.

The two porters stared at this scene in a daze, and they didn't come back to their senses for a while.

In the cabin, Zhang Shoucheng held the Heaven and Earth Audio-Visual Talisman in one hand and pinched the magic formula in the other. His consciousness was floating high, and he watched Dashuai Zhang and his entourage leave thoughtfully.

"Previously, the head of the Gao family sent a message saying that the warlord had something to do with this boy Zhiwei. Both the warlord and Zhiwei had a bit of a flamboyant personality. They asked me to keep an eye on it and not make any big problems happen. I thought it was something, but it turns out It’s fortune telling, but for this kind of thing, why didn’t he go to me or Master Hu Tu, but to this kid Zhiwei? It’s really strange!”

"However, arresting people and shooting them just because they were frightened by the movement of porters carrying goods is not as cruel and cruel as directly killing people, but it cannot be described as simple publicity."

"This is obviously a prank that the warlords rule, arrogant and domineering, and care about human life!" "The temple is high and the rivers and lakes are far away. It is better to keep a respectful distance from such things!"

Zhang Shoucheng thought to himself, and then removed the Heaven and Earth Audiovisual Talisman. Although this thing can detect one side, it has no concealment.

His actions just now were seen by Patriarch Gao, Zhang Zhiwei, and Li Shuwen, and they all understood it tacitly. Now that the matter is over, it would be rude for him to continue to look around.

At this moment, on the port pier.

Dashuai Zhang was explaining things to Patriarch Gao:

"Xiao Gao, I said I would send you out of the Northeast this time, but Lao Zhang is actually a little cautious. Didn't I rob Zhang Zheng's Zhengji Steamship Company?"

"Now that the company is in my hands, I naturally have to be responsible for the customers. I don't worry about other people doing things, but I don't worry about Xiao Gao doing it, Lao Zhang. I'll leave this matter to you."

"In addition to escorting the group of martyrs this time, there were also hundreds of boxes of cement, hundreds of boxes of kerosene, and more than 100 boxes of Western medicine on board the ship. These things need to be sent to Shanghai..."

"Don't worry, Commander, I will handle these matters properly!" said the head of the Gao family.

"Commander!" Li Shuwen said: "These things are very valuable in this day and age. Since the commander has robbed the ship, why not just grab the goods and transport them to Shanghai himself?" Sell ​​it, you have no business, and you can earn another [-]% on the back. This is a huge amount of money, and you can buy a lot of guns!"

Zhang Dashuai laughed and said: "Hahahaha, you damn bitch, Shuwen, I'm not a bandit, you are the bandit. I robbed this shipping company, and it's not just a one-time deal, it's a long-term business." "

"If you rob your employer's goods, who the hell will dare to come to Lao Zhang and do business with me in the future?"

"Besides, the owners of these things are all foreign devils, and the relationship is very complicated. If I take them and swallow them, the foreign devil directors from the concessions in various countries will come and cause trouble for me."

Li Shuwen suddenly realized: "So it turns out that I was wrong and underestimated these foreign devils!"

As he spoke, he suddenly looked to the side and saw two middle-aged men walking side by side towards the ship.

Among the two people, one of them was wearing an antique apricot-yellow robe in the middle of winter. He held a folding fan in his hand and fanned it from time to time. This person was none other than Mr. Huang, whose body had been reshaped by Zhang Zhiwei.

The other person was dressed very differently. He was holding a dry pipe, wearing old and patched clothes, and a turban on his head. He looked very slovenly. He followed the middle-aged man in yellow robe respectfully. This person was Liao Huzi.

"These two people..." Li Wenwen frowned and moved subconsciously to stand in front of Marshal Zhang.

"It's okay, I'm one of our own!" the head of the Gao family said, and looked at the visitor: "Brother Liao, what's the matter with you at the dock?"

Liao Huzi was originally from Liaodong, so naturally he would not take this boat out of the customs.

"Master Gao, I came to see Little Heavenly Master for something!"

Liao Huzi clasped his hands and then met with Dashuai Zhang. If the Ma family wanted to hang out in the Northeast, it was natural that they would not know Dashuai Zhang.

"Then who is this?"

The head of the Gao family looked at Mr. Huang next to Liao Huzi.

Mr. Huang stood with his hands behind his hands, looking up at the sky, without even looking at everyone. It seemed that no one present could catch his eye.

Liao Huzi quickly introduced: "This is a friend of the Little Heavenly Master. After hearing this, he is about to leave seclusion and come to say goodbye!"

"Since you are the little Heavenly Master's friend, please do what you want!" said the head of the Gao family.

Liao Huzi nodded, and immediately boarded the boat with the middle-aged man in yellow robe.

"Haha, what the hell is that guy in the yellow robe like? His nostrils are so long?" Zhang Dashuai pinched his teeth and said.

"I'm not sure about this either!" Gao Family Leader said: "But although this person is a human body, the Qi in his body is not like a human being. There is a faint black light that seems to be absent, and there is also a fishy smell. It should be The people of the Ma family may be in a state of being possessed by the Xian family now. The Xian family doesn’t understand human affairs, so the commander-in-chief doesn’t need to care!”

Dashuai Zhang suddenly realized: "That damn bitch turns out to be the fairy family behind the great master. It's normal for snakes and rats to not understand the ways of the world. I don't mind!"



At the same time, in the room, Zhang Zhiwei held the booklet left by Li Shuwen in his hand and was studying it carefully. This was the essence of Li Shuwen's spiritual practice, which was quite inspiring to him.

Li Shuwen is worthy of being a martial arts master. He has reached an advanced level in the practice of Bajiquan, and even combines his own experiences and ideas to innovate.

It is said that Baji is strong and Tai Chi is gentle, but during the process of practicing and teaching with him, Li Shuwen seemed to understand something incredible, and he actually made Baji as gentle as Tai Chi.

There is something wrong with this statement. Strictly speaking, the Baji should be practiced to the point where both hardness and softness are combined.

"Strength and softness are combined. The essence of Senior Li's practice really comes at the right time. This time I return to the mountain, I want to practice the Five Thunders of Yin to achieve the effect of the harmony of Yin and Yang."

"Although I have solved the problem of conflict between the five yin thunders and the five yang thunders by adjusting the five elements of the human body, it is not clear how these two thunder methods can be integrated."

"I originally wanted to ask Master, but I didn't expect that Senior Li gave me a little surprise, which may have some reference value!"

Zhang Zhiwei thought to himself, and was about to continue studying when there was a knock on the door. He opened it and saw Liao Huzi and Huang Ye standing outside.

"Huang Tianliu, meet the leader!"

When Mr. Huang saw Zhang Zhiwei, he immediately slapped his head.

There is a big difference between the attitude towards Zhang Zhiwei and the attitude towards the head of the Gao family and Zhang Dashuai.

This made Liao Huzi a little confused. Mr. Huang was his elder and had watched him grow up since childhood.But he is Zhang Zhiwei's elder, how should he deal with this?
After thinking about it, he just folded his hands and said, "Hello, little Heavenly Master."

"Hello, Senior Liao!" Zhang Zhiwei nodded to Liao Huzi, looked at Huang Tianliu, and said, "What can I do for Mr. Huang?"

Huang Tianliu said: "The leader wanted to leave the Northeast, but I didn't know if my subordinates would tell me. It was my brother Huang Tianjiu who informed me that I knew the leader was leaving!"

"What? I'm leaving, and you have to imitate Huang Jiuye and make some pomp and ceremony, and hold a farewell ceremony?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"That's not the case. The leader's trip is not suitable for making a big show, but you still have to have the etiquette that subordinates should have!" Huang Tianliu said quickly: "At the same time, I heard that the leader is leaving, and I have a friend who wants to come and see the leader. , let me introduce you!”

"What friend?" Zhang Zhiwei asked, "Where is he?"

Mr. Huang looked at Liao Huzi: "Come out, old friend!"

Immediately, a frightening energy spread, accompanied by billowing black energy.

I saw Liao Hu's weathered face, the corners of his mouth were diverged from his earlobes, and a pair of cold and cruel blood-red vertical pupils slowly turned up.

"Changbai Mountain, Liu Kunsheng, meet Master Tiantong!"

"Liao Huzi" said in a hoarse voice.

(End of this chapter)

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