Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 329 The Agreement with Liu Kunsheng

Chapter 329 The Agreement with Liu Kunsheng

In the cabin, black energy spread like black mist. "Liao Hushi" stared with a pair of blood-stained pupils, and the corners of his mouth were slit to the base of his ears. His originally extremely ferocious face revealed a kind expression, which was both strange and inconsistent.

Zhang Zhiwei stared at Liu Kunsheng, not afraid at all, but a little surprised that the other party would come to him at this juncture.

"The leader's eyes are very familiar. We have met before, but I can't remember where?" Liu Kunsheng said hoarsely.

"At the mouth of the sea, I took the train to Bincheng, and you took 'people' to Shizikou Military Port. We had met once!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Liu Kunsheng reacted: "You were the one who called me that day?"

Zhang Zhiwei nodded: "That's right!"

"I'll go to Shizikou, you go to Bincheng..." Liu Kunsheng thought for a moment and suddenly realized:
"When I led my tribe to attack the Shizikou military port, it was said that a large number of Japanese pirates from Bincheng wanted to come to support, but they were killed by a group of unknown people. It was you who did it, right?"

Zhang Zhiwei didn't hide anything and nodded: "Yes!"

"Then I have to thank you!" Liu Kunsheng spit out the letter and said: "I have always repaid kindness and revenge. You should tell me about this matter. In this way, last time Changzai Tianzhi targeted you, I will fight with you. Stand at one end!"

Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand and said: "We all want to fight the Japanese pirates, but we just happen to be each other's horns and support each other. No one owes anyone anything, and everyone is kind to others. You don't owe me any kindness!"

Liu Kunsheng was stunned for a moment, then opened his mouth and laughed:
"Okay, okay, no wonder Lao Liu admires you so much. You are indeed a cheerful person. I appreciate your character!"

"However, even though you didn't mean to do it, you still helped me. One drink and one drink, it was a predetermined decision. No matter what, I owe you a favor. If there is anything you want me to do for you, just say it, it doesn't matter!"

Zhang Zhiwei shook his head and said: "I don't need Uncle Liu's help for anything. If Uncle Liu is really serious, then kill a few more Japanese pirates!"

"What kind of help is this?" Liu Kunsheng opened his mouth and showed a ferocious smile: "I have deep grudges with the Japanese pirates. Even if you don't tell me, I will attack them!"

"Already have deep grudges? I wonder what grudges there are between Uncle Liu and the Japanese pirates?" Zhang Zhiwei said with some surprise.

As far as he knew, the immortals were not very hostile to the Japanese pirates.

Except for Chang Zaitian, there are immortals like Hu Gupo who have taken refuge in Japanese pirate Shintoism.

Other immortal families who have not taken refuge with the Japanese pirates, such as Huang Jiuye, Bai Sangu, etc., although they have no good impression of the Japanese pirates, they are not too malicious and will not take the initiative to provoke them.

Like Liu Kunsheng, he was definitely the first to directly lead people to attack the port.

He had asked Liu Wei about this before, and Liu Wei said it was because of the dragon veins, but he didn't know the details.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. Qianlong made an appointment with us back then, and he decreed that we would never cross Shanhaiguan and guard the imperial mausoleum for him here."

"After the demise of the previous dynasty, many immortal families felt that the agreement was invalid and stopped abiding by it. However, I believe that a gentleman's words are hard to follow, so how can he void them at will?"

"And the Japanese pirates invaded the imperial mausoleum, broke my rules, and killed quite a few of my clansmen. How could I not kill them?" Liu Kunsheng said through gritted teeth.

"That's it!" Zhang Zhiwei paused and said: "The Japanese invaders broke your rules when they invaded the imperial mausoleum. But a few days ago, a group of us razed the entire imperial mausoleum to the ground. Isn't this wrong? Broke your rules?"

As soon as these words came out, the small room fell silent.

"..." Mr. Huang was a little speechless. Isn't this why the pot should not be opened?Do you want to prevent your old buddy from stepping down?

Just as he was about to open his mouth to redeem himself, Liu Kunsheng waved his hand and said: "The previous dynasty was destroyed, and the corpses in the imperial mausoleum were used by the Japanese pirates as tools for the resurrection of the corpse demon. What's the point of an empty house? You killed the people inside Japanese pirates, I have to thank you, how can I anger you over an empty house?"

Mr. Huang silently gave Liu Kunsheng a thumbs up. Just now, he thought that his old friend with a big muscle in his brain would fall out.

"Uncle Liu understands justice so well, then I can rest assured!"

Zhang Zhiwei nodded and said, he is not a person who likes to put aside problems. If Uncle Liu has objections to their demolition of the imperial tomb, then he will definitely deal with the problem here.

Considering Liu Kunsheng's recent actions and worrying that he was a re-Qing element, Zhang Zhiwei asked:

"By the way, Uncle Liu, you practice the incense and fire way, and you have witnessed the whole process of the previous dynasty from its prosperity to its decline. You are the most insightful into people's hearts. How do you think the previous dynasty compares with today?"

Liu Kunsheng was lost for a while before nodding: "Cultivation is timeless. I don't know how many years have passed since I established the church. I have accepted many disciples and solved countless problems. I have been admired by thousands of people!"

"But no matter it was the heyday of the previous dynasty, the period of decline, or the current period of war and chaos, I have only seen the emperors of the world who imposed excessive taxes, were greedy, and committed countless evil deeds. Landlords and tycoons..."

Zhang Zhiwei nodded: "It's hard for the people to prosper, but it's hard for the people to die?"

"Bitter?" Liu Kunsheng grinned and sneered: "Bitterness is indeed bitter, but these scumbags are not worthy of pity. They are also hateful and disgusting. They set up my memorial tablet, burn incense and worship Buddha on weekdays. What they want is not to let me punish the rapists and eliminate them. They hate those landlords and corrupt officials, but they hate themselves even more for not being powerful or noble!"

"The power of belief woven into these people's delusions disturbs my sleep every day. Their resentful and greedy faces flash back in my mind. Therefore, in my eyes, they are all the same."

Liu Kunsheng looked at Zhang Zhiwei: "What does Master Tiantong think?"

Zhang Zhiwei looked at Liu Kunsheng and pondered for a while, then his eyes moved for a long time and said: "No one is perfect in terms of deeds and heart. I don't care what others think, I only care what others do!"

"No one is perfect when it comes to deeds but not the heart..." Liu Kunsheng said: "I have learned a lesson!"

"It doesn't have to be like this!" Zhang Zhiwei said: "Speaking of which, I also want to ask Uncle Liu something!"

"It doesn't matter what the leader says, I should tell you everything I know, and I won't tell you everything!" Liu Kunsheng said.

"I heard that the Grand Palace Secretary of Shintoism once visited various immortal families. I wonder if he has visited you?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

Liu Kunsheng said: "I visited him. He once promised me a lot and invited me to join Shintoism. I refused, but there was no falling out. There was even a fight because Shintoism comes from the same sect and has the same origin. chat!"

"For a period of time, he often came to me to preach. I lived in the mountains all year round. Occasionally I traveled, and my soul left my body and walked around the world by riding a horse. Suddenly someone came to visit me, so I didn't refuse. I had some discussions with him. Time.”

"But I didn't expect that this man was ambitious and talked about Taoism just to divert my attention so that he could get his hands on the dragon's veins. I fell into his trap!"

After listening to what Liu Kunsheng said, Zhang Zhiwei nodded and said: "I see, it seems that they are rigorous and meticulous in doing things, but in fact they are dishonest and treacherous. This is the consistent tradition of Japanese pirates!"

Liu Kunsheng greatly agreed: "It's very true, not to mention the arrogant people among the Japanese pirates, even their chief minister is also a shameless person!"

"By the way," Zhang Zhiwei asked, remembering the scene in the inner demon scene where Longhu Mountain was bombed and hundreds of ghosts were walking on a daily basis, and asked, "Since you have a discussion with the Shinto Grand Priest, what are his abilities?"

"Regardless of character, just talking about strength, it's unfathomable if you look up to the mountains!"

"..." Zhang Zhiwei obviously didn't like this answer.

At this time, Mr. Huang observed his words and said, "Since he is so powerful, why was his arrangement in the Dragon Vein Land destroyed by the leader's sword?"

Liu Kunsheng said without hesitation: "Then Master Tiantong is also standing high on the mountain, unfathomable!" Huang Tianliu: "..."

How did you connect?When did this cold-blooded person become capable of flattery?
Zhang Zhiwei was quite satisfied with this answer, nodded and said:

"Uncle Liu is very discerning. By the way, I still have things to do. What does Uncle Liu want from me during this trip? Just tell me!"

Liu Kunsheng glanced at Mr. Huang and said: "Can you ask Master Tiantong to use his magical power to help me transform into a human body? If I can do it, I am willing to enter the church of the leader and go through fire and water, no matter what!"

Elves all want to turn into humans. Although animals can also acquire Qi, they can also practice cultivation after acquiring Qi. However, there are few meridians in animals' bodies, so it is difficult to have acquired methods. They are just cultivating innate methods.

Ordinary animals are not ancient beasts with extraordinary talents, so how can they have any powerful innate means.

Therefore, most of them are constantly practicing Qi. In the plot, the elderly Lu Jin once said that after elves obtain Qi, they will progress faster than humans because of their simple minds.

This is indeed true. There is a law in the alien world. Only aliens can see the Qi of aliens, ordinary people cannot.

But this does not apply to elves like Liu Kunsheng. Their Qi is already powerful enough to be materialized and turned into black Qi visible to ordinary people.

But so what, Feng Baobao's qi ball is big enough, and it can only blow away cans. No matter how much qi he cultivates, it will be useless if he doesn't have the matching means to display it.

It's like no matter how rich you are, you can have tons of gold, but gold cannot be exchanged for weapons, and you can't beat a tank made of a pile of iron.

Liu Kunsheng's snake body is very big and strong, but that's all. It lacks powerful methods of dual cultivation of life and life such as the third level of rebirth and the Golden Light Curse. Simply accumulating Qi can only improve it very little.

Moreover, it itself cannot grow indefinitely, so in the past hundred years, except for the soul becoming stronger and stronger, its improvement in other places has been minimal.

Now that he saw Mr. Huang in human form, Liu Kunsheng couldn't hold it in any longer, so he asked Mr. Huang to introduce him.

As long as it can transform into a human form and reshape its meridians, it can practice acquired methods. Coupled with the massive Qi in his body, it will be much more powerful.

"Reshape the body?" Zhang Zhiwei looked at Liu Kunsheng and knew what he was thinking, and said: "Uncle Liu, this kind of thing is not something you can change if you want to!"

"If the leader has any requests, just ask!" Liu Kunsheng said.

"Your body is different from Mr. Huang's. Mr. Huang is small and has been studying the transformation of beasts into humans for many years. He has become a half-human body. It is easy to transform. I have seen your true body. It is enough. With such a huge body that is tens of meters long, it is too difficult with my current cultivation level to transform into a human form!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"This..." Liu Kunsheng paused for a moment. He could not refute this reason.

Mr. Huang next to him rolled his eyes and said quickly: "Just now, the leader said that with the current cultivation level, it is too difficult. He didn't say that it can't be achieved. Moreover, the leader is still young now. In a few years, he will improve his cultivation level. After that, won’t it be no more difficult?”

Liu Kunsheng's bloody eyes glowed: "It's very true, the leader has such strength in his weak years. In a few decades, he will definitely be invincible in the world. What can't be accomplished?"

"How many decades can you afford to wait?" Zhang Zhiwei looked at Liu Kunsheng.

"Good things come in hard times!" Liu Kunsheng grinned: "It's been like this for hundreds of years. It's still worth waiting for just a few decades. Moreover, with the talent of the leader, maybe it can be done in a few years."

"Then I accept your good advice. By the way, since you want to turn into a human body, do you know the disadvantages of human body?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

"Of course I know!" Liu Kunsheng said: "After transforming into a human body, although the Qi in the Dantian still exists, due to changes in the meridians and changes in the trajectory of Qi, all the previous methods cannot be used. It will take a long time to practice the methods again. A period of weakness!”

"That's right!" Zhang Zhi nodded.

The transformation of elves into human form is somewhat similar to the transfer of kung fu in martial arts novels. In "The Eight Parts of the Sky", Wu Yazi teaches Xu Zhu his kung fu. Xu Zhu can withstand Wu Yazi's century-old kung fu, but he is not very powerful, until he meets in Xixia After being taught various methods by Child Elder in the palace, his strength improved.

Mr. Huang said: "You can let the leader retain the original trajectory of Qi. In this way, the previous methods can still be used, and there will be no obvious period of weakness."

Liu Kunsheng waved his hand: "That's not necessary. Isn't your situation equivalent to being an innate alien among humans?"

"Congenital aliens are meridians that are mutated. They are different from ordinary people. They have their own system and have innate abilities. However, precisely because the meridians are different from ordinary people, it is difficult for them to practice the acquired methods that ordinary people can practice."

"What I pursue is acquired means. If you are still greedy for the current means and it becomes difficult to practice as a human being, wouldn't it be in vain?!"

This is actually the function of the self-cultivation furnace created by Ma Xianhong later.

The reason why the Self-cultivation Furnace can turn ordinary people into aliens and allow ordinary people to accurately acquire certain abilities is that it actually codes the meridians, which is equivalent to transforming ordinary people into innate aliens with fixed energy trajectories. Therefore, there is no need Through practice, you can also master certain abilities without a teacher.

Mr. Huang was speechless and stood aside angrily without speaking.

Unlike Liu Kunsheng, he does not have such big pursuits. He is what Zhang Huaiyi said is the most carefree person in the world, and he follows the golden mean.

Liu Kunsheng looked at Zhang Zhiwei, clasped his hands and said: "Master, the matter of transformation is a great favor. I will not be rewarded for no merit. I have never helped the leader in the slightest, and I feel guilty. If the leader has any instructions, please know that you will tell me. I will do it myself." Go through fire and water, no matter what!"

Zhang Zhiwei looked at Liu Kunsheng with a half-smile: "Uncle Liu, aren't you afraid that I will regret it later?"

"For the sake of the righteousness of the family and the country, the leader traveled thousands of miles to fight against the Japanese. He is also the little heavenly master of Longhu Mountain, the ancestral home of Taoism. He is a dragon and a phoenix among men, a man among gods and gods. How could he deceive me, a spiritual insect in the mountain?" Liu Kunsheng said.

"Since Uncle Liu trusts me, I will live up to your trust. As for what I want you to do?"

Zhang Zhiwei paused and said: "As I said before, just kill more Japanese pirates!"

"Don't worry, leader, I will live up to the trust of the leader!"

Liu Kunsheng's eyes were wide open with blood. He was cold and cruel, with unconcealable ferocity and murderous intent.

"Is Uncle Liu going to use the Ma family to deal with Japanese pirates?" Zhang Zhiwei frowned. He didn't want Guan Shihua and Liao Huzi to suffer because of his whim.

Liu Kunsheng said: "Master, don't worry, I am not a fool, and I will not use the lives of my disciples to show off. The disciples are only responsible for restraining their incense. As for dealing with Japanese pirates..."

"I will give an order to the descendants of the mountain. As long as it is spring and summer, if they dare to go into the wilderness, they will be doomed!"

Is the snake disaster scene in the thriller reproduced... Zhang Zhiwei nodded: "That's great!"

"Then can I enter the church?" Liu Kunsheng asked.

Although what he said before sounded nice, Zhang Zhiwei knew that he wanted a guarantee, lest he didn't know about it after doing something and wouldn't admit it.

"Since Uncle Liu is dealing with Japanese pirates, we are Taoist friends all the way. If Uncle Liu wants to enter the hall, I will naturally sweep the couch to welcome him. As the saying goes, if you don't sweep one hall, how can you sweep the world, so I will make Uncle Liu the entrance to the hall. The hall sweeper here will wipe out the Japanese pirates!"

Liu Kunsheng immediately clasped his hands and said: "Liu Kunsheng, the sweeper of the hall, pays homage to the leader!"

(End of this chapter)

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