Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 372 The Celestial Master’s Restriction

Chapter 372 The Celestial Master’s Restriction

"Who is in favor? Who is against?"

Zhang Jingqing's words made the entire scene fall silent. No one spoke for a while. No one wanted to put a ban on themselves for no reason. This was not a trivial matter, unlike the insignificant bans like Shougong Sha.

This kind of restriction to keep secrets is usually engraved on the soul and is a restraint on "sex". Who wants to put shackles on their soul? !

But if they objected, everyone looked at Zhang Jingqing and Guan Erye and gave up the idea. They should wait a little longer. Maybe there is a better way... This is what everyone thought in their minds.

For a moment, you could hear needles dropping on the scene.


"I agree!"

Zhang Zhiwei raised his hand and said resolutely.

As a disciple, how could he not support the master's proposal? Besides, the master's move was to wipe his ass, so he had to cooperate.


Zhang Jingqing glanced at Zhang Zhiwei, feeling a little angry and asking you to talk more. Is this what I'm asking you? You agree, you have such a big face? !

Do you still dare to disagree? If it weren't for the enshrinement ceremony, I would have sacrificed you from the Heavenly Gate with a flying sword...

What Ge Wen said just now was right, Wei Wenwen said it, and even Zhao Ruhuan said it, but when Zhang Zhiwei said it... it was a bit strange, giving people a sense of treachery and vulgarity as if the master and the apprentice were in harmony.

Sure enough, as soon as he said this, everyone looked at him angrily. As the initiator of this matter, do you have the nerve to say this? Do you have a say? Such a resolute look! We are all sorry for you.

Seeing Zhang Zhiwei speak, the other instigator couldn't sit still.

Bai Yugong took a step forward, but did not say any words of approval or disapproval. Instead, he bowed and said:

"I am ashamed of myself for causing trouble to the Heavenly Master and fellow Taoists!"

Zhang Jingqing didn't speak, just nodded.

Bai Yugong turned around, faced everyone, bowed again, and then stepped back. In fact, at this time, he said a few more words to give the fellow Taoists a step up, and the fellow Taoists reluctantly stepped down. However, due to his character, some words He couldn't tell.

In the crowd, Ge Wen and Wei Wenzhang looked at each other and were about to stand up and agree. Although they were a little reluctant to be banned, Tianshi is the leader of the Taoist sect and the leader of the three mountain talismans. They should support it both emotionally and rationally.

However, Zhang Jingqing obviously didn't want them to be "advocates" again. The three sects of Fu Lu had always stood in the same position. The two of them had already come forward once. As a heavenly master, he should not let these two little brothers come forward again because of emotion and reason. , similarly, Zhang Yushan is not suitable as one of his own.

Reaching out his hand, he screened out Ge Wen and Wei Wenwen, and Zhang Jingqing set her sights on Zhao Ruhui.

"Fellow Taoist Zhao Ruhui, what do you think?"

Zhang Jingqing didn't know what happened in the scene, nor did she know what kind of bullying Zhao Ruhu had suffered. She just thought that Zhao Ruhu was the most virtuous and respected among the high-ranking officials who participated in the legal examination, and his ability was second only to Bai Yu's. Palace, so after much thought, he is the most suitable.

"It's very reasonable. I agree with Tianshi's proposal!"

Zhao Ruhuo immediately said in a deep voice, he had just faced the majesty of Guan Erye, the four commanders of Xuantan, and now his mind was filled with that overwhelming sword. How could he object?

Seeing that Zhao Ruhui agreed, someone took the lead, and the others looked at each other and agreed to Zhang Jingqing's proposal.

In fact, this matter was destined to be a multiple-choice question when Mr. Guan came out, but the Heavenly Master changed his usual kindness and seemed a bit aggressive, and did not give them enough steps to step down.

But this can't be blamed on Zhang Jingqing. He can't bring everyone together to discuss this matter, understand it emotionally, and act rationally, right? With so many things going on, only a sharp sword can cut through the mess. The Heavenly Master should have thunderous means.

Seeing everyone's agreement, Zhang Jingqing nodded and said:

"Fellow Taoists, please rest assured that this ban was placed by me personally. In the name of the Heavenly Master, I promise that only this news will be blocked and will not affect anything else!"

After saying that, Zhang Jingqing looked at Zhao Ruhuan, obviously wanting him to continue to be the leader.

The master and the apprentice went too far... Zhao Ruhu took a deep breath and said in a deep voice:

"We can rest assured when the Heavenly Master is doing his work. The Heavenly Master just does what he does!"


Zhang Jingqing nodded, stretched out his hand, and the small golden seal script gushes out from his fingertips like water, arranging and combining in the air, covering Zhao Ruhuo, and begins to penetrate into Zhao Ruhuo's body bit by bit.

With the restriction imposed, Zhao Ruhuan's face turned pale and his body trembled slightly. It took him a long time before he opened his eyes.

"How?" Zhang Jingqing asked.

"Let Pindao feel it!"

Zhao Ruhu closed his eyes. After a moment, he opened his eyes and opened and closed his lips, but said nothing. He raised his hand and wanted to write a picture in the air about what happened before, but as soon as the idea came up, he was stopped.

He said with a look of horror: "It is not a physical method, but it cuts off all thoughts about this matter from the depths of my soul. How can the effect of this restriction be so terrifying?!"

"Besides, are there any other disadvantages?" someone asked.

Zhao Ruhu closed his eyes again and felt it, opened his eyes, shook his head and said:

"The Heavenly Master's methods are very clever. I didn't notice anything wrong. Even if I didn't meditate and explore, I wouldn't be able to discover the existence of the restriction."

Hearing this, the others breathed a sigh of relief. If it only limited the spread of this matter and had no impact on others, it would not be so difficult to accept.

With Zhao Ruhui taking the lead, other people were also planted with restrictions by Zhang Jingqing, even Zhang Yushan was no exception. After the seniors had finished planting, it was time to talk about the juniors. Zhang Zhiwei was the leader of the juniors and bore the brunt.

"Master, do I want to come too?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Zhang Jingqing glanced at him angrily:

"It's people like you we're guarding against! Stand still!"

Zhang Zhiwei quickly stood at attention.

In fact, he can handle this matter. Blue Hand's ability can modify and delete memories.

However, he didn't bring it up. How could they be willing to let him modify his soul and delete his memory when everyone resisted just by imposing a ban?

Unless he did something dirty, Zhang Jingqing would not agree to do this.

The golden light turned into countless small seal characters, like beating musical notes, penetrating into Zhang Zhiwei's skin, bones and flesh, and disappeared without a trace.

Zhang Zhiwei frowned. His life cultivation level was much higher than that of the people around him, so his feelings were deeper. He could clearly feel that those seal characters were engraved on his soul like nails.

This process was unbearably painful, but with his willpower, it was over and it was not a big deal that was difficult to accept.

However, watching the golden seal characters being integrated into his body one after another, Zhang Zhiwei suddenly remembered the last scene in the interior where he taught his master the golden light spell.

At that time, he clearly saw that there were many similar small seal characters on the master's soul, but they were more numerous and denser. Just as he was about to take a closer look, the big fireball appeared.

Is this restriction related to the restriction imposed by Tianshidu? Zhang Zhiwei couldn't help but think.

The golden talisman lasted for about half a minute and then ended. Zhang Jingqing waved Zhang Zhiwei aside. Zhang Zhiwei walked aside and felt it for himself. He found that there was a golden talisman on the head of the soul, just like a tattoo engraved on the soul. However, the soul itself was not affected.

He tried to tell what he had done in Bincheng, but as soon as the thought came out, he felt that the rune seemed to be alive, slowly flowing with light.

Immediately afterwards, his thoughts were cut off and he couldn't say anything, even in the form of some secret codes, riddles and the like.

Because this restriction is cut off from the mind, as long as you hold on to the idea of ​​​​telling the secret, it is impossible to succeed.

Human behavior is controlled by the mind. Even if you are hungry and want to eat, and you are thirsty and want to drink water, the body sends signals that influence the mind to make decisions.

This ban is equivalent to banning the spread of this matter from the source.

Zhang Zhiwei even had a feeling that even those who could read minds, telepathy, and other methods of reading memories would not work well in the face of this restriction.

In the plot, Wu Gensheng placed a ban on the eight people who had comprehended the Eight Wonders. After Feng Tianyang, the comprehender of Julingqianjiang, was captured, all the sects came out with all their means to torture out the secret of the Eight Wonders, but All failed.

Among them, there are many beings who can read memories. One of them, Luo Xinping, even possessed Feng Tianyang's body as a Yin Shen. He wanted to forcibly check the memories, but his soul was shattered by the forbidden backlash.

Only Zhang Huaiyi successfully unlocked the restriction. In terms of restrictions, Zhang Jingqing, who has the strongest restriction of Tianshidu, is naturally no worse than Wugensheng.

The strength of this restriction is quite high, so high that Zhang Zhiwei doesn't even want to break it rashly. After all, it is on the soul, so he must be cautious.

A single person is not as good as a group of people. When the magic city is over, call Lao Lu and Er Bi back and give them one... Zhang Zhiwei thought.

With everyone's cooperation, the ban was quickly planted. Zhang Jingqing waved his hand, and Marshal Guan turned into a blue light and escaped.

As soon as Master Guan left, the barrier covering the altar also disappeared, and the scene inside appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone was talking about it.

"Emperor Guan Sheng has disappeared. What happened inside? I think their faces don't look good!"

"Go and ask after the ceremony is over? I guess something big happened, otherwise it wouldn't be enough to alert Marshal Guan."

"That's true. By the way, who do you think the third-grade legal position was awarded to this time? Is it Baiyu Palace or Zhao Ruhu?"

"It could also be someone else. This time we are going to teach you the high skills of the third level of Dharma. It's not easy for all of them. They all have a chance!"

"Look at what you said, there is a chance for anything. Don't forget, there is a junior this time. I admit that Zhang Zhiwei is great. He is the number one among the younger generation. Compared with many older generations, he does not give in too much. But this This time he has to face Baiyu Palace, Zhao Ruhui and others are considered to be top leaders among the older generation, I'm afraid they will be reduced to mere foils."

"Stop guessing. I'll find out later if I ask. I heard that this junior is a famous big mouth in Tianshi Mansion. As long as you dare to ask, he will dare to say that a piece of news will come to his mouth within three days. , even the vegetable seller down the mountain knows about it.”

"Speaking of the vegetable seller, when I went to Longhu, I bought a few sweet potatoes to quench my thirst. The vegetable seller told me some inside information. She said that Master Zhang Shoucheng once calculated for Zhang Zhiwei that according to his horoscope, he could dial One hundred thousand soldiers and horses? I always thought it was nonsense. Could it be that..."

At this time, a Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain nodded and said, "Yes, I didn't lie to you. This is indeed inside information!"

After being affirmed by the disciple of Longhu Mountain, the man was immediately speechless.

Everyone in the venue was talking a lot, but Zhang Jingqing and others did not explain too much, and dismissed everyone, and the enclosing ceremony continued.

Zhang Zhiwei returned to his previous position, and as soon as he sat down cross-legged, he saw Tian Jinzhong and Zhang Huaiyi coming over with steamed buns and water.

"You're hungry, senior brother, eat something quickly!"

"When you put it like that, that's quite a bit!"

Zhang Zhiwei took the steamed buns and started to eat them. While eating, he noticed a few little Taoist priests dragging their feet, squeaking, and running past him in a desperate manner.

So fragile? ! Zhang Zhiwei frowned and asked Tian Jinzhong about the time. The perception of time in the interior scene was different from that in the outside world. He could not tell how many days the legal examination took.

Tian Jinzhong said: "More than six days have passed since the ceremony, and today is the last day."

"It turns out that after so long, six days and six nights of running, no wonder those little Taoist priests are as tired as dead dogs!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Yes, speaking of it, the first time I was given a casket, I was even worse than them. I basically climbed the entire distance!"

Zhang Huaiyi sighed with a look on his face. After the accident at home, he always liked to hold back no matter what he did, but he had no reservations about the enshrinement ceremony and almost lost half his life. In fact, he was also in the late stage of the encarnation ceremony. It took me three days and three nights to get the energy from the sound of scriptures.

"Have I told you, I'm quite relaxed!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"I've said it before. I've heard it several times. Senior brother, you don't need to talk about it anymore. You'd better tell me, have you succeeded in conferring the Dharma position?"

Zhang Huaiyi asked quickly. He cared more about Zhang Zhiwei's progress than Tian Jinzhong.

He has heard about it in the past few days. It is not easy to get several high-level masters from the third-grade legal position this time. Master Zhang Yushan from his family, Bai Yugong from the Shenxiao Sect, Zhao Ruhui from the Qinghui Sect...

Although Zhang Zhiwei is powerful, he is afraid that he will not be able to compare with the best of the older generation? He was eager to know the results.

"Of course it was a success!"

Zhang Zhiwei calmly said the result that surprised Zhang Huaiyi. Then he rolled up his sleeves, exercised his energy slightly, and showed the two people the magic pot on his arm.

After being awarded the title of Immortal Official, the talisman will also undergo corresponding changes. On the head of his talisman, there is a row of small characters "Nine Heavens Golden Palace, Qing Lian visits the envoy to know the affairs of the Exorcist Academy", all in Yunzhuan. , clouds and mist linger, slowly flowing.

Under the font is a row of simple portraits of god generals the size of soybeans, which are outlined with runes. Although they are only simple lines, they are vivid and expressive.

These are all the divine generals under Zhang Zhiwei, most of whom are powerful men. If Zhang Zhiwei is willing, he can set up a forum and order them to work for him.

"It actually happened!?"

Zhang Huaiyi looked at the magic urn in Zhang Zhiwei's hand with a look of disbelief on his face. He really couldn't imagine how Zhang Zhiwei won the legal position in the hands of so many seniors?

"Huaiyi, I just said that senior brother has got a lot of security, and you still said it's very uncertain. Look, it's successful!" Tian Jinzhong said with excitement: "Quick, quick, quick, senior brother, tell us which one we got to protect you." General, how many soldiers and horses have you led?"

Zhang Huaiyi also came back to his senses and said with an urgent look on his face: "Tell me how you defeated all the seniors?"


Zhang Zhiwei cleared his throat and was about to talk endlessly.

Another "Uh-huh" came out.

Zhang Zhiwei was stunned. This voice sounded a bit familiar.

Zhang Huaiyi quickly sat upright and looked at the ceremony seriously.

Tian Jinzhong pulled on his senior brother's sleeves and urged him to continue, how could he gasp for breath at the critical moment.

(End of this chapter)

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