Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 366: Receive legal duties. Confer Heavenly Soldiers and Divine Generals

Chapter 366: Receive legal duties. Confer Heavenly Soldiers and Divine Generals
  At the edge of the Wangchuan River, as soon as Zhang Zhiwei stepped off the raft, a path appeared under his feet, leading straight to the gate of Fengdu City.

Zhang Zhiwei Shiran walked onto the path, and it was smooth all the way, which surprised him. He thought that this path would not be peaceful, and that there would be some assessment points and so on.

After all, the oil pan appeared, so it was not an exaggeration to have a mountain of knives. The result was unexpectedly smooth, and he came directly to the gate of Fengdu City.

In front of the door, the military judge Zhong Kui, wearing a brocade robe, stood high on the judging platform, and the judges from the Department of Rewarding Good and Punishing Evil stood on the left and right.

"Junior Zhang Zhiwei, the [-]th generation disciple of Longhushan Tianshi Mansion, pays homage to Wu Pan!"

Zhong Kui nodded: "Just wait for a moment!"

Zhang Zhiwei quickly stood next to the judging platform without blocking his view.

Zhong Kui stared at the people on the other side of the Wangchuan River with eyes as big as copper bells, and his voice was like a loud bell:
  "You are still unwilling to join the game, do you want to give up this investiture ceremony?!"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked and quickly began to board the raft and punt across the river.

The reason why they didn't cross the river before was because Zhang Zhiwei brought thousands of ghosts into the river, and they were worried about being implicated. Later, they didn't cross the river because they went to watch the battle between Zhang Zhiwei and Zhao Ruhui. Now that they've watched the good show, they can pass the test in two ways. Now that we know the method, it’s time to cross the river.

As for which way to cross the river, everyone has their own considerations. Those with a guilty conscience will face the ghost shadow directly and feel ashamed, while those with a clear conscience will use their strength to kill the ghost shadow forcibly.

Of course, it was only superficial on paper. When I saw Zhang Zhiwei and Zhao Ruhu passing the test, I thought it was not difficult and even exciting. But when it was my turn, it was no longer the case.

Some people found that the ghosts were so powerful that they could not defeat them. Others found that atonement was not easy and they were bitten to death by the ghosts. They had no tendency to dissipate any resentment and disappear in the light.

"Pedantry, only knows how to follow the script, but doesn't know how to adapt. The martial judge set up this level with the original intention to torture people's hearts and untie their knots. If they are not really untied, they are just thinking about using this method to atone for their sins and pass the level, even if it is a ghost removal. Eight yuan, even if you divide it and eat it, you can't survive!" Wei Wenwen commented while standing on the shore.

"That's true!" Bai Yugong next to him nodded, pointed to the numerous ghost figures behind him, and said: "These so-called killings, the so-called good and evil, are actually all illusions of color and emptiness. These living beings are like intertwined with thin threads. Just like chaos, they are all illusions of color and emptiness. Only weak people will repent of their past actions. A truly strong person will have clear thoughts and no regrets when he makes a move. If he encounters this kind of thing, he should do the Dragon Elephant Ming. Make a lion's roar and cut through the mess with a sharp sword!"

"What Brother Bai Dao said is absolutely true. By the way, Brother Bai, don't you go for a walk on the Wangchuan River?!" Ge Wen said.

Bai Yugong waved his hand and said: "I have given up on this legal battle, so why bother adding more details? Moreover, this level is also the last one. If I get through it and then give up, it will feel like I am giving alms." Little friend Zhiwei has the same legal position, which is undoubtedly against my original intention. Little friend Zhiwei obtained it based on his own ability, so why bother to go through this thankless life?!"

"Brother Bai Dao is still thoughtful. By the way, did Brother Bai also consider it when he took action against Brother Yushan?" Ge Wen said thoughtfully: "I noticed that not only the generals, but also Brother Bai seemed to be using the thunder method. There is also restraint, always one level higher than Brother Yushan, but not much higher, is this intentional?"

Bai Yugong pondered for a moment and said: "I have indeed considered taking action against Zhang Yushan. He is the master uncle of my friend Zhiwei and the direct descendant of the surname Zhang. If he does the same thing as Zhao Ruhui, wouldn't it be embarrassing? Since Pindao has to be the protector of our little friends, Pindao naturally has to be the villain. With Pindao’s status in the world, it’s not a shame for Zhang Yushan to be defeated by Pindao!”

After a pause, Bai Yugong continued: "As for the Thunder Technique, Zhang Yushan's Thunder Technique is very high. Even if I try my best, I can barely suppress him. Why should I hold back? Fellow Taoists, please don't speak nonsense. So as not to hurt the harmony!"

As an old Jianghu, although Bai Yugong looks stiff and unkind, in fact he is not bad at being humane and sophisticated. If he is really a disgusting person, it is impossible to lead him with the identity of Shenxiao Dharma lineage. The responsibilities of the Three Mountains Dharma Lineage.

In fact, he had great reservations when it came to the Lei Fa duel. It could be said that he gave Zhang Yushan enough to step down, but Zhang Yushan didn't know what to do and used a divine general to achieve this result.

Now that I bring this up again, I also want to tell Zhang Yushan through Wei Wenzhang and Ge Wen that I am doing this for your own good, so as to eliminate Zhang Yushan's hostility towards him.

After all, the Zhang family serves as recommenders, and the situation is changing. Maybe the recommender next time will be Zhang Yushan. There is no need to offend him, and since the hostility is eliminated, naturally the matter of Lei Fa cannot be mentioned again.

Ge Wen and Wei Wenzhang were not ignorant people, so they stopped asking any more questions, skipped the topic, and said:

"By the way, Brother Bai Dao, there are different opinions about the monkey's foot. Some say it is a clone, and some say it belongs to the monkey god general. Can you see any clues?"

Bai Yugong thought for a while and said: "To be honest, I can't tell the truth about the monkey's heels, but I can be sure that it is definitely not a divine general or a clone, because of the cruelty in the monkey's eyes. Too angry."

"It once scanned the whole place, and Pindao once looked at it with a startling glance. The eyes were full of malice and violence. This was completely different from the eyes of little friend Wei. It only looked at little friend Zhiwei. When the time comes, the anger will subside and only warmth will remain.”

"It can be seen that this monkey is quite cunning. It is not like a clone, but more like a rampant general who was surrendered by little friend Zhiwei. But the rampant general cannot appear here. The only thing that can appear here is its own thing, so... …”

Bai Yugong paused and concluded: "Pindao thinks that this monkey may be something like three corpses!"

"Three corpses?" Wei Wenzhang repeated, and continued: "The three corpses are the temptation of inner desires to the self, and are the original sins that everyone is born with. If the three corpses can be killed, the road to spiritual practice will be smooth. The future is limitless, but the three corpses are illusory. There is no trace of the antelope's horns, let alone beheading them. I only know that there is a Xuanmen called the Three Demons Sect in the rivers and lakes, which has the ability to control the three corpses and kill the three corpses. There’s a way, but I’ve never seen it before!”

Bai Yugong said: "I have seen it once. This method is very vicious, and I almost got it. However, the three corpses are more than a little cunning, but they are not as powerful as this monkey. That's why I said it may be similar to the three corpses." It’s the same thing, but as for what it is specifically, I’m afraid I have to ask little friend Zhiwei.”

"I just don't know about this kind of practice. If I ask about it rashly, will it violate his taboo? After all, we are not relatives or friends!" Wei Wenwen said. He is not a person who speaks without restraint and does not know how to measure his words.

Ge Wen also nodded and said: "That's right. I suggest you ask the Celestial Master directly. Zhang Zhiwei's skills were all taught by the Celestial Master. How can the Celestial Master not know about it? If the Celestial Master tells him then, it will not be considered a secret. The Celestial Master will If we don’t say it, we are upright and it doesn’t count as breaking a taboo.”

"Brother Gwen is right!"

While they were talking, the assessments of other people were also going on. At this time, perhaps Zhong Kui discovered that all the people who had been recommended for the third-level legal position, except Zhang Zhiwei, had given up, so he said: "You junior, what are you doing standing around? , why don’t you hurry up and confer legal duties!”

Zhang Zhiwei quickly walked to the judging table and stood up.

Zhong Kui stared at Zhang Zhiwei, then rummaged through the Taoist records on the judgment platform and took out Zhang Zhiwei's ultimatum.

The ultimatum is the identity certificate of a Taoist priest. It is only available to Taoist priests who have participated in the urn-giving ceremony. There are two copies of the ultimatum in the urn-conferring ceremony. One part belongs to oneself, which is the dharma urn, and the other one will be burned to the god of the dharma lineage for keeping. Proof, the certificate now in Zhong Kui's hand is the one that Zhang Zhiwei burned to the Dharma.

Zhong Kui unfolded the ultimatum and looked at the information in it. The ultimatum was not big. After spreading it out, it was only about one foot. It recorded some information about Zhang Zhiwei.

Looking at Zhang Zhiwei's message, Zhong Kui raised his eyebrows and pondered for a moment:

"The merits are complete, and the three masters also recognized it. After passing three more tests, this judgment has decided that you will be awarded the Arctic Exorcism Academy, the Thunder Chief, with the third-level legal position, the official position of the Nine Heavens Golden Tower, the high official and the official of the Exorcism Academy, and your responsibility is to criticize ghosts and gods. Criminals assist in righteousness and exorcism, bring blessings to the people, and prevent disasters for the country.”

"The gods of Thunder City who can be commanded include Cui Shuxuan, the ghost-catching general of Dali Tianding, Lu Jiquan, the ghost-binding general of Dali Tianding, and Deng Wenxing, the ghost-shackles general of Dali Tianding..."

The Arctic Exorcist Academy is one of the components of the Taoist Thunder Department. Under the Arctic Exorcist Academy, there are three departments, namely the Wanshen Lei Division, the Thunder Division, and the Thunder Division. Each of the three departments has its own god general stationed there. This kind of Divine generals do not refer to protective divine generals, but divine generals who can give orders.

If you don't hold the position, you have to go through a long series of procedures to order a divine general. This is equivalent to ordinary people calling the police, and it requires a complicated process.

But if you have legal authority, it is equivalent to being in the police system. With an order, you can ask gods to fight.

To give a very simple example, Zhang Zhiwei had previously ordered the five warriors to perform the rituals of raising the altar, stepping on Yu steps, and reciting incantations. After a complex ritual, the effects of the rituals could be sealed in the talisman. Make a Five Powers Talisman, and when it's time to use it, just throw the talisman to summon the Five Powers.

But if you have a legal position and there are five powerful men among the god generals you can use, you don't have to be so troublesome. You only need to use the Three Mountains Jue to issue a talisman order, and you can directly mobilize them from the legal lineage and fight for yourself. war.

Of course, even if he received the legal position, Zhang Zhiwei could not mobilize the five powerful men at a single thought, because these five were not under his command, like the powerful Tiandings mentioned by Zhong Kui, the ghost-catching general Cui Shuxuan, the ghost-binding general Lu Jiquan, The shackle ghost general Deng Wenxing...these divine generals were the ones he could directly dispatch.

In this way, the effect of the order of the gods and generals is somewhat similar to the order of the Liangshan Wujin Feng Tianyang to lower the altar of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals.

But it's just similar. The soldiers and horses on the lower altar are refined by the demons and ghosts that I caught. How can they be compared with the soldiers and horses on the upper altar that have been raised in the dharma lineage and have been worshiped for thousands of years?
  Of course, although the troops on the altar are strong, the strength of the divine generals who are ordered is not only linked to their own upper limit, but also to the user himself. The user himself is very weak, so don't expect the divine generals who are ordered to be born. How strong is that?

After all, inviting the gods in the Dharma lineage will consume the Dao Qi transformed from the power of faith in the Dharma lineage. If someone invites the gods and the gods come out in full power, how will the Dao Qi in the Dharma lineage be consumed? rise?
  This rule is doomed that only the high-skilled master at the top of the pyramid has the most powerful power to command the gods.

Generally speaking, the advantages of this move outweigh the disadvantages. Although it limits the performance of ordinary Taoist priests, it is precisely because of this that the flow of water can flow smoothly and everyone can use the talismans.

Zhang Zhiwei even once felt that the reason why the rituals of opening the altar and drawing Qi talismans are so complicated is that the ancestors were worried that if the operation was too simple, these descendants would abuse it and exhaust the Dharma and Dao Qi, making everything more difficult. Let the younger generations feel that the talismans are precious and can only be used when they encounter trouble.



After reading a long list of names, Zhong Kui was about to distribute the protective generals to Zhang Zhiwei and mobilize the heavenly soldiers.

The divine generals mentioned above are equivalent to the staff of Thunder City, and are shared by everyone. As long as there are legal positions in the Exorcist Academy, if you can transfer them, he can also transfer them, which is equivalent to a public resource.

The next thing to be distributed is the private soldiers, the so-called tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers. Which god will protect you?

The distribution of heavenly soldiers and divine generals depends on the birth date and horoscope.

Zhong Kui stared at Zhang Zhiwei's ultimatum, pondered for a moment and said: "In the year of Gengzi, Jiashen month, Jiayin day, Xinwei hour, Yuan Cheng is born, the emperor's destiny is to rescue people in distress, but the horoscope is white tiger pressing green dragon, gold and stone are separated from nine. Tail, as the saying goes, the white tiger crushes the green dragon and adds graves everywhere. This is a very evil person. No wonder he kills so much. Hmm... According to the "Tiantan Jade Geography: A Lesson on Good and Bad Soldiers", if a person is not born, the horoscope is strong enough. I should be able to lead one hundred thousand soldiers and horses, and be awarded a body-protecting and altar-protecting general who is in line with my destiny..."

After that, Zhong Kui picked up a command arrow from the judging platform and threw it to Zhang Zhiwei: "Take the command arrow and get the heavenly soldiers and generals!"

As soon as Zhang Zhiwei took the command arrow, the command arrow turned into a golden light and merged into his body. In an instant, he felt that his consciousness was falling, as if he was being dragged from one interior scene to the next.

He felt the world spinning, and terrifying thunderous sounds coming from all directions, as if thousands of thunders were exploding in his ears, and countless lightnings piercing the sky. Even if Zhang Zhiwei had the uncanny vision, he was still caught in a flash. Dazzling.

There seemed to be something incredible in the darkness, and the outline of it was like a giant mountain standing tall. There was a majestic trembling sound from the dark depths, and countless bizarre and incredible scenes appeared in front of his eyes.

I don't know how long it took, Zhang Zhiwei came back to his senses and looked up. He was surrounded by dark clouds, containing rich blue-purple thunder slurry. There were many black chains across the sky around him. The chains were intertwined with thunder. In the center of the thunder was A majestic hall.

"Is this... the Lei Bu in the Dharma Lineage?"

Zhang Zhiwei said to himself. When he looked at the main hall, he keenly felt that there seemed to be countless huge and mysterious shadows in the main hall watching him.

(End of this chapter)

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