Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 344 Face to face with the Heavenly Master

Chapter 344 Face to face with the Heavenly Master

Zhang Zhiwei's words stunned Zhang Jingqing, then raised her hand and gave Zhang Zhiwei a chestnut.

"No matter how big or small, I think you want to be sacrificed to heaven!"

Zhang Zhiwei covered his head and grimaced in pain. He could have dodged the blow just now, or activated the golden light spell defense, but he didn't and chose to take a solid hit.

Because he had a feeling that if he hid just now, he would not have chestnuts to eat in the future, and he would not be yelled at every time.

The reason why this happens is not that there is a gap, but a situation similar to that when the child is older, he should be treated with caution in the future, and he should no longer be called by nicknames or slapped on the palm of his hand.

It's like the relationship between master and his brothers.

According to Zhang Zhiwei's observation, the master and his fellow apprentices were very serious when dealing with each other and treated each other with respect. Only when he was with Uncle Zhang Yi, he seemed more relaxed.

Strictly speaking, there is nothing wrong with this kind of relationship. Isn't that how Zuo Ruotong and Lu Jin get along with each other? But Zhang Zhiwei doesn't like it for some reason. In his opinion, this is just unfamiliarity.

He deeply cares about the current master-disciple relationship, so he subconsciously protects it.

Looking at the grinning Zhang Zhiwei, Zhang Jingqing smiled. In fact, he was not angry just now. A real master has the heart of an apprentice, and he is no exception.

The reason why he hit Zhang Zhiwei just now was that he was very happy that Zhang Zhiwei could understand some of the mysteries of the Golden Light Spell, but he didn't like Zhang Zhiwei's somewhat frivolous tone just now. Preaching and solving doubts is a very serious matter, how can he be so frivolous?
"Uh-huh!" Zhang Jingqing coughed lightly, "Let's get down to business, how are you going to teach as a teacher?"

There has been a saying in Taoism since ancient times, Tao can be Tao, but it is not Tao. Taoism's profound techniques are difficult to explain intuitively. They are all written to convey Tao, but there are some things that words are difficult to carry.

Just like the Tang Sect's alchemy, it cannot be explained in words. It can only be explained in a mysterious and mysterious pattern similar to a whirlpool. It has no fixed formula. If a thousand people understand it, there will be a thousand kinds. As a result, among the people in the Tang Sect who knew how to eat pills, the effects of pill bites were different. Some were like mines, some were like sniper rifles, and some were like shotguns...

Therefore, the inheritance of some advanced techniques is more about teaching by words and deeds, orally and mentally. This is the source of "personal disciples".

Moreover, it is not easy for a preacher to teach from heart to heart orally. If he is not careful, he will destroy the disciple's Taoist heart. For example, Zhou Sheng among the 36 thieves, after the Jiashen Rebellion, went to Wudang twice to teach from heart to heart orally. He left the Fenghou Qimen in Wudang, but it caused the Taoist hearts of his three brothers to collapse, and they fell into ruin for more than a year, and in the end they did not end well.

Zhang Jingqing knew this truth very well, so on the eve of the enshrinement ceremony, she called Zhang Zhiwei to her side to give him some advice.

However, after mentioning the points, I realized that it seemed a bit redundant. This guy is a bit too evil. He has epiphanies at every turn and gains something from time to time...

With this kind of qualification, judging from the current situation, he is very likely to become a figure like Zhang Daoling, the founder of Tianshi Mansion, Wei Cunhua, the founder of Shangqing Sect, and Ge Hong, the founder of Lingbao Sect.

Junior brother Zhang Yushan said before that he was worried that Zhang Zhiwei could not afford to lose and that his Taoist heart would collapse.

Now Zhang Jingqing is a little worried. Zhang Yushan may not be able to afford the loss and his Taoist heart will collapse.

Do you want Zhang Zhiwei to be gentle with his junior uncle?
Zhang Jingqing opened her mouth, but still didn't express her thoughts.

As we all know, Zhang Zhiwei is a big talker. If he told Zhang Yushan, he would definitely let Zhang Yushan do it, but he would definitely tell the truth about it afterwards.

If Zhang Yushan is defeated by Zhang Zhiwei, it is hard to say whether his Taoist heart is bad or not. Even whether he can meet him or not is a question. But if this matter spreads, there will definitely be problems with his Taoist heart.

For a moment, Zhang Jingqing didn't know how to deal with it.

Zhang Jingqing was worried, but Zhang Zhiwei naturally didn't know about it. He was thinking about how to pass on his understanding to his master.

It definitely wouldn't work in direct terms. It was a mysterious and mysterious feeling that couldn't be described in words, and it had to be done in a special way.

Regarding how to preach and resolve doubts, Zhang Zhiwei generally adopts two methods.

One is to show it at an extremely slow speed, showing all the details in detail, just like when performing martial arts and Taoism with Li Shuwen.

The second way is to directly pull into the interior scene, jump out of the current situation, look directly at the changes, and get what you want, just like he did when he gave Zhou Sheng instructions.

After thinking about it, Zhang Zhiwei thought he could try to combine the two.

"Master, I have a way to help you feel the changes, but you have to relax and don't resist!" Zhang Zhiwei reminded.

The way to draw people into the inner scene is to use the soul of the earth to cover the body, forming a "Trojan horse", and then use the soul of heaven to connect the inner scene, and open the "network" to enter. The master is a heavenly master, and his weight is too heavy. If he doesn't cooperate, it's impossible to pull him in.

"Just do what you do!" Zhang Jingqing said. Zhang Jingqing has [-]% trust in the apprentice he raised.

"Okay, Master, you hold Yuan Shouyi!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Zhang Jingqing immediately complied.

Zhang Zhiwei stretched out his finger, touched Zhang Jingqing's eyebrows, and activated the technique of opening into the secluded world.

In an instant, Zhang Jingqing's eyes were filled with black and white lines. As the angle of view continued to zoom out, the lines became endless...

Unlike Zhou Sheng, who looked confused in the interior scene, Zhang Jingqing could see the clue at a glance.

He glanced down and saw a figure not far away who was extremely inconsistent with the black and white world around him. He recognized it at a glance. This was Zhang Zhiwei.

Different from the black and white lines in the surrounding simple figures, the colors on Zhang Zhiwei's body are very rich, and the lines are also full, sharp, vivid, and even textured. The whole person seems to be alive!
At this moment, this figure was sitting in a pile of black and white lines, slowly reciting a mantra, and a blazing golden light emitted from his body...

"All living beings are a mess of thin threads, and this perspective, this view..."

Zhang Jingqing looked shocked. This was a view that transcended time.

What he means by transcending time is actually transcending change and looking directly at the change itself.

Many profound spells have incredible abilities, so the 72 Disha spells are also called the 72 changes of the Disha, and the 36 Tiangang spells are also called the 36 changes of the Tiangang.

Zhang Zhiwei deliberately showed Zhang Jingqing the mystery of the changes he had realized last night.

This is a mysterious and mysterious feeling. Countless lines echoed in Zhang Jingqing's mind. He suddenly understood some of the things that he didn't quite understand in the past.

While Zhang Jingqing was staring at Zhang Zhiwei, Zhang Zhiwei was also staring at Zhang Jingqing.

He spied on some changes in the Master. He saw the birth of the Master. A black and white line was born, with several twists and turns, outlining a swaddled baby.The baby is very expressive. As he grows up slowly, the lines on his body become richer and more tortuous. As he grows older, the lines become more complex and vivid, and there is a golden talisman on the back of his hand.

Zhang Zhiwei understood that the talisman was given by his master, and he also had this thing on the back of his hand. The essence of the talisman is to borrow the power of faith from the gods, so the talisman in this black and white world is golden.

By the time he was thirty years old, the master made up of lines was almost the same as a real person.

However, even so, he didn't have much color, but the magic urn on the back of his hand became brighter and brighter. That was the reason why the urn's grade became higher.

But soon, something strange happened. The talisman on the back of the master's hand glowed brightly. The golden light spread from the back of the hand, covering the whole body, and the master turned into a small light man.

The light expanded rapidly, and the master became brighter and brighter. In an instant, it turned into a huge fireball. The mushroom-shaped flames spread out, and the flamboyant flames rolled and rolled. The blazing temperature made people dare not look directly, and it was about to encircle Zhang Zhiwei. Go in.

"This is the salvation delivered by Master, the Heavenly Master!"

Zhang Zhiwei reacted instantly. He subconsciously wanted to retreat, but the line of fire that spread from the fireball enveloped him in an instant. Veins burst out on Zhang Zhiwei's face. He gritted his teeth and was about to break free. The line of fire disappeared without a trace in an instant. But the fireball was still hanging in front of him, and he didn't miss it and disappeared from the scene with a whoosh.

In the Great Immortal Hall, Zhang Zhiwei groaned, woke up from trance, staggered a few steps, and fell to the ground.

Zhang Jingqing also opened her eyes, glanced at Zhang Zhiwei, and said in a deep voice: "What did you see? How do you feel?"

Zhang Zhiwei's face was not very good, he rubbed his temples and said: "I saw a huge fireball. The fireball was covered with various seal characters. I don't know what it means specifically. It seemed like a huge restriction. As for the feeling, it seemed like Swallowing a ball of scalding fire or drinking a ball of copper water and iron juice would make my head roar!"

Seeing that Zhang Zhiwei was okay, Zhang Jingqing stood up, turned around, and said with her back to Zhang Zhiwei: "It's normal that you can't understand it. That's the Celestial Master's Degree. It contains the unique Celestial Master's Dharma in the world, a first-grade Dharma urn, and a complete The 'Five Thunder Dharma'. "

Zhang Zhiwei rubbed his head and said nothing. He couldn't figure out what the master was thinking now. Did he blame him for taking a peek at Tianshidu?
Zhang Jingqing continued: "The techniques you have learned to connect the deep, the sword, and move mountains are listed as one of the 72 Disha techniques in the "Three Religions Tongyuan Lu". This book also lists a 36 Tiangang technique,' Five Thunders Zhengfa' is among them, and it ranks extremely high, do you want it?"

Zhang Zhiwei pondered for a moment: "Master, what will you do if the Heavenly Master teaches you?"

Zhang Jingqing turned her back to him and said nothing.

The transmission of the Celestial Master is a big deal. Not to mention the rumors in the world, even in Longhu Mountain it is kept secret, and Zhang Zhiwei does not know the details.

Many people in the previous life said that the Heavenly Master would die after he was delivered to the world, and some said he would not, but Zhang Zhiwei tended to do so.

Because according to what he just saw, Tianshidu is a huge restriction. Since it is a restriction, it must contain something. If the restriction is transferred and he is fine, then doesn't the restriction prevent loneliness?
Only the dead can best keep secrets. Zhang Jingqing's silence just now confirmed this.

"If something happens to Master, then I don't want it!" Zhang Zhiwei said: "The Five Thunders Zhengfa was developed by people. I am not weaker than others and can create something similar, but there is only one Master!"

Zhang Jingqing turned her head and glanced at Zhang Zhiwei, wanting to scold him for being arrogant, but when she opened her mouth, what she said was: "My ancestors have passed down things for more than 60 generations. Even if you don't want to take it, you will still pass it on!"

"Master is full of energy and vitality. It won't be a problem to live for another few decades!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Zhang Jingqing paused: "That's true!"

Although Zhang Zhiwei is a candidate for the Celestial Master, Zhang Jingqing has never set a goal for transmission. The important reason is that he is still very talented. If he lives for a few more decades, it will not be a big problem. He has enough time to Investigate and even appoint a new successor.

"By the way, Master, you just said that the Celestial Master's status is unique and can only be transmitted by the Celestial Master. However, in the history of our Taoism, there were more than one Celestial Master during the same period. Why is this?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

There are four major heavenly masters recognized in history, namely Zhang Daoling, the ancestor of Longhu Mountain, heavenly master Ge Hong of Lingbao sect, heavenly master Sa Shoujian of Shenxiao lineage, and heavenly master Xu Xun of Jingming sect. , that is, the allusion, the one who attained enlightenment, the chicken and the dog ascended to heaven.

Among them, only Zhang Daoling's Celestial Master's position has been passed down from generation to generation since him. Other Celestial Masters have not passed down this saying. After them, there is no such title.

But Zhang Daoling is the oldest. When the other three heavenly masters obtained the title of heavenly master, the heavenly master who passed on Longhu Mountain was still there. In other words, during the period when these three heavenly masters existed, Taoism had two heavenly masters at the same time. division.

"The Celestial Master's position is indeed unique and can only be transmitted through transmission. But as you said, these are all researched by humans. There are always beings who are not weaker than humans and can create them on their own. Those three Celestial Masters are not Weaker existences than the ancestral Celestial Masters, compared to them, a Celestial Master like me is just a shadow of my ancestors!" Zhang Jingqing said.

Zhang Zhiwei was stunned and asked: "Then why didn't they pass it down like the ancestors did?"

"Because of the restriction, because of the responsibility!" Zhang Jingqing said.

"What responsibility?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

Zhang Jingqing did not answer his words.

"Can this restriction be opened?" Zhang Zhiwei asked again.

When he asked this question, he thought of Zhang Huaiyi in the plot. Several other people who had realized the Eight Magic Skills seemed to have been restrained by Wugen. Not all of them revealed half of their secrets. Only he could say it out loud.

Can the origin of the Qi body break the restrictions of rootlessness, and can it break the restrictions of Tianshidu?
Zhang Zhiwei felt that he might not be able to solve it, because Zhang Huaiyi was suspected of passing the Qi Ti Yuan Liu to Zhang Chulan. If the Qi Ti Yuan Liu could unlock the restriction of Tianshidu, then passing it on to him would undoubtedly be a wrong decision.

Zhang Jingqing did not answer Zhang Zhiwei's question directly, but told him a story, a story about Sa Shoujian, one of the four great heavenly masters and the founder of the Shenxiao Sect.

Sa Shoujian was born in a medical family in Shu, but he had little connection with medicine. Instead, he was very talented in practicing Taoism. He could master any technique at a glance and mastered it in a short time. At such a young age, there was no one to teach him locally. .

He heard that the highest Taoist in the world was the 30th generation Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain, Xujing Celestial Master Zhang Jixian, so he planned to go to Longhu Mountain to learn Taoism from his master.

But when he went to the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, he met a Taoist with immortal style. Sa Shoujian told the Taoist that he wanted to go to Longhu Mountain to learn Taoism from Master Xu Jing, but the Taoist told him that he was late, Xu Jing The Celestial Master emerged as an immortal as early as 16 years ago, and the current Celestial Master is the No. 30 Celestial Master Zhang Shixiu.

Sa Shojian was very depressed when he heard what he said, but the Taoist told him that the 31st generation of heavenly master Zhang Shi was also very advanced in Taoism and could be his teacher, so he wrote a letter as a token for him to become his teacher, and also taught him He gave him a thunder method and a magical weapon called the Wuming Demon Subduing Fan.

After the Taoist left, Sa Shoujian practiced the thunder method while rushing on his way. When he arrived at Longhu Mountain and met the contemporary Celestial Master, he was shocked to discover that the thunder method he practiced was actually the Yang Wu Lei of Longhu Mountain.

And that letter, after being checked by the current Celestial Master Zhang Shixiu, turned out to be an autographed letter from the previous Celestial Master Zhang Jixian.

From then on, Sa Shoujian was awarded the post of Luzou and became a disciple of Zhang Shixiu as his direct disciple.

After listening to Zhang Jingqing's story, Zhang Zhiwei was thoughtful. Although he didn't say it clearly, the master's move was undoubtedly telling him that the restriction of the Celestial Master was breakable. The 30th Celestial Master Zhang Jixian had already broken it. After being passed on to Zhang Shixiu, he was still active in the world.

"Master, since Sazu and Sa Shojian studied under two generations of heavenly masters at the same time, why didn't they stay in Longhu Mountain?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

(End of this chapter)

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