Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 387 Master is robbed again, Wugensheng deciphers the secret of Master Ziyang

Chapter 387 Master is robbed again, Wugensheng deciphers the secret of Master Ziyang

The black thunder formed a huge quagmire on the ground.

After a brief experiment, Zhang Jingqing waved his hand to dismiss Cangtan in the north and walked towards the mountain wall not far away.

There is a hole the size of a fist on the mountain wall, which was made by the small black ball Zhang Zhiwei rubbed out previously.

"Zhiwei, this kid, previously made a thundercloud-shaped Yin thunder and a solid iron ball-like Yin thunder. I asked Huaiyi to compete with Zhang Zhiwei. First, I wanted to know how Huaiyi's recent progress in Yang Wulei was, and whether there were any I continue to hide my secret, and secondly, I want Huaiyi to try those two methods!"

"I didn't expect that I only tried one kind. However, this little black ball is also magical. I'm afraid all the Zhiwei have entered the house now, but it still hasn't disappeared. The structure of this technique seems to be very stable!"

While thinking this, Zhang Jingqing came to the mountain wall. She crossed her fingers in front of her eyes, opened her eyes that could see things in the dark, then stretched her head to the small hole and looked in with one eye.

I saw a small black ball lying in the hole, but then, Zhang Jingqing discovered that it was not lying, but hanging in the hole.

Although the small black ball looks like it is embedded inside, if you look closely, you can find that the edge of the small black ball does not really touch the mountain wall. There is a slight distance between them that is difficult to detect with the naked eye. .

"Yin thunder is a bit thick, so it is in the shape of mud, and its attack speed is slower than that of Yang thunder!"

"But this small ball, which is made up of a large number of Yin thunders, floats unexpectedly. Has there been some unknown change?"

"Let me see what it is!"

Zhang Jingqing moved her head away from the hole, stood up straight, raised her palm and pointed it at the entrance of the hole. A strong suction force was generated in the palm of her hand, and she actually took the little black ball out of it, and used Qi to hold it suspended above him. on the palm of my hand.

Zhang Jingqing glanced at the small black ball on her palm, and then looked at the mountain wall in front of her.

Now there are two holes on the mountain wall, one was left when the little black ball went in, and the other was left when the little black ball came out.

"It broke through the mountain wall directly and came out. When it collided with the mountain wall, there was no ambiguity at all. As soon as the two sides came into contact, the mountain wall turned into ashes. What is going on? Does Yin Wu Lei still have this characteristic?"

Zhang Jingqing looked at the little black ball in front of her with some confusion. She waved her hand and exhaled a burst of Qi from her palm, pushing the little black ball to hit the mountain wall again.

Without making any sound, the little black ball easily broke through the mountain wall again and buried itself deeply.

However, this time Zhang Jingqing saw clearly that at the moment when the small black ball came into contact with the mountain wall, the mountain wall was eroded by the Qi on the small black ball, and the internal structure was destroyed, causing it to instantly collapse and turn into powder.

"Erosion is indeed a characteristic of Yin Lei, but the erosion is a bit too strong!"

Zhang Jingqing secretly thought, stretched out her hand, and took out the little black ball. The way it came out was the same as before.

"Look at its internal structure first!"

Zhang Jingqing probed Qi into the small black ball and found that its interior was quite stable, not as loose as the Yin Wulei. It contained the power of the five elements. Gold, fire, water and wood were slowly rotating around the earth. It actually formed a Tai Chi shape.

"Yin Yang, Five Elements, Tai Chi Circle, he actually made this step by mistake!"

Zhang Jingqing was shocked. Taoists have always believed in the theory of yin and yang and the five elements. In this theory, yin and yang correspond to the five elements.

Among the five elements, gold and fire correspond to yang, wood and water correspond to yin, and earth is considered to be the harmonious combination of yin and yang forces.

Therefore, under the coordination of earth, yin and yang reach a balanced state, which will form Tai Chi.

As for the thunder method, whether it is the complete Five Thunder Zhengfa, the Yang Five Thunder, or the Yin Five Thunder, it is essentially the result of the mutual reaction of the Yin and Yang poles.

Even the five yin thunders composed of two yin-attributed energies, namely kidney water qi and liver wood qi, actually satisfy the basic five elements.

Because it actually regards the Qi of liver and wood as the shao yang in yin as the yang attribute, thus constructing yin and yang.

Yin and Yang correspond to the Five Elements. This is the law. When Yin and Yang are constructed, a new Five Elements is born.

Small but complete.

Therefore, the water zang thunder composed of two Qi is not called Yin Lei or Yin Er Lei, but Yin Wu Lei.

Now, on a whim, Zhang Zhiwei compressed the Yin Wulei with vibrating force. After a random operation, he accidentally hit the five elements in the Yin Wulei during the vibration, and arranged them into the shape of Tai Chi, so he created The current form violates the characteristic form of Yin Lei.

"Is it genius or just bad luck?"

If it were another person, he would definitely think it was bad luck, but Zhang Zhiwei had shocked him so much so far that Zhang Jingqing was a little unsure for a while.

"Let him rub it again in front of me to see how it is done?!"

Zhang Jingqing thought to herself, just looking at the structure of this little black ball, even he couldn't copy it.

However, Zhang Jingqing still planned to give it a try. A black mud-like thunder appeared on her fingertips, trying to adjust the structure of the little black ball.

He did not use other means, because Yin Lei has the characteristics of absorption and erosion. If the method of golden light is used, if the intensity is not enough, it will only be eroded and absorbed.

Only methods similar to Yin Thunder and Yang Thunder can be used to affect it. Zhang Jingqing does not use Yang Thunder because Yang Thunder is too destructive and difficult to control, while Yin Thunder and the small black ball have the same origin and are slightly softer. .


That drop of Yin Thunder fell on the little black ball. In an instant, the stone stirred up thousands of waves. The little black ball reacted violently. Countless spikes suddenly appeared on the smooth surface. The spikes were trembling violently and making a "buzzing" sound. "Buzz" sound.


Zhang Jingqing secretly said something bad, and saw the black ball in his hand suddenly expanded, and then exploded!

Countless black thunder suddenly spread in a ring, drowning Zhang Jingqing instantly!

Annihilated silently, the black sludge-like thunder was like a methane pool that had accumulated in a sealed tank for a long time and was instantly detonated.

Zhang Jingqing let out a muffled groan, and the golden light mixed with thunder shrank and enveloped his whole body. The black sludge-like thunder boiled like fire, pressing in from all directions. The sound of "Puff, puff..." was heard endlessly. Under the pressure of a large number of Yin thunder, the golden light collapsed at the first touch. The golden light of Longhu Mountain, which was omnipresent outside, not only had no effect at all in front of the Yin thunder, but was also eroded and absorbed by the Yin thunder, and assimilated into Its nutrients.

"I wouldn't be surprised if Zhang Zhiwei's Yang Lei couldn't stop it, but this Yin Lei I just learned can't stop it either?"

This shocked Zhang Jingqing. Seeing that the black thunder was about to drown him, he quickly let the thunder surrounding his body shrink inward, and then suddenly expanded outward, bursting out with blazing light.

The best way to deal with Yin thunder is to use Yang thunder. After all, Yin and Yang are in conflict with each other. What's more, he also has the complete Five Thunder Zhengfa. If he is prepared, it will not cause any serious problems.

But because the explosion of this little black ball was so fast and too close, even if he reacted quickly, he was still half a beat too late. Many dark thunders penetrated the golden light's defense and fell from some thunders. The areas that the law had not protected invaded his body, making the movement of Qi in his body obscure.

At this time, a ball of highly condensed thunder penetrated the blazing lightning, and passed Zhang Jingqing's face dangerously. His neatly groomed beard was instantly corroded, and there were even traces of it. The yin thunder was like a gangrene attached to the bone, moving up the remaining stubble of the beard. Zhang Jingqing made a quick decision and broke the beard.

Then he ran the Five Thunder Method, controlling the thunder inward and outward, completely clearing away the dark thunder. For a moment, the air crackled alternately, with one side being extremely hot and the other side like falling into an ice cave.

It took dozens of seconds for everything to stop. Zhang Jingqing stood on the messy ground. Although she was not injured, her robe was broken, her stubble was as messy as a pig's gnawing, her eyebrows and hair were curled and fluffy, and she looked in a mess. Very, like going through a fierce battle.

Looking at the messy ground, Zhang Jingqing was stunned for a while, then reached out and touched his beard. His face, which was already blackened by electricity, turned even darker.


He let out a heavy breath. If he hadn't become a heavenly master and cultivated himself for many years, he would have cursed before. This beard was only grown not long after it was destroyed last time.

"Let's write down today's account. Next time I fly my sword to sacrifice someone, not only will I not have the Six Ding Liujia amulet, but I will definitely give him a few thunders, otherwise it will be difficult to calm down the anger in my heart."

After saying that, Zhang Jingqing cleared his sleeves and turned around to go down the mountain. It was almost dawn and he had to get his bearings in order before the bell of the Great Shangqing Palace rang.

At the same time, thousands of miles away in the depths of the Qinling Mountains, the starry sky was clear, illuminating a flat open space in the valley. If viewed from the surrounding peaks, the valley looked like a deep pot.

If you are in the valley, you won't feel anything strange, but if you look down from a high place, you can see the layers of flowers, plants and trees in the valley undulating in the wind.

But the strange thing is that they rise and fall at different speeds, some fast, some slow, just like the flow speeds in different areas of the valley are also different.

And in this valley, a tall figure, holding a chisel in one hand and a hammer in the other, was humming a little tune in his mouth, walking casually through many areas, all the way inward, to the depths of the valley.

It was already very narrow here, with stone walls on both sides, and it was extremely dark. Fortunately, his eyes were as bright as stars, and he could see in the dark, so he didn't hit the wall.

A tall figure was walking among them, and apart from the hissing sound of the wind, only his own footsteps echoed in vain. He seemed to be the only one alive in this strange place. From time to time, he would look around.

I saw that the surrounding stone walls were filled with intricate patterns, which were so large and dense that I couldn't forget the edges at a glance. Only by raising the angle of view and looking at the overall situation could I fully see the huge patterns.

"It's so beautiful, but the more beautiful something is, the more dangerous it is!"

The tall figure muttered to himself, and he walked all the way to a cave in the deepest part of the valley.

Compared with the valley outside, the stone carvings in this cave are denser and more complicated, but they don't make people dazzled. They even give people an ancient and beautiful feeling, like fossil sedimentary rocks, cut open layer by layer. The layers are filled with fossils from various eras, deposited from the bones of countless creatures over hundreds of millions of years. It is so beautiful.

The tall figure looked at the complicated stone carvings, from beginning to end, and finally stared at the bottom of the stone wall for a long time. There were no stone carvings there, just a small word engraved on it.

One of the paragraphs reads

——Bo Duanxiang met his master in Chengdu at the age of You, and taught him the alchemy method. Since then, he has been taught the alchemy method three times, and suffered disasters three times, but he has not recovered for more than two decades. He recently recalled what the master said: "I will explain it to you in the future. If the reins are loose, it should be given to them, and the rest should not be allowed!"

After converting Jiyou years, it should be 1069. Boduan is naturally Zhang Boduan, the real person of Ziyang.

The meaning of this passage is that Bo Duan met his master in Chengdu in 1069. The master taught him the method of golden elixir cultivation. Since then, he has become a strange person and has achieved success in cultivation.

After he obtained the Dharma, Zhang Boduan taught the Dharma three times to people he shouldn't have taught it to. As a result, he suffered disaster all three times, and the time was all within less than twenty days after he taught the Dharma.

After encountering the disaster, I remembered that my master once warned that if one day you meet someone who can help you get rid of your bondage, you should teach it to such a person, and you should not teach anything else.

The master of Ziyang Zhenren Zhang Boduan is Liu Haichan. Liu Haichan is one of the five ancestors of Taoism Quanzhen Sect. He is also a disciple of the Taoist saint Chen Tuan, the founder of the Yinxian Sect. He also received the true biography of Lu Zuzhen and is also the uncle of the Taoist saint Zhang Sanfeng. .

It can be said that all the Yinxian Sect's lineage is a saint-level existence, and his true biography is so precious, but Ziyang Zhenren passed it on three times in one breath, and these three people were all entrusted to non-human beings and caused huge troubles. , making Zhang Boduan bear a lot of karma.

"Good to be a teacher!"

This was Wu Gensheng's evaluation of Zhang Boduan. He continued to look down, and then stopped at a passage.

That passage reads - Scholars come to seek advice, and because they are hard-working and hard-working, they cannot bear to refuse, so they select and teach them. However, those who are taught are not powerful enough to save lives in danger, and are generous and generous. A person who is capable of benevolence and understanding of the Way, when he first encounters a disaster, he still doesn’t know what he has done before. He realizes that the method of the great elixir is very simple and easy. Even if a foolish person can practice it, he will establish a super holy place. This is the secret treasure of God’s will. , Don't spread it lightly to bandits, but Bo Duan did not obey the teacher's instructions, and repeatedly revealed the secrets of heaven, because he was pregnant, so he always feared trouble. The deep warnings of heaven are so fast, dare not be afraid of responsibility, and commit suicide From now on, when the jaws are locked, even though the cauldron and wok are in front of me, and the swords and swords are on my head, I no longer dare to speak.

The meaning of this passage is that later Zhang Boduan became successful in the golden elixir path, and there was an endless stream of people who came to him to study. Zhang Boduan saw their sincerity and wanted not to pass it on to them, but he couldn't bear it, so he chose individual qualities. Those who pass the test will be taught.

However, after obtaining the Dharma, the true nature of the people taught was revealed. They were not people who were willing to save lives in danger, were generous, capable of enlightenment, and had great ambitions.

After that, he began to be punished by God again. At first he didn't think there was any big problem, but as more things happened, he began to reflect deeply.

He felt that the reason why he was repeatedly punished by God was because he understood the Golden Elixir Dao and passed it on to others through his "Tao" and "Principle". Once you practice, you will immediately have abilities comparable to those of a saint, so God will not allow it to be taught easily.

He, Zhang Boduan, was punished by God because he did not follow his master's instructions and repeatedly leaked the secrets of heaven. The strictness of God's commandments and the speed of retribution made him have to be careful in the future. From then on, he swore that he would control the locks. Even with a sword on his neck, he would not dare to spread the word lightly.

When Wu Gensheng saw this paragraph, he couldn't help but cursed: "Zhenren Ziyang, the ancestor of acquired strangers, Mr. Wuzhen, a Taoist saint, is such a person who doesn't keep his words, knows his mistakes and refuses to correct them, makes them repeatedly, and goes his own way. Big mouth?"

"Didn't you fucking swear to keep your mouth shut? Even with the sword on your neck, you don't dare to preach the truth anymore. Then why are you carving these things? You can't control your hands and feet even if you keep your mouth shut?!"

[A little late, the author's level is limited, the preface to the chapter on enlightenment, and the translation of the classical Chinese text have made the author's head really big. Sure enough, he can't do anything beyond his own ability! 】

(End of this chapter)

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