Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 355: Personal trial by military judge shocked the whole audience

Chapter 355: Personal trial by military judge shocked the whole audience

"Zhiwei, didn't you criticize Taoist Master Bai just now? Why are you so interested in it all of a sudden?"

Zhang Yushan was a little curious when he saw Zhang Zhiwei speaking.

He remembered clearly that since the beginning of the assessment, whether it was Maoshan Qian Zhenren seeking wealth or killing, or the later ideological dispute between Zhao Ruhu and Bai Yugong, Zhang Zhiwei had never been interested in the discussions between their seniors. , why is this the only exception?

It's okay if you don't care, after all, I did it myself...

Zhang Zhiwei said righteously: "One code should be regarded as one code, and one should treat the situation rather than the person. I am not happy that he is disrespectful to Master Zhang Yi, but I like him very much when he kills those ghosts who bring harm to the country and the people!"

"You speak in a weird way. I don't know if you learned it from your senior brother or if he learned it from you!?" Zhang Yushan said angrily.

"Without these digressions, uncle, seniors, let's think about how to solve this matter!"

Zhang Zhiwei said, in fact, Zhang Jingqing saw that what he said was quite interesting, so she used it for herself.

Hearing this, several people fell silent. This matter was not easy to handle!
"The people present are all our own people, it should...should not be the case!"

Zheng Zibu next to Wei Wenzhang said weakly.

As a result, none of the seniors, including Wei Wenzhang, even looked at him.

When adults are talking, why should a child interrupt?

What they ignored was that Zhang Zhiwei and Zheng Zibu were actually about the same age.

Zheng Zibu looked at a few seniors and then at Zhang Zhiwei, frowning in embarrassment. It was the first time for a genius like him to encounter such treatment.

In the end, his uncle Wei Wenwen said: "Although we are all our own people, we are all mixed up, and we can't guarantee that it won't be leaked out!"

Zhang Yushan glanced at Zhang Zhiwei's big mouth, nodded and said: "That's true, but I'm afraid this matter can only be reported to the Third Master after the assessment is over and let them handle it. Now let's focus on the assessment!"

While they were talking, the trial of rewarding good and punishing evil in Baiyu Palace was coming to an end. Although this person killed without any calculation, most of the people he killed were evil people, so even though he killed a lot of people, he still got a "great good" evaluation. After all, making meritorious service to the country can be regarded as a second merit.

It was the densely packed more than 1000 ghost figures behind him that made people look at him, and less than half of these 1000 ghost figures were ghost soldiers from many countries.

Bai Yugong looked at these ghosts, and after a while he looked at Taoist Master Qian and the previous Taoist priests who had bad conduct but barely passed the test, and became thoughtful.

Previously, I only considered whether these people could do practical things, but I forgot that these people also did not do human affairs. How should I deal with it?

While he was thinking, the judge selected Zhang Zhiwei.

"It's this kid's turn. Speaking of which, he made a big splash in Liaodong this time, and I'm afraid a lot of lives were lost on his hands!" Ge Wen said with a smile.

"The Japanese pirates sent a large number of troops to Changbai Mountain. These people were all lost in Changbai Mountain. There should be a lot of people who fell under his hands. I estimate that it may exceed the 200 people of Brother Ge Wen!" Wei Wenwen said.

Zhang Yushan nodded: "It is possible!"

Zheng Zibu looked dull. More than 200 people?Isn't this more than the total number of brothers and sisters in the Qingzong Temple on Maoshan Mountain?These are just old seniors. How could Senior Brother Zhang do this at such a young age?
During the conversation, a chain trapped Zhang Zhiwei. The judge walked up to him and raised his arms to explore his chest and abdomen.

Looking at the judge in front of him, Zhang Zhiwei frowned. When the judge stretched out his hand, he felt like he was being spied on, so he instinctively felt a chill.

This feeling was not pleasant, but he did understand why Bai Yugong was staring at the judge before.

Do you want to refuse?he thought to himself.

But as soon as this thought came to his mind, he felt Zhong Kui's vague gaze. It was obvious that since he entered this place and participated in the assessment, he had no intention of turning back. He had to go this way unless he wanted to disobey Zhong Kui.

Of course Zhang Zhiwei didn't want to have a fight with Zhong Kui, who was in the Dharma lineage, so he endured the discomfort and continued the trial.

In fact, he didn't know that the judge who tried him was also uncomfortable.

Unlike other immortal Taoist priests, Zhang Zhixiu has practiced the Divine Mask and has reached the third level. He has also gained a lot of faith recently.

If gods such as Zhong Kui can be regarded as the body of the divine Dharma body, then Zhang Zhiwei is the body of the divine Dharma body. Although it is still immature and far inferior in quality, to these judges of the Punishment Division, the judgment of Zhang Zhiwei is They've crossed a line, so it's unsettling.

Zhang Zhiwei didn't know this clearly. He only saw the judge in front of him, stretching out his black claws and gesticulating on his chest for a long time, but he didn't reach out to take it out.

Everyone else looked surprised when they saw this scene.

"Previously, the judge bowed to Taoist Zhang Yushan, but now he is so abnormal when facing Zhang Zhiwei. Is this all the blessing of the Ancestral Heavenly Master?"

"If this is really the case, the Ancestral Master is too partial!"

"Be careful what you say, be careful what you say, there is a god in your head!"

Several young Taoist priests were talking about it.

But several seniors remained silent. They knew that the Tianshi Mansion did not have any preferential treatment for receiving legal duties. I'm afraid there was something wrong with this kid Zhang Zhiwei.

As soon as he thought about this, he saw the military judge Zhong Kui standing at the gate of Fengdu City with his big horse and golden sword. He stepped out across the space and came to Zhang Zhiwei. He stared directly at Zhang Zhiwei with eyes like bells and said in a voice like a bell:
"The Dharma body is hidden in the human body. You cannot overstep your authority. I will judge you personally!"

After that, he reached out his black hand the size of a leaf fan and took out several black weights from Zhang Zhiwei's chest.

Several bandit-like ghost figures appeared behind Zhang Zhiwei.

No one was surprised at all by this. They were just a few bandits and not worth mentioning. They were thinking about what Zhong Kui meant by hiding in the physical body of the Dharma Fetus.

But soon, unable to continue thinking, they started to exclaim.

Because, as Zhong Kui kept digging, more and more ghosts appeared behind Zhang Zhiwei, one after another, seemingly endless.

"This... the number of murderers on Zhang Zhiwei's body... is a bit ridiculous, more than 200, which is already more than Taoist Priest Ge Wen of the Lingbao Sect. He was so young, but he killed so many people, on average, he killed so many people a year. One 20 people?" a Taoist priest said tremblingly.

“It’s a bit much, and it’s still growing!”

Just after he finished speaking, another person exclaimed: "My Infinite Lord, the twenty a year I just mentioned can no longer be carried out. Now it has broken through the five hundred mark. The murders he committed are second only to Bai Taoist Master!"

Another priest said: "Look carefully, most of the ghosts appearing behind him are wearing shit yellow military uniforms. These are the military uniforms of Japanese pirates. He just went to Liaodong and participated in the operation to release the dragon veins. It is said that in order to deal with Among our people, the Japanese pirates sent out a large number of troops, and he should have killed these people in Changbai Mountain!"

"That's what I say, but did he kill a little too much? I admit that he is powerful, No. 1 among the younger generation, but this is a fully armed army. I can't imagine how he did it!"

"How do you do it? Do you think it's a matter of standing up on the ground and charging at the army? It's the Changbai Mountain with its lofty mountains. With Zhang Zhiwei's cultivation, he uses his body skills and attaches the talisman. It can be said that he is leaping over the land. He can reach dozens of meters away in one step. , No matter how dangerous the mountain forest or even the cliff, he can walk on flat ground and is ten times more agile than an ape."

"Coupled with the invulnerable golden light spell and the thunder method that can hit wherever you want, what if there is a fully armed army lurking in that kind of place? If there is no one who can check him, no matter how many people will be killed, It's clean, but I didn't expect that he could really kill so many people, this kid's mental toughness is terrifying!"

"Hahaha... Okay, that's great. I'm not alone in my ways, and my future generations are to be feared. Previously, I thought you went through the back door and looked down on you. It's just me who looks down on others. I'll make amends to you!"

Bai Yugong laughed and then bowed deeply to Zhang Zhiwei, which was considered to be his recognition of Zhang Zhiwei from the bottom of his heart.

But soon, even a killer like him began to murmur in his heart, because the ghosts behind Zhang Zhiwei continued to appear in the distance, even exceeding the thousand mark, approaching his thousand, 580 and six people. number. "That's not right. I can kill so many villains because I have been traveling around the world for decades, hoeing the strong and supporting the weak. In those few years, I joined the boxing world and participated in several brutal battles. I am so sinister. Young ghost, are there so many Japanese pirates in Changbai Mountain for him to kill? I can’t even count them!”

He did not go to Liaodong because he had to prepare for receiving the third-grade legal position, but he paid attention to it afterwards and asked about the details, so he knew everything about Liaodong.

According to what he learned afterwards, the Japanese pirates' troops in Changbai Mountain were divided into nine groups, stationed in eight flag mountains and imperial mausoleums respectively. In order to capture them, the Alien Alliance paid a huge price and killed many during the period. The Japanese pirates finally broke through the Qi Bureau, and the Qi Bureau was in chaos, and the Japanese pirate army inside was wiped out.

But if we remove these ghosts behind Zhang Zhiwei, as well as the Japanese pirates who died in Qi Bureau...

So what did the Alien Alliance do in Changbai Mountain?Not a single enemy was eliminated. Everyone was killed by Zhang Zhiwei. They were just going sightseeing?
Bai Yugong clearly felt something was wrong.

Not only him, but others also noticed it, because the number of ghosts was still increasing and had exceeded the White Jade Palace.

"No, why are there so many? If all the Japanese pirates in Changbai Mountain, excluding those who died in the Qi Bureau, were given to him, the other strangers would still owe him a few more!"

"Look carefully, among the ghosts appearing behind, there are some Japanese pirates wearing white coats and masks on their faces. As far as Pindao knows, they should be from the laboratory. They can't appear in Changbai Mountain. This is Before going to Changbai Mountain, where else should the boy have gone to cause trouble?"

"It should be Bincheng. Have you forgotten the major events that happened in Bincheng before? There are rumors in the world that Maozi and the Japanese pirates are going to have another decisive battle, but so far, they are still in a state of silence, and there are weird things everywhere. I'm sorry, wait. Now, why is this kid so endless!? How much does it cost?!"

"My Infinite Heavenly Lord, you can see that the martial judge's hand has taken out the residual image. The number of ghost images must have exceeded three thousand. This is too amazing. I feel a little afraid to look directly at Zhang Zhiwei!"

"It's simply indescribable, unimaginable, immeasurable, impossible... He's just afraid that Luo Huji will come to this world!"

"This scene, it is not an exaggeration to say that the demon Lord descended from the sky and the Tai Sui God on earth!"

"Infinite Heavenly Lord, after taking it for so long, Judge Wu's hands may be sore!"

"What nonsense? We said Zhang Zhiwei kills people without blinking an eye, but you ask the military judge if his hands are sore?"



There were more and more ghosts, and the discussion became quieter and quieter. Everyone's jaws dropped in shock. They looked at Zhang Zhiwei with shock and fear in their eyes.

As for Zhang Yushan, he was so shocked that he kept a dark face and said nothing during the whole process. Until now, he is not an idiot, how could he still not know what happened?
No wonder several senior brothers recommended him to receive the legal position. It turned out that this was the case.

It wasn't that he was dissatisfied with Zhang Zhiwei for killing the Japanese pirates, but he was dissatisfied that several senior brothers had hidden such a thing from him.

At the same time, he finally understood why Zhang Zhiwei was so concerned about it and talked about the White Jade Palace with righteous words. It turned out that he was talking about himself?
After all, what Bai Jade Palace did was nothing compared to what he had done!
"Brother Yushan Dao, this matter must be handled properly. This matter is too big and cannot be hidden. If we really let it go, it won't be long before it becomes a big deal and everyone in the world will know about it!" Wei The article said with a serious face.

Ge Wen also said: "Nowadays, Japanese pirates are like wolves and ghosts are like tigers. If these two things, big and small, come out, I'm afraid it will be difficult to correct them. Don't suffer unreasonable disasters."

The three sects of Fu Lu have the same origin. If he can still treat the matter of Shenxiao Sect Baiyu Palace with a calm mind, then they cannot be calm about Zhang Zhiwei.

"It does need to be treated well. I will pay attention to this matter!" Zhang Yushan said seriously.

While they were discussing, the ghost figures standing behind Zhang Zhiwei were already close to the five thousand mark. They were so densely packed that at a glance, it made people feel like they were in a ghost land.

Everyone present was numb, staring at this scene with dumbfounded eyes, unable to say anything. Is this still a human being?Is it something that humans can do?
In fact, not all of those ghosts were killed by Zhang Zhiwei himself. Some of them were killed by him using the flying thunder sword, some were killed by him detonating the ammunition depot, and some were killed because he disrupted the Qi situation. Most of the deaths were caused by him releasing the demons and ghosts in the underground biochemical research institute and killing them during the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk.

Among those killed were not only the Japanese army, but also many Japanese soldiers and many militiamen. Many of these militiamen were veterans of the Japanese pirates. They immigrated here. They were civilians in peacetime and soldiers in wartime. Hundreds of people in Bincheng When ghosts walk at night, they come to maintain order, but they die at the hands of demons and ghosts for unknown reasons.

All of these were put on Zhang Zhiwei's head, which would naturally be a heinous crime.

However, when it reached the five thousand mark, the ghosts were finally over. As for the immortals, they did not appear. It is the duty of Taoist priests to punish evil spirits. Strictly speaking, animals with energy are monsters. Killing them is not a sin.

The trial continued. With a livid face, Zhong Kui grabbed a black weight, but no ghost appeared. This made him stunned. Immediately, the black beard like a steel needle shook, and he took a long breath. It was finally over. My hands are sore.

He viciously slapped this insignificant black weight on one end of the balance that had become so unbalanced that it stood upright, and his voice was loud:

"Fuck your tongue!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone who was holding their breath also let out a long sigh. It was finally over. Just looking at the dense ghosts behind Zhang Zhiwei, everyone couldn't help feeling scared. This was simply purgatory. This level The ghosts have not disappeared, I am afraid they will remain for the next level. There are so many, how should he pass the next level?

"Insolent and disrespectful."

"Deceiving gods and demons."

Black weights were slapped on the evil end one after another, but compared to the mountains of evil-killing weights, they seemed a little pale.

Not long after, all the black codes were used up, and the scale was pressed into a "1". Zhong Kui began to take out the white weights. Everyone watched intently, wanting to know Zhang Zhiwei's merits and demerits.

"Help the poor and help the weak!"

"I am anxious for justice and love justice!"

"Eliminate violence and make good!"

"Subduing demons!"

"Defend the family and the country!"

"Preserve the dragon veins!"


White weights were taken out one by one and placed on the other end of the scale, especially the one used to defend the country. It was as heavy as a mountain. It directly pushed back the scale that was pressed into the word "1", and even pushed back. into a "1" character.

With this heavyweight white weight in the finale, Zhang Zhiwei undoubtedly received a great evaluation.

Seeing the weights going up and down like a roller coaster, Zhang Zhiwei sighed in his heart, this was really a hearty trial. Although he had a clear conscience and did not care much about the outcome of the trial, it was undoubtedly a joy to get positive feedback. thing.

At this time, Zhao Ruhuo, who had not spoken before, suddenly said: "Infinite Heavenly Lord, little Taoist friend Zhang Zhiwei did this for the country and the people, but the sin of killing is too heavy. Every time one is killed, one point of resentment will accumulate. This time My little friend, it’s better to give up on the legal examination. You won’t be able to pass the next examination!”

"give up?"

Zhang Zhiwei turned his head and looked at the dense ghost figures behind him, and smiled. I have already put up this posture, there is no reason to give up. Just when he was about to speak, the explosive old Taoist Bai Yugong spoke first:

"It's you who should give up. There are so few third-grade legal positions, every carrot is a pit. You can't get the third-grade legal position of Yufu in the Qinghui Dharma lineage. With Pindao here today, you can't get the third-grade legal position of the Exorcist Academy! "

Zhao Ruhuo holds both the fourth-grade Jade Palace judicial post and the fourth-grade Exorcist Court judicial post. Last year, there was a vacancy for the third-grade Jade Palace judicial post. He ran for election but failed, so he came to compete for the third-grade Exorcist Court judicial post. .

Zhao Ruhu lowered his eyes: "Infinite Heavenly Lord, what Brother Bai Dao means is that this third-level legal position is yours?!"

"No, the position of Dharma should be occupied by those who are capable. I am not qualified enough to hold the position, so I don't want to do it. You are incompetent, and you are not qualified to hold it. In my opinion, this position of Dharma is not for Wei Xiaodao. There is nothing better than a friend, Pindao will be the protector today and protect him to receive the dharma mandate!!"

Bai Yugong glanced at Zhang Zhiwei with a burning gaze, turned to look at the other people, and shouted:
"Put Tao's words here. Which of you agrees with it and who opposes it?"

(End of this chapter)

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