Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 364: You can’t argue with Taoism, but you can’t fight with magic.

Chapter 364: You can’t argue with Taoism, but you can’t fight with magic.

Facing Zhang Zhiwei's question, Zhao Ruhui did not give an answer immediately, but just looked at the water in a daze. He did not expect that Zhang Zhiwei could pass this test, and he could pass it in this way.

In fact, not only him, but also the audience on the shore were also surprised.

"It's over. It's over like this? So many ghosts were wiped out by him just like that? This is too scary. Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, Zhang Zhiwei is probably a god-man born!"

A Taoist priest said with a dumbfounded expression.

"It's really unbelievable. It's a bit too strong. Especially his thunder method. One blow destroyed the huge face made of ghost shadows. This kind of power is probably stronger than Zhang Yushan's. Got it!"

"I also feel this way. When Zhang Yushan fought against Bai Yugong, his thunder method never showed such powerful power, and it was suppressed by Shenxiao's thunder method. If Zhang Yushan were to switch to Zhang Zhiwei, would the result be different? ?”

"It's hard to say without a fight, but Baiyu Palace has no intention of crossing the river, so it shouldn't be a fight with Zhang Zhiwei. Now let's see what happens between Zhang Zhiwei and Zhao Ruhui!"

"Both of them have passed this level, but there is only one third-grade magician. There must be a battle between the two sides. I just don't know whether they will fight on the Wangchuan River or in front of Fengdu City?"

"Looking at the posture of the two of them, it seems that they have no intention of rowing to Fengdu City. I am afraid that they are about to have a fight on the Wangchuan River!"

Everyone stared closely at Zhang Zhiwei and Zhao Ruhui. At this juncture, no one was crossing the river. It would not be good if they were accidentally injured by the two when crossing the river.

The wind and waves on the Wangchuan River were still very strong, but the water surface where the bamboo rafts stood under the feet of Zhang Zhiwei and Zhao Ruhu was calm.

Zhao Ruhu thought for a while and said:
  "I originally thought that the original intention of the martial judge to set up this level was to let us look in the mirror, face the past evils, untie the central knot, and perfect ourselves. But maybe there is another way, and that is to use force to break the situation. Just like what you are doing now!"

"But I'm still a little confused. You've killed so many people, and so many murderers are coming to you to account for them. Why can you be so calm and even kill again!"

Zhao Ruhuo stared at Zhang Zhiwei and asked:
  "Isn't there any of these ghosts who are worthy of your feeling of compassion and regret?"

"I have a clear conscience, why should I regret it?"

Zhang Zhiwei said calmly: "You have your way, I have mine, your own way, you just walk on your own, there is no need to impose it on me, and besides, you can't add to it!"

Although the kind-hearted Zhao Ruhui in front of him was completely different from the stiff Bai Yugong, Zhang Zhiwei preferred to deal with people like Bai Yugong and was very unhappy with Zhao Ruhui.

This displeasure is not only because he is a "Holy Mother", but also because his few words are actually hidden attacks, which are much more fierce than punching him. They are questioning his true intention and telling him about his past practice. It's all wrong and it's shaking His Word.

If you are a murderous and violent person, even if you kill Zhao Ruhu, there is nothing to say. Don't think it is cruel. Monks preach and talk about Taoism, and there are people who kill people. This is their own way. of confrontation.

Zhao Ruhu shook his head and said: "No, you are too paranoid and too absolute. You are still young, your life has just begun, and it is not yet determined. You think your current way of killing everyone you meet is the way in your heart, but That’s not true, that’s just delusion.”

"You have to know that magical power is no match for karma, and spells are no match for disaster. The stronger the magical power, the more demonic obstacles there are. You can kill hundreds or thousands of people, but in the end? What outcome will you have?"

"Those who kill are always killed, just like you. With high cultivation level, you will naturally kill decisively, insist on your own way, and create hatred everywhere. In this way, life will never end, disasters will continue, and when will the injustice be repaid."

"Are you sure that you will be invincible in the world and no one in this world can kill you?"

"You certainly don't dare!"

Zhang Zhiwei's eyes moved. Before he could speak, Zhao Ruhu continued:

"Besides, even if you are invincible, what's the use if you have enemies everywhere? What's the point?"

"Real cultivation should be like a cook cutting an ox, with ease. It should be noted that it is easy to break if it is too strong. Even if it is a sharp knife, if it is used to cut the ox bone, there will be gaps after a long time. Only by using the blade to move seamlessly Only in the gaps can it be as clean as new.”

"Although I have the means to practice, very few people show my holiness in front of others, because the world is worldliness, and practice is practice. If we don't separate them, we will never be able to achieve great things."

"When I was young, I had the same idea as you, wanting to change the world by myself, but later I realized that this was just a way to create chaos."

"It's not just me, the Taoist ancestor Lao Tzu is also like this. The Taoism is natural without fighting. The same is true for the Buddha. In his later years, he said that Mahayana Buddhism should not be manifested by supernatural powers in the human world. All supernatural powers are heretics, and magical powers are equivalent to demonic obstacles."

He warned: "We ordinary people cannot give up our magical powers, but we should also limit our own methods and avoid indulging in the illusion brought by magical powers. Little Taoist Zhiwei, you are too focused on your methods and too dependent on you." You are possessed by this method, and you are possessed very deeply!"

Magical powers are equivalent to demonic obstacles, and they are methods of causing chaos. If you think about it carefully, there is some truth to this statement...

The Eight Wonderful Techniques are methods of causing chaos. Many innate powers of innate strangers, and even the Tiangang Earth Demon Technique created by ancient strangers are also techniques of causing chaos. They can be found in all major events in the world.

Xiang Yu, a powerful congenital stranger with double eyes, overthrew the Qin Dynasty almost single-handedly, plunging the newly unified world into long-term turmoil.

The powerful Golden Family used their innate abilities to unify the grasslands, and then fought everywhere, causing the world to tremble under his iron hooves, causing the death of more than [-] million people during this period.

Including the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom decades ago, these and so on are all based on magical powers. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a method of causing chaos.

But if you attribute all the reasons to magical powers and say it is a demonic obstacle, it would be really ridiculous, because in the previous life, if there were no such chaos-causing techniques, wouldn't these things also happen?

"You said that I relied on means and was too obsessed with the devil?" Zhang Zhiwei smiled and said: "I think you are too obsessed with the devil. You don't look like a Taoist priest, let alone a righteous Taoist priest, but more like a stubborn corrupt scholar!"

Zhang Zhiwei continued: "You said that Lao Tzu does not argue, and the Buddha did not use supernatural powers when teaching the Dharma, so magical powers are obstacles to demons. You gave two examples of the three religions. Then let me talk about Confucianism. Confucianism despises supernatural powers and respects Zhou rites. Is this in line with what you want? Said?"

"Thousands of years ago, Confucius and Laozi discussed the Tao. Confucius said that if everyone can use martial arts lightly and everyone respects Zhou's rituals, then the chaos can be stopped and the world can be restored to peace."

"But Laozi said that before he became enlightened, he used to be very good at Zhou Gong's etiquette, but later he changed. He believed that what Confucius said was tantamount to letting the water of the river flow backwards and going against the flow of heaven and earth. This is against human nature. , so it will inevitably fail.”

"Lao Tzu also said that the evil barrier does not lie in Zhou rituals or supernatural powers. It arises from the human heart, and the human heart is unpredictable. The reason why the world is experiencing turmoil one after another is actually the chaos of the human heart."

"So, the reason why I do nothing is not because my magical powers are demonic obstacles, but because the human heart is difficult to be controlled by human power. He also advocates the natural way of heaven and earth and has no intention of restricting the human heart, so he does nothing."

"As for the fact that the Buddha did not use supernatural powers and respected the Buddhist Dharma, it was not because the supernatural powers were demonic obstacles, but because the magical powers were difficult to interfere with people's hearts. He wanted to use the Buddha's Dharma to educate and transform people's hearts so that they would respect the Buddha's way and not cause trouble or cause chaos."

After hearing what Zhang Zhiwei said, Zhao Ruhu fell silent. As a Taoist master, he devoted his life to doing good deeds and rarely used various magical powers.

The reason for this is because he has always felt that his family was ruined and his life's tragedy all originated from the Hongyang Rebellion. The outbreak of the Hongyang Rebellion started when a group of people mastered some chaos-causing techniques. Therefore, he regarded magical powers as demonic obstacles, but he had to learn them, because without magical powers to protect himself, in this era of cannibalism, , he will be eaten up, so he is very contradictory. On the one hand, he pursues magical powers, but on the other hand, he rarely uses them.

And after he saw Zhang Zhiwei's reckless killing, he felt that if people like Zhang Zhiwei continued to become stronger, they might cause turmoil like the Hongyang Rebellion. Therefore, since the beginning of the assessment at this level, he Chattering exhortations.

But now, he was speechless by Zhang Zhiwei's words.

"The things in the world are like tangled knots that can only be cut with a sharp knife. What you are doing now is like trying to untie the tangled knots with your hands. How can you untie it?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Different road non-phase plan."

Zhao Ruhu was silent for a moment and said, he did not expect this young man to have such an unshakable will.

"It is true that different ways do not conspire with each other, but at this moment, our ways intersect here, let's take action, I will let you go first!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Zhao Ruhuo looked directly at Zhang Zhiwei: "I am the elder, you are the junior, you go first!"

"The juniors are welcome!"

Zhang Zhiwei made a look, and the "National Master" immediately moved, stretched out his big hand, and grabbed Zhao Ruhu. His big hand was wrapped with wind and thunder, and the river water evaporated wherever he passed.

Zhao Ruhuan had been paying attention to Zhang Zhiwei, but he did not expect that the one who took action was the giant ape behind Zhang Zhiwei. In his haste, he did not have time to use his method, and the raft under him was scratched. Even he himself was dangerously and dangerously escaped from the white. It escaped between the fingers of the giant hand, but also fell into the river.

Fortunately, he had already passed this level, and the water in the Wangchuan River was no longer turbulent, and it no longer sank when it touched the water, so he could stand on the water with only his legs wet.

He looked up with an ugly expression and saw the giant ape standing in front of him like an iron wall.

Zhang Zhiwei, without even looking at him, walked away on the raft. The direction he was traveling in was exactly the direction of Fengdu City.

"It would be too arrogant for me to take down Pindao with just one clone without taking any action!"

Zhao Ruhuo said that he also believed that the "National Master" was Zhang Zhiwei's clone.

As he spoke, he kneaded the magic formula with his hand, and a stream of flames shot out from his body into the sky, forming a giant flaming hand. He grabbed the "National Master" and wanted to treat him in the same way as others.

The "National Master" grinned, revealing a mouth full of fangs, smiled sternly, and two lightning bolts shot out of his eyes like flying stars.


Two holes were opened in the giant flame hand. The "National Master's" lightning method was extremely sharp, but the flame was an invisible thing. Even if it was penetrated and scattered, it could regroup.

"The Antarctic Fire Bell, the Golden Fire Heavenly Ding, each wields a fire sword and controls the fire soldiers. The Great Sage of Fire Crystal and the Great God of Fire Bell can burn evil ghosts quickly and never exist. Chi Luo Fei Tan, the dazzling sunshine, the rapid descending true Huo She…”

Zhao Ruhui recited the mantra, and saw strong fire rising up, forming two huge figures behind him.

One of them has a dark face, an old man with gray teeth and red hair, a scarlet robe, gold armor and red shoes. He holds a halberd in his hand and has a fire wheel on his feet. This is the divine general in the Yufu dharma lineage of the Qing Hui sect, General Liu Ming of the Flowing Gold and Fire Bell, also known as the commander of the Jade Palace, General Jiuyang, Cangya Iron Face Liu Tianjun. At the same time, he is also one of the thirty-six generals of the Lei Department.

Another dark-faced young man with an angry look on his face, wearing a scarlet robe, a golden whip and golden armor, with a water wheel on his feet and a fire wheel in his hand. This is the divine general of the North Pole Exorcism Academy, Fire Wheel General Song Wuji.

The moment the two god generals appeared, Zhao Ruhu arranged opponents for them.

Fire Wheel General Song Wuji stepped on the water wheel and rushed towards the "National Master".

Fire Bell General Liu Ming stepped on the Fire Wheel and rushed straight towards Zhang Zhiwei.

He held up the talisman and used the thunder method, followed General Huoling, and attacked Zhang Zhiwei's back.

This scene shocked everyone on the shore.

"I'm going to start a fight. Once I take action, it's really hot. I directly ordered the god general to take action, and he ordered two of them at one go."

"These two divine generals are a bit too powerful, especially General Liujin Huoling, who is the thirty-sixth general of the Lei Department. Zhao Ruhu, who usually doesn't take action, doesn't show mountains or water, but the protective divine general actually So powerful?"

"I finally understand why Baiyu Palace doesn't like Zhao Ruhu. Zhao Ruhu doesn't do much, but he has two such powerful generals. This is a waste. It's really a drought, a drought, a flood. Waterlogging to death!"

"Look, General Huo Ling is already approaching Zhang Zhiwei, but he doesn't even react. Has he given up resistance?"

"How is it possible? This is a ruthless man who dares to charge among thousands of ghosts. How could he just give up? From my point of view, he just doesn't want to hide and wants to fight head-on!"


On the Wangchuan River, Zhang Zhiwei was rowing a boat. General Jin Huoling's attack came. He didn't even turn his head, but a layer of golden light as thin as cicada's wings emerged from his body.

Golden flames spread all over the sky, pressing in from all directions. The water in the surrounding Wangchuan River was easily evaporated and ignited by the golden flames.

This golden flame seems to have some magical properties and can even ignite water.

But even so, under the pressure of the fierce flames, the golden light around Zhang Zhiwei did not even tremble, allowing the golden flames to wrap around him and burn him. Real gold is not afraid of fire.

"Can you block the flames? Can you block my Qingwei Thunder Technique?" Zhao Ruhu shouted.

But before he could use his Qingwei Thunder Technique, he saw the Fire Wheel General who was blocking the "National Master" being torn in half, and a bolt of thunder penetrated the blazing flames and flew towards him.

Even though Zhao Ruhu reacted quickly and dodged hastily, he was still brushed against his body and one of his arms was cut off.

Behind him, the "National Master" strode over with a ferocious smile on the monkey's face. What kind of country chicken and dog dared to underestimate it and sent such a thing to stop it? Who are you looking down on?

(End of this chapter)

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