Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 348: Instructing Zhang Huaiyi, the ceremony of enshrining the body begins

Chapter 348: Instructing Zhang Huaiyi, the ceremony of enshrining the body begins

I just love to add drama. If it were your grandson, you wouldn't be able to thank me on the spot...

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at Zhang Huaiyi, smiled and said:
"There is no opponent... I have never had any opponent!"

"...Zhang Huaiyi was stunned, "Senior brother...you...you don't want to inherit the master's mantle? "

"I haven't considered this!" Zhang Zhiwei wrote lightly.

Seeing what Zhang Zhiwei said was so simple, Zhang Huaiyi said with a surprised look on his face: "Senior brother, do you know what it means to inherit the master's mantle? The position of Heavenly Master, the complete Five Thunder Zhengfa, and the only first-class Dharma to lead Zhengyi!"

Zhang Zhiwei stared at Zhang Huaiyi, patted his shoulder and said:

"It's good that you know. So Huaiyi, should you understand how much Master expects from you behind giving you a fake surname?"

"..." Zhang Huaiyi was stunned. He only thought about how he would get along with his brothers after becoming a disciple with a fake surname. However, he did not pay attention to the expectations of his master at all. In other words, he still didn't pay attention to it. Without being brought into it, he was completely integrated into the Tianshi Mansion.

"As for preaching to you and teaching you methods..."

Zhang Zhiwei paused and said: "If a person wants to become stronger, he must see himself clearly in front of him."

"It's easy to do when you're weak."

"But when you become strong in a certain aspect, you will be blinded by this short-term strength and stagnate."

"The best way to see yourself clearly is to teach others, just like giving yourself a mirror."

After listening, everyone suddenly realized that in the alien world, most people are very self-conscious about their own methods. Don't lecture you, just taking a look at them is a sin.But Zhang Zhiwei is not like this, and he often preaches to his brothers. It turns out that this is the reason.

"Zhiwei is really open-minded and broad-minded. You deserve to be so powerful!" A senior brother said with a smile.

"That's right, we must watch and study hard. If we can learn it successfully, it will be really beneficial!" Tian Jinzhong sighed.

Zhang Huaiyi lowered his head in shame. Zhang Zhiwei could preach and share his own methods and understanding. Although some things are difficult to understand and difficult to practice once understood, this is their own reason.

As for him, he kept a tight lid on something. Not to mention preaching to his brothers and sisters, he didn't even tell his master.

In such a comparison, I am really inferior. No wonder everyone admires Senior Brother Zhiwei so much.

"To be truly powerful, there shouldn't be only one person!"

Zhang Zhiwei patted Zhang Huaiyi's head and said, Zhang Huaiyi is relatively short, only about 1.6 meters. With his height of 1.9 meters, it is still easy to hold his head.

Zhang Huaiyi lowered his head and said nothing. If it were in the past, he would definitely knock off the hand on his head, but now he is reflecting.

"Okay, let me tell you a little bit about what I learned last night!"

Zhang Zhiwei paused, sorted out his words, compared the inner and outer layers of the Golden Light Curse to the inner and outer flames of fire, and explained it to his brothers.

No wonder that in the competition that day, Brother Zhiwei's golden light obviously only had a thin layer, but his Qi Blade couldn't break it. It turned out to be this reason, but how to sense the outer and inner layers of golden light? There is no way at all. Realizing this... Zhang Huaiyi thought to himself.

Before being taught Yang Wu Lei by his master, Zhang Huaiyi majored in the Golden Light Curse, and unlike Zhang Zhiwei who focused on polishing his life with the Golden Light Curse, he was better at the application of the Golden Light.

For example, in order to deal with Zhang Zhiwei, he specially developed a Qi Blade that can break through the golden light of the thick protective body. Although it was not broken during the last competition, that was because Zhang Zhiwei's maintenance level was too high.

If it were other brothers, or an opponent who was comparable to Zhang Huaiyi, he could easily break it, which shows that he is highly accomplished in the use of golden light.

Zhang Zhiwei's theory of inner flame and outer flame is based on the use of golden light. This is his strength, but even so, he still cannot perceive the inner and outer layers of golden light. In his perception, golden light It is one.

Zhang Huaiyi is like this, and other brothers and sisters can't understand it even more.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Zhiwei was not surprised. There was a huge gap between knowing and understanding, so he took his fellow disciples to intuitively perceive it from another perspective.

Immediately, everyone saw that the sky and the earth had turned into a world composed of black and white lines, and a figure filled with color and the whole world was practicing the golden light spell in front of them.

The penetrating golden light emerged from his body little by little, and they could see it clearly. Because Zhang Zhiwei had warned them in advance, they were not surprised. They just watched it carefully and did not miss any detail.

Zhang Zhiwei practiced it three times in front of his brothers and then stopped. There are only three things that can be done. If you still can't understand it after three times, no matter how much you practice, it will be in vain.

After Zhang Zhiwei stopped his movements, the fellow apprentices moved their eyes away and looked at themselves, but what they saw was a body outlined by black and white lines without any color.

They looked around in panic, and soon found that except for Zhang Zhiwei, everyone else, including Zhang Huaiyi, were all black lines, and the world was silent...

How is this going?Everyone was wondering why Zhiwei was in color, but Zhang Zhiwei had already released his previous state.

"How is it?" Zhang Zhiwei searched his temples and said. Taking so many people in one breath took a lot of energy from him.

"Although I haven't fully understood the principles and principles involved, there are also many other gains. I feel that the application of golden light will be much better." A senior brother said.

"Me too, me too!" Tian Jinzhong said: "By the way, senior brother, haven't you been teaching us to study less about the golden light of the Golden Light Spell and focus more on the tempering of life by the Golden Light Spell? How come you have also started to work on the golden light? developed?"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "I want to tell you that the golden light of the Golden Light Curse is a by-product of tempering life, and the two complement each other. When your life cultivation reaches a high level, the application of golden light will not be much different! "

During their conversation, Zhang Huaiyi had been in a daze. He was still thinking about it over and over again, trying to catch the flash of inspiration that came to his mind after watching Zhang Zhiwei's drill.

Zhang Zhiwei tilted his head and looked out the window: "It's getting late. Go back and rest early. The engraving ceremony will start tomorrow, and you will be busy with some work!"

"Senior brother Na Zhiwei, you have to work hard. If you fail, you may be tied to a flying sword by the master and sacrificed with one sword!" Tian Jinzhong snickered.

Zhang Zhiwei squinted at him: "You seem to be looking forward to me being sacrificed?"

Tian Jinzhong took a few steps back, came to the door, and said, "Junior brother, of course I'm looking forward to it. Feng Shui is changing. You sacrifice me as a hidden weapon, and Master sacrifices you. It's fair!"

After saying that, he rushed out of the door and ran away without looking back.

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

After Tian Jinzhong left, the other brothers also said goodbye one by one and left. Only Zhang Zhiwei was left in the room. After closing the door, Zhang Zhiwei began to fall into concentration and adjust his state. …………


Early the next morning, the sky was dim, and the Great Shangqing Palace was glowing with golden light in the morning sun.

The ceremony was held with flowers and brocades and a blazing fire.

Colorful flags and long streamers are flying together, the gorgeous Taoist robes are shining brightly against the colorful decorations everywhere, and the sound of chanting is lingering.

The bronze bells rang loudly in front of the straight plaque of the Great Shangqing Palace, and Taoist priests in various colors and robes entered the courtyard with solemn expressions.

The Enshrinement Courtyard is the place where Zhengyi holds engraving activities. Zhu Yuanzhang’s personal inscription “Forever in charge of Taoist affairs in the world” is in the Enferment Courtyard.

The courtyard also enshrines 63 heavenly masters from the ancestral heavenly master on down, as well as two real people, Wang Chang and Zhao Sheng.

Wang Chang and Zhao Sheng are direct disciples of the ancestral Celestial Master Zhang Daoling. Their relationship with Zhang Daoling is the same as the relationship between Zhang Zhiwei, Zhang Huaiyi and Zhang Jingqing. That is why there was no rule about taking on the surname at that time, otherwise they would also be Celestial Masters.

It is worth mentioning that among the 63 Celestial Masters, Zhang Daoling is in the center, and on both sides of him are the No. 30 Celestial Master Zhang Jixian and the No. 40 second-generation Celestial Master Zhang Yuchu.

Compared to the ancestral Celestial Master Zhang Daoling and the young Celestial Master Zhang Jixian, Zhang Yuchu is not that famous, but his ability is not bad.

In a severe drought year, he felt the suffering of the people and went out to pray for Zhu Yuanzhang for rain and successfully saved the people of the state.

In order to thank him, Zhu Yuanzhang came up with the word "forever in charge of Taoist affairs in the world".

In "The Three Treasures Eunuch", he also invited the four marshals from Taoism to the altar to subjugate demons for the Three Treasures Eunuch. His strength can be said to be extremely powerful.

And the reason why he is not famous is because he printed that sentence. How can he be famous if he is famous?

Because that era was the era of Zhang Sanfeng. Even though he was a heavenly master with a first-grade Dharma and a complete Five Thunder Dharma, he could only be eclipsed. This situation was somewhat similar to that of Emperor Golden Crow and Emperor Ye Tian.

What disgraced him the most was that at the request of Emperor Yongle Zhu Di, he went to Wudang Mountain to look for Zhang Sanfeng, but Zhang Sanfeng did not see him.

The following year, he entered Wudang Mountain again. I don't know whether he met Zhang Sanfeng this time. I only know that shortly after he returned to Longhu Mountain, he passed down the teachings of the Celestial Master and passed away.



In the urn courtyard, there is a vermilion table. Celestial Master Zhang Jingqing is sitting behind the table wearing a golden robe of the Celestial Master. In front of him is a vermilion token, a wooden sword, a golden bell, and many magical instruments on display.

To his left and right, Zhang Yi and Zhang Shoucheng were wearing purple fairy robes printed with patterns such as the sun, moon, stars, pagodas, dragons, phoenixes, and cranes, with serious expressions.

In front of the three people was a group of highly skilled mages wearing red Turin robes.

In front of these high-level masters were densely packed Taoist priests wearing yellow and black robes, including Zhang Zhiwei, Tian Jinzhong, Zhang Huaiyi and others.

The three of them all put on the blue "Deluo" robes that are only worn on formal occasions. This is the mark of a formal Taoist priest. It needs to be worn with a crown and scarf. The skirt of the clothes is a bit loose and the hem reaches the ankles. They are worn during Dharma meetings.

As for the Taoist robes that are usually worn, they are called coats, and the daily robes are also blue. They are somewhat similar to the "Deluo" robes, but are far less refined than the "Deluo" robes.

In such a serious occasion, there was no room for playfulness. Zhang Zhiwei and his party did not joke or laugh. They walked in with solemn expressions and stood there, waiting for the altar to be opened.

In fact, the ancient altars were originally held in the open air, but were later moved to the hall. The forms of the altars were different, and the rituals were complex and varied. Altars of different sizes were built according to the needs of the times.

For large-scale fasting activities, several altars are usually built, with the large one in the center as the main altar, and the remaining small altars, all called "sub-altars".

Tianshi Mansion is the ancestral palace of Taoism and is jointly organized by the three mountains. Its engraving ceremony is naturally extraordinary. It must enshrine [-] tablets of gods, with a main altar and seven sub-altars, one for the emperor and one for the emperor. The altar, the altar of saving people, the altar of three officials, the altar of repaying kindness, the altar of relieving the suffering, the altar of aiding the poor, and the altar of Qingxuan.

When all the Taoist priests arrived, the enshrinement ceremony was about to begin. The presiding officer of the ceremony was Zhang Yi, one of the three masters.

As for the Celestial Master Zhang Jingqing, as a supervisor, his duty is to supervise the ceremony to be carried out according to the rituals.

The recommender Zhang Shoucheng is in charge of singing and guiding, and is Zhang Yi's deputy.

In addition to the three masters, according to the provisions of the "Jin Zhuan Dazhai Supplementary Ceremony", during the engraving ceremony, there must be fifteen altar deacons responsible for various matters of engraving.

The deacons are respectively responsible for high performance, supervising the fasting, teaching, serving sutras, serving incense, serving lamps, knowing the chime (knowing the bell), practicing the teacher, photographing the subjects, supervising the rituals, supervising the altar, clearing the way, knowing the furnace, repenting, and confessing. …

Compared with the entrance ceremony of the Chuma Immortal, which can be completed only by a burst of playing, playing and singing by the great god and the two gods, the Taoist priest's ritual of imparting the casket can be said to be as worldly as the world, with an annoying number of clauses.

This kind of ceremony is basically held once a year, and Zhang Zhiwei has participated in it more than once. However, except for the first time when the burial mound was given, he was just observing the rest.

But this time, he will personally participate. As long as he succeeds in conferring the "Five Thunder Barriers of the Supreme Purity", he will change his robe.

According to the ritual regulations, Taoist priests of the third grade of Dharma can no longer wear the blue Deluo robe and must wear the red Turin robe. This is the symbol of a Taoist high-level master. Whoever goes out in the future will be called If he is a small expert, he is no longer humble.

Amidst the crowds of people, the rituals of the enshrinement conference were unfolded. At this moment, in the middle of the engraving courtyard, there was an altar. The shape of the altar was like a three-story pagoda, three feet high and nine feet around the bottom.

On the top of the altar, there is a hundred-foot-high pole, which is covered with gold foil and hung with five-color flags.A bucket of large jade beads is placed on the top of the pole, which is called "Chengtian Immortal Yin" by those who know it. This is the main altar.

On both sides of the main altar, there is an auxiliary altar. The scale of the auxiliary altar is slightly smaller than that of the main altar. The one on the left is called the Imperial Altar, and the one on the right is called the Duren Altar.

The two auxiliary altars, one on the left and one on the right, are of the same size, two feet and four feet high and seven feet and two feet around.

In front of the two auxiliary altars, there are five sub-altars in the shape of a five-pointed star, located in the east, west, north, south, and middle. They are the Sanguan Altar, the Altar of Repaying Favor, the Altar of Suffering, the Altar of Jiyou, and the Altar of Qingxuan.

The five sub-altars were built according to rituals. They are all two feet high and have a base of six feet six feet. They are smaller in scale than the two auxiliary altars, the Imperial Altar and the Duren Altar.

In compliance with the provisions of the "Emperor Zhi Dao Tai Qing Jade Book", the ritual objects placed on these eight altars are the same, even the colors and varieties are the same, but the main altar is the largest and stands out among the chickens, the Imperial Altar and the Duren Altar. Next, the other five altars follow again.

(End of this chapter)

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