Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 341 Three sects of Thunder Law, Zhang Zhiwei’s opponents this time

Chapter 341 Three Thunder Sects, Zhang Zhiwei’s opponent this time

"Jingle Bell!"

Zhang Yi shook the magic bell, and during the introduction, rampant soldiers jumped out of the smoke one after another, filling the entire courtyard.

These rampant soldiers have cold eyes, and their faces are ferocious, like evil ghosts, but their shapes are different.

They lined up in a fairy formation, standing behind Zhang Yi's bodyguard general "Yellow Robe Monster" Kuimu Lang, with cold eyes, ready to attack.

Comparing the heavenly soldiers on the upper altar with the heavenly soldiers on the lower altar, although the "yellow-robed monster" also has a green face and fangs, pretending to be an evil ghost, it is not angry and has a majestic appearance.

And these rampant soldiers and generals behind him, even though they have been worshiped by incense for a long time, are still full of evil spirits. At a glance, they are clearly different and the gap is obvious.

But even so, the appearance and energy of these rampant soldiers are still completely different from those of the immortals encountered in Changbai Mountain.

There is no way, although the sources of these rampant soldiers are mixed, good and bad, and some of them are not even as good as the Xian family, but they have been refined by Zhang Yi.

And according to the different methods of sacrificial refining, different powers were born. According to the different powers, there are clear divisions of responsibilities and even specialized transformed images, which can be regarded as real soldiers and horses, not just a mob.

Although the immortal families in Changbai Mountain are divided into multiple departments based on their responsibilities, there are no special refining methods or special magical blessings between each department, so they are completely unable to compete with these rampant generals.

If in the battle with the Immortal Family in Changbai Mountain, the Immortal Family had the scale of the current rampant soldiers, and Zhang Zhiwei boasted of his own ability and full firepower, seven in and seven out would still not be a problem, at most it would take a little more effort. But Lu Jin, Lu Ci and others were afraid that they would be captured if they met each other.

"What do you think of these rampant soldiers and generals?" Zhang Yi stopped ringing the bell and asked Zhang Zhiwei.

"Except for the two hall masters, none of the immortal families in my hall can compare with them!" Zhang Zhiwei said truthfully.

In fact, the only immortal families he has collected are Huang Tianliuhe and Liu Kunsheng, the two hall masters. However, during this period, they used their powers as branch masters to expand a large number of people into their own branch halls. Fairy family.

Among them, Liu Kunsheng mainly accepted the immortals from his original tang, making them become Chuantang immortals and receiving two portions of incense. Zhang Zhiwei even noticed that even Guan Shihua and Liao Huzi had joined his tang.

Huang Ye mainly accepted Huang Xian and Baixian. Huang Xian was responsible for promoting the reputation of Tiantong Cult Master and building up the reputation of Tiantong Medical Clinic. For example, if anyone in Fengtian City had a difficult and complicated disease that could not be cured for a long time, Huang Xian would I asked for a dream, saying that as long as I believed in the leader of Tiantong, I could go to Tiantong Medical Center and get treatment.

If the person who was entrusted with the dream believed it and came to the medical center, as long as he promised to enshrine the Tiantong leader's memorial tablet in the future, Bai Xian would save his life. As for the miscellaneous people who were in charge of receiving the medical center, they would be Huang Ye's new disciples. Serve.

In short, after going back and forth, Tiantong Medical Clinic has made a name for itself in Fengtian City and has established a firm foothold. Huang Ye is even recruiting some Bai Xian from the Bao family, hoping to expand its scale and open a few more Tiantong Medical Clinics.

During this period, most of the power of faith that Zhang Zhiwei gained came from Tiantong Medical Center.

Moreover, this part of the power of faith is quite pure, with very few impurities in it. Even if it is directly absorbed into the body without refining, it will not have much impact.

The power of faith comes to an end every month. Zhang Zhiwei plans to reward the white immortals and yellow immortals at Tiantong Medical Center by the end of the month.



"Although ordinary immortals are not strong in strength, they are all elves with Qi, and their roots are not weak. It's just that they lack the 'method' of the wealthy couple. If they can refine it using the method of the lower altar heavenly weapon, Fan, there is still a lot to be done.”

"Many of these Five Immortals like mine were captured by the Five Immortals to refine. Later I will go to the Daozang Palace and pick out a few volumes of the refining method for the Heavenly Arms of the Lower Altar for you. I have time. , refine them, and a jar of five rampant soldiers and horses will come out!" Zhang Yi said.

"Then I'll trouble you, Uncle Master!" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile.

"You guys and uncles, why should I be so polite? However, the ceremony of conferring the ceremonial body is about to begin in the next two days. You'd better put more effort into the third-grade legal position. You haven't obtained the legal position before. This is a step to the sky. This time Guan, it’s not easy!” Zhang Yi said.

"What do you say?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

"Ordinary people still have to go through a lot of troubles if they want to obtain academic status, let alone receive a legal position. When the time comes, I will report the list of people who will be awarded legal positions this time to the Dharma lineage, and the ancestors in the Dharma lineage will tell you. Only after taking an assessment and passing the assessment can you receive the legal position!" Zhang Yi said.

"What is the assessment content?" Zhang Zhiwei asked curiously.

"You want to cheat?" Zhang Yi glanced at him angrily.

"How can Uncle Master accuse someone of his innocence out of thin air?" Zhang Zhiwei argued.

"Come on, I don't know about you, kid?"

Zhang Yi smiled and said: "Actually, if possible, I would like to tell you, but I, the transmission master, don't know the specific situation. It is all determined by the gods in the dharma lineage. The content of the assessment, and even the god of the assessment. , it’s not fixed, it’s different every year!”

"It turned out to be a test by God himself?!" Zhang Zhiwei asked curiously: "What was the content of the previous few times?"

"The god who presided over the assessment last year was Emperor Wenchang. The assessment content was to interpret Taoist scriptures and be proficient in Taoist scriptures and scientific rituals. It will be easier!" Zhang Yi said.

Emperor Wenchang is in charge of fortune and fame, also known as Emperor Zitong. His incense has been strong since ancient times and he is highly respected by students. Even in later generations, during the college entrance examination, a large number of family heads burned incense to worship gods. This is Emperor Wenchang. .

Zhang Yi continued: "But the god who presided over the assessment the year before last was Wang Lingguan. The assessment content was a battle of skills. The one with the highest magic power wins!"

Wang Lingguan, whose real name was Wang E, later changed his name to Wang Shan, was a Taoist divine general who protected the mountains and was responsible for correcting votes. People praised him as "Three eyes can see the world, and one whip can wake up the world."

The leader of the five hundred spiritual officials, he is as famous as Prince Ma among the four marshals of Xuantan. He is one of the Taoist protectors. In "Journey to the West", the monkeys causing trouble in the Heavenly Palace were blocked by him, and the two sides fought a draw.

"This is good, I like it very much!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"What's the use of winning your favor?" Zhang Yidao: "There are hundreds of gods in the Dharma lineage, and the assessment content is even more diverse. Some assessments have nothing to do with strength and knowledge at all. They test the character, good and evil, and emotions... So, this You may not be able to receive this third-grade legal position."

"It doesn't matter if you can't get it, I'll just get it next time!" Zhang Zhiwei said with an open-minded look.

"There is still a saying. If you can't take it, your master will sacrifice you from Tianmen Mountain with a flying sword!" Zhang Yi reminded.

"..." Zhang Zhiwei rubbed his teeth, "Master always does what he says. Uncle Master, I'm a little panicked!"

"That means your kid is in trouble. Last time you sacrificed that kid Tian Jinzhong as a hidden weapon, and this time it's your turn. This is called a turn of events!" Zhang Yi chuckled. "Can this be the same? That time with Xiaotian, I was showing my senior brother's care!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"That senior brother is also showing master's care this time!" Zhang Yidao.

"Okay, okay, Uncle Master, let's not talk about this. You'd better tell me the precautions for taking up the legal profession, such as how many participants are there and who are the competitors?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Zhang Yi coughed and said: "Then let me tell you. In fact, when it comes to legal offices, the Exorcist Academy and Tianshu Academy to which our dharma lineage belongs, there are more than 500 large and small legal offices in total. But because The three sects of Fu Lu belong to the same dharma lineage, so the dharma responsibilities are also shared."

"However, we, the general leader of Longhu Mountain, have three legal positions, so we can allocate more legal positions. We occupy more than 150 of them in total. The Qing Sect of Maoshan Mountain and the Lingbao Sect of Gezao Mountain each occupy more than [-]!"

"If it is a low-grade legal position, with your cultivation level, it will not be a big problem if you want to get it. But the third-grade legal position is a very cherished high-grade legal position. There are many people eyeing it, and the competition will be fierce."

"As far as I know, your competitors this time include Wei Wenzhang from the Shangqing Sect, Ge Wen from the Lingbao Sect, and Zhang Yushan from our Tianshi Mansion. The three of them are all fourth-grade Jiutian Golden Que Yu. Shi Jiutian interviewed the envoy and learned about the affairs of the North Pole Exorcist Academy."

Zhang Zhiwei nodded. He didn't know Ge Wen and Wei Wenwen, but he knew Zhang Yushan. He was a direct descendant with the surname Zhang and was in his 40s. He was his master's generation. He had to call him uncle. They knew him, but they didn't have a close relationship with him.

"It seems that I have to compete with my uncle on the same stage. In order not to be sacrificed by the master's sword, I will not hold back!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Don't be too happy. Your biggest opponents this time are not just them, but also a few people from other mountains."

Zhang Yi continued: "They are Zhao Ruhui of the Qingwei Sect, whose legal position is the Chief of the Jade Palace, Wulei Ambassador, Thunder Dusi, and the fourth-level legal position of the Exorcist Academy."

"In the White Jade Palace of the Shenxiao Sect, his legal position is the secretary of the Yulou School of the Yulou School of the Jiutian Golden Palace, Xuandu Censor, Ambassador Wulei, and the fourth-level legal position of the Exorcist Academy."

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

"Isn't it the Sanshan Ceremony Conference? Why are there still people from the Shenxiao Sect and the Qingwei Sect, and why do these two people hold two legal positions concurrently?" Zhang Zhiwei asked puzzled.

Zhang Yi explained: "This is a rare case. You are unlucky. You have encountered Shenxiao Sect and Qingwei Sect. Although they do not belong to the same dharma lineage as us, they are actually together with Fu Lu, and they are the founders of Shenxiao Sect. Rensa Shoujian was once a disciple of the 30th Heavenly Master Zhang Jixian, and his relationship with us is like a trunk and a branch."

"Because the masters come from the same source, their dharma responsibilities are also established on the basis of our dharma lineage, and their essences are interoperable. Therefore, the ancestors have stipulated that high-level masters with virtue among them can come to us to obtain dharma mandates. .”

"Of course, the people on our side can also go to their Dharma lineage to obtain Dharma positions, so there are mages who have multiple roles."

"The dharma lineage of the Shenxiao Sect is the Shenxiao Palace. The Nine Heavens Golden Tower in the White Jade Palace, Qing Xuandu, Yushi Wulei Ambassador, has the post of Secretary of the Yulou of the Sifuyuan. It is the third-grade legal position of the Shenxiao Palace. He now wants to obtain it. The Exorcist Court’s third-level legal position.”

"The dharma lineage of the Qingwei Sect is Yufu. Zhao Ruhui's position as the Shangqing Wulei Ambassador of the Yufu, Lei Lei Dusi, is a fourth-grade dharma position in the Yufu. The last time he tried to confer a third-grade dharma position in the Yufu, he failed. Yes, so I wanted to come and confer the third-level legal position of the Exorcist Academy."

Zhang Yi introduced the general situation to Zhang Zhiwei.

Zhang Zhiwei nodded with a heavy expression. In fact, he knew about Qingwei Sect and Shenxiao Sect. These two sects are also proficient in thunder methods, and Tianshi Mansion is known as the three sects in Taoism that are best at thunder methods. Among them, the three departments of Exorcism Academy, Jade Mansion, and Shenxiao Palace together form the legendary Thunder Department.

"In other words, my biggest opponent this time is actually the Baiyu Palace of the Shenxiao Sect, right?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Theoretically speaking, this is indeed the case. Baiyu Palace actually belongs to my generation. He is over fifty years old. He once argued with me before that he was the defeated general under me. If it is a battle of skills, you have a winning rate, but if it is a battle of literature, , compared with the knowledge of Taoist rituals, you have no chance of winning!" Zhang Yi said with a serious face.

"Do your best, obey fate, and do your best. Even if you lose, it's not a shame to lose to an old man!"

Zhang Zhiwei said that he is actually not a person obsessed with winning or losing, he is just strong and has never lost.

"I feel relieved if you have this mentality. By the way, do you still want to see these rampant soldiers?" Zhang Yi pointed at the soldiers and horses behind him and said.

"Thank you, uncle. I've taken a look. You can take it back!" Zhang said.

After saying that, Zhang Yi took up the Three Mountains Jue and with a wave of his hand, the rampant generals turned into smoke and disappeared as if they had suddenly appeared before.

At the same time, the yellow-robed monster standing behind Zhang Yi dissipated and disappeared.

A golden flame appeared in Zhang Zhiwei's eyes. He saw clearly that the yellow-robed monster had not disappeared. It was still there, just around his uncle, but his body was hidden.

Zhang Zhiwei thought thoughtfully, and understood a little more about the protective divine generals. The divine protective generals who were awarded and the divine generals in the Dharma lineage are actually not the same thing.

It's like even if the yellow-robed monster, Kuimulang Xingjun, is awarded to Zhang Yi, he can still order Kuimulang again through the method of raising the altar.

Zhang Zhiwei even felt that Zhang Yi might not be the only one who was awarded Kui Mulang's high merit.

This kind of protective god general is like the innate superpower of a stranger, Zhang Zhiwei thought in his heart, but he was still a little unsure about whether this conclusion was correct. For this kind of thing, it is too reluctant to just rely on it. It is best to Feel it for yourself.



at the same time.

In the Great Shangqing Palace and the Great Immortal Palace, Heavenly Master Zhang Jingqing is sitting on a futon, with purple smoke curling up from the incense burner beside him.

Lin Huaiyi sat cross-legged in front of him, listening to his sermon.

In order to find a rival for Zhang Zhiwei, Zhang Jingqing chose Lin Huaiyi and gave him three years of private service to surpass Zhang Zhiwei. Although the plan later went bankrupt, his promise was still fulfilled and the teachings that should be given to Lin Huaiyi continued.

At this moment, he was explaining to Lin Huaiyi the word "fate" in the way of life.

"The word "ming" can be broken down into human beings, one, knocking. Therefore, as soon as a person knocks on the door, he is cultivating the Tao. Cultivating the Tao asks the heart, life is at stake, life and death. If a cultivator can not be burdened by external objects and shapes, he will see the great things when he opens his eyes. Luo Tian..."

Halfway through, Zhang Jingqing saw that Lin Huaiyi was a little distracted, so he flicked a golden bean and hit Lin Huaiyi on the forehead.

"Huaiyi, you are upset!"

(End of this chapter)

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