Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 361 Killing across the Wangchuan River

Chapter 361 Killing across the Wangchuan River
  "Brother Wen Zhang, your expectation of Brother Yu Shan facing off against Zhang Zhiwei may not come true. Brother Yu Shan is at a bit of a disadvantage in the battle with Bai Yu Palace!" Ge Wen said.

Wei Wenwen said: "This is not unexpected. The strength of Baiyu Palace is not weak in the first place, and Shenxiao's thunder method is not inferior to Jianggong Lei's. In terms of experience in fighting, it can be seen from the more than a thousand ghosts, and it is far superior." Brother Yushan."

"What's more, Baiyu Palace also holds the fourth-level legal position of the Arctic Exorcism Academy and the third-level legal position of Shenxiao Palace, while Brother Yushan only has the fourth-level legal position of the Arctic Exorcism Academy. The contrast is too obvious."

"Right now, the two of them are only engaging in lightning attacks. The difference is not too big. Once the body-protecting divine general is revealed, the gap may have to be widened!"

Hearing this, Ge Wen said: "I have been practicing hard in Gezao Mountain these years and have rarely been involved in Jianghu affairs. I don't know much about Bai Yugong. Who is his general?"

Wei Wenwen shook his head and said: "I'm not very sure. Bai Yugong has made many moves, but there isn't much news about him. However, judging from the dense ghost figures behind him, I'm afraid that he is fighting against him. Most of them are dead, so little news about him has spread. By the way, speaking of the legal position, Zhang Zhiwei is still white and unable to hold the position. Do you think that if Zhang Zhiwei receives the legal position, which body-protecting general will he have? ?”

Ge Wen said: "How to say this kind of thing well? The heavenly soldiers look at the horoscopes, and the heavenly generals look at the horoscope. We don't know Zhang Zhiwei's birth date, so it is difficult to guess. However, since the three masters have recommended him to receive the third-level legal position, it must be His birthday horoscope is very tough!"

"That's right!" Wei Wenwen mentioned the iron rope that was still connected to his body and said with a smile: "Anyway, we have decided to give up, so let's just sit back and wait and see!"

While the two were talking, someone suddenly exclaimed:

"Quick, quick, look at Zhang Zhiwei, this guy was surfing just now, and now he is finally facing those ghosts!"

Everyone quickly looked over again. In front of them was Zhang Zhiwei and Zhao Ruhu crossing the Wangchuan River. Behind them was Zhang Yushan. They were facing a duel with lightning techniques in the White Jade Palace. Everyone was dizzy and they only wished they didn't have a few more eyes.



On the Wangchuan River, many dangerous giant waves rolled up on the river surface. There were countless ghost figures lurking in the giant waves. They moved in and out of them, rushing towards Zhang Zhiwei with their teeth and claws.

Covered in golden light, Zhang Zhiwei controlled the raft to pass one obstacle after another in a thrilling manner, like a petrel sailing through the stormy waves.

However, no matter how swift Haiyan is, she cannot escape the carefully crafted trap.

When the raft once again rushed through the rough waves full of ghosts, a wall of water suddenly erected on the water surface, surrounding Zhang Zhiwei's raft.

Countless figures climbed out of the water wall and rushed toward the raft. They stared at Zhang Zhiwei with vicious eyes and twisted and ferocious faces.

At the critical moment, a sudden shot of silver lightning broke through the confusion.

There was a loud "boom", and the wall of water that had just risen like a cage collapsed like a punctured balloon.

For a moment, chaotic airflow spurted out, and the raft rushed out violently.

Zhang Zhiwei stood steadily on the "giant surfboard" and looked back.

The huge wave was left behind him again, and the ghosts inside were roaring unwillingly.

The sound they made was not just a roar, but a cry or a cry.

The voices of countless ghosts overlapped one after another, and by the time they reached human ears, they were already blurry, leaving only a creepy turbidity and harshness.

These creepy sounds make people extremely irritated.

Those watching on the shore were all disturbed by the sound, and they felt that the sound was like a sharp chisel, drilling into their heads.

However, Zhang Zhiwei, who was at a close distance, had an indifferent expression, seemingly unaffected and still calm and composed.

Some of the sites are not suitable now. If you want to take action, you have to go to the center of the river to do it... With this thought, Zhang Zhiwei stepped on the raft and continued forward.

Not far away, Zhao Ruhuan was affected and an innocent man was shot. These magical sounds got into his ears, stirred into his brain, and grabbed his heart... He was already feeling guilty. Continuously amplify.


He raised his index and middle fingers together, and lightning flashed out from his fingertips. He still did not use lightning to attack the ghost under the raft, but pointed it at his chest.

The burning smell caused by lightning burning flesh made Zhao Ruhu sober up a little.

He hurriedly recited the Calming Mantra silently, and at the same time distanced himself from Zhang Zhiwei. This kid was so evil. In the face of this sound of death, he was calm and unaffected, and his mental toughness was terrifying.

Or does he feel no guilt at all for the five thousand ghosts who were killed behind him? The mentality when killing people is as casual as eating and drinking?
  Zhao Ruhu turned around, glanced at the creepy wave of ghosts behind Zhang Zhiwei, and secretly decided in his heart that Zhang Zhiwei must not get this third-level magic priest, otherwise, he would probably cause more murders, which was not a good thing. .

Zhang Zhiwei didn't pay attention to Zhao Ruhuan's situation or what he was thinking. He was dealing with the ghost.

As he came to the center of the Wangchuan River, the ghosts became more and more intense. They no longer chased him like before, but began to set up an ambush and siege.

In this regard, Zhang Zhiwei was not afraid at all. Golden light covered his body, lightning burst out from his hands, and the ghost that rushed towards him was instantly shattered into pieces.

These ghosts that had no reaction before being burned with Samadhi True Fire were now as brittle as paper under the thunder method, breaking into pieces at a touch.

"Sure enough, it's Zhong Kui's fault. Zhong Kui allows the use of methods such as golden light and thunder, but does not allow the use of Samadhi True Fire. It's really strange..." Zhang Zhiwei thought to himself.

Although he came to this conclusion, he didn't know the specific reason. This Samadhi True Fire was created by Marquis Wu to deal with the Taoist dharma lineage in order to deal with the Heavenly Master Zhang Lu.

Now in this interior scene, if Zhong Kui lets Zhang Zhiwei use his new tricks to get through all the tests and pass all the tests with Samadhi True Fire, wouldn't that mean that their Dharma lineage gods were defeated by Wu Hou?
  How can I bear this? That's why Zhong Kui intervened forcefully before.

But now, Zhang Zhiwei was using Taoist golden light spell and thunder method, so he naturally didn't interfere anymore.

However, without the restraint of the Samadhi True Fire, those ghosts became even more arrogant. They rushed out of the river like raindrops, disturbing Zhang Zhiwei endlessly.

He simply pinched the magic formula, and countless thunder burst out, surrounding him, and the ghost figures that rushed towards him were annihilated one by one like moths to the flame.

But at this moment, a ghost figure with disheveled hair and dressed as a beggar suddenly jumped up from the bottom of the river, pointed in one direction, laughed wildly at Zhang Zhiwei:

"Taoist, you want to save people, look at the people you saved!" "What the hell?"

Zhang Zhiwei was about to strike him to death with a thunderbolt when he suddenly remembered that this person was the leader of the human traffickers who were harvesting and cutting crops that he met on the train when he followed his master to attend the Lu family's birthday party last time. He claimed to be the Caoqing Gang. , and was finally smashed to pieces by him with an iron bucket filled with coal.

This was a minor character worth mentioning, but Zhang Zhiwei was quite impressed by him. The jar man who was kidnapped and sold into a devil, the child whose limbs were chopped off and made into a human pig, and the child who was a human snake were all made by him. .

As the saying goes, kill without abusing living things. Zhang Zhiwei got really angry that time and tortured him severely. He used an iron bucket weighing several hundred kilograms to smash it into a puddle bit by bit, as if pounding medicine. mud.

But I didn't expect to see this person again in the interior scene. This ghost screamed at Zhang Zhiwei. As he screamed, his body was covered in flesh and blood. Even though he was almost in human form, his expression was very crazy.

"What a pickled thing!"

Zhang Zhiwei was about to scatter them with a thunderbolt, but found that there were a few sporadic child-sized ghosts in the direction the other party was pointing.

One of the children has no arms, and his lower body is covered with tattered snake skin. Through the gaps in the snake skin, you can see that the legs inside are roughly sewn together. At first glance, it looks like he has a human head. Like a snake.

Another child had no limbs, a dull face, crooked eyes and a slanted mouth. He was swimming swaying in the river. If you didn't look closely, you would have thought he was a seal.

There was also a child, who was pale all over, with cheeks as red as blood, a belly as big as a bucket, crawling with snakes, rats, insects and ants, and a melon-skin hat on his head.

Although there was no jar covering his body, Zhang Zhiwei recognized at a glance that this was the jar man he met on the train that day.

At this moment, these children were all staring at Zhang Zhiwei, with hatred and malice in their eyes, and they screamed shrilly:
  "Taoist Priest, why don't you save me? You are obviously capable of saving me!"

Zhang Zhiwei was stunned and did not take action immediately. In fact, after dealing with the traffickers on the train, he had thought about how to deal with the children who were harvested and mutilated here.

But after thinking for a long time, I couldn't come up with a proper solution. I can't bring him back to Longhu Mountain. Longhu Mountain is not an asylum.

What's more, this world is not peaceful. This kind of situation is not uncommon, and there are many even more miserable ones. If we really want to take them in, where can we take them in?
  He could give some help as much as he could, but he would not be saintly enough to bring all these things back to Longhu Mountain and hand them over to the sect for support.

Therefore, the final solution was to hand it over to the patrol room.

This was not a very appropriate way to deal with it, he knew it, but with his ability at the time, he could only do it to that extent.

But later, after he realized that the "Compendium of Materia Medica" had the ability to regenerate severed limbs, he sometimes thought that if he were to encounter the same situation again, he might be able to use these collected things to regenerate. The mutilated children were cured and given better placement.

Nowadays, there are many places to take a child with sound limbs, and they will also have their own future.

It was with such a mentality that he asked Lu Jin, Lu Ci and others to investigate the Caoqing Gang's human trafficking.

But now, Zhang Zhiwei was a little unexpected when he suddenly saw the ghost figures of these children.

"It turns out... you are already dead!"

Zhang Zhiwei whispered softly, saying this not for those ghosts, but for himself:
  "But except for the jar man, the other two were clearly not killed by me. Why do you appear here? Moreover, I killed the person who harmed you for you. Although I never thought that you would be grateful to me, you are Appearing here, I don’t recognize this result!”

Zhang Zhiwei suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Zhong Kui, golden flames boiling in his eyes:
  "Delusions are all delusions!"

After saying that, he raised his hand, and golden light intertwined from his palm, forming a big sword. With a fierce swing, the golden sword shadow passed through the air, cutting a huge hole in the huge wave that hit him, and was cut open at the same time. There are the ghostly bodies of several children.

Golden light shone everywhere, and the ghost figures of several children were smashed into ashes.

Zhang Zhiwei was holding a big sword, his hair flowing like a waterfall. He raised his head again and looked at Zhong Kui, the veins on his forehead were bulging:

"The 'ghost' half of the word 'guilt' is that you thought I would run away, that I would avoid fighting and dare not face it, so you played this treacherous trick. If that's the case, then I will do what you said. I wish to kill again in the center of the river!"

After that, golden light spread out from under Zhang Zhiwei's feet, protecting the raft to prevent it from falling apart.

At the same time, countless ghost figures lurked in the huge waves, shooting towards Zhang Zhiwei one after another.

The giant golden sword in Zhang Zhiwei's hand flipped violently, slashing out a sword light that was more than ten meters long. The fierce and fierce sword lights intertwined like webs and formed a sea wall, as if building a sea wall.

The raging "tide" slapped on the "sea wall" and suddenly stopped. Then the golden light spread out, and the "tide" disappeared in an instant.

From the beginning to the end, Zhang Zhiwei didn't even move a step, and the ghosts that came up were killed by him so lightly.

However, even though the ghost figures in the waves that hit this time were terrifying, they were nothing compared to the huge base. There were more hidden under the water of the Forgotten River.

However, Zhang Zhiwei was not without help.

"It's time for the 'National Preceptor' to get down to business!"

On the raft, behind Zhang Zhiwei, who was surrounded by a golden halo, a giant ape with green head and white body, wearing a purple gold crown with phoenix wings, wearing chain-locked gold armor, walking on lotus root silk, rose into the sky with thunder.


The 'National Master' came out of the cage and roared to the sky. It stepped on the river, but it made a "dong dong dong" sound, and its heavy steps were like beating a drum.

A large number of ghost figures came with a huge wave. The "National Master" did not dodge or evade, and rushed away. With just one encounter, the huge wave collapsed, and the ghost figures inside also dissipated inch by inch.

This exaggerated scene simply exceeded people's imagination.

In this interior scene, the "National Master" is the invincible sword in Zhang Zhiwei's hand, and its strength can be fully utilized.

The war was about to break out, and thousands of ghosts joined together, and the shadows were like a vast black cloud.

Zhang Zhiwei and the "National Master" were like two thunderbolts that shuttled back and forth in the black clouds. The fierce thunder and the bright golden light intertwined like rain, and countless ghosts were killed in the process.

(End of this chapter)

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