Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 334: Go to Longhu Mountain and have your head cut off?

Chapter 334: Return to Longhu Mountain and have your head cut off?
"Senior Brother Zhang, what you mean is that our troops will be divided into two groups. You will go back to Longhu Mountain to participate in the Ceremony Ceremony, while we will stay in the Magic City and start with the Caoqing Gang to investigate the matter of the little devil, right?" Lu Jin said.

Zhang Zhiwei nodded: "That's right!"

Lu Jin looked at the crowded porters on the pier: "Senior Brother Zhang asked us to investigate from the Caoqing Gang. Did you find any new clues?"

"No new clues!"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "I simply feel that the Cao Qing Gang's backside is dirty. Let's start the investigation from the Cao Qing Gang. Even if we don't find out in the end who is making the Jar Man Imp, we can still gain something else and the efforts will not be in vain."

Lu Jin: "..."

Lu Ci: "..."

The two were suddenly speechless.

Zhang Zhiwei continued: "When we do things, we have to do it just like fishing, never lose sight of it. Besides, when we go to investigate the Caoqing Gang, it is also a famous example. After all, this incident was originally directed at them."

Lu Jin gave a thumbs up: "Senior Brother Zhang, you are really pragmatic. If the Caoqing Gang encounters you, it will be a disaster for eight lifetimes!"

"For most people, encountering the Cao Qing Gang is the most unlucky thing in their lives. Or do you have any new ideas? That's right!"

Zhang Zhiwei said, remembering something, he looked at Lu Jin and said, "When we set out for Liaodong, didn't you say that there was something fishy about this matter, and that it was Quan Xing who did it, so you asked us to hunt down Quan Xing?" Tell me, what’s the clue?”

Lu Jin shook his head and said: "Speaking of which, the clues were all given by the Cao Qing Gang. Their leader said that the person who kidnapped children to refine the Jar Man was an all-out villain named Bat Mage!"

"Bat Mage?" Zhang Zhiwei asked, "What's your background?"

Lu Jin glanced at Zhang Zhiwei, pursed his lips, and said:
"It seems to be related to Longhu Mountain, but I don't know the specifics. My master is very secretive about it and doesn't say much about it!"

It has something to do with Longhu Mountain... Zhang Zhiwei frowned and thought for a while, but he couldn't remember any bat mage in the Tianshi Mansion.

However, he didn't pay too much attention to it. The Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain is the main altar of Tianshi Tao, and there are dozens of branch temples under Tianshi Tao. It is normal for so many people to have a few complete ones. Go back and ask your uncle.

"In that case, don't worry about this Bat Mage. Just start investigating from the Cao Qing Gang!"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "Everyone has experienced the trip to Liaodong, so I won't ask you how to check. In short, be careful!"

"Senior Brother Zhang, don't worry. We've been through strong winds and waves, how could we capsize in this small magic city?" Lu Jin patted his chest and said with a smile.

During the conversation, Zhang Shoucheng led people out of the deck.

Zhang Zhiwei said goodbye to Lu Jin and Lu Ci, and then went over to greet them.

This time, in addition to Zhang Zhiwei and Zhang Shoucheng, several Taoist priests came to Longhu Mountain, all of whom were posted in Zhengyiguan. Their seniority was the same as Zhang Zhiwei, but they were much older than Zhang Zhiwei. Some were even On par with Zhang Shoucheng.

These people have watched Zhang Zhiwei grow up, and they used to take good care of him. They often took him to the mountains to hunt birds, fish in the water, etc., so they are very enthusiastic now.

"Good boy, you are a busy man. You came out of Changbai Mountain and have been hiding in your room without seeing anyone. What are you holding back?"

A senior fellow apprentice hit Zhang Zhiwei's chest and said with a smile.

Zhang Zhiwei was not angry at all and replied:

"The Ceremony of Not Conferring Ceremony is approaching. Do you want to seize the time to condense the Vocabulary? Master has given me a death order. If I cannot successfully condense the Vocabulary, I will be tied to a flying sword and sacrificed with one sword!"

"Hahaha, it turns out I was just cramming. What about it? Will it go to heaven?" Senior Brother laughed.

"Your kid hasn't had much trouble growing up. I would like to see what your kid looks like when he goes to heaven. It will be very interesting!" Another senior brother said with a smile.

Even Zhang Shoucheng laughed and said, "You kid, just keep talking about this matter every day, so that everyone knows it. If you can't finish it by then, even if senior brother doesn't want to fly you out, he will have to fly you out."

"That's impossible!" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile: "Because I have already finished condensing the Dharma Ribbon!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Shoucheng couldn't hold back his masterly posture, and said with a surprised look on his face: "It's done so quickly, so effortlessly?"

Even though he had known that Zhang Zhiwei was very fast at condensing the magic, he was still shocked when he actually completed it.

This is a condensation method, and it’s not copying homework. It’s just smooth sailing, and you haven’t encountered any difficulties?
Compared to Zhang Shoucheng's shock, the other brothers were less surprised.

They didn't know that Zhang Zhiwei had gone through the back door and condensed the talismans to the fourth-level "Tai Shang Zheng Yi Alliance Prestige Sutra" and was attacking the third level "Tai Shang Five Thunder Sutra".

I thought Zhang Zhiwei was now the "Tai Shang San Wu Du Kung Sutra Ribbon", so I wasn't too surprised. After all, with Zhang Zhiwei's talent, condensing a Dharma Ribbon was not a surprise.

"Uncle, don't forget what you promised me before." Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile.

"Stop bragging, let me see!"

Zhang Shoucheng grabbed Zhang Zhiwei's hand, and with a thought, his spiritual power was wrapped around it like a thread. He stared at the Dharma basket carefully, making sure that the scriptures on it were solidly inscribed and not mixed with water. He nodded and said:
"Don't worry, I will keep my word and will recommend you to take up the legal position. However, the three masters have the right to interfere in this kind of matter. After you go back, you have to say hello to your master and the others!"

"I will never forget it!" Zhang Zhiwei nodded.

During the conversation, the dock suddenly became noisy and noisy.

A group of men in black rushed over aggressively, claiming to be Yongxin's people, and dispersed the onlookers.

"Did Yongxin's people come so quickly?" Zhang Zhiwei thought to himself, while thinking of the details of Yongxin Company.

Yongxin Company is a company under the Caoqing Gang. On the surface, it is engaged in water transportation, but in fact it sells cigarettes. The people in charge of the company are the three tycoons, and Zhang Wanlin is the second among the three tycoons.

This company is very big, how big is it? The annual income of Yongxin Company in one year is comparable to one-third of the annual income of the Beiyang Warlords.

When Marshal Zhang from the Northeast was messing around with the Japanese pirates in order to get a loan to build an arsenal, the three of them were already making a lot of money.

In other words, today, in terms of wealth alone, Marshal Zhang from Yongxin Company may be richer than Marshal Zhang from Northeast China.

It is worth mentioning that later generations often compared Zhang Dashuai with Yongxin Company, but the comparison object was not Zhang Wanlin, the second among the three tycoons, but the third.

It is undoubtedly inappropriate to compare a gang leader to a big warlord, but the reason why this topic was born is enough to show the strength of Yongxin Company.

Logically speaking, it is not a wise move to attack the Cao Qing Gang now. From the fact that neither Mr. Lu nor the master is willing to continue the investigation, it can be seen that even the alien organization must avoid its edge.

However, Zhang Zhiwei was not afraid. Whenever he thought about the powerlessness he felt facing the mutilated children who were harvested and mutilated in that area after killing the murder dealers last time, he felt that his thoughts were a bit unreasonable.

Just as the master said when he asked him before, if you don't dare to be an enemy of the forces you face that are deeply involved, then why should you cultivate the Tao? …………


Yongxin's men came in an aggressive manner, and captain Zhang Nianzu led his men to intervene. The two sides pushed each other and started negotiating.
Zhang Shoucheng stared at this scene with squinted eyes and said disdainfully: "In troubled times, a bunch of picky things, we don't have to worry about this kind of dog-eat-dog thing, put the magic talisman on, let's set off back to Longhu!"

As he spoke, two spiritual talismans flew out and stuck to his legs. He took a step of more than ten meters in one step. The speed was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared on the ship.

Seeing that his uncle had taken the first step, Zhang Zhiwei, Lu Jin, Lu Ci and others said hello, and then together with his senior brothers, they used their armor and horses to follow.

A magic horse can travel thousands of miles in a day. It doesn't take a day to get to Longhu Mountain. You can start early in the morning and arrive in the evening. Maybe you can catch up with dinner at Longhu Mountain.

On the boat, Lu Jin watched Zhang Zhiwei and his party leave and said, "Hedgehog, Senior Brother Zhang is gone!"

"I know, but it doesn't mean we can't meet again. Let's think about how to investigate the Cao Qing Gang!" Lu Ci said.

Lu Jin thought for a moment and said, "In my opinion, let's just wait and see what happens. We'll go down in disguise later and do some inquiring. The Cao Qing Gang has a very large sphere of influence. If we inquire more, there will always be news!"

"Just asking, Lu Mang, Lu Mang, as expected, I've always been called by the wrong name, not by the wrong nickname. Look what nonsense you're talking about. The Cao Qing Gang's spies are everywhere. Just ask around. I'm afraid that even my pants will be stripped before I find out anything," Lu Ci said.

Lu Jin frowned and wanted to refute, but he also felt that what Lu Ci said made sense. After thinking about it, he could only say: "Don't scream at me. If you have any opinions, just say it directly!"

Lu Ci said: "It seems that we can't fight down there anymore. This is not good. Later I will use Ruyi Jin to stir up the fire and make them fight. Let's take advantage of the chaos to capture one of their little leaders and take them back and torture them. I don't believe it." Nothing comes out!”

"This... you are addicted to torture!" Lu Jin said.

"This is the simplest and most effective way. Even if Senior Brother Zhang is here, he will agree. Also, bring Fatty with you. Without him, we have no money!"

As Lu Ci said this, he used his secret hand to hide Ruyi Jin in the wind and ran downwards.

On the other side, Zhang Zhiwei and his party had already left the city and were walking in the mountains and forests outside the city, drifting away like fallen leaves.

"By the way, Uncle Master, do you know Bat Mage?" Zhang Zhiwei asked on the way.

"Bat Mage?" Zhang Shoucheng frowned: "Where did you hear that!"

Zhang Zhiwei briefly explained what happened and asked, "Is this person related to our Longhu Mountain?"

After hearing this, Zhang Shoucheng pondered for a moment and said:

"Strictly speaking, they are related. The three mountains belong to Zhengyi. In the early years, this man was a high-ranking figure in the Qing Sect on Maoshan Mountain. However, he felt that the progress of the Shang Qing Sect was slow, so he invented a method called Qisha. The evil skills of accumulating body skills, killing young boys everywhere to practice evil skills."

"At the same time, in order to make the magic weapon, he also killed nine virgins whose birth dates were all Yin and drained their blood to refine the Nine Yin Boy Sword."

"Later, when the Dong Chuang incident happened, this person simply joined Quan Xing. In short, he committed a heinous crime."

The Seven Evils Accumulating Body Technique...Zhang Zhiwei recalled that in the later Biyou Village plot, one of the twelve superior weapons, Zhao Guizhen of Maoshan, accidentally obtained the Seven Evils Accumulating Body Technique in Maoshan, and tortured and killed children in order to practice martial arts, and was eventually killed by Xiao Freedom is cut into a sheep and a scorpion.

It is said that those who practice this evil method need to find seven boys with specific horoscopes and kill them in a specific way. In this way, they can obtain and control the boy's soul, and usually seal the boy's soul in their own body. Slowly digested as nutrients.

When the boy's soul is completely digested, the practitioner's cultivation level will improve by leaps and bounds. If the boy's soul is not digested, he can activate the boy's evil spirit and attach it to his body to fight.

In short, to practice this secret technique, you must torture and kill a group of children every once in a while. It is an extremely sinister technique. What Zhao Guizhen obtained in Maoshan was most likely left by the Bat Master.

"What happened next?" Zhang Zhiwei asked, "Didn't you clean up the house?"

Zhang Shoucheng said: "Of course there is. When the Bat Mage incident first came out, my master, the Celestial Master of the first generation on Longhu Mountain, was furious and ordered the three mountains to jointly kill this thief. This guy was hunted down to death without mercy. There is no way to enter the ground, hiding here and there, and has been missing for decades."

"In the past few years, there have been some rumors about him in the world, but we Sanshan people have traced the past, and without exception, it was someone who used his name to do it. If he hasn't appeared for so long, he must be dead!"

Zhang Zhiwei touched his chin: "I ordered the three mountains to punish him together. The previous heavenly master must be my master. How come I haven't heard of such a big thing?"

Zhang Zhiwei had never met this legendary master, the previous Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain. He had already passed away before he worshiped in Longhu Mountain.

"It happened decades ago. Not many people in the world know about it. It's normal that you don't know. After all, it's not a glorious thing. No one goes around talking about it!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Shoucheng's heart skipped a beat, feeling that he had said the wrong thing. No one had said it before, but from now on he would not be able to say it for sure.

After all, there was a big mouth next to him, so he quickly shut up and said no more.

Zhang Zhiwei wanted to ask a few more questions, but his uncle remained silent, so he had no choice but to give up.

However, Lao Lu is really reckless. He actually wants to check for this kind of guy. If he is already dead and cannot be found, then wouldn’t it be in vain? If he is found, then there will be a big problem. This kind of guy is of the same generation as the master. How weak can the old monster be?
The Shenxing Jiama was very fast and galloped all the way. In the evening, Zhang Zhiwei and his party arrived at Longhu Mountain.

Entering the mountain, seeing the familiar mountain scenery, everyone who was eager to return home slowed down and looked around carefully. The wild forest by the water was covered with citrus, and the endless camellias by the river were refreshing.

The crowd walked among them, but did not stop. They came directly to Zhengyiguan at the gate in front of Longhu Mountain. Just as they were about to go in to return to life, Yi Qian, the high-level master of Zhengyiguan, came out and said with his hands raised.

"Junior Brother Zhang, it's time to work!"

"Senior Brother Yi, you are so polite!"

Zhang Shoucheng replied with his arms folded.

"Let's go, everyone has worked hard all the way. Come to the palace and gather together. I have prepared a celebration banquet for a long time and am just waiting for you to arrive!"

Yi Qian smiled, then turned to look at Zhang Zhiwei in the crowd, half-smiling but not smiling:

"Hey, isn't this our heavenly Taoist friend who has been missing for a long time? What kind of wind has brought you here!"

Zhang Zhiwei scratched his head: "Master, don't make fun of me!"

"Okay, okay, I'm not going to make fun of you. Come in and have a good meal. After you've had a good meal and drink, go see your master!" Yi Qian said with a smile.

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

Why does it feel like eating a decapitated meal?

(End of this chapter)

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