Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 332 Thunder means reaching the end

Chapter 332 Thunder means reaching the end

Outside there was the sound of the reciprocating tide. Inside the room, in the palm of Zhang Zhiwei's hand, a golden magic urn flashed, and the mysterious Taiyi pattern flashed on the urn.

His other hand was sketching, and golden lines gushed out from his fingertips like running water. The handwriting was incredibly outlined, turning into nine small seal scripts that rolled and jumped onto the Dharma basket and were engraved in it.


Zhang Zhiwei took a long breath, put away the urn, and said to himself: "Another chapter has been inscribed. So far, less than half of Chapter 39 of the Shangqing Jing has been inscribed. Judging from the current itinerary, there is no need to wait for the urn-giving conference to begin. It can be engraved!"

I stretched my legs and was about to go out to get some midnight snacks when I saw Lu Jin, Lu Ci and Lu Ren rushing over.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

As the eldest brother, Lu Ren took a step forward and quickly told Zhang Zhiwei the previous situation.

"Japanese pirates hit our fishing boat?" Zhang Zhiwei frowned. These dogs really like to play such dirty tricks. They hit fishing boats 100 years ago and will hit fishing boats again 100 years later.

With a thought in his mind, Zhang Zhiwei communicated the inner scene and calculated with his fingers.

Such methods are the basic skills of a warlock, and Zhang Zhiwei naturally knows how to do it. Although he does not predict the future, things that have already happened are still harmless.

The matter that was calculated this time was not a big deal. There was nothing very important in it, so it was not difficult. It was easy to smash the light ball in the interior scene, and a picture emerged in my mind.

Due to competition in the fishing industry, two Japanese iron-hulled ships bearing the logo of a fishery combination company retaliated against an old wooden lock ship. They rammed the sharp part of their bows into the hull of the old lock ship, causing it to be severely shattered. , even the keel was broken.

The angry fishermen wanted to resist, but were beaten into pieces by a volley of fire from the other side. Then, the fishermen on the Japanese pirate side picked up a large barrel of gasoline, poured it on the deck of the old lock ship, and set it on fire directly to destroy the ship. Completely disappeared at sea.

"It's really a raging fire. They say they are fishermen, but they look like pirates!" Zhang Zhiwei frowned and said: "Looking at their skillful movements, this kind of thing must not have happened for the first time. It would be fine if we didn't see it, but since we did Now that we’re here, it’s not over yet!”

"Senior Brother Zhang, do you need to find a reason to stop this ship?" Lu Ren asked.

"Why bother to do something so trivial?"

Zhang Zhiwei pointed at Lu Jin and Lu Ci: "I will use the crane to carry you there, one person can work on a boat, remember, it must be clean and tidy!"

Zhang Zhiwei had no intention of taking action against a group of ordinary Japanese pirates. Isn't this what a younger brother is for?

"Sit on the crane?"

Lu Jin and Lu Ci instantly remembered Zhang Zhiwei's crane talisman. They had been coveting this thing for a long time. When they set out for Liaodong before, they were running on the ground and the scene of Brother Zhang flying in the sky was still vivid in their minds.

The two looked at each other, their eyes filled with murderous intent and excitement.

"Senior Brother Zhang, don't worry, he will definitely be clean and tidy," Lu Jin said harshly: "His blood must be shed, no one will be left alive!"

Lu Ci also put down her harsh words: "Senior Brother Zhang, don't worry, let alone the people in that boat, even the eggs in that boat, I will break them up!"

"It's quite cruel," Lu Ren asked curiously, "Where did you hear these cruel words from?"

"We'll talk about this later. All I can think about right now is killing those Japanese pirates!" Lu Ci said.

Later, the three people came to the deck. Because the ship was sailing, the incident site became farther and farther away, and the fire became smaller and smaller.

However, this did not affect Zhang Zhiwei. He had piercing eyes. He could clearly see the movement in the distant sea. He might even be able to clearly see the ugly faces of the Japanese pirates smiling ferociously on the two fishing boats.

Zhang Zhiwei made a magic spell, and a golden talisman flew out, and a white crane came out in the form of light, with white feathers and a red crown, and a wingspan of several meters.

"Go back quickly!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Lu Jin and Lu Ci immediately jumped on the crane's back.

Zhang Zhiwei pointed.

The crane soars into the sky and spreads its wings into the distance.

Lu Ren pursed his lips, with a bit of envy in his eyes, but he didn't offer to go with him. He just held a telescope to watch the movement.

The crane transformed by the crane talisman was very fast, far faster than the big ship, and soon flew above the two Japanese pirate fishing boats.

At this moment, the old lock ship was almost burned. From the looks of it, it was basically impossible for anyone to be alive.

On the back of the crane, the two looked at each other, and the tacit understanding they had built up through life and death, and their division of labor was clear in an instant.

Lu Jin jumped off the crane's back first.

At the same time, on the deck of the fishing boat below, the Japanese fishermen were drinking wine, grinning, and watching the scene of the burning fishing boat slowly sinking not far away. They did not notice at all that death had fallen from the sky.


A dull sound resounded.

The grinning Japanese pirate fisherman was stunned for a moment. Looking back, he saw a man standing in the middle of the deck with a white light shining all over his body.

"You are……"

One of them asked in Japanese, but in the middle of the sentence, he didn't even have a chance to groan, and his neck was broken by Lu Jin. This scene was horrifying.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The screams of panic echoed through the entire fishing boat, followed by the dull sound of popping and popping. The Japanese pirate fishermen on the boat, each with their heads missing, fell in a pool of blood on the ground.

The big commotion on the deck drew people out of the cabin. Several Japanese pirate fishermen rushed out with rifles in their hands, shouting Baga, and wanted to shoot Lu Jin.

Lu Jinyan soared into the air like a falcon, not dodging or dodging, and faced the Japanese pirates rushing out. The one closest to him had a face full of flesh and a clean beard.

The man's pupils shrank and he was about to raise his gun to shoot, but Lu Jin reached out and grabbed it, then stabbed the Japanese pirate in the eye with his gun.

What was thrust out was not a gun with a swallowing blade, but a black rifle.

With a "poof" sound, the gun barrel stuffed with minced meat was forcibly pulled out from the back of the pirate fisherman's head. This scene was cold and violent, but there was no trace of the gentleness of the young master of the Lu family.

Lu Jin pulled out the barrel of the gun and rushed into the cabin. Roars and screams were intertwined. For about ten breaths, there was no movement inside. Only a figure wrapped in white light slowly walked out.


At the same time, on another Japanese pirate fishing boat, corpses were scattered all over the deck. Lu Ci sat on a pile of corpses with a golden knife, holding a big bloody stick in his hand, and sprayed out the cold arrogance with the smell of blood. .

These sticks are used for fishing. Sometimes when a fish encounters a particularly noisy fish, the fishermen will give it a few sticks.

However, this stick that fishermen used to catch fish is now used on themselves.

"Are you happy to set fire to the boat?" Lu Ci walked up to a short man wearing a coat, carrying a big stick.

The dwarf's limbs were like twists, and they were all twisted off by Lu Ci. His face was twisted in pain, and he was squirming on the deck like a maggot.

He was the captain of the ship. With the idea of ​​catching the thief first, Lu Ci broke off the captain's limbs as soon as he jumped off, and then smashed him to death with the fishing stick in front of him. His crew.

Various scenes of blood and flesh were staged in front of him. In this short period of time, one can imagine the psychological pressure he endured.

He spoke his native dialect with a heavy accent, and even Lu Ci, who was proficient in Japanese, could not understand him.

However, this was not important. Lu Ci dragged the big wooden stick over and the wooden stick rubbed against the deck, making a sound.

As Lu Ci came closer and closer, the Japanese pirate captain struggled desperately, squirming crazily on the deck like a seal.

Lu Ci walked up to him and kicked him over with his feet, face up and back down. Then, under his horrified eyes, he raised the stick covered in meat.


There was a sound of breaking through the air, and the big wooden stick came from bottom to top, crushing his limbs bit by bit.

"Pfft! Pfft!"

Blood spurted out far away, and the wooden stick hit it lightly and heavily, making the deck black and red like a soy sauce shop.

After finishing the work, Lu Ci threw down the stick and looked around. He found the oil drum that had not been used when the group of people set fire to it. He poured out the oil inside and struck a match. The flames jumped and the entire deck was ablaze.

Perhaps it was a tacit understanding between enemies. In response, the ship on the opposite side also lit up with blazing fire. This time, two fires ignited on the sea at the same time. The scene was quite spectacular.

However, Lu Jin and Lu Ci had no intention of admiring it. The ship was getting further and further away, and they had to hurry back.

The two of them stepped on the crane's back, fluttered their wings and flew away, leaving only the fire behind them.

The crane flew back over the ship and turned into a golden talisman and flew to Zhang Zhiwei. Lu Jin and Lu Ci also returned to the deck one after another.

"Senior Brother Zhang!" Lu Ci clasped his hands and said, "It's done!"

"You two are a bit cruel!"

Lu Ren clenched the telescope in his hand and said with some jaw-dropping. He could see clearly with the telescope the scene where Lu Jin and Lu Ci started fighting just now. He couldn't help but wonder in his heart, when did Lu Jin and Lu Ci become so murderous? ?
"Is this cruel?" When Lu Ci said this, he thought of the scene when Zhang Zhiwei broke out in Bincheng. It was a mountain of corpses and a river of blood. The small scene he had just now was nowhere near as good!

"Ruthless enough!" Lu Ren replied in the affirmative.

"We'll talk about it later. Now that I've watched the show, I'm out of anger, and my thoughts are clear, it's time to worship at the Temple of the Five Internal Organs. Let's go get some midnight snacks!"

Zhang Zhiwei said, entering the cabin, and several others quickly followed.

After eating and drinking, Zhang Zhiwei returned to the room and continued to condense the Dharma.

As for the burned lock ship, they didn't take care of it. The fishermen lived on the sea and were with the sea. The sea was where they belonged.

Not long after, the big ship completely left the Japanese pirates' sphere of influence.

In the next few days, the days at sea seemed particularly calm.

Zhang Zhiwei would go up to the deck to enjoy the sea breeze in his spare time during practice.

The two aggressive elements, Lu Jin and Lu Ci, would compete on the deck from time to time, giving each other pointers and digesting the essence of Li Shuwen's practice.

As for Wang Ai, he was hanging out with the crew members, brainwashing them, telling them things about a god named Tiantong Cult Master, which was so true that the crew members who didn't believe it started to believe it. , there were even a few older crew members who secretly enshrined the memorial tablet of Master Tiantong in the room.

However, this kind of power of faith is extremely mottled and almost useless. It is full of impurities of desire, such as thoughts of getting richer and marrying more wives.

Zhang Zhiwei didn't pay much attention to it. He packed it all up and put it into the hall entrance space. When too much accumulated, he would burn it on fire to see how much useful stuff he could extract.

Soon, five days passed. During this period, the ship docked several times, and some nearby alien forces chose to disembark.

However, Zhang Zhiwei and his party stayed on the boat the whole time. The four families were all in the Suzhou and Hangzhou areas, so they must get off at the end.

The terminal port was in sight. In the room, one of Zhang Zhiwei's magic urns flickered, and the tip of his other finger outlined golden light. The golden light turned into countless small seals, blended into the dharma urn, and disappeared without a trace.

Immediately afterwards, a pinprick-like pain was transmitted from Zhang Zhiwei's wrist to his brain. Before he could react, a cold feeling that penetrated his heart and spleen returned to his wrist.

When there were only three days before the ceremony to confer the dharma urn, the dharma urn was successfully condensed, and the 39 chapters of the Qing Dynasty were engraved on the dharma urn word for word.

Zhang Zhiwei opened his eyes and looked at his wrist. The dharma urn in his hand was still the Taishang Zhengyi League's Mighty Sutra urn, but it was much more complicated than before. It had already met the minimum requirements for promotion to the Shangqing Five Thunder Sutra urn. This is the step to report the Dharma lineage.

"There are still some shortcomings. This kind of magic urn is engraved with the basic scriptures but not the outer urn. It is rushed out in a hurry. It only has the level of the inner urn but no outer urn. Its power is really a bit crude. !”

The outer urn and the inner urn are essentially both talisman urns. They are just abbreviations for easy distinction. The inner urn is actually the Taishang Sanwu Du Gong Sutra urn and the Taishang Zhengyi League Wei Sutra urn. The outer urn is Talismans such as the five powerful men's talisman, the sutra-sealing talisman, and the eye-obscuring incense.

In short, the inner basket is equivalent to internal strength, and the outer basket is equivalent to external strength. The two complement each other.

There is only external strength but no internal strength. In the world of martial arts, this is called routines and pretentiousness, and cannot withstand beatings.

After learning the Eight Magic Skills, one can directly access the heavenly dharma lineage in one step. Ignoring the rituals required by the decrees of the gods and directly using the methods, it is equivalent to perfectly learning various martial arts routines.

But without the support of internal strength, no matter how many tricks you learn, it will only be bluffing. If you really fight, it will break at the touch.

This was the case for Lu Jin later, a dignified man of ten, the owner of the Eight Wonders of Heavenly Skills. As soon as he read the talisman, all kinds of talismans were densely packed like rain, which was more scary than a machine gun. But when it was implemented, it was like thunder and raindrops.

With the life and cultivation of the old man Lu Jin, he should not be so weak. The root cause is that he is not a Taoist priest of the Fulu group, so he only has an outer basket and no matching inner basket.

But with internal strength and no external strength, it is a bit like a bodybuilder. He looks strong and can bench press hundreds of kilograms, but he may not be able to outdo a boxer who can bench press dozens of kilograms.

But if the two are combined into one, with both bodybuilding strength and boxing skills, then a KO monster with terrifying punching power will be born.

Zhang Zhiwei's current role in Fulu is equivalent to that of a bodybuilder, who is just accumulating strength, frantically condensing the inner lunar, and ignoring the outer lu.

"However, the Ceremony of Ceremony is coming soon, so this is also an expedient measure. Let's raise the level of the inner vessel first. After passing the Ceremony of Ceremony and obtaining the legal position, we can then study the outer vessel!"

"The score doesn't need to be high, just pass. Now Master has no excuse to tie me to a flying sword and spiral me into the sky!"

"By the way, Uncle Shoucheng once said that with my horoscope, if I can obtain the legal position, I can command a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers at the highest level. Every soldier must have a general. If I succeed, I don't know what kind of protector I will be assigned. Body God General?"

Zhang Zhiwei got up and went out, preparing to report the good news and ask his uncle to recommend him well.

(End of this chapter)

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