Chapter 331 Sea Storm
The sea breeze stirred, and the big ship bid farewell to Bincheng and headed south. The speed of the big ship was not slow. It quickly left the northeast and arrived at Jiaozhou Port in the middle of the night the next day.

Jiaozhou Port, with prosperous maritime trade, is a foreign trade port north of the Yangtze River, one of the top five commercial ports in the country in the past, and an important node of the Maritime Silk Road.

Naturally, the previous dynasty could not hold on to such a popular place, and not surprisingly, it was used as a colony by the Prussians.

A few years ago, when the world war broke out, the Japanese pirates saw the opportunity, assembled a large number of troops, attacked and occupied this area, and established two military institutions, the military headquarters and the garrison, in this area, directly under the emperor.

Therefore, on the dock of Jiaozhou Port, you can see groups of Japanese pirate troops patrolling to maintain order.

It seemed that the gunpowder smoke from Bincheng was drifting over. There was a chilling atmosphere here, and even the forts at the port were erected.

"Beep beep..."

The big ship blew its whistle and slowly docked.

This big ship was called the Geely, and it was the flagship ship of Zheng Kee Steamship Company. Zheng Kee Steamship Company had a Japanese pirate background, so it was not blocked and docked smoothly.

After docking, the captain arranged by Marshal Zhang went down to explain a few words to the person in charge of the Japanese pirates here, and then a group of porters stepped onto the deck and began to carry the goods.

This is a cargo ship that needs to unload some cargo on the way and then set off again. Because the docking time is very short, everyone on the ship does not need to disembark.

The movement here naturally attracted the attention of some people.

The reckless duo found Zhang Zhiwei who was practicing in seclusion.

Lu Jin said with great interest: "Senior Brother Zhang, do you want to go down and have a go?"

Lu Ci also had a cruel look on his face, and he raised his thumb and scratched his neck, his meaning was obvious.

"What to do?" Zhang Zhiwei glanced at the two of them.

"Just like last time in Bincheng, use your divine power directly!" Lu Jin said.

"Indestructible!" Lu Ci added.

"..." Zhang Zhiwei glanced outside and rejected the two people's proposals.

"It's late at night, and there's no one in the headquarters. Are you going to attack an empty house? Besides, you'll learn a lesson from the experience. People are obviously on guard. They might have moved the headquarters somewhere!"

"Besides, last time it was just a few of us and the target was small. Now there is a boatload of people. The big guys finally got out. It's not worth it to enter the game again just for the sake of a headquarters!"

The reason for Zhang Zhiwei's refusal, in addition to the above, is that in a few years, this place will be taken back by the Beiyang forces. After all, the great powers do not want the Japanese pirates to become bigger. In the past few years, they have just been busy fighting, fearing that the Japanese pirates will be behind Stab a knife, so sacrifice the interests here to stabilize the Japanese pirates.

After a few years, when the great powers stabilize, they will let the Japanese pirates spit it out. Of course, even if they spit it out, we will pay a huge price, but it is worth it if we can get it back.

But now that he has taken over his headquarters, the Japanese pirates will probably have an excuse to stay in the future.

"Senior Brother Zhang is right, but we failed to consider it!" Lu Jin said.

Zhang Zhiwei nodded and continued to meditate with his eyes closed, but the reckless duo did not leave.

"Is there anything else you want?" Zhang Zhiwei opened his eyes and asked.

"Senior Brother Zhang, we have finished transcribing the essence of Senior Li's practice, but some of the things in it are too mysterious and profound for us to understand, so I want to ask you for advice!" Lu Ci said.

"Me too!" Lu Jin said.

"Tell me, what don't you understand?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Condensing the Dharma is not like sitting in meditation, which can restore oneself. It requires using Qi as ink and spirit to write, which is the most energy-consuming.

After concentrating continuously for a day and a night, even he felt that his mind was a bit exhausted and he needed to take a break, just in time to give some guidance to the two of them.

"This, this..." Lu Jin opened the book and pointed out some things he didn't understand to Zhang Zhiwei.

"And this!" Lu Ci added in charge.

Zhang Zhiwei took a look and said, "Yang Fire Yin Talisman?"

After thinking for a while, he explained: "The Yang Fire Yin Talisman generally refers to Taoist alchemy. The Yin Talisman enters the Yang Fire, and returns to the Yang in the Yin, and enters its strong virtue, so it restores the innate nature. However, in Senior Li's case, Obviously he is referring to something, he is just using Taoist concepts to explain his own boxing principles."

"The Yin Talisman, in ancient times, was also called the Soldier Talisman, which represents killing, destruction, destruction, crushing, and crusade."

"From what I understand, this sentence means that every time you take action, you must have two methods, one is to use Yang Fire, and the other is to use Yin Talisman."

"Yang fire is easy to understand. In martial arts practice, it is important to have all six yangs, and the head is the leader of the six yangs. That is to say, when the mind moves, the hands, feet, waist, legs, spine, and head must all cooperate."

"The Yin Talisman refers to a means of transporting energy, which requires all six yins. That is to say, when the six yangs move, the heart, mind, qi, spirit, five internal organs, and meridians also need to cooperate with the movement of energy."

"Martial arts practitioners should pay attention to the movement of yin and yang, and the cultivation of yang fire and yin talismans. When facing the enemy in battle, they can naturally flourish and kill the enemy with a single thought..."

After listening to Zhang Zhiwei's explanation, Lu Jin and Lu Ci suddenly realized.

"So that's it. I found that the more expert you are, the more mysterious it becomes. Senior Li's essence of practice is profound, but there is no specific practice method. Without an expert to explain it, it would be difficult to understand!" Lu Jin! sighed.

Lu Ci also said: "There is no scripture that cannot teach the Tao, and there is no teacher who cannot understand the scriptures. Fortunately, Senior Brother Zhang is here, otherwise I may not be able to understand it!"

This is the meaning of the existence of a master. Some methods are extremely difficult to practice if you only have books and no guidance from the master.

Lu Jin and Lu Ci were already talented and intelligent, and with Zhang Zhiwei's guidance, they quickly understood some of the principles and experiences written in Li Shuwen's Essentials of Cultivation.

Both of them felt that they had gained a lot, and their hands were itchy. They wanted to learn from each other, so they walked out of the cabin and came to the deck.

The "Geely" only unloaded cargo at Jiaozhou Port and did not stay for too long. When they walked out, they had already left the port and were continuing to their destination.

Therefore, not even a single person could be seen on the deck at this moment, only the engine unit was running rumble, echoing the endless tide.

Facing the sea breeze, Lu Jin and Lu Ci had a sparring session.

Afterwards, both of them felt that the other had improved a little. When they started to move, they were smoother than before. The palms were flying like a strong wind sweeping leaves, opening and closing them wide. While moving forward, there was still a little progress to be made. Retreat calmly.

However, the two men started making moves, which made a lot of noise. Some people in the cabin were alerted and came out to watch. Seeing the two young heroes competing, they all cheered and asked the two to show their real skills.

Lu Ren naturally came out. When he saw Lu Jin and Lu Ci fighting, he quickly pulled them away, dismissed the crowd, and took them to the corner of the boat to teach them a lesson.

"What happened? Didn't you just say hello to the two brothers and discuss the way of cultivation together? Why did they start fighting as soon as they turned around?"

Lu Ren was a little helpless. He didn't rest in the middle of the night and started fighting. What was this?Isn’t it a joke that four families are connected by the same spirit?
"Brother, we are not fighting, we are just discussing!" Lu Ci explained.

"is it?"

Lu Ren was a little suspicious, not because he didn't believe what his brother said, but because these two guys were just like enemies, they couldn't deal with each other, they often fought, and it was common for them to beat each other with bruises and bumps on their heads.In the past few days, he had seen it several times. Basically, the two of them started fighting when they disagreed. After beating each other until they were bruised and swollen, Zhang Zhiwei came over to start a fight, hitting each of them with fifty big blows, knocking them all over the head.

Seeing Lu Ren's disbelief, Lu Jin quickly explained:

"Brother Lu Ren, you misunderstood. We just read the essence of Senior Li's practice and gained a little bit. We just sparred on a whim. It was by no means a fight!" Lu Jin explained quickly.

"Senior Li? Which Senior Li?" Lu Ren asked in confusion: "Is it Senior Li from the Sancaimen in the cabin?"

"No, although Senior Li from Sancai Clan has some strength, he is far from qualified to give us guidance!"

Lu Ci and Zhang Zhiwei have been together for a long time, and the people they meet are all ruthless characters, and their vision has naturally increased. In his mouth, some ordinary foreign seniors have already been regarded by him as if they were chickens or dogs.

"Be careful what you say!" Lu Ren warned: "You are from the Lu family, and you represent the Lu family when you go out. Don't say such things that offend others for nothing!"

Lu Ci nodded indifferently and said, "Brother, have you ever heard of steel fist fighting?"

"I have certainly heard of Li Shuwen's reputation as a powerful puncher and an expert spearman. It is said that he worked for the warlords and was the chief instructor of the Northeast King's army. He was proficient in martial arts, could hold iron into clay, and could shoot like a hail of bullets." In the no-man's land, is this Senior Li you are talking about?" Lu Ren said with a surprised look on his face.

"That's right!" Lu Ci nodded.

"How do you know this kind of person?" Lu Ren asked puzzledly.

"We had a fight first, and we got to know each other after the fight! Lu Ci said.

Lu Ren was immediately shocked. Even if his father met someone of Li Shuwen's level, he would have to treat him with courtesy. How could his stupid brother fight with him?He didn't believe it.

At this time, Lu Jin interjected: "What does it mean to have a fight first and then get to know each other after the fight? Hedgehog, can you be a little educated? Don't be like an illiterate old man. This is called no acquaintance without fighting!"

Lu Ci didn't like being called an illiterate bastard: "Lu Mang, did I just give you face when the point was reached, and you didn't count anymore?"

Lu Jin sneered: "It's hard to say who doesn't have a good count!"

With just one word, the two brothers, who had been good friends just now, were at war with each other again.

Seeing this posture, Lu Ren quickly grabbed the two of them: "Okay, okay, I know you were really sparring before. You said you don't know each other if you don't fight with Li Shuwen, but he is a master of martial arts. How come you don't know each other if you don't fight?" Law?"

"As soon as they met, they started fighting over a disagreement, and after three moves, they started talking over drinks. Isn't this considered a lack of acquaintance without fighting?" Lu Ci said matter-of-factly.

"Speak humanly!" Lu Ren said.

Lu Ci paused and said, "A few of us and Senior Brother Zhang are awesome!"

Lu Ren suddenly realized: "It turns out that Senior Brother Zhang took action. Let me tell you... He's really awesome. It's true. It's Senior Brother Zhang who's powerful. You guys can just be awesome!"

But then, he felt surprised. Just now, he didn't think of Zhang Zhiwei at the first time. Subconsciously, he had an inexplicable feeling that Zhang Zhiwei and them were not from the same generation.

"Quick, quick, tell me in detail the whole process of the battle between Senior Brother Zhang and Li Shuwen!" Lu Ren immediately said with curiosity on his face.

Lu Ci immediately explained it in detail.

Lu Ren was shocked after hearing the whole process: "Senior Brother Zhang actually knows the sound of tiger, leopard and thunder. This is a stepping stone for a martial arts master!"

"That's right, I asked Senior Brother Zhang for advice afterwards, and I have already understood some of the essence of Tiger Leopard Thunder Sound. It only took a few years to master and master it!" Lu Ci said with a proud look on his face.

"Hey, Xiao Qi, it's not easy!"

While Lu Ren was praising, he suddenly felt something strange in the distance, and there was a faint flicker of fire on the sea.

"Is that a will-o'-the-wisp?"

Lu Jin and Lu Ci also looked at the sound, but they were too far apart to see clearly. They could only see vague red lights flashing and getting farther and farther because they were not on the same waterway.

"Will-o'-the-wisps appear on the sea surface. This is a rare spectacle. I have to see it. In order to see seagulls, I exchanged two pieces of ocean and a sailor for a telescope, which came in handy!"

Lu Jin took out an old-fashioned monocular telescope from his pocket and examined it.

I saw three ships lined up a few kilometers away in the distance. In the middle was an old-fashioned fishing boat with a five-color flag, and next to it were two iron-hulled boats with sun flags tied to the bow and stern.

The five-color flag was the first flag of the Republic of China and was used by the Beiyang forces.

At this moment, this Beiyang fishing boat was hit by two fishing boats flying sun flags and broke into pieces. There was a blazing fire on the boat. In the light of the fire, struggling and twisted figures flashed from time to time.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell what happened at this scene.

Lu Ci noticed that Lu Jin's face was getting more and more ugly: "What's wrong with you? What's going on with this will-o'-the-wisp?"

"Fuck, that's not a will-o'-the-wisp at all, it's the light of a burning ship. Two big fishing boats flying sun flags rammed and sank a small fishing boat on our side and are setting fire to the boat!"

Lu Jin looked livid, cursed loudly, and handed the binoculars to Lu Ci.

Lu Ci took it and took a look, and immediately his face became ugly: "The small fishing boat that was on fire was full of blood. I am afraid it is hopeless. But how could there be more than one Japanese fishing boat here?" Brother, look at it!”

With that said, Lu Ci gave the telescope to Lu Ren.

Lu Ren took it and took a look, his face was as dark as water, and he said: "This place is occupied by Japanese pirates. It is not surprising that there are Japanese pirate fishing boats, but they dare to act so wantonly, openly crashing our boats and setting them on fire." The boat is so lawless!”

Lu Jin gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go and kill them!"

"They must be killed. I have to hang them on the mast!" Lu Ci said murderously.

"But how should we get there?" Lu Ren wanted to be calmer: "It's several kilometers away from the accident site. If it's only a hundred meters, we can just walk on the water, but it's several kilometers away. We're just afraid of the force. There was an attempt!"

Lu Jin said: "I remember, there is a lifeboat on this ship. Let's row over in the lifeboat and kill those Japanese pirates!"

Lu Ren considered the problem more comprehensively and said: "No, I took a look when I got on the ship. The lifeboats on this ship are all very simple folding cork canvas lifeboats. They have no power at all and can only be rowed by hand. If we go, what should we do? How to come back?"

"You know, this big ship is not stopping at all. If we go there, it will only get farther and farther away, unless this big ship is allowed to participate, but the big ship belongs to the Northeast King Zhang Marshal. Although he and the Japanese pirates seem to be inseparable, he must not want to It’s almost impossible to destroy those two Japanese pirate fishing boats without breaking your skin!”

"In my opinion, it's better to inform the elders about this matter. They have many methods, so they will definitely have a way to deal with this matter!"

Lu Ci shook his head and said: "The elders have many methods, but they are not as happy as doing it themselves. In my opinion, the worst we can do is row over, kill them all, and then seize their boat and find a place to dock." Shore, go back in another way?!"

"That's right, I can do whatever I want to go back, but if I don't destroy them, I won't be able to sleep or eat well!" Lu Jin also said: "Senior Brother Zhang said that what you practice is to understand your thoughts. If you ignore them, how can you understand them?"

Lu Ren covered his head. These two reckless men made him feel helpless, so he had to suggest: "In that case, why don't we ask Senior Brother Zhang?!"

(End of this chapter)

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