Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 356 The choice of the seniors, the second level of the assessment

Chapter 356 The choice of the seniors, the second level of the assessment

"Who is in favor and who is against?!"

Bai Yugong's words were quite rude, leaving no face to his colleagues, and even contained a strong sense of threat.

But he has the confidence. He holds the third-level legal position of Shenxiao Palace and the fourth-level legal position of Exorcism Academy. In terms of legal positions alone, he is the tallest among everyone present.

In terms of strength, although there is no comparison, judging from the dense ghost figures behind him, it must not be far behind.

However, the people he was threatening... were all seniors, and none of them had any bad intentions. For a moment, the scene became tense.

Zhang Zhiwei looked at this scene with some surprise. The change of Mr. Bai caught him off guard.

After just one trial of good and evil, his attitude towards him changed from scorning him to respecting him as a god. Not only did he give up the fight for the legal position, but he also volunteered to be his protector and protect him to obtain the legal position...

In this case...I...accepted an old fanboy? Zhang Zhiwei cursed in his heart.

The others also looked at this scene in amazement. No one even paid attention to the ongoing trial of good and evil. They all looked at the fight between the seniors with burning eyes. After all, what happened to the juniors? Is this scene exciting?

At this moment, facing the aggressive Bai Jade Palace, several people had different expressions.

Zhang Yushan was angry. He was a direct descendant of the Heavenly Master and a highly skilled Taoist. Whoever saw him being disrespectful had never been reprimanded like this before.

Gwen, the smiling tiger, suppressed his smile and was deep in thought.

Wei Wenwen's face was not very good-looking at first, but after frequently glancing at the ghost army behind Zhang Zhiwei, his face suddenly became calmer.

As for Zhao Ruhui, he kept his eyes lowered and didn't even look at Baiyu Palace, as if he was indifferent.

For a moment, the scene reached a deadlock. Bai Yugong frowned. If he agreed, he would stand down. If he disagreed, he would make a show. What does it mean not to speak?
He was about to speak again, but Ge Wen took the lead and said: "I agree with Brother Bai Dao, the one who can take the position. The third-grade legal position of the Exorcist Academy is indeed very suitable for Zhang Zhiwei. I quit!"

As soon as these words came out, several other people looked at Gwen in surprise. They did not expect that he would be the first to answer, and in such an aggressive situation in the White Jade Palace. Judging from the nearly two hundred ghosts behind him, this People shouldn't compromise like this. Just give up when others ask you to give up. That would be so shameless.

In fact, Ge Wen also had his own considerations. When he saw the terrifying scene with many ghosts behind Zhang Zhiwei, he suddenly remembered his previous conversation with the Celestial Master Zhang Jingqing.

At that time, Zhang Jingqing asked him to pay attention, and also told him not to think about holding back. At that time, he only thought that this was just Zhang Jingqing's modest words, so he told his parents when sending their children to school that it was okay, and if they did something wrong, don't be merciful and beat them hard, or break them. It doesn't matter.

But judging from the current scene, Ge Wen suddenly understood what Zhang Jingqing meant, which was to remind him not to be careless, so as not to lose too ugly and even the Celestial Master was not optimistic about it.

Therefore, when Bai Yugong proposed it, he carefully thought about the gains and losses, and continued to fight. Not to mention whether he was the opponent of Bai Yugong and Zhao Ruhui, if he accidentally encountered Zhang Zhiwei, he would win. He is a senior, so he deserves it. If he loses, he will not be guaranteed.

No matter how you think about it, it's not worth it. Instead of being defeated in despair, it's better to have a decent end, so he answered so simply.

Seeing that Ge Wen had given up, Wei Wenwen thought for a moment, looked at the White Jade Palace, and then at the dense ghost figures behind Zhang Zhiwei, and said:

"Although Taoist Master Bai's words don't sound good, if you think about it carefully, they are not unreasonable. Although Zhang Zhiwei has committed a lot of murders, his good side is also the most serious. And he is still so young. Those of us who are seniors must Give the juniors some opportunities, let alone abdication and make way for talents, but at least you should not rely on your status as seniors to rely on your elders to steal resources from them. So, like Brother Ge Wen, I also chose to quit and fulfill Zhang Zhiwei. "

Although Wei Wenwen looks rough and rough, like a reckless man who has no brains and only loves to fight and fight, he is actually a delicate and thoughtful person. He has never been aggressive in his life and loves to study the classics of scientific rituals. Therefore, how many people did he kill? Second only to Zhao Ruhui.

Moreover, just now, he keenly saw several old men wearing purple hunting clothes from the shadows behind Zhang Zhiwei, which are Shinto costumes.

He has some understanding of Shintoists, and that kind of clothing belongs to the great priests of Shintoism.

The status of a great priest in Shintoism is equivalent to that of a Taoist master. Although this kind of guy is not very strong, he can be considered difficult to deal with while hiding in the dark and manipulating ghosts and gods. However, the ghost behind Zhang Zhiwei actually There are quite a few, which is really surprising.

Not only that, he also caught a glimpse of a ghostly figure with several stars embroidered on the collar passing by.

He also recognized this kind of military uniform. It was the uniform of Japanese pirate general-level officers.

There are no large-scale wars nowadays, and guys of this level are rare in the land of China.

The most recent one to die was the Major General Commander Fujita of Bincheng. He was a master of karate, but he died at the hands of a Cheka agent during the riots in Bincheng, causing a great uproar.

When he heard the news, he cheered loudly, thinking that it would make them dog eat dog, but he did not expect that there was no assassination by Cheka agents. It was clearly done by this kid Zhang Zhiwei.

Before going to Changbai Mountain, he first went to Bincheng, disguised as a Cheka agent, and killed everyone.

With the power of one person, he turned a city upside down and killed the city's top commander. Such achievements were simply appalling.

Wei Wenwen thought about it for a moment. If he had to face thousands of heavily armed soldiers, several Shinto priests, and a very powerful karate general, it would be difficult to protect himself, let alone eradicate them.

But Zhang Zhiwei did this. Although he didn't know what kind of tricks he used to do it, but since he did it, Wei Wenwen was convinced by him, and he was convinced.

Therefore, he was willing to give up his qualifications. This was not because he was afraid of the White Jade Palace, but because he really felt that this legal position should belong to Zhang Zhiwei. Even if there was no place for the second-level legal position, he thought that Zhang Zhiwei could receive the second-level legal position.

Seeing that both Ge Wen and Wei Wenwen gave up cleanly, Zhang Yushan was a little surprised. What about the face of the three Fulu sects, the face of the Ge family and the Wei family? The White Jade Palace gave up as soon as it was forced to go to the palace. What kind of words would it sound like? Others might think that I was afraid of him.

In fact, after seeing the numerous ghosts behind Zhang Zhiwei, he also understood why the three senior brothers wanted Zhang Zhiwei to receive the law.

At this time, his willingness to take up legal duties was no longer very strong.

If Zhang Zhiwei proposed that his uncle, the master, should not compete with him for the legal position, he would readily agree, and even if Baiyu Palace persuaded him, he would be willing to give up.

But Baiyu Palace acted in such a threatening manner, how could he get down the stairs?
If he lowers his head, how will the Zhang family's face in Tianshi Mansion be saved?

The Ancestral Master's blood was so proud that he was not allowed to bow his head in this situation.

He wants to have a fight with this tough-nosed old man named Bai.

After the fight, he gave up on the grounds that Zhang Zhiwei was his nephew and he would not compete with him.

In this way, both face and dignity are gained.

"I object, Brother Bai Dao, the position of the law belongs to those who are capable, but now the judge is still judging good and evil, you want to take over?" Zhang Yushan scolded.

Zhao Ruhu raised his eyes and glanced at Zhang Yushan with some surprise, then nodded and said: "Fellow Taoist Yushan is right!" Different from the position of the three Fulu sects, he will definitely not give up his position as a legal official. He will never allow his position to fall into the hands of a ruthless man who kills without any thought.

Furthermore, Bai Yugong's words just now were clearly aimed at him. The clay figure was still angry. Although he did not kill, he was not a good gentleman who allowed others to bully him, so it was naturally impossible for him to agree.

Zhao Ruhu didn't agree, which was reasonable, but Zhang Yushan didn't agree. Unexpectedly, Bai Yugong looked straight at Zhang Yushan with no expression on his face:
"Fellow Taoist, I am trying to persuade you with good words. Please do not make any mistakes!"


Zhang Yushan sneered and shouted: "Fellow Taoist is so arrogant, does it mean you don't take Zhang Yushan, my thunder running hand, seriously?"

As Longhushan's expert in thunder techniques, Zhang Yushan naturally cannot be an unknown person.

In his early years, he traveled around the world and gained the reputation of Nuo Da. He was given many nicknames, and this Thunder Runner was just one of them, but he liked it quite a lot because he really grew up with his thunder skills.

It's just the name... Zhang Zhiwei touched his nose and felt something was not right. He couldn't tell what was wrong, it just wasn't right.

Uncle Master traveled around the world in his early years, so he probably used the pseudonym Wen Tailai...

Zhang Zhiwei complained in his heart and wanted to ask, but found that something was inappropriate. Uncle Master and Bai Yugong were already at war with each other.

"So, Taoist Yushan, do you want to test whether my thunder method is sharp?" Bai Yugong said expressionlessly.

"My thunder method is not bad at all!?"

Zhang Yushan is not afraid at all. When it comes to playing with thunder, who is the Tianshi Mansion afraid of?
"Me too!" Zhao Ruhu also raised his head, his eyes changed from the previous lukewarm tone, and he looked directly at Baiyu Palace sharply, ready to fight if he disagreed with her.

Tianshi Mansion, Shenxiao Sect, and Qingwei Sect are the three sects in the world that are best at thunder magic.

Among them, Sa Shoujian, the founder of the Shenxiao sect, was a disciple of the young heavenly master Zhang Jixian.

Strictly speaking, the origin of the thunder method of the Shenxiao Sect is also the Five Thunder Methods of the Tianshi Mansion.

But after Sa Shoujian became a self-realized heavenly master, he improved the Thunder Method. Now the Shenxiao Thunder Method passed down by the Shenxiao Sect is completely different from the Five Thunder Method.

Although they heard about the Tao one after another, both Sa Shoujian and Zhang Daoling were at the Heavenly Master level, so Baiyu Palace also had the confidence to touch Zhang Yushan.

Seeing the three seniors of the three thunder method sects arguing, everyone turned their attention and wanted to know whose thunder method was better among these three sects.


This scene actually made Zhang Zhiwei a little stunned.

The old fan brother and his uncle are having a fight, who should he help?
Helping Uncle Master would be too ungrateful.

Although he does not need the protection of the White Jade Palace, it is the kindness of others after all. If he reprimands him, what is the difference between repaying kindness with hatred?
He, Zhang Zhiwei, can't do such a thing.

As for helping old fans, it is even more impossible if there is no difference between closeness and distance.

"I really want to give each of them a few chestnuts just like knocking off Lao Lu and Er Bi. But let's teach Zhong Kui to do this kind of thing!"

Zhang Zhiwei cursed in his heart and immediately looked at the military judge Zhong Kui.

Zhong Kui was seen staring at the three people from Bai Jade Palace with eyes as big as copper bells.

After Zhong Kui finished interrogating Zhang Zhiwei, he returned to the gate of Fengdu City and continued to stand there like a god to supervise the entire exam.

As an assessor, he naturally noticed the movement here, but these people had been talking nonsense before and did not take action, so he naturally did not intervene.

But now, several people are at war with each other, and their bodies are full of energy. Bai Yugong's face, there is even a blue-purple electric current flowing between his eyebrows and hair, and he is very ready to take action in the next second. Naturally, he, the assessor, can no longer He sat back and ignored it, then shouted loudly:
"Crazy villains, this is no place for you to show off your cruelty in front of this judge!"

After that, with a wave of his hand, the iron ropes that had been pierced through everyone's bodies suddenly tightened, causing the three people in Baiyun Palace to stagger.

At the same time, the feeling that appeared during the previous judgment of good and evil reappeared. The iron rope was like a sutra-sealing talisman, locking the eight extraordinary meridians of the body, and all the methods could not be used at all.

The judge took action, and the three people who were at war with each other stopped. They snorted coldly and sat cross-legged.

Now is the review stage, so it is not convenient to take action. When the confrontation part of the assessment comes, everyone will use their methods and show off their magical powers.

"Senior Bai, I accept your wishes, but there is no need to do so. With my strength, I am enough to compete for this third-level legal position!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

This was indeed a bit rude, and the meaning was very obvious, but people around him didn't think it was wild talk, but rather thought it was very reasonable.

Bai Yugong glanced at him and said in a deep voice:
"Your strength is your business, and what I want to do is my business. If I don't do something, my thoughts will not be clear!"

As a Taoist master, he had read a lot of various classics, knew various principles, and had practiced self-cultivation. However, no matter how he cultivated, he always felt unhappy in his heart, like a lump in his throat.

Only later did he realize that all he wanted was an enlightenment.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Zhiwei hugged his hands and said no more, continuing to watch the judgment of good and evil.

As the last person was evaluated as good, the trial of good and evil came to an end. The judge from the Department of Rewarding Good and Punishing Evil walked behind Zhong Kui and disappeared.

Zhong Kui waved his hand, and a red copper four-cornered judging platform and a grand master's chair appeared in front of him.

He brushed up his robe, sat up in one step, stretched out his hand, and a gavel appeared in his hand, and he slapped it on the judge's table.

In an instant, flames shot up into the sky in front of everyone, and the fireworks turned into a huge oil pan. The hot oil in the oil pan rolled like lava, and a twisted and ferocious human face flashed inside from time to time.

Zhong Kui stood high on the red copper four-corner judging platform, with thick eyebrows like swords and eyes like copper bells, and shouted:
"The second level is to get the key from the oil pan. The key to the chain on your body is in the oil pan. If you can take it out within one stick of incense, you can open the shackles on your body and enter the next level. If you can't, you will be locked. Stay here until the assessment is over!”

(End of this chapter)

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