Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 345 The past events of Tianshidu

Chapter 345 The past events of Tianshidu
"Why didn't Sazu stay in Longhu Mountain?"

Zhang Jingqing pondered for a moment and said: "Because at that time, there was no such thing as taking someone's surname in the Tianshi Mansion. The position of Tianshi would not be passed on to a disciple with a foreign surname under any circumstances!"

Zhang Jing finished counting, but Zhang Zhiwei understood clearly. Because Sa Shoujian had a foreign surname, even if he studied under Zhang Jixian and Zhang Shixiu, he still could not enter the core of the Tianshi Mansion. As an outsider, in After your cultivation reaches a certain level, you will definitely leave the Tianshi Mansion.

Zhang Jingqing continued: "Of course, there is another reason. Sazu was too deeply influenced by Heavenly Master Xu Jing. Heavenly Master Xu Jing returned the position of Heavenly Master to his uncle and traveled around. It is impossible for him to be in the Heavenly Master's Mansion. Stay long!"

"I see. In this way, Heavenly Master Xu Jing and Sa Zu are really free and easy!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

As a disciple of the Tianshi Mansion, I probably know a little about the affairs of the Celestial Masters of the past dynasties. Celestial Master Xu Jing is the 30th Celestial Master Zhang Jixian. He is known as the Celestial Master of the past dynasties in the Celestial Master Mansion, second only to the Ancestral Celestial Master. The existence of Zhang Daoling.

This person's experience is quite legendary. It is said that before he was five years old, he was silent and like a demented child. But when he was five years old, he heard the crow of a rooster and suddenly became lively and transformed into a congenital stranger.

From then on, his life was like a mess. No matter what he learned, he could master it as soon as he learned it. In three years, he could be regarded as a hundred years of hard work for others. In short, his experience was quite bizarre. Compared with him, Zhang Zhiwei was simply incompetent. It's a small witch who sees a big witch.

When Zhang Jixian was nine years old, it happened that the 29th generation of Celestial Master was approaching his life expectancy and was about to become an immortal, so that he could pass on the title of Celestial Master.

Originally, it had been decided long ago that the next Celestial Master should be Zhang Jixian's uncle Zhang Shixiu, who later became the No. 30 Celestial Master. His cultivation and virtues were originally unmatched in Longhu Mountain.

But something terrible happened. When it was time to pass on the message, everyone suddenly discovered that the former No. 1 among the Celestial Masters and the top master in the alien world could not compare to the mere nine-year-old Zhang Jixian!
For some reason, No. 20, the Ninth Generation Celestial Master, skipped Zhang Shixiu and passed the title of Celestial Master to Zhang Jixian.

After becoming a heavenly master, Zhang Jixian practiced for several more years until he was thirteen or fourteen years old. A major event occurred in the Song Dynasty at that time. A flood occurred in Yuncheng, Jiezhou, and something overturned the river, causing a large number of casualties.

The imperial court had nothing to do, so it thought of Longhu Mountain, so at the invitation of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, Tianshi Zhang Jixian went to control the flood.

Arriving at the scene, Zhang Jixian first calmed down the flood with a talisman, and then led to the culprit of the incident, a dragon that had been practicing for hundreds of years.

Then he set up an altar and ordered the gods to slay the demons. However, when he issued the order, he found that in Jiezhou, Guan Yu's hometown, the incense of Guan Yu in the martial temple was strong, and he had already been born from the will of everyone's belief. Spirituality, he did not order the Dharma Divine General, but ordered him to leave Guan Yu and kill the dragon.

When he met Song Huizong after the incident, Song Huizong didn't believe him when he mentioned the matter, so Zhang Jixian ordered Guan Yu to leave again in front of Song Huizong.

As soon as he saw Guan Yu, Song Huizong was immediately shocked. From then on, Guan Yu began his journey to becoming a god.

Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty conferred the title of Guan Yu five times in a row, each time becoming more powerful. He also built Guandi temples all over the country.

From then on, Guan Yu became the master of Taoism and became the most famous God of Martial Finance and one of the four Taoist marshals of the mysterious altar.

Not only that, Song Huizong also treated Longhu Mountain just like Zhu Di treated Wudang. He built a lot of construction projects on Longhu Mountain. Now some of the buildings in Longhu Mountain still have words written by Song Huizong himself.

It can be said that Zhang Jixian, who was thirteen or fourteen years old, lived up to the trust of the previous generation of heavenly masters and brought Longhu Mountain to a new height. He also expanded the legal heritage of Longhu Mountain and single-handedly created a marshal who was a heavenly soldier. , and is still in use today.

Of course, the legendary deeds of this Heavenly Master do not stop there. The five Yang Thunders and Five Yin Thunders existing in the Tianshi Mansion are the methods he extracted from the complete thunder method, and even the thunder methods of the Qingwei Sect and Shenxiao Sect. The Dharma was all influenced by him, so he was also the Lei Zu Celestial Master of Taoism.

It is worth mentioning that this heavenly master also appeared in the Four Great Classics "Water Margin".

The opening chapter of "Water Margin" is that there is a plague in the world, and the emperor sends Lieutenant Hong to ask Zhang Jixian to rescue the disaster.

As a result, during this process, Lieutenant Hong mistakenly escaped from the demons and released the [-] demons sealed in the Tianshi Mansion from Zhang Jixian, who later became the [-] Liangshan Heroes.

Of course, it was said that he left by mistake, but in fact it was the Heavenly Master who deliberately guided Hong Taiwei to do so.

The book was originally a fabrication of nonsense, but in Zhang Zhiwei's mind, he inexplicably thought of the subsequent sworn alliance among the 36 thieves.

The heroes of Liangshan became sworn brothers and raised their flags to rebel, one hundred and eight of them, causing chaos in the world.

36 The thieves formed an alliance, and the Jiashen Rebellion caused chaos in the alien world.

Among them, will there be a connection?

After thinking about it, Zhang Zhiwei asked Zhang Jingqing:
"By the way, Master, it is said that during the reign of Heavenly Master Xu Jing, one hundred and eight demon generals suffered cholera. One of the four famous classics, "Water Margin" was written based on this incident. Is this true or not? Made up?"

Zhang Jingqing pondered for a moment and said, "It's true!"

"It is said that this incident was caused by our Heavenly Master Xu Jing from Longhu Mountain. What exactly happened?" Zhang Zhiwei asked again.

This time, Zhang Jingqing did not answer any questions, but looked at Zhang Zhiwei quietly.

Zhang Zhiwei's heart skipped a beat. Although his master liked to tell questions, he was by no means the kind of person who refused to answer questions.

He instantly understood that the question just now should involve the prohibition of Tianshidu, so the master was speechless.

He just said it casually on a whim, but he didn't expect it to be true. The hero of Liangshan was really related to Tianshidu, or to the secrets in Tianshidu.

What is inside that can create the one hundred and eight demon stars that bring trouble to the world?Zhang Zhiwei was thinking in his mind.

Zhang Jingqing spoke: "It's all about old millet and rotten sesame seeds. It's useless to talk about it, and it's useless to know it. Let's drop this matter and don't need to mention it again."

"Just now it was just a whim of my teacher. Don't say you don't accept it. Even if you accept it, my teacher will not pass it on to you. Your teacher is innately satisfied and it is still early to become an immortal. Don't think about these things for a while. Got it!"

After saying that, Zhang Jingqing turned to look out the window at Longhu Mountain, where the incense was strong, the sound of scriptures and the sound of Dharma bells intertwined.

But I am secretly thinking in my heart, even if I am to pass on the message, I have to help you survive the cruelest years ahead before passing on the message.

Seeing that the master turned to look out the window and had no intention of saying anything else, Zhang Zhiwei said:
"By the way, Master, have you understood the golden light spell I taught you just now?"

"..." Zhang Jingqing glanced at Zhang Zhiwei with squinting eyes. Why are these words so awkward? Isn't this something she often talks about?
"No matter how big or small, you want to get a chestnut?" Zhang Jingqing said.

Zhang Zhiwei chuckled and said, "It's all taught well by master, by precept and deed!"

"What a teaching by words and deeds!" Zhang Jingqing pondered for a moment, then laughed and said: "Although the time just now was short, I have learned something from being a teacher. I didn't expect that after teaching my apprentice all my life, I was taught by my apprentice today!"

"A wise man will always make a mistake after a thousand worries, and a fool will always gain something after a thousand worries. How can Master cover everything? Sometimes a fool like me is required to add something!" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile.

"Fool? Since when have you been so humble?" Zhang Jingqing said angrily: "Didn't you brazenly tell me last time that Master and Weier are the only heroes in the world?"

"Being a hero to others, isn't that in front of the master?" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile.

"Come on, don't be poor. If you are as poor in front of others as you are in front of my teacher, I will feel relieved!" Zhang Jingqing said.

"Is there any difference between closeness and distance?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Okay, the enshrinement conference will begin tomorrow. You were mentally disturbed just now. Go back and adjust your breathing. Don't leave any gap for tomorrow. As for what I talked about today, you don't need to make it public. Just know it yourself!" Zhang Jingqing instructed.

"I understand, master, don't you still trust me?"

Zhang Zhiwei bowed his head, stood up and walked out of the Great Shangqing Palace.

Zhang Jingqing looked at Zhang Zhiwei's back and suddenly had a bad premonition. I'm afraid that what happened today will be known to everyone soon, but it didn't involve any secrets. Even if he publicized it, he should ...It’s not a big deal.

It should be nothing! …………


As Zhang Zhiwei walked out of the Great Shangqing Palace, he was thinking about the relationship between the 36th Thieves Gathering and the Liangshan Heroes Gathering.

There is nearly a thousand years between the two, and they seem to be incompatible, but in fact they are secretly connected.

One source comes from Ziyang Zhenren.

One source comes from the Celestial Master second only to Zhang Daoling in the Celestial Master Mansion.

Needless to say, Master Ziyang, Chen Tuan’s disciple, is Zhang Sanfeng’s senior brother, the ancestor of the acquired strangers, the 24-section Tongtian Valley that allows everyone to gain Qi, is his handiwork, and it is what he left behind Something that allowed eight of the 36 thieves to realize the eight magical skills.

As for Xu Jing Celestial Master Zhang Jixian, it can be seen from the master’s previous stories that after he passed the title of Celestial Master to his uncle Zhang Shixiu at the age of 36, he was still alive and kicking, and he accepted his disciple Sa Shoujian in Qingcheng Mountain. , Zhang Jixian must have broken free from the restrictions of Tianshidu.

Just the remnant of Ziyang Zhenren can produce the Eight Magical Skills and cause the Jiashen Rebellion.

That Zhang Jixian, who was not under Zhenren Ziyang, was still active in the world at that time, and was not subject to the restrictions of the Heavenly Master, was able to create one hundred and eight demon generals with his own hands, so it was nothing.

"But why would he do this?"

When Zhang Zhiwei asked this sentence in his heart, he had already walked out of the Great Shangqing Palace. Looking back, he saw that the Great Shangqing Palace was extremely majestic. There was a plaque inside that said, "Forever in charge of Taoism in the world."

This magnificent building was actually built by Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty. As for the plaque inside, which states that Taoism will always be in charge of the world, it was written by Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

"In the past nearly 2000 years, Longhu Mountain has never been tied to any dynasty, but it has never been absent."

"Huizong of the Song Dynasty consecrated Guan Yu, created a protector god for Zhengyi Dharma lineage, and built a lot of construction projects on Longhu Mountain. It can be said that he respected Heavenly Master Xu Jing sincerely. He treated Heavenly Master Xu Jing like this, so why did Heavenly Master Xu Jing do this? A hundred and eight evil stars will cause chaos in the world?"

But Zhang Zhiwei thought about it carefully and realized that perhaps the original intention of Master Xu Jing was not to bring trouble to the world, but to help Song Huizong stabilize the world. He gave Song Huizong a big gift package, but Song Huizong himself failed to live up to his expectations and failed to take it and change it. The fate of himself and the Song Dynasty.

"Master Xu Jing failed to change, what about me?"

Zhang Zhiwei looked back at the Great Shangqing Palace. Just now he took a peek at Tianshidu. Although he was bitten by the backlash and his head hurt a little, there was no damage.

"This thing is indeed scary, but it's not as scary as imagined, tsk tsk tsk..."

Zhang Zhiwei was talking to himself, and suddenly heard someone calling him.

As soon as he turned around, he saw Tian Jinzhong walking through the front mountain gate with a middle-aged man in his 50s and wearing a Taoist robe.

"Senior brother, senior brother, what are you doing here?!" Tian Jinzhong asked.

"I learned something during my practice last night and made some breakthroughs in the Golden Light Mantra. I'm here to teach you, Master!" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile.

"Come to teach me, master?" Tian Jinzhong was stunned for a while, and then said excitedly: "Did senior brother understand something that even master doesn't know?"

"Calm down, calm down!" Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand and said, "This is nothing to be surprised about!"

"Then what did Master say?" Tian Jinzhong asked again.

Zhang Zhiwei straightened his back, raised his head and chest, lowered his face, and imitated the master's tone just now and spoke:
"Hmm, being a teacher is indeed rewarding. I didn't expect that after teaching a disciple all my life, I was handed over by my disciple today!"

"Master actually said that. Senior brother, you are too powerful. What is it? Can you teach us?" Tian Jinzhong, a little fan, said with admiration.

"Wait for me to sort it out later, and then I'll see how I can teach you!" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah," Tian Jinzhong nodded like garlic: "When I send this distinguished guest to the Great Shangqing Palace, I will tell my brothers about this!"

Distinguished guest... Zhang Zhiwei looked at the middle-aged man next to Tian Jinzhong.

The middle-aged man next to him laughed and said: "You can actually point out the Celestial Master. The little Celestial Master is admirable!"

"Who is this..." Zhang Zhiwei asked Tian Jinzhong.

Before Tian Jinzhong could answer, the middle-aged man clasped his hands and said, "Ge Wen, a poor Taoist, is a Taoist from Lingbao Sect!"

Ge Wen, isn't this what my uncle told me, that I want to compete for the third-level legal position?Zhang Zhiwei thought to himself, but he didn't reach out to hit the smiling man. He also clasped his hands and said:
"Senior Ge is ridiculous. Titles like Little Heavenly Master are all given by people who do good things under the mountain!"

Ge Wen smiled and said: "The Little Heavenly Master is being humble. When I came here, I received a message from my brothers who went to the Dragon Vein Land, saying that this trip to Liaodong ended successfully, thanks to the Little Heavenly Master's intervention."

"I thought at the time that I had to take advantage of this talisman ceremony to come and meet the geniuses of our three talisman sects. Unexpectedly, I met them here. It's just as the legend said!"

Ge Wen had a friendly smile on his face. The three sects of Fu Lu were connected with each other and belonged to the same dharma lineage. One prospered and the other suffered losses. Naturally, they were happy to see Zhang Zhiwei strong.

"Senior Ge, you're welcome!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"It's just the truth!" Gwen said: "By the way, I have something to do with the Heavenly Master, so I'll excuse you now!"

After saying that, he looked at Tian Jinzhong again, "Xiao Gaogong, thank you for the reception. I will go in by myself after that!"

"Senior Ge, please!" Tian Jinzhong stretched out his hand and said.

Gwen turned and left.

Looking at Ge Wen's back, Zhang Zhiwei was thoughtful. This man seemed not to know that he would be his opponent for the legal position.

Ge Wen really didn't know this. As early as last year, he asked Zhang Shoucheng to recommend him to receive the third-level legal position, and Zhang Zhiwei was added temporarily and no one informed him yet.

At this moment, he walked all the way into the Da Zhenren Hall and met Zhang Jingqing.

"I haven't seen you for a year. The Heavenly Master is full of energy and still so strong!" Gwen said, clasping his hands.

"Xiao Wen, come and sit!" Zhang Jingqing said.

Ge Wen sat next to Zhang Jingqing and said, "By the way, Master Tian, ​​it's really a coincidence. When I came in, I met Zhang Zhiwei at the door."

"Really? What is he doing at the door?" Zhang Jingqing asked.

"He is saying that he has understood something and wants to teach the Heavenly Master. Is this true?" Gwen asked with a curious look on his face.

Zhang Jingqing: "......"

Where is my sword, where is my Dharma sword, it won’t work if I don’t sacrifice it!
(End of this chapter)

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