Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 343 Master, do you want to learn? I can teach you.

Chapter 343 Master, do you want to learn? I can teach you.
As soon as Zhang Zhiwei went out, he saw the Tianshi Mansion was crowded with people with all kinds of strange faces.

Around the Tianshi Mansion, butter candles as thick as a child's arm were burning, and the sound of scriptures and the sound of Dharma bells intertwined, making it very lively.

He had been meditating in his dormitory before, and he had put silent talismans on the walls around the room, so the sounds outside did not disturb him, but as soon as they came out, it was obvious.

"This is……"

After just a brief thought, Zhang Zhiwei understood that the people who were going to attend the enshrinement conference had arrived.

The official ceremony for the ceremony will be held tomorrow, but today, those involved in the ceremony will go up the mountain to familiarize themselves with the venue, which is also a rehearsal, to avoid things going wrong at the critical moment.

In fact, this kind of rehearsal started a few days ago, and I only saw it because Zhang Zhiwei had just returned.

Zhang Zhiwei walked out of the Tianshi Mansion and walked on the mountain road. The new faces along the way were male and female, old and young. The men were Qian Dao and the women were Kun Dao. The old ones were mostly here to participate in the conferment ceremony, and the young ones were There is a high probability that he is here to impart teachings and become a true Taoist priest.

Among these people, most of the Taoist priests who came to participate in the ordination ceremony knew Zhang Zhiwei. After all, Zhang Zhiwei stole the show in front of all the sects last time in the Lu family compound. He had already become famous, so he hugged his hands and greeted him warmly when he passed by. .

He stretched out his hand to avoid hitting the smiling person, Zhang Zhiwei also hugged his hands in return and said a few polite words. This has nothing to do with anything else, it is just the most basic principle of life.

Those little Taoist priests who had just received Qi and had not yet been given Qi looked at this scene in surprise. They didn't know why this tall Taoist brother was so popular until they heard the elders next to them talking about Zhang Zhiwei's They were in awe of his deeds.

In fact, they had heard only half of Zhang Zhiwei's deeds. The name of the young master of the Lu family and the twin jewels of the Lu family sounded resounding, but without witnessing their methods with their own eyes, it was really difficult to have any feelings of admiration.

The reason why they were in awe was because they heard Zhang Zhiwei's nickname was Little Heavenly Master. They didn't know anything else, but could Heavenly Master know?

That is the leader of the Taoist sect. In other words, the tall Taoist brother in front of him is very likely to be their future boss. This is much more shocking than defeating the eldest son of the Lu family. How can I not be awe-inspiring? Respect?

Zhang Zhiwei also stopped to say hello to these young Taoist priests who greeted them enthusiastically and gave them a few words of encouragement, because this group of Taoist priests is probably the most miserable generation of Taoist priests, and they will go through the darkest years before they can fully grow up.

"Senior Brother Zhang, Senior Brother Zhang!"

Suddenly, several little Taoist priests aged thirteen or fourteen ran over side by side, squeezing each other as they ran, for fear of running a step slower. With such a posture, Zhang Zhiwei was worried that one of these little guys would slip and fall from the dragon and the tiger. Rolling down the mountain path.

Fortunately, the few Taoist priests had some cultivation skills, so they would not make a fool of themselves. They all stopped in front of Zhang Zhiwei.

"You are……"

Zhang Zhiwei looked at the few people with some confusion. He really didn't remember that he knew these little Taoist priests.

"Senior Brother Zhang, have you forgotten? We are Taoist priests from Ziyun Temple in Huangshi Town. When you came to our temple to help us eradicate evil spirits, we even toasted you at the celebration banquet!" said a young Taoist priest! .

"Oh! It turns out it's you. Long time no see. Are you here to...give the burial marrow?"

Zhang Zhiwei said with enthusiasm, but in fact, he didn't think of these people at all. At that time, the master of Ziyun Temple prepared good wine and food, and he just ate them without paying much attention to the surroundings, let alone these few people accompanying him. He didn't recognize any of the young Taoist priests at the bottom of the table who had not yet been awarded the Taoist title. He didn't even recognize any of the old Taoist priests from Ziyun Temple except the master of Ziyun Temple.

"Yes, yes, we are war orphans. We have been adopted by the temple master since we were young. We have been practicing in Ziyun Temple for several years. Now we can finally be conferred and officially join the Zhengyi Master Tao!" said a young Taoist priest with a happy face. .

"Congratulations to you. By the way, nothing happened in Huangshi Town after that incident, right?"

Zhang Zhiwei thought of Xia Liuqing, when he killed the evil ghost transformed by his senior sister Xia Liuhong. Although he felt that Xia Liuqing was a smart person and would not be confused and wanted revenge, he still asked.

A little Taoist priest said: "After that, most of them were bumping into people and things like that. Anyway, nothing major happened anymore. It's very safe!"

Another young Taoist priest thought for a while and added: "Speaking of big things, there is actually one thing. After Senior Brother Zhang left last time, the viewer went to the provincial capital to meet with the warlord there and found the head of the warlord's daughter. Got cut."

"After some searching, we found a tomb of Xia Liuhong by the river. The head of the warlord's daughter was placed in front of the tomb. At first we thought that the female ghost named Xia Liuhong was not dead and reappeared, but after a series of investigations , and discovered that the murderer was actually Xia Liuhong’s junior brother, named Xia Liuqing.”

"So the warlord wanted and hunted Xia Liuqing, and asked us Ziyunguan to participate in the pursuit. Regarding this kind of feud, we Ziyunguan did not participate and rejected the warlord. But not long ago, the man named The murderer Xia Liuqing, while being hunted, announced that he had joined Quanxing in order to seek shelter."

"It happened that the warlord came to watch us again and wanted us to help hunt him down. After thinking about it for a while, the leader agreed. After all, everyone can kill the omnipotent monster. But the omnipotent monster was very cautious and still wanted to kill him. He is extremely good at hiding, so I haven’t found any useful clues so far.”

After listening to the little Taoist priest's words, Zhang Zhiwei was thoughtful. Xia Liuqing still followed the old path in the plot and joined Quan Xing. I just don't know if this guy has met Wu Gensheng or Jin who has missed his life. phoenix.

"I see, this omnipotent demon named Xia Liuqing is not a simple person. After you return from the conferment, remember to remind the temple master to be careful and not to get involved too deeply!"

Zhang Zhiwei said that although Xia Liuqing looked harmless in the plot, he said personally that he had killed 91 innocent people, not 91 people, but innocent people.

In other words, the number of his murders has already exceeded three digits. Before he met Jinfeng, he was a full-scale monster who killed innocent people indiscriminately. Zhang Zhiwei didn't really want the people from Ziyun Temple to become one of these 91 people. one.

"It's Senior Brother Zhang. We will tell you this after we go back!" The little Taoist said with a serious look on his face and nodded.

"Okay, you guys hang out in Longhu Mountain first, I'll leave first!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

After bidding farewell to a few paths, Zhang Zhiwei quickened his pace and came to the Great Shangqing Palace. Compared with the Tianshi Mansion, it was much more lively here. All the people here were elders. Zhang Zhiwei also saw his uncle Zhang Yi and his uncle Zhang Shoucheng. They walked out of the Da Zhenren Hall side by side.

They were also a little surprised when they saw Zhang Zhiwei.

"If you don't meditate well, why do you come here to join in the fun?" Zhang Shoucheng said.

"Do you think we are too busy? Are you considerate of the masters and want to share some of the work?" Zhang Yi said with a smile.

There are no service staff in Longhu Mountain, so during such grand gatherings, the disciples have to do things like greet the guests, serve tea and pour water. This is why Tian Jinzhong did not come to see him today.

"Master, what are you talking about? I am a conferring member of this ceremony. I will not participate in the chores. I am here to see Master!" Zhang Zhiwei said. "You two masters and disciples have a good understanding of each other!" Zhang Yi said teasingly.

Zhang Zhiwei was stunned, what do you mean?
"Your master was looking for you, and you came!" Zhang Shoucheng said.

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at Zhang Yi and said, "When it comes to talking, it has to be Master Shoucheng!"

Zhang Yi said with a smile: "Don't be so proud, kid. Your master is definitely not looking for you, so be careful he will kill you with one sword!"

Zhang Shoucheng didn't speak, just smiled.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "Uncle, you keep saying weird things every day. I don't know what Master is looking for for me. Naturally, I am looking for Master to announce the good news. It's too late for Master to be happy. How can you punish me?!"

"Good news," Zhang Yi asked quickly, "What good news?"

"Keep it secret, I'll go in first!"

Zhang Zhiwei quickly walked into the Da Zhenren Hall, leaving behind the two people who looked suspicious.

"It's so mysterious. Did this kid realize something messy again last night?" Zhang Yi muttered in a low voice.

In the Dazhenren Hall, Master Zhang Jingqing changed from the simple Taoist robes of the past and wore a majestic purple Celestial Master robe. She was sitting on the Grand Master's chair in the main hall drinking tea.

He had just discussed the details of the enshrinement conference with his translator Zhang Yi and recommender Zhang Shoucheng. Seeing Zhang Zhiwei come in, Zhang Jingqing was a little surprised, saying Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here?I was just about to call you and you came?
"Uh-huh, you came just in time. I forgot to tell you before that your opponents in this conferment conference are very unusual. They are all long-famous high-level magicians with high levels of magic power. If you fail, There is no need to be discouraged, you have done very well, but sometimes, when people are at the end of their rope, some things still depend on fate and luck!" Zhang Jingqing reminded.

In fact, he only planned to let Zhang Zhiwei confer the third-grade dharma rim in this ceremony. He did not want him to receive the third-grade dharma rim because the competition was too fierce. Not only masters from Sanshan, but also masters from Shenxiao and Qingwei participated. The content of the assessment is also unknown, and the possibility of failure is extremely high.

However, Zhang Zhiwei proposed it himself, and Zhang Shoucheng was willing to recommend it. As a master, he did not stop it.

But yesterday Zhang Yushan said that Zhang Zhiwei had never failed. If he failed, it might leave a gap in his heart, but he took it to heart. A master is always a little worried about his disciples, so he gave a few warnings. A few words.

"Master, I understand!" Zhang Zhiwei smiled and nodded. In fact, Zhang Jingqing's thoughts were completely over-concerned. It's not that he couldn't afford to lose, but he had never lost before.

"It's good that you know. By the way, why do you want to be your teacher?" Zhang Jingqing said.

"That's it, Master, I suddenly had an epiphany last night and understood some of the truths you said before, so I came here to report to you!" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile.

He still remembered that when his master knew that he had reached the realm of the Inner Saint and the Outer King, he had complained to him. Why didn't he tell him about this? Zhang Zhiwei always remembered this, so when he made progress, he came back to report to the master. one time.

Hearing that Zhang Zhiwei had another epiphany, Zhang Jingqing was stunned for a moment. What kind of nonsense did this kid have another epiphany?

After coming back to her senses, Zhang Jingqing quickly asked: "What do you understand and what do you realize?"

"Master, you said before that golden light is like fire and life is like charcoal. My understanding is that practicing the golden light spell is a process of forging oneself like burning fire. Whether the flame is burning or not depends on the quality of one's life, not the flame itself. Just like the burning temperature of grass and trees cannot keep up with the burning temperature of coal."

"So when we practice, we should pay attention to the tempering of the golden light spell on life, rather than the effect of the golden light, because that is just a by-product, and we must not put the cart before the horse. I have always done this. I have rarely developed the golden light, but when I practiced last night , a spiritual energy suddenly emerged, and I began to understand the golden light on a deeper level..."

Zhang Zhiwei didn't hide anything. He briefly described his understanding yesterday, the relationship between the outer layer of golden light and the inner layer.

After hearing this, Zhang Jingqing's heart skipped a beat. She looked at Zhang Zhiwei in surprise for a while, sighed, and said slowly:

"You can actually feel this, which really surprises me!"

"It's all taught me well by master!" Zhang Zhiwei chuckled.

Zhang Jingqing shook her head and said: "Master leads me in. It depends on the individual in terms of practice. I only gave a few hints on these things. It is your own fault that you can understand them. But are you curious about why these things are just a blur for a teacher?" He gave me some advice, but never said it clearly!"

"This may be a common problem among Xuanmen masters. They don't like to speak directly when they have something to say, just like Patriarch Bodhi in "Journey to the West."" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Zhang Jingqing raised her eyes and glared at Zhang Zhiwei: "What's the common problem among Xuanmen masters? They keep saying weird things every day!"

Zhang Zhiwei didn't say anything, just grinned dryly.

Zhang Jingqing continued: "The Golden Light Curse has been passed down in our house for almost 2000 years. The various secrets in it have been discovered by the seniors of Tianshi Mansion in the past 2000 years. But even if I rarely say this explicitly."

"Because it's easier to know than to do. There are some things that you just can't feel if you don't feel them. Even if you know them, it's useless. Instead, they will give you wrong guidance, lead people astray, and waste your practice."

"It's like the outer and inner layers of golden light you mentioned. I know this, but I can't intuitively control the outer layer of golden light."

"What?! Master, you too..." Zhang Zhiwei was shocked and looked at Zhang Jingqing in disbelief. He realized something that even his master had not understood.

Zhang Jingqing said in a deep voice: "Your master, I am not omnipotent. I can do everything. There are many things that I fail to do, so there is nothing surprising about this!"

"All teachers are like this, let alone your brothers. Therefore, I just ask you to use the Golden Light Mantra to temper your life. For the rest, one method can be used to master all methods. After you have strengthened your life, you will always have some enlightenment. .”

"Just like what you said earlier, the flames of wood can't keep up with the flames of coal even if they are played with flowers. A good foundation is more important than anything else."

"Master, you have taken the trouble!" Zhang Zhiwei said quickly, and immediately he trembled, "But master, do you want to learn? I can teach you!"

(End of this chapter)

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