Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 365 The old man is also a slap in the face

Chapter 365 The old man also slapped me
  A ball of lightning flew past Zhao Ruhu's face, and Zhao Ruhu couldn't see his surroundings due to the bright lightning flash. But at this moment, the "National Master" suddenly appeared in front of him like a teleport, and his huge palm was like a slap. It swatted at me like a mosquito.

Zhao Ruhuo's heart skipped a beat as a strong wind blew across his face. He immediately raised the amulet with one hand and arranged the Six Ding Liujia amulet to form a golden shield to defend himself. However, it was still shattered by a palm and he was knocked away and vomited out. A mouthful of blood.

After a successful attack, the "National Master" was in a position of unyielding power and wanted to continue to follow up. Zhao Ruhui knew something was wrong and quickly recalled the divine general who had ordered him out to protect himself.

However, because General Huolun was torn apart by the "National Master" and had no time to reunite, only General Huoling was behind Zhao Ruhuan when he reappeared.

Zhao Ruhuo, who suffered losses one after another as soon as he started, took a deep breath, ignored Zhang Zhiwei, and got rid of the monkey in front of him first.

The fire bell general behind him looked up to the sky and roared, and at the same time threw the fire bell he was wearing.

The moment the fire bell flew out, it suddenly cracked open, revealing golden lava cracks, and then exploded!

There was a loud "boom", and the gold-like flames suddenly spread in a ring, submerging both sides, and were annihilated silently. A large number of golden flames burned blazingly on the river.

A real man never looks back at the explosion. Zhang Zhiwei continued to push the boat forward, seemingly not interested in or surprised by the battle that followed.

But others on the shore were surprised.

"Infinite Heavenly Lord, what is going on? How come the fire wheel general Song Wuji was defeated and collapsed as soon as he hit him, Zhao Ruhu also had one of his hands cut off, and Zhang Zhiwei didn't make a move during the whole process, that monkey is too powerful? "

"I defeated the divine general in one face-to-face encounter. Forgive me for my ignorance. For such a fierce monkey, I can only think of Sun Monkey!"

"Monkey? Could it be that that monkey is the god Sun Wukong? Speaking of which, I have seen several dilapidated Great Holy Temples, and the Monkey King enshrined in them looks like this, but with a different coat color. Do you think it is possible?"

"What are you thinking? Sun Wukong is a Buddhist, can he enter here? I still think that the monkey is a clone or something, but I don't know why Zhang Zhiwei made a monkey as a clone? Is there any special significance?"

"It's not certain whether it's a clone, but even if that monkey is Monkey King, it's not impossible. Speaking of which, although Monkey King was very popular in the past, it's not a god in the orthodox lineage at all. Buddhism doesn't exist at all. They did not admit that there was such a battle to defeat the Buddha, so during the Kangxi period, the Great Holy Temple was turned into a shrine for obscene worship, and many of them were abolished."

"It's just that it has spread widely and the belief has never been cut off. There should be a few existing Great Holy Temples in Fujian. I have seen them several times before when I went to Trinity Gate."

"So, even if Zhang Zhiwei turns him into a protective god general, it won't be a big deal. Wasn't Marshal Guan originally worshiped by Zhang Tianshi from a local prostitution temple and received Taoist teachings?"


A group of people discussed the identity of the "National Master".

At this time, Youwen suddenly asked Bai Yugong: "Brother Bai Dao, you are the most capable among all the people present. What do you think of this battle?"

Bai Yugong pondered for a moment and said: "The monkey is strong, but it is not as strong as it appears. It's because Zhao Ruhu is too bad and has almost no actual combat experience."

"You must know that the Guardian God General does not have spirituality. Once it fights independently, it will only carry out some extremely rigid instinctive attacks. Its biggest role is actually to protect the body, cooperate with the Dharma Master to fight, and follow the Dharma Master in every move. Can exert maximum power."

"But Zhao Ruhu just sent out the protective generals. This was an extremely stupid decision. I guess he just wanted to temporarily delay the monkey, and his own generals could unite to deal with Zhang Zhiwei, but he underestimated that. The monkey's strength overestimated his own control, and he used three things at once, and ended up losing everything."

"In the final analysis, this is a theoretical group that has no power but can only talk about war on paper. It meets a practical group that is stronger than itself and has experienced hundreds of battles. More importantly, this theoretical group also makes stupid moves and is single-minded. Three uses, isn’t this self-destructive?”

Bai Yugong analyzed that after this battle, he despised Zhao Ruhu even more. If he played, he didn't dare to say what would happen to Zhang Zhiwei, but he could still deal with that monkey.

While they were talking, the situation on the field changed again.

I saw a turbulent stream of flames rising up from Lao Gao, and blazing silver thunder burst out from it. The thunder was divided into two streams, one coming from the "National Master" and the other coming from Zhao Ruhui's Qingwei Thunder Technique.

Thunder and flames were entangled fiercely, and it was difficult to tell the difference for a while.

The scarred figure of Zhao Ruhu also emerged from it. He stood on the water, gritted his teeth, and fought against the thunder of the "National Master". There was a little regret in his eyes. He seemed to have underestimated Zhang Zhiwei and overestimated himself.

On the other side, Zhang Zhiwei was holding the raft away and said without looking back:

"If you want to chant sutras, go to Tianshu Academy. If you want to fight, come to Exorcist Academy. If you want anything, it will only harm you!"

Although he didn't fight directly with Zhao Ruhu just now, the "National Preceptor" was the true nature of his heart, and he felt the same way when he fought with the "National Preceptor".

He clearly felt that perhaps due to a serious lack of actual combat experience, Zhao Ruhui was not very proficient in the use of divine generals and thunder spells. Especially when casting divine generals, his originally neat and vigorous skills were directly sluggish. He still failed to achieve more than [-]%, so his arm was chopped off by the "National Master" with a thunderbolt.

Unable to control his own power well, Zhang Zhiwei felt that he could handle it with just the "National Master".

If the "National Master" is not straight, it is either floating or slipping. No matter what, you have to polish it back.

These days, new members join the church from time to time, and every time it comes to show off and declare its status as deputy leader. The position is given to you, so you can't do it without your contribution.


Golden fire and silver thunder crackled alternately. In the messy airflow, there was a sound like rolling thunder, and two shadows competed in it.

Zhao Ruhui formed a seal with one hand, and the fire bell general behind him waved his halberd. The golden flames turned into countless dragons and snakes in mid-air, wrapping around the "National Master".

Without thinking, the "National Master" shot out a divine light from his eyes. The divine light instantly turned into countless white lightnings, fighting with the fuzzy dragons and snakes turned into golden flames.

In less than half a moment, the golden flame fell to the disadvantage.

When the "National Master" saw this, Jie Jie laughed strangely and waved his thunder to attack Zhao Ruhu. Unexpectedly, a figure standing on a water wheel and holding a fire wheel suddenly appeared behind it. It was the fire wheel that was torn apart by it earlier. General Song Wuji.

The Fire Wheel General raised the Fire Wheel high and slashed hard at the back of the "National Preceptor"'s neck. The "National Preceptor" felt pain and hurriedly retreated.

Zhao Ruhuan, on the other hand, stood on the water, raised the talisman with one hand, and fired several five-thunder talisman to bombard the "National Master", causing it to retreat one after another.

The Qinghui Thunder Method is somewhat different from the Five Thunder Zhengfa and the Shenxiao Thunder Method. It is an internal thunder method and an external condensation talisman. It is a method that combines the thunder method and the talisman, that is, the thunder talisman.

This kind of method is actually available in Longhu Mountain. For example, the Five Thunder Talisman is its product, but there are specialties in the art. In terms of thunder talismans, the Qinghui School's attainments are much higher than those of the Tianshi Mansion. Seeing that he had temporarily repelled the giant ape with his thunder method, Zhao Ruhuan rushed towards Zhang Zhiwei without stopping at all. He breathed a sigh of relief, and the gods fought for a stick of incense. He could accept failure, but he would never allow it before he had to fight Zhang Zhiwei. Just fail.

Behind, the "National Master" covered the injured back of his neck and bared his teeth. It was almost decapitated by a wheel. It was only focused on dealing with Zhao Ruhu and General Huoling, but it forgot about the torn fire wheel. The general had already regrouped, but he was unintentionally injured.

There was a blazing light in its eyes, and it was about to rush forward to retrieve the situation, but when it glanced at Zhang Zhiwei who was walking away, it suddenly felt rebellious and no longer wanted to exert any more effort.

It is an inner demon, not a loyal dog. Why is it fighting to death?
  Killing Guiying before was just to vent his anger, but now his nose is a bit tough, it's almost enough. I finally cut off one of his arms. That's enough. If I do it again, I'll take the lead.

The "National Master" didn't know that Zhang Zhiwei wanted to polish it, so he deliberately slowed down the attack pace and even deliberately let Zhao Ruhu get closer to Zhang Zhiwei.

Zhao Ruhuo didn't know what was going on in the monkey's mind behind him, so he took the initiative to jump towards Zhang Zhiwei with two protective divine generals, and several talismans surrounded by lightning floating around.


Zhao Ruhu swooped down and landed behind Zhang Zhiwei with the two god generals, setting off a wave of waves. However, before the waves spread, they were evaporated by the flames around the two god generals.

There were many bleeding wounds on Zhao Ruhu's body. He shook his head, raised his head again, and his eyes fell on Zhang Zhiwei in front of him. Without any nonsense, he controlled the fire and lightning without hesitation, and blasted Zhang Zhiwei's back. .

"I'll go, Zhao Ruhui is a bit ungrateful, he actually attacked by surprise?" People on the shore commented.

"Didn't Zhang Zhiwei make a sudden move before? But why didn't Zhang Zhiwei dodge? Could it be that he still wanted to take it hard?"

"It's too much. Wait a minute... hurry up... look..."


But at the moment when Zhang Zhiwei was about to be hit, Zhao Ruhu lost Zhang Zhiwei's figure in front of his eyes. In the blink of an eye, he saw a pair of thick eyebrows suddenly pressing in front of his eyes.

Zhang Zhiwei! When did you get close? ? Zhao Ruhu was shocked and reacted immediately, but it was too late. A slap wrapped in lightning magnified in front of his eyes.

The amulet protecting the body was shattered in an instant. Zhao Ruhu suddenly felt as if a mountain had collapsed in front of him, as if a piece of the sky had fallen, and all the bones in his body were creaking under the pressure of a huge force. The hard bones seemed ready to burst inside the body at any moment.

At the critical moment, he quickly gathered the two god generals behind him to protect himself, trying to resist Zhang Zhiwei's slap, but it was in vain. He used a point to break the face, and Zhang Zhiwei held Lei Fa's slap, as unstoppable as an electric drill.

After a harsh sound like tearing silk, the wind and thunder exploded, and Zhao Ruhui's mouth and nose bleeded. Zhang Zhiwei pinched his neck and lifted him up, just like Ding Shian was lifted up in the plot.

The reason for this is that Zhang Zhiwei felt that slapping the old man away with a slap was a bit too slap in the face, and the master was not allowed to reprimand him later? But there was no turning back arrow when he opened his bow, and it was difficult to close his hand, so he had to catch Zhao Ruhui at the moment when he was about to be photographed, which resulted in the current scene.

Zhao Ruhuo, who was lifted into the air, looked up at the sky. He was a senior with high moral character and high respect, how could he be so angry? For a moment, anger attacks the heart, and both jade and stone will burn instantly.

The two god generals suddenly shrank and turned into two flames that merged into Zhao Ruhu's body. Then, Zhao Ruhu's whole body was ignited with raging fire.

These flames burned inside and outside his body, making his flesh and bones seem to become transparent. At first glance, they looked as clear as jade casting.

This scene shocked everyone on the shore. When they saw Zhao Ruhu approaching Zhang Zhiwei, they thought there would be a fierce battle, but they never thought that the winner would be determined in a blink of an eye. Moreover, Zhao Ruhu seemed to be impatient.

Bai Yugong commented: "This old guy Zhao Ruhu is not only poor in actual combat ability, but also has no martial ethics. If I were a poor man, I was inseparable from the monkey before, and I would have said that I am ashamed of myself." It's better to withdraw then. This old guy not only refuses to retreat, but also insists on pushing forward. Now he is both in trouble. This is a battle for legal positions, not a life and death fight. Why should he lose his face and dignity like this?"

As we all know, ghosts must retaliate. As a ruthless man who killed a large number of ghosts and still kept alive, Bai Yugong acted recklessly, but his thoughts were extremely delicate.

He knows well what it means to be a hero who knows the current affairs, and cannot do things without doing them. In his opinion, Zhao Ruhu's move is tantamount to harming others and not benefiting himself.

"Having said that, this posture is indeed a bit embarrassing. I just don't know if Zhang Zhiwei can withstand it?!"

Gwen said, and at the same time he was a little lucky. Fortunately, he understood the tone of the Heavenly Master's words, otherwise, he would have been the one who was lifted high.

He and Wei Wenwen looked at each other and looked at Zhang Yushan tacitly. It was a blessing in disguise. Although he was knocked unconscious by the big seal of the White Jade Palace, it was nowhere better than being lifted up by Zhang Zhiwei.

the other side.


Zhao Ruhu shouted angrily, and his flesh and blood melted into golden flaming slurry, rushing towards Zhang Zhiwei.

Seeing this, Zhang Zhiwei did not retreat. He saw the silver lightning all over his body growing in the wind, without retreating at all, and directly faced the rushing flames!

The thunder and fire intersected and exploded violently, causing a majestic shock wave, causing the originally peaceful Wangchuan River to become turbulent again.

Amidst the chaos, Zhang Zhiwei stood on the raft, surrounded by golden light, unscathed.

In front of him, a human figure whose flesh and blood were almost burned out and whose shape was the same as a skeleton stood on the river, and his body was filled with a high temperature that made it difficult to approach.

Even though he was burned into a skeleton, Zhao Ruhuo's chest was still heaving. He was still alive. He tried to get up several times, but failed.

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at the dying Zhao Ruhu, said nothing, turned around and continued towards Fengdu City.

Behind him, the burned skeleton slowly sank into the Wangchuan River. But even if he was about to die and sink into the river, he would shout in the dim river water with an almost decaying voice:
  "Is it your choice to fight violence with violence?"

Zhang Zhiwei said without looking back: "If violence is not for killing, it will be meaningless!"

He carried the raft to the other side and walked towards Zhong Kui in front of Fengdu City.

Zhao Ruhui, on the other hand, slowly sank into the Wangchuan River and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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