Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 367: General of the Lei Department, meet Emperor Zhenwu again

Chapter 367: General of the Lei Department, meet Emperor Zhenwu again

Zhang Zhiwei stood in front of a main hall in the Lei Department. The design of this main hall was very complicated. It was eighty-one feet high and was made of green bronze. From time to time, thunder exploded around it, but it stood tall and motionless.

And if you look from the edge of the place where you are standing, you can see that the entire hall and an inverted triangle of land are hanging helplessly in the dark clouds.

Under the dark clouds, there is a huge pool. The giant chains that were seen stretching across the sky extend from the pool and submerge into the boundless dark clouds.

And inside the pool, a massive amount of thunder rolled, so rich that it turned into various colors of thunder slurry.

These thunder pulps are available in various colors such as silver, pure blue, gold, brilliant purple, black and white, etc.

They have distinct layers, and the deeper they go, the majestic and terrifying contained in the thunder slurry becomes more and more shuddering.

Even if Zhang Zhiwei used the Wan Po Divine Eye, he could not clearly see the bottom of the thunder pool. He could only see a blur that was thrilling and seemed to be able to destroy his soul.

"This should be the legendary thunder pool. I have to be careful not to fall into it."

Although Zhang Zhiwei thought so in his heart, he did not stay away immediately, and still looked around.

He found that the thunder slurry was rippling in the thunder pool, and the electric light was intertwined in it. Each ray of electric light went up along the chains and was transported to different places.

Those chains, those thunder and lightning, seem to be connected to some mysterious and indescribable place. They are the cornerstone for the operation of a huge system, giving Zhang Zhiwei the feeling of a power station and cables.

He looked along the direction in which these "cables" extended. Deep in the dark clouds, he could vaguely see some other buildings, all of which were grand and simple.

"Those shadowy buildings should be other departments of the Lei Department. After all, the Lei Department is an extremely large department, and this Lei Pond should be the so-called Lei Department Daoqi..."

Zhang Zhiwei remembered that both his master and his uncle once said that the heavenly soldiers they ordered were actually transformed from the Tao Qi of the Lei Department.

As for the source of Lei Bu's Dao Qi, it comes from the power of belief of thousands of believers, that is, the power of faith.

Before, he had always thought that the Leibu Daoqi should be similar to the power of faith that he used to use the true fire of Samadhi to remove impurities, but now he saw that it was far different.

The Dao Qi in this thunder pool is several levels higher than his golden power of faith.

His golden power of faith, at its current scale, can barely support the immortals who work for him in the hall besides his own use. After all, his power of faith has been refined, and there is a lot of it. of losses.

However, the Dao Qi of Lei Chi can support all Taoist priests in Taoism to cast spells at the same time, and the gap is not small.

"Such a sophisticated and terrifying design should not only have been made by the Ancestral Celestial Master. There have also been several enlightened masters among the sixty-odd generations of Celestial Masters in the Celestial Master's Mansion. They should also have perfected it. It is the hard work of many generations of attained Celestial Masters. , you have to observe it carefully and see if you can understand one or two of them and then use them in your own practice!"

Thoughts were flying in Zhang Zhiwei's mind. He looked at the thunder pool with burning eyes, trying to figure out some of the mysteries in it.

The golden flames in his pupils boiled, shooting out golden light like spotlights, directly into the thunder pool.

This delusional eye was a magical power that was born after he cultivated the divine mask to the third stage of becoming a god. It was still very weak at the beginning.

But these days, with the establishment of the church, his name as the leader of Tiantong has become more and more famous, his faith has become more and more powerful, and his magical ability has also become stronger, and now he can condense his vision into substance.

The golden gaze circulated, clearly seeing every detail of the thunder liquid in the thunder pool, taking it into the depths of his eyes, and began to analyze it, trying to understand the rules.

But at this moment, a thunderous roar came from the hall behind him:

"Young man, what are you doing wandering around? The troops and horses are already in full order. Why don't you come to the palace and dispatch the generals quickly!?"

Listening to this voice, it should be Zhong Kui. As the assessor, he is not only responsible for assessment, but also responsible for awarding heavenly soldiers and divine generals.

Zhang Zhiwei was agitated and his thoughts were interrupted. He put away his long eyes and looked back at the main hall behind him.

As if in response to the voice just now, five thunderbolts fell from above the main hall and struck the lintel of the main hall, illuminating the three words "Emperor's Palace" on the lintel.

"It's your order, it's coming!"

If he delayed any longer, he was afraid that he would be kicked out. Zhang Zhiwei took one last look at the Lei Chi and strode towards the Imperial Palace.

And when he took a last look, he found that one of the giant iron ropes was flashing with lightning that was far brighter than the other iron ropes. The thunder slurry in the thunder pool seemed to be missing a trace, and this giant iron rope was connected to him. The main hall behind you.

Zhang Zhiwei instantly understood that the so-called ordering troops was actually transporting the Dao Qi from the Lei Chi through the iron rope and turning it into soldiers and horses.

"Those are my hundred thousand heavenly soldiers. I wonder who my god will be?"

Zhang Zhiwei strode to the front of the hall.

The door of the main hall was wide open, and he walked in directly.

The main hall is very big, like a stadium. There are always bright lights inside, and the lights are a little dim. Only some shadowy figures can be seen standing in the depths of the main hall, silent.

And at this time.

There was a loud "bump" and the door suddenly closed tightly.

Immediately afterwards, the candlelight in the hall surged, filling the room with light, illuminating the situation inside.

I saw a dense forest of divine generals, all five meters high, arranged in an immortal formation, wearing red crowns and ribbons, black soap shoes, green silk ribbons, or hair buns tied with seven-color pearls. The vessels are majestic, some may be glowing with red faces, showing no anger and self-power, some may have faces as black as coals, some may look like evil ghosts, some may have hair and red makeup. Among them are men and women, each holding a knife, ax, sword and halberd. They are all members of the North Pole Exorcist Academy. A divine general.

These gods and generals all maintained a posture and stared motionlessly at the entrance of the temple, like the statues of gods in the temple.

Zhang Zhiwei also remained motionless, looking at the many divine generals in a daze, somewhat confused about the next process.

Could it be that which god general is chosen, will that god general become his protective god general?

"If that's the case, then I won't be polite."

Zhang Zhiwei looked past the figures of some powerful Tianding and other divine generals in the Exorcist Academy, and fell to the back of the main hall, where stood some high-ranking gods in the Arctic Exorcist Academy.

The first thing I saw was a somewhat familiar figure, with a red face and beard, wearing golden armor and red robes, with three glaring eyes, holding a hot wheel on the left and a steel whip on the right. It was Wang Lingguan, the protector of the White Jade Palace.

When he looked at Wang Lingguan, Wang Lingguan's three eyes also looked over at the same time. It seemed that some kind of medium had established a connection between each other.

Zhang Zhiwei had a feeling that Wang Lingguan could become his protective general with just one thought.

Zhang Zhiwei quickly looked away and cut off the link.

Although Wang Lingguan is strong and is the Taoist God of War, there are many ruthless characters stronger than him in the North Pole Exorcist Academy, and he can still challenge them.

This is Zhang Zhiwei's first time receiving legal duties. To say that he knows nothing about the details... that's not the case.

In fact, before the enthronement meeting, he asked his uncle Zhang Yi, who told him that receiving the priesthood was a chaotic process. After the assessment god gave the order, a scene of beautiful scenery and bright moon appeared in his mind. The deployment of troops and generals has been completed.

The whole process is not independent, it depends on the horoscope and destiny, so he should not be nervous and just follow the instructions of the assessment god.

But when it comes to him, why is it different?

Although he also experienced a period of turmoil and confusion, he soon recovered and entered the Dharma Lei Department. Moreover, in the current situation, it was not the divine general who chose him, but him.

Although he was a little confused, Zhang Zhiwei continued to choose with peace of mind.

Behind Wang Lingguan, from left to right, there are four tall and majestic generals standing. The one on the far right is ten feet tall, has a green face and red hair, wears a white snake crown on his head, has three eyebrows, has golden armor, crimson robes and green boots. He holds a sword in one hand and an ax in the other.

Zhang Zhiwei recognized this divine general as none other than Lord Ma, Ma Lingyao, one of the four marshals of Zhengyixuantan, also known as General Zhijing Rolling Curtain of Dutong Palace. "If I don't give you some power, you won't know that Lord Ma has three eyes" is what he said.

Next to Lord Ma, stood the earthly general Wen Tianjun, who had purple hair, green body, and held a mace. He was also one of the four marshals of Xuan Tan, and one of the thirty-six generals under Emperor Zhenwu. .

The divine general standing next to Marshal Wen is wearing a green robe, with a face as heavy as jujube, lips as if greased, red phoenix eyes, and eyebrows lying like silkworms, he is majestic...

It is Emperor Guan Sheng, also known as the Second Master Guan. He is the God of Wu Cai, the general manager of the thirty-six generals of the Lei Department, the Fourth Marshal of Xuan Tan, and the censor of Fengdu Xingtai. His status is not low.

As for the second master, next to him is Zhao Gongming, the God of Wealth, who is the leader of the four commanders of Xuantan, riding a black tiger and holding a silver whip.

If the Second Master Guan was created by the young Celestial Master Zhang Jixian, then Zhao Gongming was the Taoist protector created by the ancestral Celestial Master Zhang Daoling. He is the first of the four commanders in the Xuan Dynasty and deserves his title.

It is worth mentioning that he is also one of the Five Powers. If he is used as a protective god general and used in conjunction with the Five Powers Talisman, it can complement each other and greatly increase the power.

Moreover, he is the God of Wealth, and his faith has been extremely deep since ancient times. However, it does not mean that the higher the power of faith, the stronger the strength.

The power of faith is like performance. Zhao Gongming and Guan Erye are the top sellers, but the money belongs to the head office, which is in this thunder pool.

How much it can be used and the strength it can exert depends on the size of the imperial priesthood. The same applies to the body-guarding general.

So Zhang Zhiwei continued to look back to see those divine generals with higher priesthoods.

After the four marshals of Xuantan, there are not many generals. The other thirty-six generals of the Lei Department, and even the Lord of the Five Stars, are all before the four marshals.

There are seven god generals following the four marshals. These seven god generals are lined up. Six of them are smaller. Their stature is one section shorter than the previous four marshals of Xuantan. But the one in the middle is The divine general is extremely tall.

Moreover, this god-general has a handsome appearance and a dignified appearance. Among the green-faced, fanged, evil-ghost-like god-generals, he looks extremely out of place.

I saw him wearing a three-mountain flying phoenix hat, his earlobes were long enough to fall on his shoulders, and his three eyes were shining. He was wearing a light yellow battle armor, carrying a crescent-shaped slingshot on his waist, and holding a three-pointed two-edged gun...

Don't think too much about dressing up this time, it is none other than the True Monarch Xian Sheng Erlang.

As for the six shorter divine generals beside him, they should be the Six Brothers of Meishan who are sworn sworn brothers with him. The seven of them are collectively called the Seven Sages of Meishan.

Zhang Zhiwei stared at Erlang Shen. This was an incredible god. It would not be an exaggeration to say he was the Taoist God of War.

At the same time, there are many legends about him, such as "when he comes, he breaks the grass to measure the heaven and earth, and when he is angry, he carries the mountain to chase the sun", "Erlang God captures the Monkey King", "fills the mouth of the river and kills the dragon", "splits the mountain to save his mother"...

At the same time, he is also a subordinate of the Arctic Ziwei Emperor.

The main god of the Arctic Exorcism Academy is Emperor Ziwei. He controls the stars above, controls all laws in the middle, and governs Fengdu below. He is the master of all the stars in the sky. As his subordinate, Erlang Shen is perfectly normal in this Arctic Exorcism Academy.

Zhang Zhiwei stared at Erlangshen for a moment. When he stared at him, Erlangshen also looked over.

At first, the connection was not established, and Zhang Zhiwei thought that he was not destined to be able to carry Erlang Shen, but just when he wanted to look away, the connection was established.

This means that he can choose Erlang Shen as his protective god general.

However, after thinking for a while, Zhang Zhiwei still looked away.

He cursed in his heart that it was not appropriate or suitable. His appearance was a bit overwhelming. If Lao Lu came to choose, it would definitely suit him.

Zhang Zhiwei looked back again.

After Erlang Shen, there were only four figures left.

These four figures, two on the left and two on the right, stand apart, but the main seat in the middle is empty, without any gods.

However, although there is no god standing, it does not mean that this seat is empty. The main god of the Arctic Exorcist Academy is Emperor Ziwei, so the position of the main seat naturally belongs to him.

"Emperor Ziwei is one of the Four Imperial Guards and is not among the optional generals, which is normal!"

Zhang Zhiwei said to himself, and immediately looked at the last four divine generals in the hall, which were the four marshals of the Arctic Exorcist Academy.

Then I saw an old acquaintance on the right side of Emperor Ziwei's vacant seat. It was Emperor Zhenwu.

However, different from the skinny image seen in Changbai Mountain that day, the current Emperor Zhenwu is a hundred feet tall, with disheveled hair, golden chain armor, standing with a sword, and beside him stands two turtles and snakes that are only half his size. Will.

"Junior Zhang Zhiwei, pay your respects to Emperor Zhenwu!"

Zhang Zhiwei saluted Emperor Zhenwu.

The gift of teaching that day in Changbai Mountain definitely deserves this great gift.

But unexpectedly, Emperor Zhenwu did not react. He just stood with his sword in his hand and stared at the door of the hall without looking at him. He had no spirituality at all, like a lifelike statue of a god.

"The Emperor ignored me?! The Emperor's true spirit was clearly manifested that day, why is it not manifesting now? Is it really as the Master said..."

Zhang Zhiwei was thinking about it when he suddenly found that he had established a connection with Emperor Zhenwu. He felt happy, but immediately felt something was wrong.

Why is this connection so fragile?

He had previously established connections with many divine generals. After many comparisons, he found that the stronger the divine generals, the more shocking the medium of connection. But now, the connection with Emperor Zhenwu was not even as shocking as Wang Lingguan.

"What's going on? It shouldn't be. The emperor is one of the Four Saints of the Arctic. His status is only lower than that of Emperor Ziwei. He shouldn't be so fragile!"

Zhang Zhiwei was puzzled. After some research, he discovered that the person who was connected to him was not Emperor Zhenwu, but the two generals turtle and snake beside Emperor Zhenwu's legs.

Zhang Zhiwei's face darkened, and he cursed in his heart, I am not destined to be able to carry Emperor Zhenwu, but only his intestines and stomach?

The two generals, Turtle and Snake, are part of the body of Emperor Zhenwu. Legend has it that Emperor Zhenwu cultivated to the level of an inner saint and an outer king, and could listen to the thoughts of every part of his body.

Later, he became even stronger and reached the immortal state of a breath-eater. He no longer had to eat, and could survive only by absorbing the energy of heaven and earth, just like the immortal thief who practiced Liuku.

But at this time, his stomach and intestines were all upset and started to make trouble everywhere, asking him to eat people, which made him very upset.

Emperor Zhenwu was so angry that he took out his intestines and stomach and threw them away.

Later, the intestines turned into a snake, and the stomach turned into a giant turtle, eating people everywhere.

Emperor Zhenwu knew about it, so he suppressed the snake and the tortoise, and sent down demons and demons to atone for his sins.

As Zhang Zhiwei, who has cultivated to the realm of inner saint and outer king, of course he knows that the identity of these two generals, turtle and snake, is far more than just the intestines and stomach.

They are actually the same as the "National Preceptor". The "National Preceptor" is the true form of his heart, while the Turtle and Snake Generals are the true form of Emperor Zhenwu's intestines and stomach. They are both inner demons in essence.

"Since the emperor can't choose, then we can only look at others!"

As soon as this idea came to Zhang Zhiwei's mind, a medium so powerful that it shocked him connected to him.

"This is……"

Zhang Zhiwei quickly looked along the connection, and what he saw was a mighty god general with a height of 100 meters, four heads and eight arms, and an angry look on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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