Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 362 Use yourself as a chessboard to play chess with the gods

Chapter 362 Use yourself as a chessboard to play chess with the gods
  On the Wangchuan River, waves are everywhere.

The people on the shore were originally watching Zhang Zhiwei stepping on the raft, avoiding the attack of the ghost step by step.

But suddenly, he stopped in the middle of the river. Instead of continuing forward, he turned back and started fighting with the ghostly figures chasing him from behind.

For a time, the river surged even more fiercely, and the dim yellow water was evaporated by a large amount under the attack of Lei Fa, forming a thick yellow fog. There were many ghosts in the fog, and the roars and screams became louder.

Everyone was wondering why they were running so well, but when they saw that they were halfway through the journey, they stopped moving forward and turned back to fight.

You know, there were not just one or two ghosts behind him, but thousands of them. With so many ghosts, it was terrifying just to look at them. Where did he get the courage to charge at them?

But at this moment, people on the shore saw that from behind Zhang Zhiwei, a creature wearing a purple gold crown with phoenix wings and chain-link gold armor suddenly appeared. It looked the same as the Monkey King, but was even bigger. monkey.

The monkey charged through the sky full of yellow fog and billowing black clouds. Several silver lightning bolts intertwined on its body, and its roar resounded throughout the sky.

This scene shocked everyone and caused heated discussions.

"Nah, that... what is the monkey and where did it come from? I just went to see the battle between Taoist Priest Baiyu Palace and Taoist Zhang Yushan. I didn't notice the situation on Zhang Zhiwei's side. Why did it suddenly appear? "Someone said with a surprised look.

"With this figure and this power, could it be... could it... be the monster hidden in the Forgotten River!"

"How could it be the monster in the Wangchuan River? Didn't you see that the giant ape didn't attack Zhang Zhiwei? Instead, he was helping Zhang Zhiwei deal with those ghosts. This should be the helper Zhang Zhiwei brought out!"

"Indeed, I saw it very clearly just now. This thing flying out from behind Zhang Zhiwei looked like this... Could it be Zhang Zhiwei's body-protecting general?" someone said.

"How could he be a divine general who protects the body?" Someone retorted: "Didn't Zhang Zhiwei not receive the legal duties yet? Where did the divine general who protects the body come from!"

"This is a legal examination site. All magic weapons cannot be used, and helpers cannot be called. It is also impossible to use methods such as ordering gods or asking immortals to come out. If it can appear in such a situation, it must be a part of oneself. This is not a protection. What will the physical spirit be?”

"But if that monkey is a divine general who protects the body, it is not worthy of it. Not to mention that Zhang Zhiwei has not yet received the legal position. Even if he has received the legal position, we do not have such a divine general in our legal lineage. Besides, , although the body-protecting divine general can protect the body, he is only under his own control and protects himself, but he is not so wise!"

There was a lot of discussion.

"Brother Wen Zhang, you are familiar with all kinds of Taoism and know the most. What do you think of that monkey?" Ge Wen said.

"I can't tell what this thing is, but I'm sure it's not a divine body-protecting general!" Wei Wenwen said.

Ge Wen nodded and said: "I think so too. This really doesn't look like the body-protecting movie god general, but rather... more like Zhang Zhiwei's clone!"

Wei Wenwen was startled. After staring for a moment, he nodded and said, "I didn't think so before, but when brother Ge Wen mentioned it, I suddenly felt enlightened. This monkey is indeed like a clone..."

But then, Wei Wenzhang frowned again: "But, as a clone, its expression is a bit too rich. There is cunning and malice in those eyes that are like flying stars. These are not Zhang Zhiwei's eyes, or even It can be said that it is completely opposite to Zhang Zhiwei’s eyes!”

"That's why I said it just looks like a clone. As for what it is, I'm not sure!" Ge Wen looked at Zhong Kui: "Maybe the military judge knows!"

Wei Wenwen said: "But the martial judge will not say, he is only responsible for maintaining the assessment. Before Zhang Zhiwei used Samadhi True Fire, he said nothing and just intervened silently, but this time he did not intervene. In other words, this time The monkey is not using external forces, but Zhang Zhiwei’s own means.”

Zheng Zibu was right next to Wei Wenwen. He heard the conversation between Wei Wenwen and Ge Wen in detail, but he did not interrupt.

He just listened silently, thinking at the same time, what would he do if he encountered such a ten-meter-tall monkey in the real world, with lightning intertwined all over its body, beating its chest, and roaring towards him?

I'm afraid the hand that draws the talisman will tremble, but this is Senior Brother Zhiwei's method.

Before, several elders had a lively chat with Zhang Zhiwei. When he interrupted, no one answered him. He was quite dissatisfied at first, but now, he suddenly understood.

When going out, face is given by yourself, and with the methods of Senior Brother Zhiwei, let alone Senior Uncle, I am afraid that even Senior Master will not ignore him.

Is this the weight of Senior Brother Zhang? The weight brought by my own strength. Although I was considered the best in Maoshan when I was young, compared to Senior Brother Zhang Zhiwei, I am still too weak. I have to learn some stronger talismans. Okay... Zheng Zibu thought secretly in his heart.

The appearance of the "National Preceptor" attracted enough attention. The eyes of everyone on the shore were attracted by the huge "National Preceptor", and they did not even pay attention to the situation of Zhang Zhiwei and Zhao Ruhui.

At this moment, Zhang Zhiwei was charging among the ghosts. Most of these ghosts were chickens and dogs, but there were also some ruthless characters among them.

For example, the great priests of the Shinto religion, General Fujita, the Onmyoji of the Tsuchimikado family, Shanqi and others... These ghosts are not worth mentioning in front of Zhang Zhiwei individually, but together they still caused Zhang Zhiwei's troubles. Some troubles.

Of course, what's more important is that these ghosts are all manifested by Zhong Kui, and the manipulator behind them is actually Zhong Kui.

Therefore, after a guy like Shanqi who is not familiar with actual combat becomes a ghost, he can perform various spells with ease, and his combat effectiveness is greatly improved.

This battle is more like playing chess with Zhong Kui again than killing the dead souls at his feet again.

The Wangchuan River is a chessboard, Zhong Kui uses the thousands of ghosts as his flag, and Zhang Zhiwei uses his own life as his flag.

This battle seems unfair, but in fact, in Zhang Zhiwei's opinion, it is just mediocre.

When he defeated the "National Preceptor" in the interior scene, it was because he held the Yuan Shouyi and his spirit, energy and spirit were highly integrated, and the "National Preceptor" could not shake him.

But now, his life has been blended, and he doesn't even need to deliberately maintain it. His essence, energy and spirit are in the state of Hunyuan. How can these ghosts shake him?
  If he wanted to, he could even squeeze his physical body into this interior space. Of course, doing so would be tantamount to breaking up with Zhong Kui. Naturally, he wouldn't be so brainless.

Zhong Kui stared at Zhang Zhiwei, curling his fingers slightly, and saw a ghostly figure dressed in purple hunting clothes and a great priest, lurking in the river, holding magic spells in his hands, and shot a series of strange spells at Zhang Zhiwei's back.

The battlefield was chaotic. Zhang Zhiwei was just like the demon lord that day. He didn't use any movement techniques and just rushed towards thousands of ghosts without dodging.

The golden sword in his hand had now turned into two golden whips extending from his fingertips. As he swung it, a large number of ghosts were wiped out.

When he was in Bincheng, facing the Japanese pirate army's encirclement and suppression in the streets, he was covered by golden light and rushed over with two golden whips.

The golden light protecting the body was indestructible, and the golden whip was as thin as a spider web and extremely sharp. Wherever it passed, blood flowed into a river, and the broken limbs paved a bloody road.

But now, the original scene reappeared, and these ghosts who looked like Japanese pirate soldiers collapsed after being whipped by the golden whip.


At this time, a black spell hit his golden light, but the defensive power of Zhang Zhiwei's golden light was beyond imagination, and it was of no use at all.

Zhang Zhiwei turned back and faced the dense rain of spells. He stepped in front of the ghost of the great priest, pinched his head, and then tightened it with force to crush it. Zhang Zhiwei still had a deep impression of this great priest. He was the one who was in charge of the underground railway company and used his forehead to receive his flying thunder sword. When Lu Jin and others found his body, they were still playing with it for a long time.

Crushing it into pieces, Zhang Zhiwei threw his hands away, bowed his knees lightly, and then shot up into the sky again like an arrow that was fully drawn.



On the other side, in the undulating corner of the Wangchuan River, Zhao Ruhuan, who was struggling to support the raft in the strong wind and waves, finally took action against the ghost under the raft after a series of battles between heaven and man.

He did not use the thunder method, but made a magic spell. A talisman flew out and turned into a chain, tying up the ghost figure under the raft and dragging it up.

Zhao Ruhu held one end of the chain, dragged the ghost figure in front of him, and looked directly at the ghost figure. The ghost figure was a half-year-old child, estimated to be about ten years old, staring at him with fierce eyes. Yet vulnerable.

Looking at these eyes, Zhao Ruhu fell into deep thought, as if he had returned to more than forty years ago.

At that time, the Tianping Heavenly Kingdom had just ended. Continuous wars had left a large number of fields abandoned, and the dead piled up everywhere without being dealt with. This caused the plague and caused great disasters everywhere.

He originally had a harmonious and beautiful family, but he was hit by a disaster and the whole family got the plague. Only he and his brother survived.

The two brothers fled with the refugee flow. At that time, there were refugees all over the place. In order to bury their bellies, they ate everything in sight, grass roots, tree bark... and even Guanyin soil, but it was still to no avail. People were starving to death and corpses were everywhere.

Some people who were going crazy with hunger even began to target corpses. However, many of the dead corpses on the ground had died of the plague, and some had rotted and deteriorated. There was a high chance that they would not end well if they were eaten.

As a result, many people focused on living people, which they called rice meat.

As a child, he was undoubtedly the easiest to be targeted. During the day, he and his brother hid in the grass, pillowing each other's backs. At night, they walked among the corpses. When they were hungry, they ate dry food brought from home.

It was originally a ration for the family to flee, but because their parents died of the plague, it all belonged to the two brothers.

With these rations, they lived happily together for a while.

But the rations always ran out. Soon, the two of them ran out of food. How could two teenagers get food?
  The two fled hungry and escaped many people who wanted to eat them.

But if you can escape the evil man, you can never escape hunger.

That day, he was so hungry that he lay weakly on the ground. He opened his eyes in a daze and found that he was tied up. His brother was sharpening a knife and boiling water. He called out to his brother, but he turned around. , holding it to chop him and eat rice and meat.

Maybe his brother was too hungry and dizzy, so the rope that tied him was not tied tightly. In a panic, he broke away immediately, grabbed the knife from his brother's hand, and stabbed his brother to death... …

At that time, his pale-faced brother lay on top of him. He didn't say anything, but just looked at him quietly. His tears kept rolling down, one drop at a time, and they were red.

His brother died. He later fled to Gezao Mountain, where he was taken in by the Lingbao Sect and became a strange person.

It's just that he never kills animals, and he never touches meat. Whenever there is a big disaster in a place, he will appear there to help the victims and give charity. He has become a highly respected Taoist priest and a recipient of good works. A good person to admire.

But no one knew that he actually couldn't live peacefully every night. He didn't dare to sleep at night, for fear that when he went to sleep, he would think of that scene back then, of his brother sharpening a knife, of the sound of blood flowing on his face, of...

"Brother, long time no see!"

Zhao Ruhu loosened the chain that tied Guiying and reached out to touch Guiying's face. Guiying still looked like a young boy, but he was already over fifty, nearly sixty years old.

The ghostly figure raised his head following Zhao Ruhuo's gesture and looked directly at Zhao Ruhuan. His eyes were crying, and the tears were red and sticky.

Then, he opened his mouth suddenly, and the corners of his mouth were slit to the base of his ears. It was a bloody mouth filled with sharp teeth.

He bit Zhao Ruhuan's hand, but Zhao Ruhuan didn't even blink, he just said to himself:

"I rarely sleep these years. Every time I fall asleep, I think of your blood flowing on my face. I also often wonder if you did it on purpose..."

"Otherwise, how could there be so many coincidences in the world? How could I break free from the rope, how could I kill you? I'm obviously so hungry that I'm dizzy and can't even stand still. You're obviously a few years older than me..."

"So, I have been unable to live in peace for these years. No matter how sleepy or tired I am, I just sit and meditate and recite scriptures, because I feel guilty!"

"The word 'ghost' is half of the word 'ghost'. I've already done it to you once, I can't do it a second time!"

After all, Zhao Ruhui was nothing more than the turbulent Wangchuan River, and he was nothing more than a ghost lying on his body and biting hard. He actually sat cross-legged on the ground, muttering something in his mouth.

"The gods of the ten directions, whose number is like sand and dust, transform into the worlds of the ten directions, save the gods and humans, gather merits and virtues, and save the world with one voice..."

He was bitten with blood splattering everywhere, it was horrific, and there was not a single piece of good flesh on his body, like a doll riddled with holes, but the sound of chanting did not stop.

Gradually, bits and pieces of white light began to appear on the dark ghost figure. There were more and more of these white lights. The ghost figure was wrapped in white light, as if the lead had been washed away, and it no longer looked hideous.

At the same time, the big and bloody mouth that was constantly biting was closed. He looked at Zhao Ruhu, with a little peace and a little smile on his face.

Zhao Ruhuo suddenly opened his eyes, and the wounds on his body were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He stared blankly at the small figure, feeling a little unreal.

This was indeed his brother's face. He had often dreamed about it for decades, so he never forgot it for a moment.

But the brother in the dream was covered in blood and did not have the bright smile on his face like he did now.

He stretched out his hand to caress the white figure's face and murmured:
  "Brother, have you forgiven me?"

The white figure didn't speak, just nodded to him, then turned into brilliance and slowly dissipated.

Zhao Ruhuo stared until the last ray of white light disappeared like stardust, then he withdrew his gaze, turned to look at Zhang Zhiwei, who was fighting fiercely, and said:
  "This is the correct way to go through this level. It is to face the sins of the past and untie its central knot, rather than killing again."

"It should be noted that magical powers are no match for karma, and spells are no match for disaster. The stronger the magical powers, the more demonic obstacles there are. Little friend Zhiwei, you have become a demon, and I am here to save you!"

(End of this chapter)

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