Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 342: Understanding the biggest secret of the Golden Light Spell

Chapter 342: Understanding the biggest secret of the Golden Light Spell

"Huaiyi, if your mind is confused and your mind is not calm, then don't practice Kung Fu yet. As for practicing Qi, don't even think about it." Zhang Jingqing said slowly.

"Disciple knows, I must calm down as soon as possible!"

Lin Huaiyi nodded while covering his forehead that had a red mark.

"Is it because Zhang Zhiwei is back?" Zhang Jingqing asked.

Lin Huaiyi shook his head: "I am very happy that senior brother is back. He has not restrained himself too much. I can see that he has become stronger again. I just feel that compared to senior brother, my progress is too small, even with your careful attention, master." Guidance, but the gap is still widening, I have betrayed your trust, Master!"

"You betrayed my trust? My teacher said before that I can teach you your methods, but I can only improve your state of mind!"

Zhang Jingqing stood up, turned her back to Lin Huaiyi, and said:
"Huaiyi, you are such a thief. Thieves are the boldest, and thieves are also the most cowardly. Cowardly enough to worry about letting someone down and worry about someone you have let down. But bold enough to want to challenge Zhang Zhiwei. The lion on the top of the mountain!”

Lin Huaiyi lowered his head and said nothing. After the last time he competed with Zhang Zhiwei and was instantly killed by one move, although he was convinced that he would never be able to catch up with his senior brother Zhang Zhiwei in this life, he was still holding his breath in his heart and wanted to overtake in a corner, but I suffer from the lack of opportunities and cannot get what I ask for, so I am upset.

In fact, the same is true for Lin Huaiyi in the original plot. After being killed instantly by Zhang Zhiwei, although he was convinced, he kept holding his breath in his heart. Therefore, he went down the mountain to experience and kept pestering Wu Gensheng, and would look for Wu Gensheng from time to time. I want to take advantage of the competition of students to hone myself through rootlessness.

Moreover, after he realized the Eight Wonders, he once said that his methods had surpassed those of his fourth brother Wu Gensheng. This boy had a competitive character from beginning to end. The kind he and Ding Shian had The situation of wanting to become stronger because he doesn't have enough sense of security is different. He simply wants to be better than others.

An old Jianghu like Zhang Jingqing can see through Lin Huaiyi's thoughts at a glance. Although he hides them deeply and seems to be indifferent to the world, in fact he is the most competitive at heart.

Zhang Jingqing paused and said: "Buddhism has a saying about subduing the wandering mind. The two things of thinking and making vows are very important to them!"

"Confucianism is better, and its governance is not so broad. It just teaches earnestly and sincerely, and warns its disciples and descendants to be cautious about being alone. A gentleman should be cautious about being alone. He should not deceive the secret room, humble himself, and do not deceive the heart. This means that others are not deceiving what they say and what they mean."

"We Taoists have elevated the importance of thoughts and ideas, and do not hesitate to regard inner demons as the enemy of spiritual practice. We are even more strict than Buddhists, because we pursue purity and value self-questioning. Once we put ourselves in trouble due to certain problems If you ask questions, you will become confused, just like you are now!"

After saying that, Zhang Jingqing turned to look at Lin Huaiyi and said in a deep voice: "But being a teacher is different from ordinary Taoist practitioners. Being a teacher doesn't care what you think, it only depends on what you do. If you want to treat Zhang Zhiwei as your opponent, then be fair and honest. Go beyond!”

Lin Huaiyi lowered his head deeply: "But the disciple feels that it is far away!"

Zhang Jingqing shook her head and said: "Impatientness is a common problem in society. Even those who have found their own way will still have thoughts such as 1 years is too long and seize the day."

"After many people have clearly understood their Tao, they always keep an eye on the progress of the Tao. That is undoubtedly a big mistake."

"The path of seeking the path is like planting a tree. You just need to water it carefully. Don't think about it. Why won't it sprout, grow branches, or bear fruit? Just do the work, and branches, leaves, and fruits will naturally appear!"

"Thank you, Master, for your teachings. Disciple understands!" Lin Huaiyi took a deep breath and nodded.

"Looking at the aura on your body, is there a breakthrough in thunder magic?" Zhang Jingqing took a deep look at Lin Huaiyi.

Lin Huaiyi was shocked and said quickly: "There is indeed some progress, but the disciple felt it was a bit insignificant, so he didn't say anything!"

Zhang Jingqing pondered for a moment and said: "This is not a trivial matter, you just don't want to attract attention. However, since you don't want to be noticed so much, then so be it. From today on, your last name is Zhang with me!" "

"Master, I know..." Lin Huaiyi was stunned.

"From now on, you call..." Zhang Jingqing said solemnly: "Zhang Huaiyi!"

"This..." Lin Huaiyi was shocked. His master's surname was Zhang. Isn't this an impersonation of his surname?
He thought he would be punished, but instead of punishing him, the master gave him a false surname?He felt unbelievable.

"Since you want to target Zhang Zhiwei, my master will give you this identity so that you can target him openly. As for this matter, go ahead and inform your fellow teachers yourself!" Zhang Jingqing said.


Zhang Huaiyi hesitated and wanted to say something, but when Zhang Jingqing waved his hand and turned around, he opened his mouth, but in the end he said nothing, knelt down and saluted, and said: "Master, I understand!"

After all, turn around and leave.

Zhang Huaiyi walked by, and Zhang Jingqing stood in the hall for a long time, thinking about something, when suddenly a voice sounded.

"Senior brother, I heard from senior brother Shoucheng that this boy Zhang Zhiwei will compete for the third-grade legal position of the Exorcist Academy at this conferment conference?"

While he was talking, a middle-aged high-level mage wearing a majestic robe walked into the hall. This man was Zhang Yushan, who was also Zhang Zhiwei's uncle.

"Yes, that's right, this time you have to compete with your nephew on the same stage!" Zhang Jingqing nodded.

Zhang Yushan frowned and said: "It's not that I have any objections to this kid Zhang Zhiwei, but he doesn't have a legal position, so he has to get a third-level legal position. Isn't this nonsense? As a recommender, senior brother Shoucheng doesn't follow the rules. Recommended, senior brother, you are the supervisor..."

Zhang Jingqing lowered her eyes, and Zhang Yushan hurriedly shut up when he saw this.

"Are you dissatisfied that you, a master uncle, have to compete with a junior on the same stage to win the third-level legal position? Do you feel embarrassed?" Zhang Jingqing said.

Zhang Yushan quickly lowered his head: "Junior brother, I don't dare."

It is said that elder brothers are like fathers. Although Zhang Jingqing and Zhang Yushan are of the same generation, they are more than one step older than him. Although they are brothers, their relationship is almost the same as that of master and apprentice. This kind of thing is not uncommon in Tianshi Mansion. For example, Zhang Lingyu is almost a decade younger than his senior brother Fang Qianhe.

Zhang Jingqing, with white eyebrows and white hair, continued: "Although the promotion to legal positions is by default based on merit, one level at a time, but since ancient times, there has been no rule that cannot be directly awarded to higher legal positions, as long as the merits are perfect."

"Like Zhuge Liang, Wei Zheng, Wen Tianxiang, Liu Bowen, etc., didn't they all skip all the steps and be directly awarded the first-level legal position of Tianshu Prime Minister of the Shangqing Tianshu Yuan?"

"Zhang Zhiwei's trip to Liaodong has great merits. Shoucheng recommends him to receive the third-level legal position. It is not excessive. Besides, I just recommend him to give it a try. There is no telling whether he will succeed or not."

"What's more, this time the competition for the third-level legal position is also the high-level masters Bai Yugong and Zhao Ruhui of the Shenxiao Sect and Qinghui Sect who hold two major legal positions!"

Tianshu Prime Minister, a special legal position in the Taoist tradition, is specially awarded to Taoist prime ministers who assist emperors in achieving great achievements. Like Wei Zheng in Journey to the West, the reason why he can kill dragons with ease is because he killed the Dragon King of Jinghe River in a dream Well, one of the reasons is that he is the Prime Minister of Tianshu in Taoism and has incredible power.

"Junior brother knows!"

Seeing that Zhang Jingqing was resolute and the situation was irreversible, Zhang Yushan had no choice but to nod.

"Have the arrangements been made for the people recommended by the branch altar and the people from Sanshan?" Zhang Jingqing asked again. "The arrangements have been made. Everyone has been accommodated in the Shangqing Restaurant in Shangqing Town at the foot of the mountain. They can enter the Shangqing Palace as soon as the ceremony is held!" Zhang Yushan said.

"That's very good. You can go down first!" Zhang Jingqing waved her hand.

Zhang Yushan walked to the door of the hall, suddenly turned around and said, "Senior brother, I suddenly thought that Zhang Zhiwei has never been defeated. If this is the first time he fails in the engraving conference, his Taoist heart will be damaged, and the gain will not be worth the loss!"

"You don't need to worry about this!" Zhang Jingqing said.

After Zhang Yushan left, Zhang Jingqing had a lot of thoughts in the hall, and finally said to herself: "Although I have always wanted to beat Zhang Zhiwei, he is a peer, and this time is obviously different. I'd better ask him to come over tomorrow morning to give a few words!"

He was heartbroken for these disciples.



On the other side, in the waiting room, Zhang Zhiwei sat cross-legged on the futon, his whole body shimmering with light golden light. As soon as he came back from Uncle Zhang Yi, he began to temper his life.

He has been condensing the Dharma Ribbon these days. Although his meditation practice has reached the fifth level, even if he does not take the initiative to practice meditation, the Qi in his body will automatically move and the speed is not slow. However, he still has to temper his life by himself. Those who do it cannot be careless.

So far, Zhang Zhiwei's method of tempering one's life has been Longhu Mountain's introductory technique, the Golden Light Curse. At this stage of his life, many Taoist priests have switched to alchemy techniques similar to the Dragon Tiger Inner Alchemy Technique because of the inefficiency of the Golden Light Curse in tempering one's life.

But Zhang Zhiwei never changed, insisting on tempering himself with the inefficient Golden Light Spell. The more he practiced, the more extraordinary he could feel the Golden Light Spell.

This kind of extraordinaryness is not only the improvement of life, but also the change of golden light on the body surface as the life cultivation level is improved.

Previously, he incorporated the principles of Tai Chi circle rotation into the golden light on his body, allowing the golden light to unload its force, thereby greatly increasing its defense power. Even in battlefields filled with bullets and artillery fire, he could come and go freely.

Perhaps it is due to the balance between work and rest. I have not tempered my life for a long time. Today, I suddenly tempered my life, but a light flashed in my mind, and I gained a new understanding.

The golden light is like fire and itself is charcoal.

Inexplicably, the words of master Zhang Jingqing echoed in Zhang Zhiwei's mind. The process of tempering oneself with the golden light spell is like the process of lighting a fire and lighting a lamp.

He had not understood these words at the time, but at this moment, they suddenly appeared in his mind and he understood them.

Zhang Zhiwei seized this ray of inspiration, worked hard to digest it, and put it into practice.

In the room with flickering candlelight, Zhang Zhiwei's whole body was glowing with a faint golden light, which gave people an inexplicable sense of emptiness. During his practice, Zhang Zhiwei clearly felt the changes in his body and spirit, and felt that they were being "tempered", inch by inch. being compacted and changing inch by inch.

This situation continued all night, and early the next morning, the rooster crowed.

Zhang Zhiwei slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were pure and clear without any impurities. He stood up and stretched his muscles, but a sound like fried beans came from his body.

"I seem to have realized something incredible this time!"

Zhang Zhiwei murmured to himself, because through his practice last night, he discovered that the golden light was divided into two layers.

The first level is the part that you can fully master. If you master this level, you will reach the state of transforming into form with Qi. Most of the Taoist priests who are successful in Longhu Mountain have golden light spells on this level.

There is another layer that cannot be mastered, or that cannot be actively mastered, and can only be used superficially through the form of Qi.

Just like the golden light becomes sharp after the golden light is transformed into a blade, the sharpness of the golden light blade is actually the use of the uncontrollable layer of golden light through the transformation of the golden light.

Among the people of this generation in Longhu Mountain, if we want to talk about whose golden light is the sharpest, it must be the Big Ear Thief. He created such a sharp golden light to break his body-protecting golden light spell. However, his plan went bankrupt. Yes, due to his cultivation, he couldn't break it.

"Although I haven't felt the other layer of the golden light spell before, I don't know how to use it!" Zhang Zhiwei said to himself, his golden light was changing bit by bit as his life cultivation became stronger. Thin, but the thin golden light has extremely strong defensive and offensive power.

In the past, Zhang Zhiwei only attributed this phenomenon to the natural change of the golden light after he became stronger in life cultivation. It can be said that he was in a state of knowing what happened but not knowing why.

But while practicing last night, he realized what the master said before, and suddenly he had a new understanding. In his opinion, the two parts of the golden light were like the inner flame and the outer flame of the flame.

The inner flame of the flame is huge and thick, but the temperature is very low. The closer to the center of the flame, the lower the temperature, while the outer flame of the flame is the hottest place.

The same principle applies to the Golden Light Spell. Once you have mastered the Golden Light Spell, you will not yet be able to transform it into shape, just like the heart of a flame.

Mastering the transformation of Qi into form is equivalent to mastering the inner flame, which can influence the outer flame to a certain extent.

If you study it deeper, the golden light is no longer thick and begins to become thinner while the defense and attack power increase. The master calls this phenomenon reaching the state of perfection and returning to nature.

But now, Zhang Zhiwei has a new understanding, which may be equivalent to beginning to gradually master the outer flame of the flame.

"The hottest part of the flame is the outermost layer of the outer flame, and that layer has no color. In other words, the highest level of the golden light spell may be that the color of the golden light has completely faded, and the whole body is no longer protected by golden light, but But the vajra is indestructible and invulnerable to all evil spirits. Is this the legendary flawless golden body?"

Zhang Zhiwei murmured to himself, as to whether he had a flawless golden body, he couldn't say for sure without practicing to that point. However, this theory gave him a new direction in the use of the golden light spell.

Before, after the golden light transformed into Qi, he lost his direction in the use of golden light. This was also the reason why many Taoist priests specialized in other techniques.

But because Zhang Zhiwei himself didn't value the effect of golden light very much and only used it to temper his life, he didn't care and continued to practice.

But perhaps it was in line with the saying that if you plant flowers intentionally, they will not bloom, but if you plant willows unintentionally, they will create shade. He, who cares least about the golden light, actually understood the greatest secret of the golden light.

"It's better to talk to Master about this kind of thing. He was very angry when he secretly went down the mountain. It just makes him happy!"

Zhang Zhiwei suddenly stood up from the quiet room in the dormitory and went to find the master in a hurry.

But as soon as he went out, he saw that the Tianshi Mansion was crowded with people with all kinds of strange faces.

(End of this chapter)

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