Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 360 Surfing on the Wangchuan River, Master and Uncle Fighting

Chapter 360 Surfing on the Wangchuan River, Master and Uncle Fighting

"I died so miserably!"

"Give my life back!"

"You, damn it!"



A series of shrill wails sounded in Zhang Zhiwei's ears, over and over again, like a demonic sound penetrating his ears.

"Scream, scream, scream! Tell your mother to set you on fire!"

Zhang Zhiwei shouted low and threw a ball of blue flame towards the Wangchuan River.

In an instant, blue flames shot into the sky!

The flames spread quickly, igniting this small piece of water. Under the water, there were human faces struggling in pain. They all wailed. The sight of thousands of ghosts wailing was chilling.

But the strange thing is that although these ghosts are wailing in pain, they have not completely disappeared. Even the water surface of the Wangchuan River has not changed. It seems that the Samadhi True Fire, which is designed to burn the soul, has lost its effect.

But Zhang Zhiwei clearly felt the burning of his own essence and spirit, and also felt that a large amount of soul energy was destroyed by the flames.

"But why haven't those ghosts changed?" Zhang Zhiwei thought.

At the same time, everyone watching on the shore also saw this scene.

"The flame is the blue flame that turns the oil pan into an oil bowl. No wonder he dares to go into the river with so many ghosts behind him. It turns out this is what he relies on!"

"This flame is indeed extraordinary. A wisp of flame can melt the oil pan. Now that he has released so much in one breath, will it burn the entire Wangchuan River directly?!"

"What are you thinking? The Wangchuan River is so big, how can it be burned? Moreover, have you noticed that the flames this time don't seem to be as effective as last time. The oil pot was easily refined before. Although the ghost figures in the Forgotten River are struggling and twisting like maggots, they have not disappeared!"

A group of people were talking.

Wei Wenwen said: "If we were only [-]% sure before, now we are almost certain that this is the real fire of Samadhi!"

Ge Wen said: "It is said that the Samadhi True Fire specializes in burning the souls of all things in the world. It is one of the highest mysteries of the sorcerer path created by Zhuge Wuhou. In the interior, everything evolved from the souls, but why is it a little bit weird now? hard to use?"

Wei Wenwen pondered for a moment and said: "It's not that it's not easy to use. No matter how strong the fire is, it will take some time to boil the water. The more water, the longer it takes to boil, and the more fuel is needed... "

"Brother Wen Zhang, what do you mean?" Gwen asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Wei Wenwen explained: "Actually speaking, the unique skill of Samadhi True Fire was originally created by Zhuge Wuhou to deal with the power of the Taoist ritual order gods."

"At that time, Liu Bei was at odds with Zhang Lu, the third generation Heavenly Master in Hanzhong, and the disciples of the Heavenly Master's Mansion were famous for giving orders to ghosts and gods. Wuhou was worried that one day he would confront the Heavenly Master's Mansion, so he created this technique to fight against the Heavenly Master Zhang. Lu, this also made Zhang Lu hate Liu Bei even more."

"But that was nearly two thousand years ago. As time has passed, the True Fire of Samadhi has not changed. It is still the same as it was nearly two thousand years ago. However, the Taoist lineage is constantly expanding. It is not what it used to be!"

"Brother Wenwen, I understand what you mean!" Ge Wen suddenly realized.

On the other side, Zhang Zhiwei thought that the reason why it was useless was that Zhong Kui was doing it...

He looked at Zhong Kui and saw Zhong Kui sitting high on the judge's platform at the gate of Fengdu City. His face was covered with veins and the whites of his eyes were red as if they were dripping blood. He looked very painful.

Zhong Kui was fighting against me. It looked like what I was burning was a ghost, but in fact, what I was burning was Zhong Kui... Zhang Zhiwei thought for a moment and figured everything out.

These ghosts look scary, but they are the illusions created by Zhong Kui through the judgment of good and evil, which is similar to interior divination, and he knows who he has killed before. Human ghost.

So when he burned these ghosts, including the oil pan he burned before, it was actually Zhong Kui who burned them!
  "No wonder Zhong Kui looks constipated. He doesn't want to be burned. You could have said it earlier. If you had said no earlier, how could I still burn my own people?"

Zhang Zhiwei had a thought in his mind and waved his hand to take back the Samadhi True Fire that was covering and getting stronger. There is no need to burn it anymore. The Samadhi True Fire is fueled by the God of the Upper Alchemy, the Qi of the Middle Alchemy, and the Essence of the Lower Alchemy. The fire of life that is ignited specifically to burn the soul, this thing consumes a lot of itself.

And Zhong Kui is a god who gave birth to a true spirit from the power of belief of millions of people. You can burn through this inner scene and leave. Even if Zhong Kui comes to your inner scene, you can burn him and expel him. But it is absolutely impossible to burn out Zhong Kui's soul power, because he relies on the entire Taoist lineage.

The entire Taoist dharma lineage has existed for nearly two thousand years, and the power within it is almost endless. With the power of one person, not even a splash can be turned over.

Therefore, Zhang Zhiwei no longer does useless work. Since the military judge Zhong Kui demands it, he will use his legal and compliant skills to pass this test in an upright manner.

With this thought, Zhang Zhiwei wrapped the entire raft with golden light, used Qi to propel it, and began to rush and surf on the Wangchuan River. Behind him, huge waves like forests surged up in an instant, and the huge waves were densely packed with ghost figures. .

He stepped on the waves, and whenever a ghost appeared from below, he would use his feet to lift one end of the raft, and then step down hard to push the ghost back to the bottom of the water. This was like whack-a-mole, but it was also fun.

Not far away, Zhao Ruhuan was using Qi to control the boat and move forward through the waves, and at the same time he was trying his best to control the balance of the boat with the oars.

He did not do anything to deal with the ghost figure that stood upright under his raft and stirred up wind and rain. He dragged it forward with a heavy load, which greatly affected his speed.

At this moment, Zhang Zhiwei came surfing on a raft, and the ghosts behind him also swarmed.

Suddenly, the waves became bigger, Zhao Ruhui in front was affected, and the small raft almost capsized.

what happened? Zhao Ruhu was shocked and looked back, only to see a huge wave rising on the river not far behind him.

In the dim yellow "waves" of the huge waves, vague faces can be vaguely seen. They are crying, writhing, biting, and coming one after another in a mighty manner, as if they are going to engulf everything.

Zhang Zhiwei's small raft was hovering alone on the waves, being pushed forward by the huge waves. This scene inexplicably gave people the feeling of a mayfly shaking a big tree.

"He dared to step into the Wangchuan River for such a deep crime. Isn't he afraid that everything in the past will be settled once and for all?"

Zhao Ruhu had a puzzled look on his face. If it were him, he would definitely not take a trip into this muddy water.

In this life, people will always face all kinds of opponents. Some opponents are killed openly, some are killed through some unsightly methods, and some are just pure luck.

These opponents, even if they try again, are not sure that they can succeed again, or they feel guilty and don't want to face them. This is the gap in their hearts. Now that they have turned into ghosts and blocked the road, how can they deal with it calmly? Zhao Ruhu glanced at the ghost figure under his raft, raised his hand, and the electric light intertwined in his palms, but his eyes flickered for a moment, and then he put down his hand, letting the ghost figure below hold the raft and shake it vigorously, while he continued to use The oars of the boat propel the raft forward.

However, while moving forward, in order not to be affected by the ghost behind Zhang Zhiwei, he also pushed the boat sideways, trying to increase the distance between him and Zhang Zhiwei.

Zhang Zhiwei naturally knew his intentions, but Youdao was afraid that whatever came his way, the more Zhao Ruhu wanted to avoid him, the more Zhang Zhiwei went towards him.

"Infinite Heavenly Lord, what a loss! Zhang Zhiwei turned a corner and rushed towards Zhao Ruhu. It is clear that he wants to divert trouble to the east!"

"It's unreasonable. It's so unreasonable. Let's wait before entering the river, so as not to be affected by Zhang Zhiwei's ghosts!"

"We really have to wait a little longer. Zhang Zhiwei's five thousand ghost figures descended into the river. The current Wangchuan River really looks a bit like the legendary Wangchuan River. It stretches across two realms and there are as many dead souls as Hengsha in it. Struggling!"

"By the way, have you noticed that Zhao Ruhui's ghost is causing trouble under his raft, but why didn't he choose to get rid of the ghost?" someone asked in confusion.

"Could it be that you didn't notice it?"

"How is it possible? We all saw it from a long distance away, let alone Zhao Ruhu on the raft. As for the reason why he didn't take action? Didn't someone say it? Zhao Ruhu killed a good person by mistake when he was young, so he He vowed not to kill anyone again in this life, so I guess... maybe he feels guilty!"

"The word 'gui' is half of the word 'shame'. There is something wrong with this. Actually, I am very curious, what did he do?"

"No one knows this kind of thing, I'm afraid I have to ask him face to face!"

"By the way, have you noticed that Baiyu Palace did not punt the boat into the river but blocked it in front of Zhang Yushan. Looking at the posture, it seems that Zhang Yushan was not allowed to enter the river. Isn't this a violation of the rules?"

"This level is the decisive level. There are few positions for third-level magicians, so fighting should be allowed. However, if you want to fight, you should also go to Fengdu City to fight. Isn't it too early to fight here?"

"Didn't he say he wanted to be Zhang Zhiwei's protector? I'm a little curious, who is more powerful, Zhang Yushan or Bai Yugong?"

"I beat Zhang Yushan. He is a heavenly master with a high degree of skill and is proficient in thunder techniques. He was an absolute leader in the martial arts world in his early years. He is also known as a Thunder Runner!"

"Then I'll press Bai Yugong. Just by the dense ghost figures behind him, I know that this person is special!"

There was a lot of discussion.

At this moment, Zhang Yushan was already facing Baiyu Palace.

The two sides were at war with each other. Zhang Yushan's whole body was intertwined with blazing white thunder, which was dignified and bright. This was the standard of Yang Wu Lei.

On Baiyu Palace's body, there were blue-purple lightning flashes, which was the Zixiao Thunder Technique of the Shenxiao Sect.

The thunder method of the Shenxiao Sect comes from the Tianshi Mansion. It is an improved version of Sa Shoujian among the four heavenly masters. In terms of power alone, it is not inferior to half of the five thunders. The reason why it appears purple is because it also has Some characteristics of Yin Wu Lei.

"Bai, do you know that what you are doing now is creating a grudge against me?!"

Zhang Yushan frowned, glanced at Zhang Zhiwei who was surfing in the Wangchuan River, remembered his previous plan, took a deep breath, and said:

"I don't want to fight this meaningless method. If you get out of the way, I'll forget about it!"

As soon as Zhang Yushan finished speaking, he saw Bai Yugong's hands in front of him being entangled with purple-blue lightning, and his whole body turned into a stream of light and rushed over.

There was a loud "boom", purple lightning struck white thunder, and electric current surged out in all directions.

At the center of the two lightning bolts, Bai Yugong and Zhang Yushan held their hands against each other. Two lightning bolts, one white and one purple, penetrated the air and spread around like tree branches, forming a tangled sea urchin shape around their bodies.

During the wrestling, the two were so close that their foreheads were touching, and they stared at each other.

Bai Yugong stared at Zhang Yushan and said expressionlessly: "Thunder Hands are indeed loud, but I heard that you have not been to Longhu Mountain for nearly ten years and have been enjoying happiness in the Tianshi Mansion. Are you living a good life?" Are you out of your mind?"

Bai Yugong sneered, and purple lightning spread in his eyes: "The battle for legal positions should be a battle of wits. I can beat you if I want to. What's the point? As for making grudges?"

"In this life of Pindao, there are countless people who have grudges. If fellow Taoist Zhang Yushan is angry, he can vent his anger on Pindao. Pindao, can you try to withstand it?"

"Wuna Kuaishou, I want you to look good today!"

Zhang Yushan's face was extremely angry and he smiled. He was angry when he was threatened by Bai Yu Palace before, but now he gets angry at the slightest disagreement. He doesn't take him seriously at all. If he doesn't teach him a lesson, he will act like a thunderbolt. How does Yushan handle himself?
  Silver lightning suddenly erupted, and hot thunder surged through Zhang Yushan's body.

Bai Yugong narrowed his eyes: "Is this Jiang Gong Lei? He is indeed powerful and incomparable!"

Seeing Zhang Yushan take action with anger, Baiyu Palace also started to take serious action. Blue-purple thunder suddenly erupted and connected into one, with astonishing power, forming a vast sea of ​​clouds.


The two types of thunder continued to collide, emitting fierce and short roars, like two evil dragons, one white and one purple, fighting each other. After each collision, a spiderweb-like electric flower bloomed in mid-air.

"Here, are these two really fighting?! Look at this, I'm afraid they're really fighting!"

"It won't work if we don't show real fire. Baiyu Palace didn't save any face for Zhang Yushan. If I were Zhang Yushan, I would be angry too!"

"Who is better between the Five Thunder Methods and the Shenxiao Thunder Method?" Maoshan Wei Wenzhang asked Ge Wen, Ge Zaoshan.

Ge Wen shook his head and said: "I don't know. The relationship between Shenxiao Sect and Tianshi Mansion has always been very good. Those who have learned the two thunder methods are all high-level experts in their respective sects. There is almost no chance to take action. Who is stronger and weaker? Are you accurate? But I prefer the Five Thunder Methods, after all, it is the secret technique passed down by the Ancestral Master!"

Wei Wenwen held the opposite opinion: "This statement is wrong. The Five Thunder Methods are indeed powerful, but the complete Five Thunder Methods are only transmitted to the Heavenly Master. Brother Yushan only relies on half of the Thunder Methods. I am afraid it will be difficult to defeat the Shenxiao Thunder Methods of Baiyu Palace. , but as a good friend, I actually hope that Brother Yushan can win!"

"Which one is stronger or weaker, we can only wait and see!" Ge Wen said: "But if Brother Yushan wins, I'm afraid he will have to face Zhang Zhiwei!"

"Actually, I'm looking forward to this scene!" Wei Wenwen said.

Ge Wen didn't speak, but he remembered his previous conversation with Heavenly Master Zhang Jingqing. Zhang Jingqing felt that he was not necessarily Zhang Zhiwei's opponent, and he and Zhang Yushan had competed with each other for many years. Although they never had a real fire, they fought each other every time. They are all on par with each other. Even if there is a gap, the comparison is not big. If he is not Zhang Zhiwei's opponent, then Zhang Yushan is probably also a mystery.

With Zhang Yushan's identity, if he were defeated by Bai Yugong, it would not be a shame. If he was defeated by Zhang Zhiwei, his reputation would be ruined... Ge Wen thought honestly in his heart, but he did not say this clearly. After all, he also wanted to save face.

(End of this chapter)

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