Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 347 Although there are thousands of people, I will go, but I will confess my righteousness

Chapter 347: Although tens of thousands of people have gone to me, my righteous confession
Isn't it the same thing to accompany the landlady and to accompany the guests?
Zhang Zhiwei muttered in his heart and immediately sent a message:

"Young masters from the four dignified families, if you go and do this, it's a big sacrifice. By the way, what does the boss lady look like?"

"She's not very good looking. She's not much thinner, and she's still bumpy. She's not even half as good as Shi Hua'er!" Wang Ai sent a message.


What shape is this?
Zhang Zhiwei frowned, feeling that things were not that simple.

Sure enough, the next moment, Lu Ci sent a message:

"Senior Brother Zhang, don't listen to him. The landlady is very good-looking and has a curvy figure. Fat people don't have good aesthetics, so he likes fat people!"

The bumps and bumps turned out to be the bumps and bumps on the body. I thought it was the bumps and bumps on the face... Zhang Zhiwei suddenly realized.

He immediately expressed his understanding that Fatty's aesthetics were indeed different. As the eldest son of the Wang family, in this era, he wanted something that a woman could not get. There were many maids in the family, but he only had one. Love the stone flowers.

His aesthetics took another path.

"It's not too bad if you look pretty good. By the way, don't go out and cause trouble these days. Recuperate in the brothel and wait for my arrival!" Zhang Zhiwei sent a message to remind.

"We're not recuperating, we're getting clues!" Lu Jin said in a different way.

"Yes, yes, Lao Lu is right!" Lu Ci agreed.

"Okay, okay, you are getting clues. In short, plan before you act!" Zhang Zhiwei reminded.

"Senior Brother Zhang, it always feels weird to hear the words "plan and then act" from your mouth!" Wang Ai replied.

"Remember one chestnut!" Zhang Zhiwei drew the character "one" on the yin and yang paper.

Wang Ai stopped talking for a moment. He didn't want to be beaten like a prude and a hedgehog.

At this time, Lu Ci sent a message: "Understood, let's investigate carefully first. After the investigation is completed, wait for Senior Brother Zhang to come, and then do what he does!"

"Ruzi can be taught!"

Zhang Zhiwei praised him and immediately cut off the contact. Although Yin Yang paper is just like WeChat, the handwriting can be revealed by touching it with water, but you can't chat all the time, because every time you send a message, a little bit of the Qi in the paper will be consumed. If the Qi inside is gone, it is useless.

Good steel must be used on the blade. This thing is extremely valuable in the outside world. It can be said that every word is worth several oceans. That is to say, Wang Ai, a big treasure, has a special status, so he can send a few to each person, and even use it to chat, in exchange for a Wang family member , there is no such treatment.

Putting away the yin and yang paper, Zhang Zhiwei thought about the Cao Qing Gang.

During this period, the Caoqing Gang made its fortune by selling cigarettes, and it was already the most powerful period since its establishment.

The gang claims to have 60 members. Although there is a lot of water among them, they are definitely a behemoth that is difficult to offend. Lu Jin and Lu Ci will definitely not be able to accomplish anything.

In fact, Zhang Zhiwei did not want to eradicate this gang. This was impossible. The Qing Dynasty spent hundreds of years and spent a lot of manpower and material resources, but could not eradicate the Tiandihui, which is now Hongmen, let alone the Qing Dynasty. The Caoqing Gang was much bigger in Hongmen.

They are like weeds that cannot be burned away by wildfire and regenerated by the spring breeze.

In fact, this was indeed the case. Even later, after the company was established, the Caoqing Gang still existed.

In 93, people from the Caoqing Gang, under the pretense of helping Feng Baobao find her family, tricked Feng Baobao, gave her dozens of anesthetics, severed her hand tendons and hamstrings, and tortured her until she was not human, and wanted to sell her. Go to Southeast Asia.

In the end, it was Gou Wa Zi, also known as Xu Xiang, who, as the person in charge of the region, asked people from Hongmen to take action to find and rescue Feng Baobao.

At that time, the Caoqing Gang was so weak in the country that they would dare to kidnap and traffick strangers like Feng Baobao, let alone now.

But this is not a reason for Zhang Zhiwei to back down.

Although wildfires are endless and the spring breeze blows, it will still be clean for a while if you burn it once. Is it better than doing nothing?

When it grows next time, if the growth and appearance are not to his liking, he will just burn another crop.

People have a sense of reverence. If they burn it a few times, the bad roots may not be burned out, but they will never dare to be as unscrupulous as they are now.

But doing so will undoubtedly bring big trouble to themselves, because they will try their best to counterattack on the verge of death, and all kinds of ambushes and assassinations will probably be inevitable.

However, Zhang Zhiwei has no fear. If he is afraid of everything and is afraid of the head and the tail, then what kind of practice will he have and what will he achieve?

Righteousness drives away evil spirits, and unity unites all. This is the concept passed down by the ancestors of Taoism.

After he received the appointment of the Exorcist Academy, the new official took office and drove out the evil heretics.

Zhang Zhiwei continued to practice, and it was not until night that Tian Jinzhong came to his room with a few friends. As soon as he arrived, he hurriedly asked Zhang Zhiwei to pull them into the hall.

On Longhu Mountain, there are many senior brothers of Zhang Zhiwei. Each high master has several disciples, such as Zhang Shoucheng, Zhang Yi, Yi Qian and others. They all have their own disciples, and there are more than one.

Some of these brothers are very familiar with Zhang Zhiwei, and some are not so familiar with him.

For these people, unless they strongly request, Zhang Zhiwei will not take the initiative to bring them into the hall.

After all, there are only so many Taoist priests on Longhu Mountain, and you have dragged them all into your hall. Why do you want to rebel?
Therefore, the friends brought by Tian Jinzhong are all Taoist priests of Zhang Jingqing's lineage who are most familiar with Zhang Zhiwei, and are the brothers of Zheng'er Ba Jing.

Regarding these fellow apprentices, Zhang Zhiwei did not leave any ink, and asked them all to hug Yuan Shouyi and enter into a state of trance. Then with a thought, he activated the seven-star platform at the entrance of the hall, connected everyone, and pulled them all into the space at the entrance of the hall. All names are written on the list.

It's still Bai Ding. Zhang Zhiwei has not assigned positions to them. There is a saying that is good, don't worry about the scarcity but the inequality. There are only so many positions. He can't arrange them all. In this case, let's work hard individually.

In the space at the entrance of the hall, everyone looked around with surprised expressions. Among these brothers, there were only two who practiced magic. The others had never seen the interior. When they entered this place for the first time, they immediately felt that it was extremely novel. Look west.

The space at the entrance of the hall of the immortals is mostly full of fairy spirit, auspicious clouds, and resplendent. It can be as grand as the ostentation.

But Zhang Zhiwei didn't do those frivolous things. Everything here was quite primitive. Except for the Seven-Star Terrace in the middle, the rest of the place was empty. Naturally, their eyes focused on the Seven-Star Terrace.

Then, they saw an evil ape with blue and white fur all over its body, a protruding forehead and a sunken electric eye sitting on it, wearing golden armor, flowing cloud boots, and a big golden sword.

Behind it, four flags fluttered, giving people the feeling of being a demon and a god, which was quite bluffing.

The "National Master" was working diligently to regulate the five elements of the human body, but when it noticed something strange in the space at the entrance of the hall, it came over to declare its identity as deputy leader.When everyone was observing the "National Preceptor", the "National Preceptor" was also observing everyone coldly.

Its eyes are mostly on the big-eared thief, because among this group of people, the big-eared thief gives it the most powerful feeling.

Zhang Huaiyi naturally felt it when they looked at each other, but he, who never wanted to stand out, said nothing. He just subconsciously looked away and retreated into the crowd.

Tian Jinzhong, on the other hand, said curiously: "Brother Zhiwei, is this the Immortal Family in our hall? It's so majestic, just like the Monkey King in the storybook!"

"That's right, this is the deputy leader of our hall. You can learn how to help the soldiers. If you encounter any life or death crisis in the future, you can ask him to help!"

Zhang Zhiwei patted Tian Jinzhong on the shoulder and said.

"But didn't Master say it? The righteous gods do not possess the body, and the possession of the non-righteous gods will pollute one's own spirituality!" Tian Jinzhong said.

"I'm asking you to use it when you encounter a life-or-death crisis, not just for fun?" Zhang Zhiwei said angrily.

"I see, senior brother is really considerate, but we are always on the mountain, how can we encounter any life-or-death crisis?" Tian Jinzhong scratched his head and said with a smile.

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

This time he was going to attack the Cao Qing Gang. He was not afraid of the Cao Qing Gang's revenge, but he was a little worried that the Cao Qing Gang would plot against those around him. Master, uncle, and the others were all old gangsters, and no one could harm them. But Tian Jinzhong and others The difference is that it will be much more stable if there is protection from the national master.

At this moment, Zhang Huaiyi, who was standing in the crowd, hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, stood up and said: "

"By the way, Senior Brother Zhiwei, this ancestor looks quite extraordinary. If you have any problems with your practice in the future, can you come in and ask for his advice?"

"If you have any questions, just ask me directly!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Zhang Huaiyi's face shrank, he looked at him with empty eyes, and said: "The advice I'm talking about is actually a competition. What do you do by yourself? Don't you have any points? In the last competition, you said something about capturing a big-eared demon, and let me I stayed in bed for days!”

Zhang Huaiyi's strength ranks second among the younger generation in Longhu Mountain. It is meaningless to compete with his brothers who are weaker than him. It is also meaningless to compete with Zhang Zhiwei, who is stronger than him. .

But once Zhang Zhiwei shows up some strength, he won't be able to bear it anymore, and he will be beaten badly, which will affect his subsequent practice, and the gain outweighs the loss.

Just now, an idea came to his mind. Instead of looking for fellow apprentices on the mountain to discuss progress, he could look for others. The powerful-looking monkey on the Seven-Star Platform was a good target.

Moreover, this is an interior scene, a spiritual world. As long as you don't attack the spirit, even if you lose in the competition, it won't hurt you.

Hearing his junior brother complain about his ruthless attacks, Zhang Zhiwei scratched his head and said, "I hit you according to the limit of your golden light endurance!"

As he said that, he looked at the others: "Am I usually very heavy-handed in sparring?"

A senior brother said: "Zhiwei, although you always say to attack according to our limits every time we spar, how can it be so easy for people to push themselves to their limits? Therefore, the limit you think is actually something we cannot reach. It’s the limit, so it’s a bit miserable every time, but because it’s at the limit, it won’t be a big deal!”

Others nodded in agreement. On Longhu Mountain, many people came to Zhang Zhiwei for advice on cultivation issues, but not many came to him for serious discussions because they had all suffered some losses.

"I see. If that's the case, if you want to go into the hall to discuss matters with the deputy leader, just communicate with it directly!"

Zhang Zhiwei said, in fact, he doesn't really want to compete with his brothers in actual combat. His strength has surpassed them by far. To compete with them is like a boxing champion beating a child. If one person cannot control his strength well, something will happen. , let’s leave it to the National Preceptor.

The master's practice of observing the Dharma focuses on the outside world. If he wants to make progress, he must frequently observe the outside world and discuss with other people. It will also make progress, so it is also happy to do so.

Furthermore, inner demons are violent. Under Zhang Zhiwei's high pressure, the Imperial Master has been very aggrieved. If someone comes to seek abuse, it will naturally be happy to use the other person as a punching bag.

On the Seven-Star Platform, the Imperial Master clenched his fists and couldn't wait any longer.

However, everyone in the audience had no intention of discussing with it for the time being. They had more important things to do.

"By the way, Zhiwei, I heard it said everywhere in Jinzhong that you had an epiphany last night and learned some incredible things through the Golden Light Mantra. You also gave guidance to the master. Can you give us some guidance?" said a senior brother.

"That's right, Master has always been the only one to give us guidance, but Senior Brother Dan Zhiwei can actually give guidance to Master. It's really surprising. I wonder what it's about?" said a junior brother.

Because what Zhang Zhiwei understood this time was the secret of the Golden Light Curse, and the Golden Light Curse was the specialty of everyone in the Tianshi Mansion, so everyone was very curious.

"Since everyone wants to hear it, we will explain it to you!" Zhang Zhiwei didn't intend to hide anything.

Just as he was about to say something, Zhang Huaiyi stood up and said, "Senior Brother Zhiwei, wait a moment, Junior Brother has something to say!"

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at Zhang Huaiyi in surprise: "You tell me!"

Zhang Huaiyi looked at the brothers, paused for a long time, bowed to everyone, and said:
"Not long ago, Master called me to the Great Shangqing Palace and gave me the surname Zhang. From now on, my name will no longer be Lin Huaiyi, my name will be Zhang Huaiyi!"

After saying that, Zhang Huaiyi's face turned red and he looked at everyone expectantly.

Unexpectedly, everyone looked at each other and laughed at Zhang Huaiyi, who was blushing.

Zhang Huaiyi looked confused and didn't know what they were laughing at.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "That's it. When master taught you the Thunder Method, everyone already guessed it. After all, the Thunder Method is only taught to high-gong masters and fake disciples. You are not a high-gong master, so of course you are a fake disciple!"

Tian Jinzhong echoed: "That's right, everyone originally guessed that Master would bring this up at the Ceremony Ceremony, but unexpectedly, on the eve of the Ceremony Ceremony, you said it yourself. It's rare, Huaiyi, that you were faster than Master. step!"

Another senior brother said: "By the way Huaiyi, your surname will be 'Zhang' from now on. Be more tolerant when things happen, but don't shrink back into corners anymore. You must be worthy of the name 'Zhang' Huaiyi!"

Thinking of what he had done in the past, Zhang Huaiyi lowered his head in shame.

Tian Jinzhong defended him: "Huaiyi has changed a lot these days, okay? He treated us to so many meals, so please stop teasing him!"

Everyone laughed, and soon the teasing became even more intense.

At this time, Zhang Huaiyi looked at Zhang Zhiwei and whispered:
"Senior Brother Na Zhiwei, I have become a disciple with a false surname, which means that in the future, you will have another opponent to inherit Master's mantle."

"As an opponent, do you want me to tell you the secret of the golden light spell you learned last night? If Brother Zhiwei has a grudge, I don't have to listen!"

Zhang Huaiyi has always been a very stubborn person. He obviously wants to listen, but is embarrassed because of his identity.

(End of this chapter)

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