Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 373 Canopy Divine Curse, ask Uncle Master for 5 thunders

Chapter 373: Canopy Divine Curse, ask Uncle Master to ask for the Five Thunders

His sleeves were being pulled by Tian Jinzhong all the time. Zhang Zhiwei complained in his heart, Xiao Tian, ​​why are you so blind? Look at the big-eared thieves next to you. You will be beaten like this.

Sure enough, in the next second, three insignificant golden lights were seen flying towards him.

The golden light was just a golden bean the size of a soybean. Tian Jinzhong didn't notice it at all, and a big bump was punched out on his forehead.

The big-eared thief was on guard and could have dodged it, but he didn't. Instead, he caught it with his forehead. However, he relaxed his strength like a chicken, so he only got a red mark.

As for Zhang Zhiwei, he stretched out two fingers and pinched it lightly.

With his strength, this should be the case. If he continues to pick it up with his forehead like a big-eared thief, it would be too deliberate, and he is no different from a flatterer.

"What are you three whispering about?"

Zhang Jingqing's serious voice sounded.

Tian Jinzhong and Zhang Huaiyi, who were covering their foreheads, did not speak. They turned to look at Zhang Zhiwei. There was a tall man holding up the sky as it fell.

"Master, I'm preaching to my junior brothers!" Zhang Zhiwei shook his finger seriously: "Remember? In the world of martial arts, everything is indestructible, except speed!"

Zhang Huaiyi: “…………”

Tian Jinzhong: “…………”

Are you going to die if you still pretend to receive the master's golden light?

Zhang Jingqing said with a dark face: "There is some truth in what you say, but is this what you are talking about? How can you allow fun in the important place of the Dharma Assembly? How can you have unreasonable opinions when you are a protective god? You talk about it all day long, which is embarrassing. Throw it outside the mountain!"

Zhang Zhiwei didn't say anything and quickly sat upright, looking like he was listening carefully.

Zhang Jingqing stared at him. Although her attitude was very upright, she didn't know whether he heard it or not. However, this was not the time to argue, and she said:

"After the Dharma Conference is over, you go to Zhang Yi and ask for the 'Tianpeng Divine Curse'. After you successfully practice it, you can command the True Lord Tianpeng!"

When saying this, Zhang Jingqing acted very calmly, but in fact, when he learned that Zhang Zhiwei had snatched the legal position from a group of seniors and also received Marshal Tianpeng as a protective general, even though he had seen many The knowledgeable Celestial Master was also severely surprised.

He took it very seriously, so he personally came to warn Zhang Zhiwei that after all, this apprentice liked to mess around, so don't accidentally hurt yourself by trying to force it out of your control.

After the instructions, Zhang Jingqing returned to the main altar. The enshrinement conference will soon be over, and the three masters will also take their respective positions.

As soon as Zhang Jingqing left, Tian Jinzhong asked quickly:

"Master just said that he would use True Lord Tianpeng. Could it be that Senior Brother's guardian general is True Lord Tianpeng?"

"How is this possible? Jinzhong, don't be ridiculous. Isn't Lord Tianpeng the God of Cunsi? How can he become a divine general? Isn't that right, senior brother?!"

Zhang Huaiyi questioned, but he couldn't hide the look of shock on his face. He actually believed it. The reason why he questioned was because he wanted Zhang Zhiwei to tell him the details, but he didn't want to ask directly. He was such a stubborn person.

In the plot, when he first entered the 24th Section of Tongtian Valley, he asked Wu Gensheng like this. Wu Gensheng pointed it out and explained it very cooperatively.

He was dishonest to others, but Wugensheng was very sincere to him after seeing through his dishonesty. Therefore, he regarded Wugensheng as his confidant.

Zhang Zhiwei was obviously not as enlightened as Wu Gensheng, so he did not explain Zhang Huaiyi's doubts. He just pointed at Zhang Jingqing, who was standing on the main altar and looking over here from time to time:

"Everything is possible. Be careful. Master is watching. Do you still want to eat golden beans?"

As soon as these words came out, Tian Jinzhong and Zhang Huaiyi immediately sat up. Zhang Jingqing was still very dignified to them.

However, they are not at peace inside.

Tian Jinzhong was very excited. His senior brother's guardian god would be the first guardian war god of the Arctic Exorcist Academy. As a junior brother, he was very honored. He would definitely tell his senior brothers later to make them happy too.

Zhang Huaiyi thought more. It was incredible that Marshal Tianpeng, a Taoist god of thought, could actually become a protective god.

Thinking is a Taoist saying. Zhang Zhiwei often meditates and enters concentration. Meditation is just an action. The purpose of entering concentration is actually to maintain reflection.

As mentioned before, no matter ancient or modern, both at home and abroad, all internal cultivation methods are for the purpose of "observation" and for the purpose of calming down, but the way of "observation" is different, so it has been extended to thousands of methods.

But in fact, "view" is a very broad word. If we analyze it carefully, it is called Cunsi in Taoism, meditation in the Western alchemy and magic system, and zazen in the Buddhist system.

Although the meaning is the same and the general meaning is the same, the things observed are different and the purpose is also different.

Cunsi means to think of my god and my body, which means to visualize a certain part of oneself as a god, and then feed it back to oneself.

The Tianpeng Marshal represents the Niwan Palace, which is the body spirit of the upper Dantian. The practice of the Upper Dantian requires visualizing the Tianpeng Marshal. Therefore, the Tianpeng Marshal has such a status in Taoism.

But now, Cunsi's body god representing Niwan Palace has turned out to be senior brother's protective god general. From then on, Cunsi, can he observe his senior brother's god general? It just so happens that we can see it openly... Zhang Huaiyi thought to himself.

As for Zhang Zhiwei, he is thinking about creating a protective god general in his own image...


The chanting of sutras continued, and the engraving ceremony continued. On the night of the seventh day, the altar and various rituals began to be removed one after another.

Wait until the morning of the eighth day, when the sun comes out. Various magic tools such as spiritual flags, Taoist drums, incense candles, and straw ropes for hanging talismans on the Taoist altar were removed.

Zhang Zhiwei and others also left the venue one after another. Only Zhang Yi, the transmission master, and some first-time nun disciples were left in the entire venue.

These newcomers were paralyzed in the center of the altar. Some were on their backs, some were leaning on their sides, and some were lying on the ground. All of them had chapped lips, sallow complexions, and were unconscious, with only a faint breath left.

They were the victors who persevered to the end. They withstood cruel mental and physical torture, were successfully ordained, and became disciples of Longhu Mountain.

There are also some who have been carried out one after another in the past few days. They can't hold on, some have mental breakdowns, and some suddenly collapse. They have become laggards in the teachings and are destined not to enter the Tao.

Zhang Yi checked their condition, and then asked people to carry them back to the bed room and take care of them carefully.

At this point, the enshrinement conference is completely over, and everyone who has been busy for seven days also goes back to rest.

As senior brothers, Zhang Huaiyi and Tian Jinzhong are responsible for taking care of these junior juniors who are just starting out.

Zhang Zhiwei arrived at Daozang Hall and came to his uncle Zhang Yi to ask for the "Celestial Peng Divine Curse".

"Dao Qi with a hundred thousand soldiers, Marshal Tianpeng protecting the body, brat, how come you take advantage of all the good things?"

Zhang Yi said with envy on his face, although his protective general, the yellow-robed monster, was strong, his troops were too few, with only 500 troops, not even a fraction of Zhang Zhiwei's. "It's just a fluke!" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile.

"This is not a fluke. To be able to choose Lord Tianpeng, you must have traveled to the Arctic Exorcist Academy!" Zhang Yi said, rummaging through the bookshelves containing Taoist scriptures.

"Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from my uncle!" Zhang Zhiwei said: "I did travel to the Arctic Exorcist Academy, and saw the legendary Lei Pond and the gods of the Lei Department!"

Zhang Yi nodded and said: "It seems that I guessed it right. You really made your own choice. Generally speaking, the stronger your cultivation level, the higher the fit between your destiny and Taoism. What you see in the Dharma lineage is The clearer the picture will be, the greater the right to make independent choices.”

"I also wandered around Tianshu Academy in my mind at the beginning, but at that time, I was like a lonely ghost, with no sky, no earth, no place to rely on, drifting to wherever I was. Kui Mulang was the best divine general I could touch. "

"Marshal Tianpeng is the first protector of the Arctic Exorcist Academy. You can choose him, which shows that your fate and the dharma lineage are in perfect harmony."

Zhang Yi patted Zhang Zhiwei on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"You boy should choose Qing Tianshu Academy. Although Arctic Exorcism Academy is a martial arts academy and belongs to the Lei Department, the number of great gods in it is not as many as Tianshu Academy. In Tianshu Academy, you may be able to choose Tianpeng." Marshal the stronger god!”

Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile: "Then in the coming year, my uncle will recommend me again and ask me to receive another dharma post from the Qingtian Shuyuan. I will receive a great god!"

"You have a big heart and want to choose a stronger general. You know, the stronger the protective general, the more difficult it is to control. You should first consider how to control Marshal Tianpeng!"

With that said, Zhang Yi handed Zhang Zhiwei a volume of scripture: "This is the second volume of the "Shangqing Great Cave Scripture". It records the 'Celestial Peng Divine Curse' and the specific method of practicing Qi. Take it and take a look. If you don’t understand anything, you can come to me!”

Zhang Zhiwei took the scripture and immediately started to read it. The text recorded the Canopy Divine Mantra:

"The canopy canopy, the nine-yuan evil boy. The five Ding Dusi, the Gao Diao Bei Weng. The seven political affairs and eight spirits, the supreme power and evil. The giant beast with a long head, the emperor's bell in his hand... The fierce blood of Emperor Yan, the burning bones of Beidou. The four bright stars are broken Skeleton... With one strike of the divine sword, all the ghosts collapsed. It was as urgent as the decrees issued by the Mingwei of the Northern Emperor!"

Under the Tianpeng Divine Curse is the method of practicing Qi.

"The second thought is that the red energy comes from the Zhaoni Pill. Zhaonai inhales Shen Yun, swallows fluids three times, taps the teeth for nine times...then taps the teeth for five times, recites the Tianpeng Anshen Mantra, swallows fluids for five times, and then taps The left tooth hits the sky bell; then tap the right tooth to sound the heavenly chime, then tap the middle two teeth again and beat the heavenly drum, seven times each. Then use a slight curse to set a limit with the number..."

Then there is the canopy cunsi diagram with four heads and eight arms, which is also a visualization diagram. If you want to practice the canopy method, you need to visualize the canopy, recite the divine mantra, and follow the walking track to achieve success. .

"Is there anything you don't understand?" Zhang Yi asked.

“The writing is very detailed and I don’t understand anything!”

Zhang Zhiwei said that according to Taoist practice, this is not a difficult task for him. If he can't practice according to the book, how can he create something of his own?

"Your understanding is very good. If that's the case, then go back to the dormitory and practice by yourself. Your uncle, I need to take a rest!"

Zhang Yi waved his hand and said, presiding over the seven-day burial ceremony one after another. Even for him, it took a lot of energy.

Zhang Zhiwei put away Daozang and said, "By the way, Uncle Master, is there a practice method of 'Water Zang Lei' in Daozang Hall?"

"Yes! Basically, all the secret arts of our Tianshi Mansion, as well as the various altars and rituals of the Zhengyi lineage are all in the Daozang Hall. However, the methods of suppressing the sect, such as the Complete Thunder Method, can only be transmitted to the Tianshi Palace. Master, are there any in Daozang Hall?"

Zhang Yi looked at Zhang Zhiwei in surprise: "What are you asking 'Shui Zang Lei' for? What? You want to lose your virginity?"

"Nothing!" Zhang Zhiwei said quickly.

"It doesn't matter if you have it. Your 'Jiang Gong Lei' can be said to have reached the transformation state. Even if you lose your body, it won't be affected. Don't worry about the 'Water Zang Lei'!" Zhang Yi said.

"It has nothing to do with losing one's virginity. I don't pursue love between men and women. I want to practice 'water, dirty and thunder' at the same time!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Also practice 'Water Zang Lei'?" Zhang Yi's face turned serious, "Do you want to practice Yin and Yang at the same time?"

"That's right!" Zhang Zhiwei nodded.

"You don't want your life?"

Zhang Yi said with a serious face: "The 'Jiang Gong Lei' generates the Qi of the heart and lungs, and the 'Shui Zang Lei' generates the Qi of the liver and wood. If the spleen Qi is harmonized, Yin and Yang can be integrated into one, and the Five Thunder Dharma can be cultivated."

"If you want to practice yin and yang at the same time, you must first cultivate spleen qi. Otherwise, if yin and yang conflict, your body will explode and die. However, the method of cultivating spleen qi to harmonize yin and yang is only passed down to the heavenly masters."

"I know you kid likes to mess around, but you can't be careless about this kind of thing. I advise you to calm down and continue to accumulate 'Jiang Gong Lei'. Don't think about the things that are there or not. As for the complete Five Thunder Methods of yin and yang training, I'll wait for you. If you become a heavenly master, you will naturally be able to practice!"

Zhang Yi warned with a serious look.

Zhang Zhiwei stretched out his hand without much explanation, and blazing electric light danced in his palm.

"What, are you threatening me?" Zhang Yi glared at him, but the next second, his eyes widened even more, and his face was filled with an incredible look.

Because, he saw that the Jianggong Lei in Zhang Zhiwei's palm had converged all the light and heat in an instant, turning into a ball of ordinary white Qi.

But as someone who has practiced Jiang Gong Lei's advanced skills, he clearly felt that the ordinary Qi in Zhang Zhiwei's palm was the Heart Fire Qi and Lung Metal Qi produced by practicing Jiang Gong Lei. .

But why did the two qi energy not appear like silver lightning when they merged into one in Jianggong, but turned into a ball of ordinary qi energy? Although the quality of this Qi is very high, it does not have the characteristics of Yang Wu Lei, but presents the state of Qi itself.

"The quality is high, but it's very gentle. It doesn't have the fierceness and unstoppable power that Lei Fa's Qi should have. What's going on?" Zhang Yi looked puzzled.

Zhang Zhiwei didn't explain, and circulated the Qi slightly.


The originally peaceful Qi suddenly vibrated violently, as if a chemical reaction had occurred. It began to shine brightly, bursting out with blazing light, and formed a thunder method.

"Qi is still the original Qi, but whether it gathers, disperses, combines or separates, or reacts, all depends on the mind. This..."

Zhang Yi looked away from Qi, stared at Zhang Zhiwei, and asked:

"Senior brother passed on the teaching to you? When? Why didn't I know?"

Zhang Zhiwei closed his hands, extinguished the lightning in his palms, and said:

"Uncle Master, what are you talking about? Master's innate energy is sufficient and it's still too early to pass on the message. I said this was something I made up myself. Do you believe it?"

(End of this chapter)

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