Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 335 Meeting the Master at the Great Shangqing Palace

Chapter 335 Meeting the Master at the Great Shangqing Palace
In Longhu Mountain, the sky is covered with clouds, the bronze bells are ringing, and the sound of loud bronze chimes is making waves in the Shangqing Palace.

In the black hall, there is a huge incense burner, with incense candles as thick as an arm inserted on it.

Every time the bronze chime in the Great Shangqing Palace rang, the incense candles trembled, the chimes rang out, and the clear smoke dispersed, leaving the entire hall filled with curls of green smoke.

In the main hall, there is a desk with a stack of thick yellow papers. On it are some secret reports that have been sent to the Tianshi Mansion from various places in the past month.

The contemporary Heavenly Master Zhang Jingqing was sitting cross-legged behind the desk, reading the secret report, which recorded some of Zhang Zhiwei's actions during this trip.


The door of the main hall opened, and a tall and thin old Taoist priest walked in.

Zhang Jingqing opened her eyes and stared at Zhang Yi: "What's the matter?"

"What else can happen?" Zhang Yi said with a smile: "Zhiweina boy is back, let me see your reaction!"

Zhang Jingqing didn't even look at him: "Have you finished reading it now?"

Zhang Yi said with a smile: "Now it's on the line, it's as stable as a mountain. I don't know who it is. Before I came back, I was so anxious that I even threw the rice upside down on the table."

Zhang Jingqing ignored Zhang Yi's teasing, pondered for a moment and said:

"Junior brother, do you think I should reward Zhang Zhiwei or punish Zhang Zhiwei?"

"How about this matter, why shouldn't it all depend on you? You are his master and a contemporary heavenly master. You can punish him if you want and reward him if you want. He can't bargain with you!" Zhang Yi said.

Zhang Jingqing remained silent, as if deep in thought. After a moment, he said:
"Junior brother, when the trip to Liaodong was decided, we had a meeting to discuss who would be better to lead the team. In the face of the interests of the family and the country, many people wanted to go at that time, and many of them had greater magical powers than Shoucheng. But you know, Why did I choose Shoucheng who had no intention of going to Liaodong?"

"Because he does things steadily?!" Zhang Yi blurted out.

Zhang Jingqing nodded: "That's right. In fact, when I decided to go, I went to the drunk Taoist brother who is good at Qimen Dunjia and asked if this trip is possible. Can dragon veins trap a dragon and ascend to heaven?"

"At that time, senior brother Lingding was very drunk and told me in a daze that he couldn't do it because the dragon veins couldn't rise. Therefore, I chose Shoucheng, the most steady-minded person among them, to go there. I also told him that if he found that something couldn't be done, he would immediately take someone with him. When you go back to the mountain, you must not fight to the death.”

"But I never thought that it would actually happen. The trapped dragon ascended to the sky from Changbai Mountain, went all the way south, and finally disappeared on the vast earth. Why do you think this is?"

After listening to Zhang Jingqing's words, Zhang Yi was stunned for a while and said:

"Jiu Mengzi's divination is trustworthy, but you can't believe it completely. The world is changing all the time, and the only constant is the change itself. The right way is the great road of fifty, Tianyan is 49, and people can escape one of them. This time During the trip to Liaodong, I was supposed to do my best and obey fate, but I never thought that I would bump into that person who was escaping."

"Then what do you think is the variable in this trip? Who or who is the one who escaped?" Zhang Jingqing asked.

Zhang Yi glanced at the information transmitted from Jianghu Inn on the desk and said:

"Who else can be Zhiwei? Anyone with a discerning eye can see that without Zhiwei, this matter cannot be accomplished. Does senior brother think that besides Zhiwei, there are other variables?"

Zhang Jingqing nodded and said: "The possibility of it being Zhiwei is higher, up to [-]%. As for the other chance, it should be the stranger named Wu Gensheng."

"Wugesheng, have you never heard of such a person in the world?" Zhang Yi thought for a while and said.

Zhang Jingqing said: "He is a fledgling stranger who plunged into the chaos in Liaodong. I thought he was a passionate righteous man, but I never thought that after leaving Liaodong, he actually joined Quanxing."

"He also claims to be a born madman, carefree, worry-free, temperamental, and rootless. The past has no beginning, and the future has no end. However, after this person joined Quanxing, he did not cause any trouble. I just don't know him. What do you want to do? Have you lost your original intention, or do you have other intentions?"

"The past has no beginning, and the future has no end..." Zhang Yi repeated, smacked his lips, and said:

"Crazy, he is really a madman. If nothing else, just based on these few words, his madness is not much less than that of the Wei Na boy."

"Such a madman may always feel that he has the ability to change everything. Joining Quanxing is not surprising. I just don't know what kind of changes he will bring to Quanxing?"

Zhang Jingqing frowned and said, "This person is undergoing a number of changes. It's hard to see the future clearly. In these troubled times, I just hope it's better to stay calm!"

"The tree wants to be still but the wind doesn't stop!" Zhang Yi said: "By the way, senior brother, I heard that when the dragon vein seal was broken, a trace of the true spirit of the Ancestral Master appeared and said, 'You can change this world.' , Senior brother thinks, who is the 'you' in this sentence?"

"People in the world say it's Shoucheng, because it was the way he started the forum!" Zhang Jingqing said.

"Impossible!" Zhang Yi patted the giant incense burner in the main hall: "If Shoucheng had that elm head, I would eat this incense burner directly!"

Zhang Jingqing smiled and nodded: "I think so too. Although Zhiwei was not present at the scene, I estimate that he might be hiding in some nook and corner and peeking. It should be him without a doubt!"

"Then about the true spirit of the Ancestral Master..." Zhang Yi wanted to ask again.

Zhang Jingqing waved her hand: "You don't have to worry about this matter. If outsiders ask, just say that the person the Ancestral Heavenly Master showed up to is Shoucheng. There is no need to talk about Zhang Zhiwei!"

"I know!" Zhang Yi nodded.

"In that case, let's get down to business, how do you think Zhang Zhiwei should be handled when he sneaked down the mountain this time?" Zhang Jingqing asked.

"It deserves both punishment and reward!" Zhang Yi said.

Zhang Jingqing was silent for a while, then shook her head and said:

"Zhang Zhiwei can't reward him, at least I won't reward him, otherwise it will encourage his arrogance. Not only that, I will also punish him, severely punish him, and teach him a profound lesson."

Zhang Jingqing looked at Zhang Yi: "But you are different. Anyway, you are shameless. You can reward him. Between the two of us, one will be the white face and the other will be the red face!"

Zhang Yi said with a smile: "I'm red-faced and you're fair-faced, right? That's no problem, but how should I sing with a red face, and how should you sing with a fair face of yours?"

Zhang Jingqing said: "You have been singing "Red Face" for so many years, and you still ask me how to sing "Red Face"? In my opinion, Zhang Zhiwei was spoiled by you. You should just restrain yourself when the time comes!"

"As for how to sing with a white face..."

Zhang Jingqing stroked her beard that had just grown out. Most of it was burned by Zhang Zhiwei's flying thunder sword last time. It didn't grow sharp yet. She immediately felt angry and needed to cure this evil beast.

I had warned him last time that no matter what method was used, the Dharma basket must be upgraded to a standard that can be awarded the Five Thunder Scriptures of the Shangqing Dynasty before the ceremony. Otherwise, he would be tied to a flying sword and taken away from Tianmen Mountain. Flying sword sacrifice out!
As a result, instead of concentrating on the magic weapon in the mountains, this kid sneaked down the mountain and went to the war-torn Liaodong, which made a group of old guys in the house feel nervous.

Now that the enshrinement conference is approaching, if this kid can't finish it, he will be sent to heaven with a flying sword.

Zhang Jingqing was thinking in his mind that at this point, he no longer expected any younger generation to frustrate Zhang Zhiwei's spirit, and he was going to do it himself.

On the other side, after Zhang Zhiwei had eaten and drank in Zhengyiguan, he was going to the Da Zhenren Hall to see his master.

"Uncle Master, after you return to the mountain, don't you go to the Da Zhenren Hall to report the news to Master?" Zhang Zhiwei asked. "Is there any problem?" Zhang Shoucheng looked at him.

"We can come together!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

How could a veteran like Zhang Shoucheng not see Zhang Zhiwei's little thoughts?

"Are you worried that senior brother will be angry later, so you drag me to be your backer?"

"Uncle Master, am I afraid that Master will be angry? It's too late for Master to praise me!" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile.

"In that case, then I will go to the Great Shangqing Palace with you to meet my senior brother!" Zhang Shoucheng said with a smile.

"That's great!" Zhang Zhiwei was overjoyed.

Immediately, the two of them went to the Great Shangqing Palace together.

Along the way, Zhang Zhiwei also met some fellow disciples. When they saw Zhang Zhiwei, whom he had not seen for a long time, they all greeted him warmly. Zhang Zhiwei's popularity in Longhu Mountain is still very good.

There were also some brothers who disappeared in a flash after saying hello. They probably went back to Sihan Tianshi Mansion to report the news.

It won't be long before Zhang Zhiwei's little fans will appear.

However, seeing that his master was important, Zhang Zhiwei did not exchange too many greetings, and entered the Great Shangqing Palace side by side with his uncle.

Walking to the inner hall of the Great Shangqing Palace, Zhang Shoucheng knocked on the door:

"Senior brother, I brought you the people, so I'll leave first!"

Having said that, Zhang Shoucheng walked away under Zhang Zhiwei's surprised gaze.

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

What are you doing? You are leading the way, but the point is, I also know the way...

Come on, go by yourself!

Zhang Zhiwei walked into the hall.

As soon as he entered, he saw the sword-browed and white-haired master sitting behind the desk. While meditating, practicing Qi, and exhaling, two streams of Qi spread out from the tip of his nose, one winding like a dragon wagging its tail, A fierce, like a tiger sitting in a hole, this is an extremely advanced expression of the inner alchemy skill.

"Zhiwei paid homage to the master. It is said that when the elixir is completed, the dragon and the tiger appear. Master's attainments in elixir skills are really frightening!"

Hearing this, Zhang Jingqing had no expression on her face. She opened her eyes and took a look at which foot Zhang Zhiwei used to step in.

"You evil beast, do you still have the nerve to come back?" Zhang Jingqing shouted.

Zhang Zhiwei quickly saluted and said with a smile: "Tianshi Mansion is my home, so I will naturally come back. Speaking of which, I haven't seen Master for many days and I miss you so much. I thought you would see me in Tianshi Mansion." !”

"Business matters must be done privately. Don't get too close to me. Sit down!" Zhang Jingqing said. After all, she couldn't bear to let her disciple kneel in the cold hall.

The Great Shangqing Palace was a place for meetings. There were many seats here. Zhang Zhiwei immediately stood up and sat across from Zhang Jingqing.

Zhang Jingqing's eyes widened: "Why are you sitting opposite me? Do you want to sing opposite me?"

"Long time no see, I miss you so much. Isn't this to better admire Master's face?"

Zhang Zhiwei said, his eyes moved, he looked at a few empty seats, and sat on the left side of Zhang Jingqing.


Zhang Jingqing blinked and straightened her face: "Don't give me that playful smile and tell me why you stole Longhu Mountain this time and kidnapped those boys from the Fourth Family!"


Zhang Zhiwei opened his mouth, but did not say the excuses he had thought of before.

What about a full-blooded monster who went down the mountain to hunt down, kidnap and traffick children to make jar-like imps? What about Lu Ci, who was unwilling to go because her father and brother went to Liaodong but she didn't go there, so she pulled him along...

He didn't say any of these excuses, but he didn't say that he was doing it for the sake of his family and country or to get rid of Japanese pirates.

After thinking about it, Zhang Zhiwei said: "Because I want to go!"

"That's it?" Zhang Jingqing frowned. He thought about what excuses Zhang Zhiwei would make, and he also had corresponding rebuttals in his heart, but he didn't expect that Zhang Zhiwei would say such a straight sentence.

This made him frown. This sentence was too crazy. He would rather Zhang Zhiwei had come up with a bunch of excuses.

Zhang Jingqing shouted: "Because you wanted to go, did you go secretly? Could it be that you can do whatever you want with everything in this world?"

Zhang Zhiwei lowered his eyes, paused, and said: "Master, from the perspective of my disciple, everything we experience is just to feel and experience the changes in human relationships. It seems that we are dealing with gains and losses of fame and fortune. In fact, we spend our whole lives What we deal with is only our own feelings and thoughts, emotions and emotions. Our entire world is what we feel and need, and where we are at the moment is our practice place!"

Zhang Zhiwei raised his eyes and looked at Zhang Jingqing: "My heart, my feelings, and my thoughts all tell me that I have to go to Liaodong. Master, this trip to Liaodong is a practice for the apprentice!"

Zhang Jingqing looked at Zhang Zhiwei blankly. After a while, her anger subsided and she said:

"Doing nothing means doing everything. This is the way of the saint. How can ordinary people understand it? If you don't reach the realm and insist on relying on the saint, you will enter the devil's way, just like the whole nature."

"People with hands and eyes that can reach the sky have some illusions that they can open up the world by themselves, but that is always just an illusion."

"This world will not change because of any one person, but the more powerful they are, the less aware they are of it. The inertia brought about by powerful power makes them start to become self-righteous."

Zhang Jingqing looked into Zhang Zhiwei's eyes: "In the final analysis, you lack the necessary sense of awe for the era itself. Zhang Zhiwei, you are too self-righteous!"

Zhang Zhiwei was shocked, but he did not refute. He did lack a sense of awe for everything due to his tactics, but it was not that he didn't have any sense. It was just that those words were meaningless and acted like sophistry.

Zhang Jingqing picked up the tea cup on the desk and drank it all in one gulp. After drinking, she saw that Zhang Zhiwei was only thinking deeply and did not make a sound. He continued:
"As for you saying that your trip to Liaodong is a practice, in fact, everything is a practice, every tea, every meal, every flower and every leaf is all practice. There is no need to label everything as a practice!"

"Now, let me ask you, how is the condensation of your Dharma Ribbon?"

(End of this chapter)

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